
49 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
If only it wouldn't called Road House?
25 March 2024
It fails me why this film had to be a remake. Its instantly gets measured to the rather perfect and iconic original that needed no remake. With a bit of imagination this just could be another bouncer story. Jake is a dead fish, rather sad than sexy with a terrible taste in shirts. He and the doctor have absolutely 0 chemistry. The villain doesn't get enough screen time, to bring charisma , before they throw another villain in the story to make sure some proper beat ups can actually happen. The side characters also dont have enough time to bring memorable performances, the musicians however are great and stole the entire show.
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The Durrells (2016–2019)
A mesmerising oasis of love that will uplift you and provide you a break of the relentless crisis in other series
1 March 2024
I have to admit that i accidentally watched the first couple episodes, then i got hooked. I have never realised how much i needed a break from the usual high anxiety killer stalker, fantasy series. Watching this dysfunctional family making it in Corfu in the 30s was like an oasis, therapy. I found myself giggle a lot and totally captured by their journey.

So much so that i cried on the last episode (for multiple reasons). The series grounded me, and will ground you too. It will bring a void.

How community exposure brought inclusion boredom brought creativity. Beautifully acted, directed, and ended.
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Touch (I) (2011)
Amazing little indie piece
2 December 2023
This was a great surprise, a very unconventional film, about loneliness and connecting. It's about an encounter that gives a brief fulfilment to two people and changes their life for the better not for the best. Lovely acting, and top directing. There is yet another asian girl gripped with sadness, one can think. But here this is well balanced with funny trivial conversations that gives us an insight of the rather positive outlook on life of the Vietnamese people. Nevertheless this is a movie where there is little talk while lots of emotions are on display. A lot can go wrong in a film without monologues, but here the title is the key. I particularly loved the soundtrack, the music electrified and bind the actions together and gave this suburban tale an epic edge.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Slaps without beans, still great entertainment
22 October 2023
The Duo reminds me of Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer. I don't think this is an accident.

Terence and Bud were HUGE in Europe in the 80s Slaps and Beans? Was the translation but for us the title was " we are getting pissed off" So the Nice guys is title: relating to the original series They nice ...until they are pissed off.

Even the era and costumes are matching. The slapstick element was used carefully, so they capable/competitive, and not reduced to clowns.

Some reference to Terence and Bud would have been good.

Portraying the 70s as nothing but a sort of child abusing drug cesspit, that strengthening a child, is a poignant comparison to our today free porn internet. Well done.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
Amazing ride to utter nonsense
29 December 2022
I binge watched this and boy, it was good till the end of series 2. It was hard to know how they will tie the knots on the chaos, that was very exciting. Series 3 proved that the makers or even the writer itself didn't know. It descended into fragmented tales, unnecessary side adventures that suppose to save characters. Some characters brought in season 2 deemed excessive and much in vain, we have meaningless deaths without much fulfilment on their part of the prophecy. A very off putting unambiguous conclusion

And an end so unworthy of the whole adventure/prophecy that made the whole story totally meaningless.
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Umbrella Academy meets with Vampire Diaries
26 December 2022
I liked the show, especially the way the makers took extra care to de-British it using scenes and protagonist not characteristically British. It is to keep in with the raise of acclaimed European shows, of the same style. Great rising stars. A bit of a more detailed character development and getting to know the characters better could have added two more episodes, and a bit of depth. Its felt a bit rushed through at times not quite getting the reasons of certain characters actions. The well chosen soundtracks lifts the series out of the mediocre. You can see the second season is coming, lets hope for it.
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Its not surreal its utter nonsense
19 October 2022
This is one of those that keep you waiting that something will happen. Bad script even worse directing done by the same person Luke Cutforth.

James Tarpey who plays Arthur Braxton is too good for this film.

I suspect this was Cutforth first realisation because he spends half the movie focusing on Tarpey, and his teen misery being bullied.

Cutforth next realisation must be the fact, that a good actor itself doesn't make a good story so he introduces a girl, without much personality or even a body (a fin would just be such a cliche! Wouldn't it?) a love story without conversations or chemistry (unless swimming lessons turn you on) and a mystery that makes absolute no sense.

