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Preacher: Pilot (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Gone to Texas: An adaptation that dazzles regardless of differences from source material.
23 May 2016
Firstly, the graphic novel series is my favorite comic of all time. And I have read A LOT of comics. This pilot blew me away. I went into the show knowing that it was going to be different and that many things were not going to be the same, as I did when the Walking Dead first aired. But let me say that this is an adaptation that differs in all of the right ways. A lot of graphic novels are very difficult to transfer to the big screen and this is where a lot of differences have to be made in order to better suit the television or film audiences.

Rogen and Goldberg's Preacher hit the nail on the head. The atmosphere is great, the characters are true to their roots, the overall tone is impeccable and the humor is just as gross and crude as I had wanted. So many scenes of this debut had me laughing out loud, nearly crying. But there were also scenes that had me very tense. This is the balance that the graphic novel so elegantly portrayed and the TV adaptation did a darn good job of replicating that.

Tulip is wonderful. Her challenges with Jesse and her conflicting feelings were perfect. Jesse was the morally conflicted and tough guy we had all wanted to see. And don't forget Cassidy. Probably the highlight of the entire pilot. PERFECT. Arseface was just as pathetic and hilarious as we had all wanted too.

More than anything, the techniques that these directors and writers implemented to honor source material blew me away. I kept hoping, "man I hope they do this!" or, "Man, I wonder how they'll do this!" and it never failed to amaze me. The action was wild and exaggerated and the humor was raunchy and often caught me off guard.

As a longtime fan of the graphic novel, I am impressed. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful adaptation of a beloved story.
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Interstellar (2014)
Interstellar - The Masterpiece of 2014
14 November 2014
Christopher Nolan has astounded audiences with his films since the beginning. With pieces like Memento (2002), The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012), The Prestige (2006), Inception (2010) and now Interstellar (2014), Nolan has proved himself to be one of the greatest directors ever. Not one of his films has disappointed me and each has in fact surpassed my expectations. Inception is one of my favorite films ever and it offered an original idea; the first I had seen on film in a very long time. Even with all of these great films, nothing prepared me for Nolan's Interstellar.

As I said in my Top 25 Film list (see the link below), when Interstellar ended, I sat through the entire credits sequence in complete and total awe. I was speechless and didn't want the experience to end. This film will put you on a journey and you won't even realize you're watching a film.

The acting was top notch as the McConaissance continues. McConaughey was perhaps at his all-time best with Interstellar. The emotion in this movie is just off the charts. The acting blends so well with Hans Zimmer's score that there are moments where I literally wanted to ball my eyes out. I don't think I've ever gotten the trembling chin sensation so many times in a film before.

The story is genuinely enthralling from start to finish and so many ideas are original and expand your mind with their intricacies and mystery. Nolan had real-life scientists and physicists helping with this film. Even Neil deGrasse Tyson (Cosmos) has vouched for the film and its realistic nature. Nolan didn't even use green screen in Interstellar. This alone shows the prowess and unbelievable nature of this movie.

The cinematography is beautiful and alluring and from start to finish, you embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey. There is no shortness of greatness in Interstellar. Every aspect of this film is on the ball and between Zimmer's score, Nolan's direction and McConaughey's acting, there is nothing I can say bad about Interstellar. It is quite simply a masterpiece.

There are still many great films to come out this year but thus far, Interstellar is the best film of the year without a doubt.

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The Historian (2014)
The Past is Present. Live With It - The Historian Review
6 November 2014
Debut films are often hit or misses. Many bomb in quality and lack in depth. But some, often very few, exceed all expectations and rise above the status quo. The Historian accomplishes this feat on the back of Miles Doleac and leaves no room for doubt with this up-and-coming filmmaker and actor.

The Historian is a film that examines several different plot points, from love to accomplishment and further to jealousy and determination, only to name a few. There are powerhouse performances here and directorial beauty. Though the film may not be Nolan-esque quality, it proves that the highest budget isn't needed to create an entertaining and enthralling work.

Miles Doleac stuns with his acting, directing and writing for this film. He is a man who beats all odds and proves himself to be the product of his own determination and passion. I predict he is someone who we will be seeing a lot of in the near future.

John Cullum and William Sadler both give amazing performances in this film and are perhaps the highlights of the acting field in this piece. They both astound with their humanity and flaws that are captured beautifully by an unforgiving and honest script.

