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Who Killed Malcolm X? (2019–2020)
Begging the Question Abounds
30 August 2020
The documentary is very well done and extremely interesting. The amount of footage that they were able to amass of one of America's most important cultural figures is quite impressive. As a fan of history, social movements, and of Brother Malcolm himself, all of these aspects made for a great documentary series to watch; and at a time when such a topic is very salient and pertinent. However, it does leave a lot to be desired in terms of content and in terms of investigative research. There appears to be a great deal of research done for this series, only that it appears to be the wrong "kind" of research.

The main issue is that the documentary, like many other Netflix "investigative documentaries" focuses on ethnographic accounts about what X meant to them, and spent little time focusing upon any kind of facts pertaining to the tragic assassination of such an important political figure. And as a result, it begs the question when drawing a conclusion as to what took place. That is to say that it assumes a conclusion without supporting it what so ever. The more important and tragic aspect which is painfully overlooked, is in the teachings and lessons of Brother Malcolm as well as the Nation of Islam... And in my opinion, it is THIS, which aught to have been the focus if the criminal investigative elements were missing. Brother Malcolm, the Nation of Islam, and the fatal ends to a brilliant life deserves better.

As someone who's studied much on the life and times of Malcolm X, the reason "why" he was killed, is far more an important question than "who" killed him. And here in lies the importance of his teachings, more so than the sentimental remembering of people who were not present at that time, or who, most often, didn't even know the man first hand. There was so much more to his teachings than being confrontational.

What aught to have been the focus upon is the dangers of the "nice white people" who suggest that Black Americans can't help but be what they are; the assumption being that they cannot become civilized or improve themselves. What aught to have been focused upon was his teachings about self improvement from within the Black Community, rather that from without it, as status cannot ever be bestowed; it must be earned. A focus on working, getting educated, and against promiscuity and intoxication; sadly not enough of this is present in this series. And just as it sounds as though this information might get some time on screen, the speaking parts of Malcolm himself are cut out and replaced by some ramblings of someone else. And most importantly, that the American media is the single more powerful entity on earth. This documentary appears to reinforce that narrative, as it clearly misrepresents that which Brother Malcolm represented in his core values.

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." - Malcolm X

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will made you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X

Always remember that these quotes work in either direction. And it is these types of teachings which were lost by this opportunity. It saddens me deeply. In such a time, we need to focus upon his other aspirations and intentions; unity and actual equality.

"We need more light about each other. Light creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience, and patience creates unity." - Malcolm X
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Well Made, But Terrible
24 November 2019
Visually speaking, it's fine... Though the filters used make everything hard to see.

But the writing for this is just the worst. No development at all. We have a bride being hunted, and that's all we know, or apparently need to know about her. We have mad family who wants to kill her because of "tradition", but that's all we know, or need to know. We have a bride, who despite knowing all of these things, continues being oblivious.

And it isn't quite sure what it wants to be... Horror? Comedy? Thriller? Not sure which it is, but it fails at all of them.

99% sure any rating over 6 is either a bot, or a paid account used to inflate the ratings of a terrible movie. It's all just blah, stupid, and nonsensical... A series of convenient "errors" and oversights.

Disappointing on the most profound of levels.
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Hellboy (2019)
Just an ODD Movie...
13 July 2019
Having seen and enjoyed the previous two movies in the franchise (in the sense that it features the same character(s), despite the reboot), I had high expectations. But lets get on with this movie...

The issues with this movie are not few and far between. Nearly every aspect of it simply dosen't work with any other aspect of it... The end result is a movie that either tries to hard (or too little) to be something "cool". It's an odd mix of childish content, bad effects, bad acting, bad decisions, and bad writing.

Childish Content: Hellboy himself is a complete and utter wreck of a character. His never changing look speaks of a low budgit production. And that look is a cliche version of the character. Trying to keep a low pofile while wearing a trenchcoat that can't cover "Big Red"... And this same "feel" comes off with the absolute worst and pointless dialogue ever witnessed in a movie. Terrible one liners, superfluous swears... It comes off like something a little boy, about the age of 13 would think is "cool", "badass", and "funny" having just discovered swearing.