He must have hoped that the disjointed, fragmented events and undeveloped characters together somehow will make sense, bringing meaning and conclusion to the film. Or if not, at least it will make this film an indie art movie by leaving the audience guessing.

I am not spoiling anything if i say that the film indeed left me guessing. If Cutforth had ben better to become a train driver?
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Fifty shades of teens
29 July 2022
This tale about a girl stalking lusting after a guy whom is an utter self deluded arse. She throw herself at him over and over and gets humiliated...she must feel worthless while expecting the guy to fall in love with her. And see her worthy? Not like his appreciation would mean anything because he has no standards. Utter nonsense. A very bad teen fifty shades of Gray. Not much chemistry between them, because they are too shallow to have any emotional sophistication. A bit disturbing for older viewers who know love does not happen through grooming. Horrible example to any teen watching, but i gather they would not watch it for the story...but for the steam, which is really just a puff.
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Its an entertaining watch
11 July 2022
Its reminded me of Hollywood propaganda during Cold War when USA projected itself as superpower. It was very entertaining to see behind the curtains of UK Government ops though its was a tad bit fancyful. Its also educative, cos you can not be sure on what extent it is a reality. I liked how they visualised the code readings to make it entertaining, Great performance from Hannah KB who did the most realistic mourning in history. They also did a good job on creating peculiar a GCHQ atmosphere where people has a sense duty under immense pressure. Too bad that they rushed through the Russian characters development. Lets hope second season pick this up. But its hard to know where to go from how its left off.
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What were you thinking Netflix ?
16 June 2022
I suffered the first episode through, its appalling that an overweight woman, can only be considered sexy if she has a brash personality, a potty mouth, has frizzy hair and wears clothes hiding her shape. (Melissa what are you doing? Funny is okay ...overly vulgar maybe ok in a movie when there is someone else to buffer...Rebel Wilson seems to going dow the same gutter cos her shape) To build a series on this vulgarity? Beyond me? The story might be interesting further down. However I cant get beyond the ambush of verbal litter, disrespect, abuse, drug use, slack behaviour from a protagonist that we suppose to like, paired up with a meek boring middle aged God. I cant bear to watch any more of this, even though that the chances that she will be better and he will be less boring is the inevitable outcome. Cant suffer it through.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Its very heavy and often nonsense
28 May 2022
Its a heavy ride, that often doesn't make sense. It wants to ... but sadly doesn't. Its also a bit predictable if you watch these type of series'. It is too fragmented to feel anything towards the characters that are all very unhinged. The ranch just a surreal hellhole, with a hole. The mystery gets the viewer hooked, but i was glad it only has 8 episodes. The silly singing is so very out of place and annoying it is pure self advertising, the guy obviously a Sam Smith style tribute singer.
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Not even a good soundtrack can save this
1 May 2022
This is bad... i mean really bad, not even too much sex in this so the dreadful plot just ever more so obvious. I suppose to write more on this but i simply cant, there is nowhere to go, the whole movie feels like a bad Mediterranean video clip, fast cars sunset expensive villas and 2 more characters (beside the next guy)i don't think we have any idea of, their names anyone?
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Undone (2019–2022)
Unnecessary animation of real life characters just makes this series devoid
29 April 2022
Have no idea why is the high rating, its just bad cinematography, all over plot and crazy loops disguised under animation. This should be a thoroughly emotional experience but animated lifeless characters just took the essence out of it. I am not so sure animating real people was the right choice but if it was to hide the serious shortcomings it served its purpose.
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Reacher (2022– )
New Bruce Willis more gore absolutely entertaining
9 April 2022
I can watch him endlessly.. the series is a good cop bad cop, with a lot of gore and some twist. Nothing much to say ...perhaps the girl and the chemistry was ok.
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Time Is Up (2021)
Cliche story with bad acting
2 April 2022
What happened with Bella Thorne? Did she lost her acting skills with her natural beauty and got faked inside too? The lack of acting, the zero chemistry and the shallow predictable story line makes me feel that it was a self sponsored attempt to do a "look at me, with a double D". She indeed need convincing, because she rather looks grotesque unless she applies limited articulation, and facial expressions, this seem to affect her performance big time, the camera doesn't like her anymore. Its either this... or she thinks very little of her 13years old fan club.
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Wolf Like Me (2022– )
Surprisingly poignant without being satirical, and emotional without being melodramatic
13 March 2022
These type of movies/series have all sorts of pitfalls, this one managed to avoid all of them (so far). Thumbs up for the incredible compact but amazingly delivered emotional ride from a lonely place without being unnecessary satirical, dark, gritty or overly melodramatic. A sort of dryness's is the magic touch, so the dark side works well as a metaphor, i think ...but i wont explain cos it would give the story away. The performances are strong, and the soundtrack is putting the series to a next level. I am hoping to see 2nd season, but the bar is high to keep this this story honest, raw and relatable.
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Absolutely depthless and devoid of any storyline
19 February 2022
I have no idea why this film nominated, perhaps aren't many due COVID. It totally fails to deliver. We see a very boring man (BC fair performance could not help the script) who is not menacing enough to be a bully, not emotional enough to be in real turmoil, and "barks" too much to display any intelligence. And thats pretty much it, because the rest of the characters have not much screen time. Dunst's hardly speaks and her anguish (and marriage to a man we hardly see) is reduced to a bottle clinging hangover slumber.

