
2 Reviews
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Nine Eternities in Doom
22 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I would have to say that this film is on my top ten list. Horror is so clever if you can step away from the whole stereotypical "creep with hatchet vs. teenage kids" idea. The plot in this movie, though partly defecated upon by the lousy acting of some supporting roles (namely the cops), was almost literary. Even without moving his mouth, Vincent Price lent a quality to the Phibes character that made the movie, in a way. I was discussing with a friend of mine who could be cast as Phibes if they were ever to (gasp) film a remake, and neither of us could find in our minds a suitable fellow to fill Price's shoes. The fact that the bats in the first death scene (possibly this could be a spoiler) are only fruit bats, however, was thoroughly giggle worthy.
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Pure Genius
22 December 2004
This movie is one of the few horror movies that truly was beyond its time. Needless to say, Lon Chaney Sr. was capable of terrifying audiences with little more than a simple clown make up kit and some wires and hairpins. Modern films of the genre struggle for effectiveness (with awesome exception) using state of the art CGI and special FX. RIP Lon Chaney, you were a master of your art.

The sets are par excellence, I am inclined to agree with the above comment on that point. The acting was the finest that could be expected of a film that relied little on the audio and deeply upon the visual. I found myself drawn into the story, simply by what little detail is brought to the characters' depth in the text spots. The silent acting bloomed the rest into my mind. This was one of the films that helped me learn to respect the art before the "talkies".
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