
14 Reviews
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
Funny, Entertaining & Relevant
4 May 2018
I'm very happy I didn't trust the original low ratings. My cousin and I went and laughed a lot. It's a fun, entertaining movie. I don't understand the haters or negative press at all.

Amy Schumer is quirky and sweet and a total champion for women in our opinion. The acting is great by all. Michelle Williams character is particularly funny.

Don't believe the negative press or haters. The movie is a fun romantic comedy. Lots of good laughs.
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Hap and Leonard (2016–2018)
Quirky and Entertaining
26 March 2016
I found this show a little by accident and I am glad I did.

It's entertaining. Sure sometimes the dialogue can be a little simplistic and even predictable, especially between the two main characters Hap & Leonard, but the performances are great and the story is fun.

All of the actors really show up for their roles in this show, some are just outstanding and make it really engaging to watch.

Its funny, unique and has its own quirkiness, which I really like. So far I am really liking it and glad I found it. I am looking forward to next episodes.

Looking forward to seeing more.
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Flaked (2016–2017)
Has Promise
12 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really want to like this show. The acting is great. The writing is great. I like Will Arnett in the lead role. Like the bro love between the main characters. The trouble I'm having is with the casting of the female leads. Really? 40 something, dead beat guys, with no real jobs, no real purpose and coloured backgrounds are pulling smoking hot 20 something, hipster girls? Really?

Older women in this little serious are treated like accoutrements, x-wives, old mothers. Like somehow as a demographic women over 28 no longer exist except as accessories?

Maybe this is a show for guys and the fantasies they live in? And I am not really the right demographic. I actually found myself feeling insulted, every female character, save for a few, are 20 something, smoking hot, young women, because apparently women just don't exist after a certain age.

If the producers ever read these these kinds of reviews, and they decide to do a second season, seriously think about expanding on female characters, because you are losing an entire demo of watchers for no really good reason.
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Madam Secretary (2014–2019)
So Much Blue, Too Much Blue
12 March 2016
This is going to be the weirdest review I have ever written for a show. But I need to write it.

I usually watch this show, its not a complicated plot or characters so I don't mind it sometimes. It is entertaining.

However, I am so distracted and I mean so distracted by the set decoration and the styling. Am I the only one who has noticed that almost everything is blue? That teal shade.

The couches in the oval office, their shirts, blouses, coats, paper folders, chairs, matte of hanging pictures in the background, vases. In every shot and every scene. There is it the colour teal. Their ties, their scarves, the books on the book shelf, bowls and mugs on the counters. One scene Elizabeth has a teal blouse and everything around her matches. And then in the next scene, Daisy is wearing that same colour and everything around her matches. And so on and so on. It has gotten so distracting that it actually bothers me to watch the show. Who ever is decorating the set and styling the characters needs to expand on their colour wheel. Its gotten to the point that I don't even want to watch the show anymore.

I doubt the producers or creators ever read these but if they do, please stop with the teal. Please, please I beg of you, find other colours.
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Get Hard (2015)
Funny & Clever
3 July 2015
I wonder if what the critics don't like about this movie is that it is actually clever, funny and vulnerable. I am glad I resisted the critic reviews and saw it. The performances by all actors are genuine. And of course there is just enough physical comedy and absurdity to make it silly in a good way.

Don't listen to the crusty old curmudgeons its a fun movie to watch. Some of the jokes are actually intelligent and you have to know a little about what is going on economically and racially in the Country to really get them. The only thing that I find puzzling is in every movie that has biker gangs, they never seem to get them right. They always portray them cartoony that was the only thing that I found disinteresting and only because of aesthetics.

Its a cute comedy. Don't be turned away by the crusty critics
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True Art!
21 November 2014
An absolutely magnificent work of art. I loved this film.

If you are expecting a generic story arc with proper dialogue and love story like most Hollywood films then yeah, you will be disappointed. If you like Graphic Novels, Art House and B movies/Cult films you might just love this film. All of the actors bring their A game. The costumes and settings are perfect.

I am so happy that I saw this movie, despite some of the cranky reviews I had read. I really like it and think Miller and Rodriguez have made an excellent film. And not sure if it was intentional but there are some awesome moments that appear to be homage to other films, if you are really paying attention.
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Draft Day (I) (2014)
It's pretty bad
27 August 2014
If you like power-point presentations obvious and obnoxious product placements and actors delivering lines so flat you want to guess they are reading them off cue cards or a prompter then you might like this movie.

Also if you aren't a die hard football fan over half the dialogue will be lost.

There are a few actors who actually showed up to work on this film but most are clearly just collecting a pay cheque.

There are some actors known for good comedy in this film but they aren't really given the room to deliver in the way they normally would.
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Bounty Killer (2013)
Loved it
17 August 2014
Read all the positive reviews first.

If you like Tarantino, Graphic Novel, Campy, Art House style films, you will love this. As others have said its a Kill Bill meets Sin City meets a little bit of Mad Max, but so unique it stands on its own.

The costumes, props and setting are great, the acting is spot on, the gore is decidedly in your face and almost comical.