Bad Effects: Just far too much terrible CGI. The end result are visuals that often are at odds with each other in terms of both look and feel, and the effect is a complete abscence of mood or relevance. Again, not sure if they tried too hard, or not hard enough... The end result is the same, though the implications of their intentions is concerning.

Bad Acting: Two words "Mila" and "Jovavich"... I have yet to see or understand how she has managed to escape a career in adult cinema. Easily a worse version of a female Nick Cage (worse because at least Cage can muster a 30% good ratio on his performances). She's flat, lifeless, and utterly ruins the movie... But she isn't the only one to blame... Everyone with speaking lines in this movie aught to hang their heads in shame. Like Nick Cage, we aren't quite sure if he tries too hard, or not hard enough. Again... The end result is the same.

Bad Decisions: Not sure who to blame more... The studio for denying Del Toro and Pearlman the op to finish their trilogy... The director for every aspects of the movie... Those who casted the actors... Or the writers for creating this terrible script. All of it just stinks...

Bad Writing: This, quite simply, is one or the poorest examples of a script I have ever witnessed on screen, save for the final season of GOT. Nothing makes sense... Nothing appears related... Nothing appears to have been thought out beyond how things would be created in CGI. In this last point, it appeared that the special effects were the tail wagging the dog.

The end result comes off as a studio pandering to fans demands for another Hellboy movie, but only in so much as to produce a terrible movie which would stop their demands for any further... Such a waste of a franchise... Such a waste of time... Such a waste of money. To think of how much social good could have been achieved had these millions gone towards some worthy cause, rather than this disappointment.

Yet another Hollywood let down.

P.S. The music is just plain stupid throughout also and the score never really knows what it wants to be either... An Iron Man soundtrack with classic rock songs... Or something with an original score. Just another lamer the lame aspect of this tripe movie.
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Shazam! (2019)
Totally and Completely Average!!!
1 July 2019
For some of the best comic stories ever written, the DC universe simply can't string much of anything together... Get some writers together, let them do their thing and be done with it. The constant meddling from corporate entities is ruining these great franchises... It's just another "meh" DC movie.
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A Lot of Fun...
18 May 2019
It's great for kids big and small... I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The story was "simple" but it had some neat tie-ins that made the crossover a bit more "rational". The voice acting was great and the animation was stylistically interesting blending aspects of the latest Batman and TMNT serieses. My kid (10) and I had a blast watching it.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Not Sure of What It Wants to Be...
19 March 2019
The flow and direction of the series is just terrible. The main character is inconsistent at best ranging from elated to emo from scene to scene. By far the worst representation of Iron Fist they could have made.

I really really wanted to like this series, but it was just terrible. Hours of filler.. Very little substance.
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We Always Destroy the Things We Love
13 March 2019
There are/were few franchises in the movie universe which were so complete, so singular in their quality as the Indiana Jones series. Perhaps because Lucas and Speilberg were cutting their teeth durring it's inception. Perhaps because the pair was hungry. Perhaps because the rules and formulas were not quite as prevalent as the have begun now... And yes, perhaps because I've lost some of the child like naivety which made nearly all movies wonders to behold. But, be all that as it may... This movie proved to be such a huge disapointment on so many levels that I refuse to see it as cannon to the previous trilogy.

The story feels forced, unoriginal, and quite frankly boring. All things which should never be associated with a lineage such as this. Even some of the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles had more integrity then this movie...

The transition from still frame special effects, which should have provided a new feel to the franchise, but only served to illustrate how far the medium has fallen. Speilberg, who once said that special effects are best when subtle, showed little restrait... The results are agrandized, exagerated, and flatnout ridiculous effects. Effects which were used to produce scenarios so absurd they border on the non-sensical. A key component of the original movies were stunts which allowed viewers to imagine they were real... They were "possible", which made them fantastic! These new sequences leave little of this magic as viewers are left with little illusions as to the impossibility of them.

Having come at a time where Lucas was looking at selling his works, one has to wonder if his ego secretly attempted to sabotage the franchise... I can only hope that any future movies within this frachise bring it back to where it once was. As of now, it lies broken on the floor... Bleeding.
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A Solid Movie
13 March 2019
What Rush did for Hunt and Lauda, Borg McEnroe succeeds in kind. A great movie with great performances by both actors, who I believe, paid homage to both men they portrayed. The story, which I expected to be a bore, was quite gripping and provided much insight into what made these two icons of the sport so unique... In fact, dare I say, it managed to make the sport more appealing as a whole. And made for an appreciation of the subject which I hadn't previously had.