Beyond the more technical aspects, The Historian offers an in depth look at the higher educational system and often the corruption it presents. Doleac attacks the fact that students aren't pushed and are allowed to slack off and succeed, thus setting them up for future failure.

This is one of many examples of the plethora of angles that The Historian focuses on. There is no shortness of plot elements and the characters beyond anything else feel alive. It is a film that anyone can watch and enjoy. Its run at film festivals and awards won at said events were earned in a deserving manner. Passion is in every scene and it is always apparent that this film was made by someone who loves the art of film making.

I recommend The Historian to anyone who enjoys good drama and likes a taste of something new they haven't seen before. Every aspect of this film is great and it is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable movies of the year.

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GOTG: The Next Star Wars
2 August 2014
Many went into this film with high expectations and hype that was unprecedented, much like the somewhat disappointing Godzilla (2014) from earlier this year. Not many knew what to expect with this film considering that the Guardians of the Galaxy were for the most part unheard of characters to the general public. This film did not disappoint in any way. It is by far the greatest Marvel film ever made, downing the Avengers and Days of Future Past.

I went into this movie with a feeling that I don't usually get with a film. I knew that this was going to be different and good at the same given time and I was not let down. From the very opening scene to the ending credits, there was not even a second of boredom. To say that this film was entertaining would be putting it under the bus. This film was exhilarating. Never have I seen a film that grasped my attention and kept me in awe from start to finish.

As for the technical aspects, this film has the best CGI I have ever seen. Not once did the animation look even relatively fake or cheesy. The CGI will probably revolutionize the field much like 2009's Avatar. I felt as though I could reach out and touch these alien creatures and the amazingly designed ships. The score of the film was beautiful as was the cinematography. There were emotional scenes that were played so well with the score that it was as if they were interchangeable parts that had to be together to work in unison. Every shot of this film was gorgeous and breathtaking. I saw so many things that I have never seen in a film before and for them to capture it so crisply is truly astounding. The acting was very well done by all of the cast members. There may not be any Oscar buzz for the cast, but that doesn't mean that they weren't perfect for their roles. Chris Pratt was genius as Star Lord, Bautista was hilarious as Drax, the Destroyer and Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel did great jobs for voice acting, both being highlights for the film.

As far as writing, this movie did something truly unique. it focused on all of the Guardians with equal screen time and equal information of their lives, though Star Lord may have a bit more for obvious reasons. All of the personalities of the main characters were written so well that I forgot for a period of time that it was even a movie. The humor is not dirty (for the most part) and is not slap stick and tiresome. Every scene with humor did its job to make the whole crowd in the theater laugh hysterically. The dialogue was simply that well written.

Every aspect of this film was great. Obviously, it isn't a perfect film but it manages to do something that directors have forgotten about. It entertains the audience and that is the sole purpose of the entire film. Films now rely so heavily on art and the director's ideas of "uniqueness" that most films are only appreciated by certain groups. Guardians of the Galaxy is a film that anyone can watch and they will enjoy themselves from start to finish and never want to leave the theater.

While watching this movie at the opening Friday, I couldn't help but think to myself over and over again that this is the next Star Wars. It has the same chemistry and formula but, in my own opinion, it exceeds the original Star Wars. It is an updated and modern form of that film technique of pure entertainment mixed with humor and character development that adults can relate to as well.

It is rare that I say this, but this film will make you cry, make you laugh, make you excited, make you fearful, etc. It is every genre and yet no genre. Guardians is going to be a staple in film and will one day be considered one of the greatest Sci Fi films ever. James Gunn was the director of one of the worst films of 2013 in Movie 43, but he has proved that he is one of the elite despite a horrible effort a year prior. This film resurrects the original intention and purpose of film: to entertain. I believe it will be the next Star Wars and spawn many more films to come.
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Deliver Us From Evil: Noir Crime Genre Mixed with Haunting Horror Elements
12 July 2014
A couple years ago, Scott Derrickson surprised audiences everywhere with his cult favorite Sinister. Before that he gave us the interesting Exorcism of Emily Rose. One of the young directors that has made his name in the horror genre, Derrickson proves that he is one of the elite young horror directors to enter the industry, only being rivaled by James Wan.