Henry Saine has done a fantastic job of turning this little graphic novel into a gem of movie.

Campy, Sexy, Fun, Gory.

Loved it!
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Not as bad as the reviews
15 August 2014
It's not as bad as some of the reviews make it out. But you do have to be a geek at heart.

You don't have to be a LARPer necessarily, but you do have to know a little about the culture. There are a lot of jokes and references that if you know nothing about roll play, LARP or just general geekdom, they will pass you by.

So yeah its not for everyone, but it is funny and the actors all put in exceptional performances for what it is.

It's not meant to be a block buster CG extravaganza, so don't expect a block buster action horror and you will enjoy it.

But again, if you know nothing about geek culture this will go right over your head.

Great performances by all, need to say that again.
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Blended (2014)
It's Good
11 August 2014
It's really too bad that the trailer sucks so bad. It was misleading and made me not want to see this movie. I only did because of other reviews.

It is quite funny, even laugh out loud funny, which sadly not a lot of movies are these days. Yes there are some scenes that are a little slap stick, like the ones in the trailer that are "meh" but most of it spot on, good performances, even cute. The kid actors are actually good too.

They should re-do the Trailer before it releases to DVD or Netflix. I am confident they could make a better one without giving away the best parts of the movie.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Lame drama. I can't get past the second episode.

This concept has so much potential to be a puzzling, sci fi, spooky Stephen King drama but is totally lost in manufactured, water downed storytelling and amateur performances. I am confused by all the hype and high score?

There are some talented actors in this show but its not enough to balance out the other obviously amateur ones. For example the actress who plays the "journalist" living in a small, nowhere town running around exclaiming that she is a "Journalist!" She must get the news out there!! Because in a small town like this one it wouldn't be everybody's business already. Super flat performance, no on screen draw. Makes it more annoying than it has to be.

Not to mention, It would seem that the writers gloss over important questions in the first few episodes which are actually very important in the beginning, like how far down does the "dome" go? Or can they dig their way out? Where is the water supply coming from in the first days? Anyone who has ever used a generator knows they don't last that long without fuel. No one is worried about food supply or drinking water? or most importantly to me... the WIND?!?

There are scenes where the trees are almost bending from the wind and characters hair is flying around. Really?! You barely establish in a few second scene that the "dome" is like a sieve when one character can feel traces of water that is being power sprayed onto the dome from the other side. His hand is barely wet and yet its enough of a sieve to allow wind forces strong enough to bend trees and blow style a characters hair like a full on power fan?

I have actually caught myself yelling at the TV on a few occasions during dramatic scenes, because the answer or an alternative to the story line is SO OBVIOUS.

Come on guys you can do better. Make it creepier, more obscure, answer some obvious questions a little better, a lot faster, don't jump to the easy/high drama scenes so quickly, you are forcing the drama, maybe follow the book more, it would probably make it a better show to watch. And please get rid of the journalist... omg ... so lame... "I'M A JOURNALIST!" over and over. Yes we heard you the first time honey and its nowhereville not the Ukraine/Russian border crisis.
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Sabotage (2014)
Terrible Film and Waste of Good Actors
15 July 2014
This movie has some very talented actors in it, so I was looking forward to watching it.

Wow what a disappointment.

Its unfortunate that the writer(s) does not possess a vocabulary other than the word "f*ck". Not to mention the erratic direction and complete lack of cohesive story line.

What a waste of some good talent. With a good script and some proper direction I could see this ensemble doing something really worth watching. Its so generic and haphazardly put together though its just terrible and painful to watch.
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Tyrant (2014–2016)
Doesn't Deserve the High Rating
7 July 2014
Aside from the attempt at the politics, power, and violence angle the main character is so flat. The American family so stereotypical, even obnoxious to watch. But what gets me the most is Gideon Raff's portrayal of American house wives? Similar to the Mrs. Brody from Homeland. every time "Molly" speaks I feel as though I am transported into a day time television soap drama. What is his weakness for writing American wives as whining, completely unaware, nag bags?

I doubt I will make it to episode 3. Its not entertaining enough to make up for the flat line characters and poorly written, expressionless dialogue.

Good idea, bad execution.
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Orphan Black (2013–2017)
Plot Lines?
19 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was really enjoying this show until episode 8. They receive the finger prints back from the body in the quarry (the German clone), they match Sarah's and the police detectives realize she looks exactly like Beth... and then go to her Foster Mom's... EXCEPT Sarah has already officially been ID'd and confirmed as dead with the same corner who assisted with the finger prints. If someone was legally dead Sarah's file / ID within the police department would have come up as Deceased. This is such sloppy writing. It weakens the show. This is a pretty big piece and somewhat basic.

The other thing I believe they have done that weakens the show is introduce Matt Frewer! Terrible casting, seriously annoying actor. Not to mention the Neolution movement and body mod following. The show was going in a great direction, interesting story line and relationships, lots to work with, a little edgy and now the direction is limited and feeling all too familiarly Canadian.

Please don't wreck this show!
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