Dare I say that I would love another in this line of movies... Perhaps a Sampras Agassi movie. There would certainly be some great back story to be had there as well.
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Lack Luster Cash Grab Sequel
12 March 2019
The trend of politically charged kids movies continues. The movie itself had its moments, only that these came few a far between. Many of the same devices were used in the sequel, only lacking this time around.

A weak story, which lacks any kind of solid direction beyond the politicized plot... Could have been so much more with just a bit more effort and originality. The first movie succeeded in that it took risks doing an abstract theme.

Maybe they'll make a third and recapture the magic... Just a fine if they don't if it'll mean much of the same. After a second viewing, it's proven to be a contrived work made to take advantage of the success of the first installment.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Not a Bot!!! Swear! Simply Fantastic!
8 March 2019
If I were to present some form of video as representation of what kind of potential this medium has, it would be Game of Thrones. The writing is fantastic and poetic. The characters and casting are fantastic as well. Even if they were to adopt the cocoanut clacking of Monty Python's Holy Grail for its coming final season, it would still merit a solid 9! But in all seriousness, the entire series from start to finish is simply amazing.

It really does represent the pinnacle of the medium as a whole, and shows what can be possible when content meets substance. If only more series/movies took this approach... We might not see such a fading of its artistic applications.
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Aquaman (2018)
Best DC Movie of the New Era?
8 March 2019
Aquaman presents a pretty fun movie experience overall. Great visuals (of course) but a decent story as well that stays trueish to the source material. What liberties they did take worked for the most part.

Easily the most approachable DC movie for most people, and unlike the others in this franchise it isn't perpetually dark and grim. Jason M (whom I hate in 90% of his movies) does a GREAT job and presents a charismatic version of Arthur we don't generally get.

Though it should be said, the jokes about it being "wet Thor" are pretty accurate. Not so much from a story front but from a stylistic and mood point of view.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Solid New Direction
8 March 2019
Was really impressed with the overall experience and movie. While not better then the original, it's far better then Balboa. With luck they will keep this thing moving forward, taking hits. Cause that's how winning's done!
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Creed II (2018)
Too Bad... They Were Building Momentum
8 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers

It's Rocky III with the races reversed. Every scenario, every cliche, is the same save for the trainer dosen't die. Other then that... The same story.

Too bad, they were really building something that felt special. This effort amounts to little more then a money grab movie. Likely to pay for Stalones next movie.

It's a shame. Really wanted to like this...
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Meh! What's Everyone Else See?
9 November 2017
Perhaps my view on this documentary is a bit jaded. I waited for a few years until I was able to find a copy of it at a local pawn shop. Having heard it touted as "Hoop Dreams" but for football, I was sold. What I saw was not worthy of this reference at all...

I've seen nearly every commercial documentary about football, and pretty close to every football movie there is as well and this one simply doesn't hold up. The main figures are forced and come off as fake. The situations that come across in the movie at times look staged and or more gritty for the sake of being gritty. Over all, the experience feels less than sincere and more like something an amateur would make as a high school film project.

There are far better documentaries about this great game that would grab your attention and pull at your heart strings far more than this disappointment of a movie (Undefeated, and the sublime Go Tigers!).

