
8 Reviews
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Closure (2007)
Simply put, this movie is terrible, terrible, terrible...
30 April 2010
After finishing watching this terrible, terrible piece of "film" I decided to log into IMDb and just let it all out. But then I took some time to read some of the reviews here and most of them pretty much summed up everything I felt about the movie.

I'm a X-files fan, so I watched this only because featured Gillian Anderson, despite knowing that this was a bad movie.

But come on! I mean, Did Gillian Anderson read the screenplay before signing to play this poor, unidimensional character? It is just terrible, painful, sad. You just don't care about her character or any other character as well. The story comes from nothing and goes to nowhere. Before 10 minutes into the picture you're already bored and asking yourself how a movie can be so bad.

What the director/writer had in mind, what was the message? It's a cold movie, just a terrible experience. So, to sum up this garbage, there's no development at all, just plain and stupid nudity, violence and a terrible story.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
The definitive Kubrick masterpiece
13 April 2010
By this time Kubrick had achieved anything a film maker could dream on achieve. He had roughly on his pocket 3 masterpieces of three different genres, and his last movie had cause hell in his personal life.

So apparently Barry Lyndon came in a time when the director was looking for some peace of mind, and the picture really let's this feeling reach he audience. And this movie shows us so much of Kubrick talent, that is the ultimate testament to the man's genius.

Barry Lyndon is the definition of what a real art movie must be, without any pretentiousness at all. Screenplay, Costume and Set Design, Acting and Directing were all in perfect balance. Each frame could become a picture on a wall.

The movie is slow, yes, but this rhythm is essential to the story. We are following a man's life journey, there's no need to rush. The details are also worth of notice. I have never seen such care in details as with Barry Lyndon, everyone who worked on this gave it 100%.

Must people will always remember Stanley for 2001 or Clockwork Orange, but to me no other production featured so much of what made him the ultimate perfectionist as Barry Lyndon.
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As usual so much ado about nothing...
6 October 2007
I've just watched this film. It was going great until the credits appearance. The constant changes between past and present, in a confused and confusing way makes the viewer lost the focus.

The linear time-line of a movie only can be altered with extreme care, because you may compromise the whole movie. You have to watch this movie more than once, no doubt about it.

I wouldn't say it's a bad movie, but it's miles away from what people say about it. The concept was bad structured, the story doesn't evolve and there's little connection between Joel and Clementine, and I would dare to say that the movie is a bit pretentious too, with it's "cult" design and "impressive" images.

You can't follow the time-line, the screenplay isn't strong enough to hold the attention to the picture. It won the Oscar, wow, such a big thing. The same academy that gave the Best Picture Award to the mediocre "American Beauty". Please Jim, try to team up with Frank Darabont again, he's a true genius! Well, just to show that you shouldn't go with the flow when it comes to movies, music or literature, you have to see it for yourself and take your own conclusions...
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Hannibal (2001)
Mr. De Laurentis screwed up again...
7 July 2007
Well, from where may I begin... 1st of all, Mr. Dino did it again, took a great project and screwed it up. Instead of sitting with Demme and Foster and try to come up with a script that would please everybody, what did he do? Called Ridley Scott, and put Julianne Moore in the role of Clarice, both terrible choices. If Demme was a great surprise on taking the horror genre to another level, just like Kubrick had done with The Shining, Scott was a terrible option.

But the worst thing was the terrible script, practically killing all characters emotion and attractive qualities. The movie just didn't make it, but hey, it could have been worst, oh yeah, it could have been...
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Blade Runner (1982)
Not Spetacular, not bad....
5 January 2007
I watched this film with the greatest of expectations and good intentions, for what has always been said to me about it, but I disappointed myself.

The photograph, art direction, special effects and all the technical aspects are good, but what it makes a good film is the script, the plot, the history...

Nor as an action film this piece succeeds, the action scenes, mainly the last one, are slow, without rhythm or movement.

Perhaps the characters had been little and badly developed, the director wanted to give a mystery air, but what he obtained was to leave a mount of doubts, not as Kubrick made with "2001", but of another way, clearly due to the lack of substance in the script.

The movie also approaches scientific concepts in a superficial way.

A critics voting has been made a few years ago, choosing this the best science-fiction film of all times, a violation to our intelligence! Just 10min of "2001" it explores more concepts than the 2h of this film.

Concluding, a regular movie, a 6 grade, nor as spectacular as some people say, but also isn't bad, only boring in some parts.
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They are a LIVE band!!!!!!
24 July 2005
At this time, Guns 'N Roses were the greatest band in the world, with 2 albums released and 29 million copies sold only in USA! The first artist to win the Michael Jackson's MTV Awards (the golden moon man!) And this concert shows that the stage is where they feel more comfortable. The track-list is amazing, check it out:

1- You Could Be Mine 2- Drum and Guitar Solo 3- Theme from "The Godfather" 4- Sweet Child Of Mine 5- So Fine 6- Rocket Queen 7- Move To The City 8- Knockin' On Heaven's Door 9- Estranged 10- Paradise City (introducted by 'Mother' from Pink Floyd)

Axl was on top!!! the whole band was a hit!!! The Tokio Dome totally full, about 20.000 Japanese having the pleasure of attend a collection of songs that now make part of the Rock 'N Roll history!!!!

Just for reminder, there are 2 volumes, the other one is great too!!!
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Trancers (1984)
Believe in me, "Trancers" is a really good movie!!!!
27 February 2005
Oh, the decade of 80, how many memories... it was an unforgettable time in all the aspects: fashion, music, movies, finally, in all the cultural manifestations. Trancers it's a film that belongs to that time, and for that it should be analyzed is tended that in mind. It's an action piece, labeled of B-Movie, but that gets to accomplish your role very well of entertaining.

The history, as all the ones that work with the subject of the displacement in the time, it's very cool. Tim Thomerson faces with a lot of honesty your role and it gets to transmit Jack Deth's afflictions well.

Helen Hunt as usual gets to give life and a same depth tone emotionally in such a simple character.

It's also always very cool to see the L.A. of the 80's , only that would already be worthwhile

Good movies are those that arrest you in the screen, for that parameter " Trancers'' is a Hit!!!

And just for reminding, the continuations are also fine, of course not so much as that, but they are not the dirt that is announced thereabout...
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An unforgettable and thrilling movie...
26 February 2005
It's funny how your life can change in a second... To attend ''The Waterdance'' for the first time it was an unforgettable experience, the way you need to get used to a new way of life it can seem frightening, and to notice that there are other people going by a similar situation it can help you to go on.

Eric Stoltz's performances and mainly of Helen Hunt (oh man!, Helen is the purest and graceful woman in earth...) are wonderful, Wesley Snipes also surprises in one of your last serious roles. A film simple and at the same time deep that doesn't get to leave us indifferent to the message that is transmitted: enjoy each moment of your life...

Really to a film as that the any hour is not attended!!! (sorry, it's a Brazilian expression...).
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