
18 Reviews
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Better than what I thought, but not as wonderful as possible.
18 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie not knowing what to expect, only assuming the commercials had been far to revealing. to say that assumption wasn't very far off. Anyways, now to speak of this in a more revealing light.

Fascinating visuals, wonderful eye opening colors. It felt almost like a comic book jumping onto the page. The portrayal of Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy were amazing. Needless to say there's a connection felt between them. However rocky it forms most of the movie though. this isn't much of a qualm, but it was one of the more enjoyable elements. Now, onto something a little distasteful. The villains as they were developing had me hooked. Drawn into them (At least the ones shown mostly,only spoiler here). One character in this is shown to be around more in the commercials, it was more an illusion. You hope for more and it comes up short. The villains when they fully descended failed to keep what was making them enjoyable before the transition.

Anyways, I hope you find this insightful. Through less of a bias side (Love Spider-man). I'd give this movie around more of a 7, or 6.7, give or take between them. Go see it and see what you think, it's worth the ticket.
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Godzilla (2014)
Larger than life
18 May 2014
I went into this movie running through all of the other reviews gathered up. Some of it might be a repeat of what you've either seen or read, but this movie felt large. Never before have I felt such a presence overwhelm the screen. The sheer presence the king of monsters brought to the screen came in powerful and left the same way. You just don't mess with this big lizard.

He came in commanding. There have been movies that display enormity of a creature, but this captures these colossal titans. Even the "Muto" was able to leave its mark. There were actors notable of course...especially Brian Kransten (Sorry if misspelled). Just dazzling, so much of a step up compared to the last American Zilla. Just no to that, and bring on this new god!
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Man of Steel (2013)
A Hope, in some of our Darkest Nights
10 November 2013
This movie was a tricky one, to be honest, at first I was expected to be disappointed (Due to the last...failure, of a certain *Cough* Supermans movie). The world deserved a spectacle such as this, and an inventive retelling to the Superman franchise. Being the only one to dig deeply into the past, a time before Superman had come to be. A place, much different than ours, granting our eyes and imagination a spark of beauty, sadness, and a world far away.

I will not call this movie perfection however, nothing is ever without its faults. Time will tell what becomes of this, but for was inspiring to see The Man of Steel raise from so far down. To burst into the scene like this, and once more become an ideal to strive towards. Hidden messages work into this movie, action fills at times, and a story complex enough to be satisfying, but not confusing still.

Well done. Those are my final words to the talented actors, directors, writers, and others who made this possible.
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Dredd (2012)
Double Dredd.
15 October 2013
Karl Urban is Dredd...what a fantastic combo to this movie, making the atmosphere it gives a bit more enticing. Just his voice gives this movie power, and his sidekick a well made compliment. The visuals of the effects, of "Certain things" pertaining to this movie are amazing. Showing what they induce is always captivating like usual. Granted you're willing to sit through a blood fest filled with character, vague perceptions, and the darker halves of this sci-fi life. There are only a few complaints, however from me.

I would have felt more pleased with this movie, it happens to be unable to draw on the potential it had. The characters had development, but only a vague one, not enough to be more grasping. I still enjoyed this movie, and suggest it to anyone wanting to have a nice time with this.
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A Nostalgic Way Back
12 October 2013
Dragonball Z hasn't had any installments, or fan hype like this in a long while. To be honest, after finishing GT, I grew skeptic to view this, but could not contain my excitement. One key factor to this success, was the factor, of visuals, and the nostalgia one could receive in watching this. It holds much promise, and even gives reason to debates on a possible future series with our resident Z-Fighters.