Save yourself the time and find another documentary to watch.
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The Worst Modern Zombie Movie Ever!!!
10 November 2008
The plot of this movie revolves around a group of film students and their teacher in the middle of a zombie outbreak. One of the film students decides to video the events that take place on their way from the movie set they were working on for film class, to the home of one of the students to see if her family is still alive, regardless of what happens, who may need help or simply how stupid he may appear doing so. The sad thing about this movie is that it represents an effort from George Romero that fall far short from his other works. In fact, the only thing worse then the acting in this movie, is the plot. The concept falls far from brilliant, the characters are clichéd, and the zombies are by far the least scary zombies I have ever scene in a zombie movie. Although the realistic violence scenes are neat to watch, it appears to me as though they were the focal point of the movie forsaking all other aspects. Now before you gore fans head out looking for some gruesome fun, I should point out that most of the scenes are short and few and far between and the manner in which they are delivered may leave you impressed visually, but emotionally indifferent. The plot lacks any depth or reasoning and for the most part as blatantly simple as it is, the director still feels that the characters have to explain exactly what is going on in the scene which I found almost insulting. Not unlike other movies of this kind there are bound to be some plot holes and the suspension of reality must be understood given the subject matter. That being said, at times, there were simply too many stupid moments to pass overlook. As an example, in certain scenes a character would state that a road is completely blocked off with no chance of getting around the object, in an attempt to build intensity. This would be fine if we couldn't see on scene that the road in question is not in fact blocked while she's saying it and that moments later, the driver of the vehicle simply drives by the previously unsurpassable obstacle with little more then a simple lane change. The zombie behavior is sporadic, at times being very aggressive, at other times people can simply walk past them, stand behind them, or simply go unnoticed. Incidents of this nature occur far to often in this film and it's issues like this that utterly ruin the movie… That and the fact that a normal human with a bum leg could simply turn and walk away from the zombies and there would be little more to the situation. As a result the attacks take on all the action of a human being attacked by a three towed sloth… A dead one, but a sloth none the less. Romero clearly makes the point that he believes that dead things should move slowly, a point which he repeats time and time again in the movie, much to the movies peril. There are just too many illogical moments and thoughts going on in this movie to overlook as a result I do not recommend this movie to anyone… It's so bad it isn't even fun to laugh at. I feel sad for Romero.
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28 Days Later (2002)
Zombie Horror At Its Best!!!
29 March 2008
It's not often that fans of the horror genre are treated to an original twist in the genre and it is even rarer to be treated to a truly scary and well done zombie movie. However 28 Days Later attempts to do just that and succeeds quite well in both regards.

The story is set in England in where animal right activists break into a research facility in an attempt to free captive animals being used for medical experiments. Unbeknownst to them is the fact that these animals are carrying a highly dangerous and contagious disease known as Rage which is passed and contracted via bodily fluids and ultimately turns the infected hosts into blood thirsty zombies. 28 days after the animals are released the population of England is all but decimated by the disease and a few handful of survivors are clinging to life trying to survive the days and nights hiding from hordes of raging zombies. Our story begins when Jim, a patient in a hospital, awakens from a coma to find that the hospital and the city around him are vacant and destroyed. Jim, unaware of what has taken place over the past 28 days, sets out to discover what has become of not only his family but everyone around him. It isn't long before Jim encounters the blood thirsty monsters and his quest for answers is turned into a battle for survival. Along the way he makes contact with survivors and does his best to find his way in a terrifying new reality where anarchy and social rules are all but done away with.

What I really liked about this movie was that unlike most horror movies where the main characters have virtually no common sense and spend their time splitting up and systematically being killed off one by one, the survivors in this movie realize that it is in their best interest to stick together in order to better their chances of survival and only leave each other's sides out of necessity. The fact that a "logical" approach was taken towards a genre which has often seen little logic truly makes this movie frightening, as even though they attempt to make logical decisions, they still sustain losses.

What I also liked about this movie was the originality of the way in which the "zombies" originated that being via a disease/virus. This theme has since been copied many times over and with little shame in doing so.

The acting was good and the fact that there were no big names added to the thrill of story since one never really knew who was going to survive and who was going to die, making every scene that much more tense.

