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Palm Royale (2024– )
I'm giddy to have found a new fun show to indulge in!
26 March 2024
After seeing so many mixed reviews I put off watching this show. But I've run out of things that are capturing my attention (and while waiting for the next Shogun and Tokyo Vice episodes to be aired) so I thought I'd give it a shot while I loaded the dishwasher. Ha! It totally caught my attention and the dishes never went anywhere.

Things I like about the show: I love seeing so many quality actors and even shouted out, "OMG! That's Carol Burnett!" when I recognized her.

Even though the ladies aren't people I'd naturally root for, I like the determined pluckiness of Kirstin Wigg's character.

I also enjoy seeing the cattiness behind the veil of haughty money.

Most of the people in the show aren't young adults, more middle adult and older, my age. This make it easier for me to relate .

It's fun seeing that era come alive with all the clothing, decor, and social norms.

I'm enjoying how the story is slowly being unraveled and it makes me eager to watch the next episode.

I read one of the less favorable reviews where the person said that if the first episode doesn't drag you in then there's no point wasting time trying to watch anymore. Even though I wish everyone would be as giddy for this show as I am, I agree with the statement. But... if you are at all curious about the show, give the first episode a chance. You may find yourself with the same happy surprise as I did.
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Fargo: The Useless Hand (2024)
Season 5, Episode 9
27 January 2024
I enjoyed this episode. My favorite part was hands down when we are shown all the car loads of people racing to come to aid Tillman and go to war.... The Village People!! I cracked up and had to rewatch that a few times. I can't think of another time I felt a song was so perfectly and cleverly paired up with a scene. At first the upbeat happiness from YMCA seemed out of place with this season, but then it dawned on me, "The Village People" singing AND coming from the po-dunk town. These little gems are why Fargo is an absolute masterpiece. There's probably a number of people who don't know The Village People and/or put it together with who was driving to help the ranch. So when you do snag on these cleverly intertwined tidbits, it feels like you're in the know. It makes me love Fargo all the more.
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1923 (2022–2023)
Generally an enjoyable show
5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've just finished the last episode and I am saying, "No No No!" in my head. Ending on that cliff hanger is sad, but at least Alex is getting all the romantic adventure she could ever imagine. (And then some.... lions, sharks, and duels Oh my!)

This show has the quintessential things Sheridan likes.

*Power through corruption *Crossing morals/laws while still fighting on the "good" side *America brutally beating down and wronging Native Americans *Violence *Rugged burly men with swagger being the real "man's man" *Women sacrificing themselves for love, to make their men better, and to make strong families And of course *Corny romance

Speaking on the romance - there are a lot of captivating things about Alex. She is passionate, fully committed, adventurous. Some things don't make sense to me though. She is domineering and shows a lot of grit and decisiveness, but then became a screaming, bawling pile in the face of death. I'm not saying that I wouldn't be a screaming, bawling pile myself, but I think someone with that much determination and dominance would pull themselves together better. I know her lack of experience in dire situations would make it extra challenging, but she'd still be capable of taking part in on surviving. Also, her screaming was more like screeching and her bawling was definitely the ugly cry kind.

I know that Spencer doesn't talk much and likes to be the observer, but I feel liked his acting needed to show more feeling/love towards Alex. When they are intimate it is all kinds of steamy and passionate, but the other times don't really convey much from him.

I love how the gal acting as Alex gets teary eyed in deeply emotional moments - not just when she's sad. I suspect that the actress is showing real tears and it impresses me. She definitely is the right actress to show the passionate emotions of this character. We all have to wonder how Alex will handle daily life on the ranch with no electricity, no running water, and the demands of cooking/cleaning.

I like the storyline following the Native American young ladies in the school that is trying to scrub all native out of them and just leave behind Americans. I am aware that those types of schools really existed, but I think the show overdid the school beatings and the villainous clergy. I eye-rolled at times because it was so cliche.