Now, Derrickson has brought us the noir horror film Deilver Us From Evil. Starring Eric Bana, the film stands strong with a dark brooding atmosphere and disturbing plot elements that leave the audience haunted by their close relation with reality. Deliver Us From Evil offers many supernatural scares coupled with an equal amount of real-life horrors that happen more than we would like to admit. Though the film carries with it a heavy and grim theme, there is enough comic relief presented with well-written jokes and dialogue that eases the tension throughout the film.

The acting in the film is believable yet not exactly Oscar-worthy. Characters that are central have complexity but many of the side characters seem to serve the main purpose of filling in a space. But at the same time, the central characters truly make these secondary characters' lack of presence less noticeable. the cinematography is very dark and creates the foundation of the atmosphere that Derrickson was looking for. There are many plot elements in this film that I have not seen in a horror movie before and it is a very interesting blend of genres as noir meets horror. Though it may not have the same scare power as The Conjuring, the film still presents many scenes that will leave you disturbed. Derrickson's directing style is much different than someone like James Wan who looks for terrifying jump scares. Derrickson looks for the slow, gruesome horror that you are forced to sit and watch and he does an astounding job with Deliver Us From Evil.

Overall, I was highly impressed by this film and look forward to his upcoming projects. Besides some minor dialogue hiccups and some lacking character development, Deliver Us From Evil is a solid horror film that will present many new elements and plot devices that audiences have not seen before. I highly recommend this film to anyone looking for a good thrill and a fresh new style of horror.
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Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla: At Moments Stunning and at Others Flawed
15 May 2014
First, I want to say that I am a longtime Godzilla fan. I grew up watching Godzilla and have seen every film he has ever been in. So going into this, I had high expectations. The movie did not disappoint terribly but there are many flaws that could have been easily fixed. It is still an enjoyable film that offers many moments and scenes that are worth the ticket and even worth paying $35 for a combo pack once it is released to retailers.

I want to focus on the good things first. This film has a star- studded cast and just about everyone delivers at expectations and beyond expectations. The CGI is state of the art and some of the sequences are thrilling. The action is some of the best I have seen in quite some time. This film is being compared to Pacific Rim by many but I must say that Pacific Rim was nowhere near as good as Godzilla. Pacific Rim was what the trailers promised and nothing more. Godzilla had many surprises and even some golden Easter eggs that I will not spoil. The cinematography in this film is beautiful and very jaw dropping at times. Edwards did a magnificent job directing and I can't wait to see what he does next. Bryan Cranston was amazing as always. Aaron Taylor Johnson dazzled in his first major role in a serious film. Elizabeth Olsen was great also. When director Gareth Edwards said that this film was going to be like Jaws in the sense that you wouldn't see Godzilla until an appropriate time, he delivered. Godzilla has more of a classic look and the antagonists in this film also impressed. Edwards really tried to shoot this film from the eyes of an onlooker and this created a very gratifying experience for the viewers. Its plot is very well thought out and offers quite a few twists and turns that the trailers didn't spoil. Overall, the positives for the film are quite indulging for Gojira fans everywhere. I encourage anyone who loves Godzilla to see this film.

Now for the negatives, I will not go too in depth to spoil anything but I will give an overview. There are some gaping plot holes and also some incredibly unrealistic moments in this film that obviously sought for dramatic scenery rather than realism. One of the lead actors in the cast was incredibly disappointing and it really hurt my overall view of the film. There are many lapses of human interaction where things happen and you wonder how they did in the first place. There is also something in the beginning that happens that will kind of make you feel mislead. Speaking of misleading, the trailers, in my own opinion, do not do this film a lot of justice. There are a lot of scenes in the trailers that are not in the film, which made me feel disappointed as well. It is not as dark as has been advertised and sometimes the film even feels lighthearted. Finally, my biggest disappointment was the score. It was not brooding and dark like the trailers made it seem to be and also it was a bit overbearing at times.

Overall, this film is definitely worth seeing but do not expect an Oscar-winning, top 250 film (though Captain America did make it into the top 250 for some reason). The film is incredibly fun and offers many moments when the audience had to cheer. I encourage all Godzilla fans to check it out and I can't wait to see what the special features on the combo pack will reveal when that moment comes.

