
16 Reviews
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Denzel Washington is a JOKE
8 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is horrible. Another hack movie remake. Denzel Washington is his typical joke of a self. John Travolta plays the same annoying character that he does in everything else. He keeps trying to capture the magic of Pulp Fiction with the same facial and voice expressions. Denzel does the same thing that he has ever done in anything that he has bombed in. The acting and plot are horrid, and the worthless chase scene in the end could have been stock footage from any of hundreds of worthless flicks. This is just another title with big named bread with nothing in between it. I swear these movies should all have disclaimers about how bad they suck and that remakes are so lame in this day and age of uninspired plots.
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Omg, this movie is horrible
18 June 2009
This movie was horrible. The original movies had something and were really awesome for their time. This is just another crappy remake a movie that was just fine in its originality. The characters are pretty much a joke and so is the plot. I tell you that if you want to waste your time that you can never get back, then this is the movie for you. The movie is kind of all over the place and other than a couple of nude shots of some young girls, there really is not a whole lot to keep you interested. You almost have to know the back-story of the originals to understand this movie, and then it still sucks. I cannot express my displeasure enough at this movie.
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Intelligence (2005–2007)
Surprisingly Awesome
18 June 2009
This show actually rocked. I found it by mistake on Netflix and decided what the hay. It cut out the violence that is so common in our American shows and dealt with strong characters and awesome scripts and writing. I was so sad when I got the last disc and it only ran for two seasons. The show does not try to make American secret agencies look bad, just shows them for the sleazy con men they are. Klea Scott rocks in this role and I always liked her after seeing her in Millennium in the third season. Matt Frewer is great as a schemer and his character evolves from there. The character Jimmy Reardon is awesome as a mega weed dealer and his wife is one crazy beessaaccchhhh and it is a good story too. The language and topless girls are kind of nice and very realistic.
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Knowing (2009)
OMG, what in the world
29 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this is a movie that I would classify as "I lost two hours of my life for this?" It was almost as if one person wrote the beginning, one person wrote the middle, and one person wrote the ending, and none of it meshes together at all. This movie has horror, religious, and sci-fi aspects that are all over the place. The first thirty minutes are okay, but it just plummets from there. There was not really any back story and it was kind of all over the place. The best part was when the lead female role was killed. Her whiny butt was getting on my nerves. The whole aliens are angels things was not put together very well at all, and the special effects were not that great. This would have been so much better if they had just concentrated on the story line and not have made it so goofy.
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Millennium (I) (1996–1999)
Awesome Cult Classic
27 February 2009
This was by far one of my favorite shows in the late nineties. From the pilot which is one of he best ever made, as shows struggle to get their feet under them, this one came out blasting. I bought the DVD's last week and even thirteen years later, this show is still rocking. The story lines, the people, the themes, etc. were and still awesome. It went up against Profiler which was awesome in its own right. Chris Carter really put an awesome show together and even though it fizzled and ended after three years, it was still awesome. I wish Fox had put as much effort in this show as The X-files, it would have lasted longer. Lance Henrickson was great as Frank Black. Some of the episodes were very thought provoking, one of my favorites is the "Judge". Also, the one dealing with the Zodiac killer is a classic and should go down in the books as "Rocking". If you have not given this show a shot, DO IT!
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Traitor (2008)
Quite Original a Vessel in a Sea of Crap!
22 September 2008
I must say I NEVER give tens when I review movies, but this was one of the more original and interesting movies in the last couple of years. It does leave you guessing and wondering a bit throughout the ride, but that is half the fun. As usual, Don Cheadle brings it, and why are the STUDIO'S not promoting this film............especially with all the crap they have promoted this year alone. Guy Pierce is a nice back up on this and certainly Jeff Daniels is good at what he brings, but the true fun is kind of seeing things from both sides, not very much bashing of Muslims or Americans, just a good story with some thoughts on both sides. Give this a chance and I bet you will be pleasantly surprised.
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Iron Man (2008)
Freaking Awesome
4 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was finally a movie worth waiting for. Robert Downey Jr. brought it like nobody could have. Jon Favreau is the king of the year for action movies. Man, did he keep it close to the comic. Comedy and Action, awesome special effects, and a great story line to boot. The fight scene at the end with Iron Man and Iron Monger was well put together and just the right timing. It just goes to prove bigger ain't always better. Man, with all the hands this project went through, it could not have ended up with a better crew and group, and the fact that Marvel self produced makes me beyond happy. Every time producers get in the way of these things, they ruin them, and let's face it, it is usually the jews who want to produce everything and not do any work, just make money off of everyones work. Big surprise on Marvels part. Stan Lee makes a great cameo being mistaken for Howard Hughes. GO SEE THIS MOVIE.....
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Jumper (2008)
Worst Movie ever Made
14 February 2008
This was the most unhinged piece of junk so far this year, and that is saying something. It was all over the place, the plot was like the character, jumpy to say the least. Dianne Lane should not have even gotten credit and the subplots were horrible and not put together with any effort. There must be a ton of footage on the studio cutting floor that might explain what this movie was about. The special effect were lame at best. A rip-off of nightcrawler from the X-men to say the least. They had strong lead characters like Michael Rooker, Diane Lane, Samual Jackson, etc. These guys must have needed a paycheck because nobody would make this movie who had money in the bank.