The same can be said for the villainous, powerful, rich dude (Timothy Dalton) in Wyoming. I laughed when the men were blowing up a mine and Dalton walked away from the mine with his back to it as plumes of smoke and debris were flying up in the air. He walked away with all the bravado filmed in action flicks to show the he is so strong, so powerful, so in control that not even a big explosion can touch him. Oh come on!

Setting aside these cliche and corny moments, I enjoyed the show. The acting is really well done which is to be expected with Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren. I will definitely be watching season 2.
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7 March 2023
I cannot believe that I sat through this entire 2.5 hour movie! I read so many reviews singing it's praises that I kept thinking the movie was going to pick up or that there was going to be something at the end that gave me this big "aha!" moment. None of that happened, it just continued to get worse and worse.

The movie was basically one long social commentary critiquing certain social inequalities. But it kept beating us on the head with it. We only needed 1 situation poking holes in our social inequalities, but it kept repeating and repeating.

The only part I enjoyed was the beginning showing the relationship between the model and social influencer. It seemed quite realistic on how manipulative she was and how eager he was to please.

I do feel that the acting was done well. I wish there had been more screen time for Woody Harrelson, I enjoy watching him act.

I was completely annoyed by the end of the movie. Absolutely dumb! Did it only get nominated for awards because of the untimely death of Charlbi?
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Expertly woven story of 2 isolated guys
30 January 2023
Wow! That was absolutely stunning from beginning to end. I sat down on my couch eager to watch another fear inducing heart-stopping episode, but was treated to something much more sentimental instead. I found myself tearing up a few times. Even though it's the end of the world and zombie-like beings are eager to crunch onto people, I enjoyed that this episode focused on the relationship that developed between two isolated guys thrown together by happenstance. I think the director, writers, and producers did an amazing job especially considering that this episode primarily revolved around two characters we had never seen before and probably won't ever again. It is quite impressive how the story of these 2 guys was woven into this show.
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Bad Sisters: Eye for an Eye (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Truly bad people all around
20 November 2022
This show is getting really quite annoying. It's annoying how horribly bad JP is. His character should be in a kids cartoon - he's just that clownishly evil. And the sisters are absurdly bad at trying to kill him. I've started to roll my eyes at each of their new plots because it's obviously going to go wrong. How can they be that foolish not to consider different outcomes to their plotting. Now they are not only causing property destruction and animal deaths, but are permanently maiming innocent people.

I feel for the sisters and it's easy to empathize with their desire to rescue Grace from John Paul's clutches, but Grace needs to want out of the relationship for herself.

Even when setting aside the mayhem the sisters are causing through their failed murder attempts, they're not very likable ladies, maybe accept for Eva.

I wish there was more black humor/comedy surrounding the botched murder attempts. That might have balanced out some of the despicableness of all people involved.

I am ending on episode 5. I do hope the final way in which JP actually died was humorous - like a total freak accident that had nothing to do with the sisters or that Grace killed him, something like that.
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The Vow: Rapport (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
27 October 2022
I find this story very interesting. I'm glad there's a season 2 so we can see how the trial played out and affected the NXIVM members - those that defected as well as those who still supported Keith Reneire. However, I feel a little voyeuristic and intrusive at times. After Mark finished being on the witness stand and he came back to the hotel room he was so drained and emotional. He said he was just done and I really think at that time they should've stopped filming and given him some time to collect himself. It felt like the film makers were exploiting his pain.

This episode was particularly interesting because it explored the possibility that Keith and his program had positive impacts on people's lives. A couple women who had been in DOS we're interviewed. These women still supported Keith and talked about all the positive things they gained. Thus challenged me to have an open mind and consider the possibility that if these women actively chose to be "slaves" and to obey their "masters", if it really criminal. There were so many people that obviously benefited from Keith's teachings, so it doesn't seem like it was all bad. Even though there may be positive impacts from NXIVM, I get the hebee-geebees from Keith. He seems to love being worshipped and is so smug.