The boy somewhat changes his personality mid film, which leads to some literarily muddied up narrative, not very convincing but at least it gives a break from watching BC to roll another cigaret.
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Siren (2018–2020)
Perfect light entertainment
10 February 2022
Its hard not to love SIREN. It is about unconditional love, friendship, inclusion with adventure enough to get you going. The amazing soundtrack and somewhat epic ending will make up of any shortfall in CGI. I just wish they didn't rush it through and ABC didn't axe it.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Interesting insight
17 October 2021
Life is boring when you are a billionaire. Gripping with anxiety but futile and aimless if you poor. One gets excitement the other gets money and aim. Where is all to lead? Have a look.
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Velvet (2013–2016)
Lovely Love Story soap
17 September 2021
It is an absolutely lovely, engaging series on love, friendship and an AMAZING amount of glamour, all inclusive regardless class. The chemistry between the two main characters is immense and will get you binge watching a season or two. I am blessed to watch this dubbed on my native language, shame Netflix didn't adopt it as a choice, nor it lists my country to choose the voice. You have to read subtitles for 4seasons but its worth it!
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Extremely heavy adventure
26 July 2021
This is not an easy watch, and when you have a tad relief it will still keep coming. I think Jenkins probably wanted to make a story similar to the likes of Roots or Isaura...dripping of loss, hopelessness and sadistic brutality.

Its a journey of so much devastation that just one episode make us shudder, yet with amaxing acting, brilliant and sensitive story telling and character development we are willing to take more, and with that, we witness a remarkable tale of human survival. Its a must to watch but I don't recommend to bing on it.
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Perfectly enjoyable movie!
12 July 2021
I don't understand the bad reviews it was an exciting well acted movie. Its nothing new or special but way less soppy and more realistic than Armaggedon which is highly rated. (Maybe a great soundtrack could have helped here too) Its great that we can see some good CGI without the film constantly being filmed in the dark. The weak point is that the supporting characters role are not developed properly they are just there to utter a few line. Also the plot is rushed through a bit in the begging and the end. This could have been better as a series like the Expanse.

Just not that long winded.
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Landing in utter nonsense
16 May 2021
Its starts somewhere even if its not elsewhere.. but soon just drown in utter ridiculous melodrama, where the protagonists by divine mind reading and personal qualities just happen upon clues that leads nowhere. was just about bearable (without pulling your hair out) until Sally Fields drowns into utter meaningless hysteria and Jason S starts to sing! Please spare yourself.
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Nice try
2 March 2021
Its easy to make an unpredictable end when you only see elements/details to predict ANYTHING in the last 2 episodes. The script not detailed enough to lead you to "suspicions" . Its not that Eve H is lacking in acting, its poor character development and not enough screen time to the other actors for you to "get" it. I also have no idea why a child was involved in this series as his presence served no purpose. Most happened when he was away, and could not see impact on him of the outcome
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Powerful story
27 February 2021
This is a beautiful film it breaks my heart is so underrated by IMDB, maybe they should rethink that because it a well acted sensitive and captivating story about homelessness and addiction.
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