-Charles Dunphey (Author/Filmmaker/Film Critic/Graphic Novel Writer & Artist

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Enter: Only God Forgives
3 November 2013
First of all, I must say that upon my first viewing, I absolutely hated this film with a passion. It seemed to me to be a horrendous steaming pile of garbage. But upon my second and third times viewing it, I chose to open my mind and allow myself to not be clouded by general expectations and subconscious predetermined desires for a "normal" film. I know that many people hate this film and it has become one of those "you either love it or hate it" kind of affairs. But I must strain it as much as possible that this film is not average, it is not normal, it is not anything you have seen or will see! It is a dazzling work of art that is breathtaking and cynical at the same time.

The film revolves around a man named Julian who runs a Muay Thai gym to cover up a drug operation. His brother Billy rapes and murders a sixteen year old girl and then a vigilante-like cop named Chang sets the girl's father upon Billy which results in his death. This calls for Julian's and Billy's mother to fly down and demand Chang's and the girl's father's heads on a pike.

Chang, played by Vithaya Pansringarm, is perhaps the greatest villain cop ever! I can only compare Chang to Gary Oldman's Norman Stansfield from Leon: The Professional. He is definitely the highlight of this film when it comes to the acting chops. I find it interesting because while directing the film, Refn in between takes would whisper into his ear: "You are God". That is very much so what Chang symbolizes in this film.

Nicolas Winding-refn has a strange style of narration that relies heavily on little dialogue and mostly imagery and symbolism. From films like 'Bronson' and 'Drive' and 'Valhalla Rising', you will get the idea of his directing style. Only God Forgives utilizes this style maybe even more than his previous films but does so in a truly mesmerizing way.

Imagine if David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick made a film together in their prime. That is what Only God Forgives brings to the table. If you hated it on your first viewing, I strongly encourage you to watch it again and with a more open mind. I have come to appreciate it as possibly one of the greatest films ever made and I hope that everyone who reads this will either somewhat know what to expect or will give it another chance.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Big things have small beginnings.... (NOT A "PREQUEL" TO ALIEN)
27 October 2013
When Alien first arrived in theaters, it was hated by many critics. People like John Simon and Leonard Maltin called it "unoriginal", "depthless", "lacking in character development and plot", so on so forth. Now Alien is considered one of the greatest cinematic achievements of all time. Many of those critics who panned the film now have rewritten new reviews hailing it. Prometheus received much of the same critical analysis from critics and moviegoers alike. The film may not be Alien but it sure resembles the film at least in a critical way, historically and ironically. Enter: Prometheus. This film has beautiful cinematography, amazing acting, deep characters, and great scenarios that will leave your blood chilling. Many hate it because they expected it to be a prequel to Alien. It is not! It is a stand-alone film and has the smallest ties to the Alien universe. Take out the name Weyland and the final scene and whalaaa you have an original film. A connection that small makes this, in the eyes of some, a prequel. But connections that small, in my own opinion, can be completely ignored. Prometheus is a stand-alone science fiction horror from the great mind of Ridley Scott. It has become one of my favorite films of all time and I feel it is unjustly hated by many moviegoers. The plot, as said by many, is difficult to follow and sometimes leaves you confused. This is probably mainly because the lead writer of the script is Damon Lindelof (LOST). He does NOT spoon feed you in this film. Many things you have to decide for yourself. I personally like films like that and enjoyed Prometheus even more because of that simple fact. Every time I watch it, I see or catch something new. Overall, I would recommend this film to any moviegoer, granted with the requirement that they watch it with an open mind and not expect a prequel to the Alien franchise. I give it a ten out of ten and have no regrets with that rating. Much like Alien, I feel, this film will one day be regarded as a true gem of the science fiction genre.
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Elysium (I) (2013)
Great Film, don't listen to the critics or a lot of reviewers!
17 August 2013
The film was everything I expected it to be and more. I truly am saddened at how hard everyone is being on this movie. But then again I felt the same way about Prometheus. Let's just make it simple, if you love Science Fiction you will love this movie! It had many ideas I have never seen before on film and some wonderful surprises! The characters were driven by purpose and the directing was flawless. If you go to a movie looking for faults, you will probably have a hard time ever being satisfied. If you are like me and want to be stimulated and entertained and just need a believable film to do so, then watch this movie! No, it is not like District 9, which is a good thing! It is its own movie and should not be compared in any way! Overall, I honestly believe it was the best movie of the summer and was and am fascinated by it. I will buy it the day it comes out on DVD for sure and will see it a few more times in theaters! ACTIVATE KRUGER!!!!!

-Charles Dunphey (Science Fiction Author)
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