All this lead me to reading the FBI's legal paperwork bringing charges against Keith and some of the trial transcripts. Dear Lord! Just that little bit had me sickened to me stomach. A vile and disgusting, manipulative, cunning little man. Comes out that he really does have a sick and twisted view of sex and loved the game of it. He seemed to get off on the women being uncomfortable and being able to use his influence to control them.

In this episode, I really do appreciate that the film makers took the time to interview people who were still supporting Keith (at least at that time) and to consider the possibility that if they're consenting adults then it might not be illegal. Problem comes in though when they are not consenting, when they are not adults, when they are ordered to give monthly damaging info/naked pics that will be (and was in some cases) released if they disobey or try to leave, when they are directed to groom a "sex toy" for their Grandmaster, etc.
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Shetland (2013– )
13 October 2022
I like watching the show and how it dutifully takes it's time to solve the murder. I must admit though, the biggest downside is Alison O'Donell's pinched face. I can't stand her. Most shots that she's in just grates the heck out if me. I know she's likely a lovely person, but to me it seems she has an incredible shortage in range if emotions. She's either interested or has a confused pinched face. I keep hoping that each blast of dynamite will be the end of her, but she continues to live in.

She is the main female detective and so the show appears to want to make the most out of it. She is therefore frequently the woman in need of saving.

Does anybody out there really like her and her pinched eyebrows?
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House of the Dragon: The Lord of the Tides (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Heart broken
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was by far my favorite episode of the series so far!! My heart kept shattering and I cried at least 3 separate times. I could feel all the tensions Building and the King's longing to have a whole family. It was easy to see it through the King's eyes to see this family that could support and care for each other...but in reality, too many divisions, pains, and longings intervene to corrupt the people.

I have been moved by all the metaphors - like how the crown has eaten away at the soul/flesh of the king ... the weight of ruling is such a burden that it tears off his literal flesh. The king's crown is so heavy it falls off his head and his family/brother shares the burden. In the King's final breaths he imparts insight which only sifts through the falseity of a selfish heart. Whoowee! This has been set up for so much rivalry to follow!!!
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Undone: The Crash (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
An unwatchable main character
5 September 2022
The main gal is so horribly self-centered, negative, and mean that I don't think I can continue to watch this.

It seems unrealistic for a rotten person like this to have a sister who would consistently goes out of her way to be positive and caring as well as a boyfriend who is that supportive and forgiving. Who to have such a giving.

Know that the story arc will show her becoming a new person but I feel so disgusted with her current behavior that it's not worth continuing.

The animation is really impressive. You can easily identify who the real actors are. The acting seems quite good and believable, especially by Bob Odenkirk.
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Warrior: The White Mountain (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
19 August 2022
The love storyline was absolutely absurd! Not that I couldn't see those 2 having a romance, but the way it happened so quickly in that time period, throwing all cultural differences and morality aside so easily. It was very cringeworthy and I stopped watching the show. After nearly a year I started the series again picking up with the next episode. Thankfully that's one of the most entertaining episodes to draw me back in to the storylines I do like.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Dark and a bit dull.
6 August 2022
It's interesting. I like dark and gritty. I've been eagerly waiting for this show after falling in love with the audible production (that is absolutely brilliant! Check it out if you haven't already).