In the end, even if this movie never got the press it deserved and wasn't hyped to the level of other lesser movies of the same type, this remains one of the better movies in a genre sorely in need of better quality films.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
An ode to porn stars of the 70s
31 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not an adult title. It's really an homage to the late John Holmes. Boogie Nights takes place at the start of the 70s disco craze, where polyester, sequence and coke ruled the night scene. We meet Eddy Adams, played by Wahlberg a young kid working in the back of a night club with big dreams of being a star. Eddy gets his chance when he meets Jack Horner, played by Reynolds, and adult film producer who's very interested in Eddy's "gift". Jack lead's Eddy away from his dysfunctional home by luring him with the promise of money, fun times and lots and lots of sex. As the movie progresses, we meet many other characters, all with their own quirks and short comings. Eventually the party must end and the characters are left to face their vices with ought the support and business of their past employment choices. If you've ever wondered about what takes place behind the scenes of adult videos, more precisely those of the 70s, then this is a movie for you. I find this to be a very interesting subject as I don't think it's been done before this movie, also because one never stops to think about what the people in this kind business are like once the cameras stop rolling. This movie is a study in character development and relies heavily on the acting by all parties involved, who succeed admirably. Although this movie was not a big blockbuster hit, mostly due to the subject nature, I assume, this is a great movie none the less on a subject we don't often think about. Many have copied this movie, but few have managed to capture the feel of it.
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Daredevil (2003)
One of the best Marvel movies to date
25 January 2005
Despite the low ratings this movie has gotten from the masses, I honestly can say that this is probably the best Marvel movie to come out in the recent barrage of comic based movies to hit the big screen. I'm guessing the reason for the lack of high ratings is that most people were looking for a super hero along the lines of Spiderman who saves people and is always doing "the right thing". Well this obviously isn't the case here, as one can clearly see from how Daredevil does away with the baddies. I personally think that the concept of an avenging lawyer who serves up street justice to those that manipulate the system is a great concept. I also think that everybody did a great job of playing their characters as they should be played, yes… I know, even Ben. The only person I thought did a mediocre job was Colin, who only helped to make the already stupid looking Bullseye look even dumber then the character deserves. As you can no doubt guess from reading this, I'm a huge fan of the series. What you probably wouldn't guess is that choosing Michael Clarke Duncan to play the Kingpin is by far the best "improvisational" casting choice I've ever seen. For those of you who don't know, the Kingpin is "supposed" to be a big white guy… we're talking sumo style big. While Michael isn't quite that big, his size and look are by far better then anybody else they could have ever gotten to play this role. So, in conclusion, if you like your hero's on the darker side, a la Batman, then this should be a good choice for you. The effects and story line are great; I can only hope that the only "acceptable" attendance at the theaters won't stop them from making a sequel to this movie… I know, don't hate me… but with Ben playing Daredevil again as well… don't worry, I hate myself too!!! And P.S. Elektra isn't a sequel… it's a separate plot line all together, although they try to link the two at some point in the movie, but that's another comment for another movie.
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One of, if not the best, mini series' ever made
24 January 2005
Band of Brothers finds us following the exploits of Easy Company throughout their campaign in Europe, from their inception all the way to the end of the war. The commentary from the actual soldiers that were in those situations is touching, to say the very least. These commentaries also help to move the character development along quite a bit, as it lets us into their own personal thoughts on the situations they faced. This project, to the best of my knowledge was undertaken at roughly the same time as Saving Private Ryan, using many of the same locations and also employing DreamWorks special effects, giving it a very familiar feel for anyone that has seen Private Ryan. As I've already touched on, the character development is greatly due to the fact that this story is not told in a two hour segment, but throughout several hour long intervals, giving us the chance to truly "get to know" the characters personalities as the story develops. In my humble opinion, the only other military type mini series' that even come close to the scope of this one are The Blue and The Grey, and North and South.

All of the actors in this series do and excellent job at playing the roles appropriately and making us believe the hell these men were put through. The thing I also appreciated about the cast is the lack of any "real" names, leading to us not knowing who may or may not be making it out the scenes alive and unscathed.

This mini series is everything Saving Private Ryan was, as well as everything it wasn't. If you're a fan of war time stories and "army" movies, this is hands down the best of the best… I don't even think I could name ANY movies about WWII that could even compare to this one… A bold statement, I know, but I'm making it any how.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Might as well be a remake
18 January 2005
Ah yes, another Stephen King movie that's about as original as a sequel. I didn't completely hate this movie, though I hated it more then I liked it. I'm usually a huge sci-fi fan, but I didn't realize that it was going to basically be a retelling of another great movie... The Thing. However, this is not the only source that Stephen has borrowed from in order to rip us off, yet again. Night of the Creeps, Nightbreed, The Thing, all have a similar aspect to them, creatures that either take your form, or control your mind. It's already been done, and been done better at that. I personally feel that King has run out of good "horror" type stories to tell. He should stick to making stories such as Shawshank, Green Mile, and Stand by Me. This move is just the same thing over and over again. If you haven't seen any of the before mentioned movies, you may just like this, but see any of the other movies and you'll find yourself being disappointed.
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