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A little bit of a let down
30 May 2007
This movie in the trilogy was a bit of a let down. The jokes were old, the story okay and characters tired. It would have been better if the first two movies were not so spectacular. I guess everyone in Hollywood is needing to cash in on a money maker for their babies mama's (Eddie Murphy). The interaction was bland and plot not much better. Prince charming was blah, and Cameron Diaz was just as boring. They belong together. Children will enjoy this as they do not know any better. Parents, you might want to bring a book along. I doubt there will be a fourth movie in this set. Between this and spiderman sucking this year, it is not a summer for movies.
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Ghost Rider (2007)
This movie sucked
17 February 2007
I have been waiting for this adaption for years. Who picked Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendez for the leads needs to have their heads checked. The plot was loose, the acting sloppy, the special effects decent. I know they are somehow manuevering for a sequel, but please...........let's never do this again. Marvel movies are either a hit or miss and this totally missed. Sigh, maybe the next marvel movie will be a hit. They needed way more background to get you to understand the forces of evil and how they work and why it was the way it was. Sam Shepard sucked by the way. I hate that guy and he really lamed the movie out.
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Wonderful in the extreme
29 December 2006
In a year of woefully pitiful theatrical epics, finally at the end of the 2006 rainbow, we have bright and multi-colored winner. This movie starts at the beginning and takes you through decades of counter intelligence activity with a small but necessary touch of humanity, country, agency, and of course, protecting a loved one at all costs. All evil things are always done in the name of God and Country and this spares no illusions on that point. The effect that this movie has on ones humanity is reflected by the effects that this group has on it's country. As young Edward's humanity lessens, his home and personal life is affected and so is it reflected with the countries failed actions, ie. the bay of pigs and the loss in Edward's life. Well thought out for over ten years by DeNiro as a pet project, like a good wine it matured well. This is definitely an Oscar worthy picture, but with the pursuit of happiness in the running and us becoming an overwhelming PC country, I doubt it will get any Oscar nods. Sad though, so sad. If you have time to see this movie, make it and if you have a moment longer, see it again.
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The Prestige (2006)
Far to interesting for the average bum
30 October 2006
Now this was a movie that made you stop and think and then think again, and then go buy a ticket to watch again and think. Most of the people in the audience looked stupefied at the end of this flick. No greater tribute can be given for a movie based on magicians, magic, and science fiction. This is every magicians dream and to do it through the cinema is quite a trick in itself. The performances are excellent and Christian Bale as always is the character in life and breathe. Hugh Jackman is so turning out to be more than an eye catcher and can act in the most excellent and gentlemanly fashion. Michael Caine.......when don't you turn in an awesome performance. Scarlett Johanson does an excellent job and surrounded by such thundering performances, how can she not excel in the pouted way of hers and it is put most excellently to use in this movie. Take the rabbit out of the hat and take a bow, this was definitely a magic trick of a movie.
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Open Season (2006)
One of the better cartoons lately
30 October 2006
This movie was done pretty well to be honest. I figure since Eddie is making the Shrek series, Martin Lawrence had to get on board with making a cartoon. Eddie he is not and honestly, he does not try to be. Ashton Kutcher is completely obnoxious and you can tell he wanted to stretch the bounds of good taste if he could get away with it. Anyone who creates a show called Punk'd and considers it a runaway success needs to stretch the boundaries whenever he can get away with it. He definitely can be seen as the obnoxious character he plays and Martin Lawrence has calmed so much over the years, you can see the mellowness in his character. I rather enjoyed going to this one and it was a heck of a lot better than "The Wild".
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The Punisher (1989)
OMG, please someone shoot me
28 October 2006
I know this movie was made in an era of the "Captain America" fiasco, but this movie is truly horrible. Dolph Lundgren is one of the worst actors to ever grace the movie screen. The plot was weak, the acting a joke and it strayed so far from the comic book, that it should have had another title completely, like "not punisher". They only you should ever see this movie is if they are paying you take this video from the video store. God it was horrible. I know this was a cheesy era of movie making and I can understand that, to be honest. Still, Dolph, if you ever read suck. Lou Gossett Jr. is okay, but this is so not a good Lethal Weapon rip off.
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Like Politics, most of America will appreciate this.
13 October 2006
The movie is more of a mockumentary of corruption in the whole American system. The correlations of those who vote who do not matter is so proved in the machines that end of voting a comedian to the oval office. Politicians are such a joke that we almost need a comic to represent us as we have been laughed at for years around the world. Bushism's have become a way of life for Americans and will be the only thing left after he leaves office none to soon. Oddly the only person of honesty is someone not even elected to the position and tells the truth in the end. The story is very subtle and if you go to it for laughs, it ain't happening. Leaves a lot for thought. Overall I enjoyed it.
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The Departed (2006)
Mega Cast worth the wait
13 October 2006
This movie rocks. The story and cast are really well done. Not rushing the plot was great. The length of the movie is necessary to get the job done and it is worth it. It has been to long since Martin Sheen has been on the big screen and he makes a nice re-intro with this movie. As alway, Damon, DiCaprio, and Wahlberg are so worth watching. Why has Damon not gotten his Oscar(for acting) yet? The man can go anywhere with a character and this is not let down. DiCaprio is in the same league. The man can go make a character all his own. This movie definitely worth a peek. The only reason I did not mention Nicholson is because well.............he is Jack and that says it all.
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