So far I've watched the first 3 episodes. It's decent, but it's not the gripping show I really had hoped for. The best way for me to describe it is that it feels muted. It's lacking in intensity. I still think the show is good, just not what I hoped it would be. I think the acting is good. With the episodes I've watched so far I haven't minded changes in gender, race, or sexuality. However, when reading others' reviews, it seems like this becomes a bigger frustration after a few more episodes, so I may change my mind about that. I'll keep watching it. I like the gothic feel even though the horror has been toned down.
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Broadchurch: Episode #2.1 (2015)
Season 2, Episode 1
Wonderful acting!!
2 August 2022
I'm only giving this episode a 6 because it is so stinkin obvious who murdered the girl(s) in the Sandbrook case. If they had left out the last scene I wouldn't of known, but it was instantly apparent. Don't think I'll watch this season.
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Love, Death & Robots: Bad Travelling (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
21 May 2022
This captivated me right from the start - pulled me in and kept me on the edge of my seat. The animation was superb. It was dark, tense, and violent. I will be rewatching it. I would love to see something like this in a series.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
8 April 2022
I absolutely love the supervisor. She makes me laugh every time. The best comedic relief....showing how she cracks necks in between her thighs! Oh man! I also really enjoy Christopher Walken. This role is perfect for him - the charming swindler. I enjoy the plot with bringing together lots of people from all walks of life. I do wish there was a little more humor incorporated though.
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After Life (2019–2022)
A touching show about everyday people
27 January 2022
This is about everyday people unlike typical TV shows with great looking people who have amazing things going on in their lives. In After Life we see sadness, loneliness, and gaining and losing friendships/loved ones. I cry so often watching this show. It tears at my heart. But what it does best is show kindness. It's the little things people do for each other that can give hope. I find it incredibly touching and often hilarious. Ricky Gervais has something brilliant here. I love seeing the videos he watches of his dead wife - happy memories remain even with all the grief. I love all the secondary characters and their storylines. Seriously, normalizing dating between a gregarious sex working with an oafish postman. And the interviews they do for the town newspaper - how do they come up with these stories??! It's a tearjerker, but one that I'm happy shredding a tear for.
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1883: The Fangs of Freedom (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another great episode. I love the flirtation between Ennis and Elsa. Their brilliant smiles are illuminating and seem authentic. I was surprised at how fast their relationship progressed. It seemed really rushed. I think most young people spend time (days/weeks/months) kissing and getting more comfortable with each other before taking the next step which seems even more likely given the stronger belief of waiting until you're married in 1883. That moment sealed his fate.... I felt like I was watching a Walking Dead episode when there would be a set up of a moment of joyful happiness and then knowing that was an indication that the rug would be yanked out from under our feet and who would not be making it to the next episode. Even though it was predictable I enjoyed every moment of it.

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The Last Duel (2021)
Gut clenching
16 January 2022
Wow! That was intense! I can't recall when I last watched a movie that gave me such a knot in my stomach. At moments I actually turned the volume off and another time watched through fingers over my eyes.

It was masterfully told. I love how we saw the same story unfold through each person's viewpoint. The first storyline was the husband's and I really empathized with him so I kept reminding myself that this is through his eyes. His truth is that he is the bravest of men and more willing than most to put his life on the line, his high integrity means that he is in the right, and has a wholly devoted and happy wife. Then the next viewpoint was from the man accused of rape. I figured that his part of the story would endear me to him and I would struggle to see who I liked more, but it did not. His truth is that the wife was giving him little luring glances and smiles obviously indicating she wanted more from him. The last storyline was the truth as the wife saw it. I love how the words on the screen faded to just leave the words "the truth". I personally don't think the intent was to say that this viewpoint was absolutely the truth, but to give credence to the wisdom women can glean when they are forced to stand in the background behind men and observe. Also, it could be a nod to how if a woman feels she has been sexually assaulted then we need to stand by her. It made me chuckle to see how unfulfilling the sex life with her husband was and that he was oblivious to this. It was striking to me to watch her interactions with the accused man and compare how each of them saw their interactions in just a little different light. Yes, she smiled at him, but to try and repair her husband's relationship with him and not as an invitation. Every interaction we have with another person is filtered through our own perspectives.

I was amazed at how realistic every little thing felt. So much effort was put into the clothes, the setting, the way people lived. All incredibly authentic. It's a shame that more support and advertisement wasn't made for this movie. I hadn't heard of it until I saw it listed in the theaters.
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Foundation (2021– )
20 November 2021
I have thoroughly enjoyed this first season. Just finished the season finale and am excited! So many great twists and reveals. Even though it took some time for me to warm up to Empire's story, the recent reveals have me rehashing things in my mind, trying to piece things together. I've read a few blogs to see what conclusions others have drawn. I'm particularly intrigued by Demerzel and have some speculations on her role. I think there's a lot more going on than what we've been shown.

I do think the show started a little slow. We had to get to know the characters and settings before it could get rolling, but once it picked up it was great. I waited every single week for the next episode to come out and jumped on it as soon as I could. I haven't read the books so can't compare it to those. It seems like many people who read them are disappointed with the tv series so I'm actually glad I haven't.
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The Flight Attendant: Funeralia (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
11 November 2021
This episode really dragged. I don't think there was much of a point to this one, other than to watch Cassie's BFF's hot & charming not-boyfriend. The first couple of episodes I thought Cassie was a bit of a messy whirlwind, but probably fun to be around. Now she seems like a totally self-absorbed drunk who doesn't care who she hurts. Quite disgusted by her. Not really enjoying the intrigue of finding the murderer anymore. How does Cassie have so many good friends in her life? People who are willing to stick their necks out for her? Why did the writers have to make her so deplorable? I'll pass on continuing with the show.
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Finch (2021)
Left me feeling a bit bleak
6 November 2021
I really enjoy the Post-apocalyptic genre and I can't help but see Tom Hanks as the all-American likable good guy. I think that he typically finds quality movies to act in so have high expectations for them. (I do miss his comedy from the 'old days' like Big and Splash and Bosom Buddies.). This movie did have some good funny bits that made me laugh and I had to rewind like when Jeff made sure to copy Finch and when he first asked if he should drive. Tom Hanks as Finch wasn't always so wasn't so likable this time. He could be downright ornery. I get it though. It's probably a realistic portrayal of someone stressed about living in the apocalypse, worrying about providing for his loved ones, and being in pain. However, I just didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. It did draw out my emotions (teared up some), but also left me feeling bleak about life and society.
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Squid Game: Mugunghwa kkoch-i pideon nal (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
1 October 2021
This is so interesting! Ahhh! I just want to gobble it up, it's so good. It's great to find a new show to get super excited about. My favorite is the old guy. He was a hoot to watch the excitement on his face as he played Red Light/Green Light. I watched a few episodes of the Japanese tv show Alice in Borderland. It has a similar type of set up - people are pulled into a game and must compete and win otherwise die. I didn't find that nearly as engrossing as this one. This show does a great job of fleshing out the characters and makes me want to root for them. I also love the quirky and colorful structure the players are in.
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Polar (I) (2019)
10 stars for Mads, the rest could've been better.
25 July 2021
Mads, like always, was great. I just like watching him on film. That strong face and long meaningful looks he gives are so intense. I kind of like the quirk of this movie but it was overdone and became cartoonish, especially with Matt Lucas (aka Tweedledee/Tweedledum). They should've cast somebody that had more of a psychopathic killer look to him/her to actually have any real threat behind this character. The villain (Martin Csokas aka Quinn) in the first season of Into the Badlands would've been great in this role. Or even something like Pollyanna McIntosh's character Angel as she was portrayed in the first season of Hap and Leonard. Oh well. I still enjoyed every scene with Mads Wick/Bourne/Mikkelsen.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
This took the jam out of my donut.
25 July 2021
Seriously?! That was Guy Richie's new movie??? Gah! Ridiculously terrible.

At the start of the movie they tried too hard to have cool fast talking lingo. Then there was horribly terrible bad acting, especially by Josh Hartnett getting freaked out. And get this...after all the digging Jason Statham's character did to find out who was responsible for his son's death someone just up and tells Jason, oh, by the way, I'm the one responsible for the trucks being robbed. Yep. That just happened. Holy absurdity Batman.
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Didn't quite follow the story.
11 July 2021
That was so convoluted. I had to rewind a number of times trying to follow who's backstabbing who and I still didn't grasp all the pieces. The acting was fine - ought to be with so many high quality actors. Just wish the story had been a little simpler.
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