The colors, the voices, I witnessed them in Japanese, but in due time of dubbing, I will gladly see this again. Easily compared to an action flick, with a decent story, it is true to what this series represents. Inner strength.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Attacking The Heart.
11 October 2013
Anime. The new found years of this age are built on hype, overselling, or hit-and-miss events. As much as was built up for this anime, I can whole heartedly say, it met how much it was said out to be. My opinion does contain some bias, but like all, pros and cons are present. The main con for this, was developing characters, but at the same time it built around that, and crushed walls like this with ease. A captivating story line, a brilliant and beautiful execution. Eagerly, the plot, characters, and writing had me hooked. It divulges and jumps into a part of humanity many shun, but exposes it like a bleeding wound. It barely disappointed me, but pulled at my heartstrings.

I sum this anime into a morality setting. In the darkest black, presides the greatest of all light.
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Super 8 (2011)
Interesting, to say the least.
11 October 2013
After a while of movies, witnessing Aliens, Predators, E.T, and a well made assortment of creature ideas to be brought along, I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this. A movie granted, that it may terrify ones child, but it can also inspire them, but the movie appeals to all ages. A crafty execution, for a movie worth seeing is how one could put this into a category. Feeling up for adventure, mystery, and trying to solve out what just might be there lurking in the dark, view this movie. It gives a different perspective on how one will put themselves into an Alien's situation, and find the time to get to know these relatable characters. All in all, even the acting met par, and what could be expected, the children were outstanding.
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A Return To Originality
11 October 2013
A throw back to the originals, finally after so long of time! I could say this pleased my inner senses, and desire to see a true Chucky come back. Unfortunately, it hadn't hit the big screen, and was smacked right onto to DVD and Bluray, but that goes to show. After the past few movies, I was growing skeptical, and worried that they might not have something redeeming. I have to say, the movie, despite the somewhat poor acting, it was more or less satisfying. During the course of this movie, my attention was grabbed, and thrown back into the greater days of old. When dolls were with murderous intent, it brought a smile to my face. The movie is a good time, if you feel ready for some good ol' chucky fun!
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King Kong (2005)
A Beautiful retelling
24 September 2013
A movie of excellence, a dramatic motion picture, with a beautiful cast, and array of characters who come along with. Easily a masterpiece to my eyes, this movie did not entirely run smoothly without flaws, it at times will not satisfy with the visuals. Ones eyes easily pointing out and distinguishing reality, but that is due to the technology at the time, more than likely. Though directed by a profound producer, it still was easily eye capturing, and transforming. Symbolism of beauty, beasts, anger, happiness, all come into this refined retelling. It goes towards a similar take as the original King Kong, but spins it off by their own form of originality.

If you're looking for a good time, a wonderful watch, a settling drama, and not to mention at times over the top action. Try it out!
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The Covenant (2006)
A slight pitfall, and also just a popcorn flick
24 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that does not match the hype of what its somewhat, over the top commercials made it out to be. We have our usual string of cliché story, boy meets girl, boy needs to save girl, and damsel in distress. You can find this variety of movie in many places, but it still grabs a unique version on takes of magic. Using power comes with a cost, such as draining life essence. I will give this movie props though, for giving away a creepy atmosphere, and sometimes watchful music uses. If you wanna just have a nice time, not so great, but not terrible flick. You could always witness this one, it can be found to be affordable as well.
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White Chicks (2004)
Aha! Many things
22 September 2013
Good old fashion funny, ready to give laughs, spread racial humor, and give the audience a fun time with a movie designed just for that. The Wayan brothers have a successful line of comedy, due to their natural charm, and somewhat believable acting. I've seen and witnessed this movie a few times, but each time the same jokes are funny. Terry Cruise certainly brings a light atmosphere, and never fails to deliver, the more or less enjoyable surprises. For a man who looks tough enough to break bricks by merely flexing, he's shown in this his equal skill to bring tears from laughter.

I've seen it a few time, but still I suggest this movie to many, if of course you can handle having your ribs hurt from time to time, of this wacky thrill ride.
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Simply beautiful
22 September 2013
There are many stories that can be written this way, go towards this direction, but this completely beautiful story is the most ideal execution.The actors here were remarkable, the cast of Morgan Freeman, and Jack Nicholson, both legends in their own right. I found this movie to be beautiful, enjoyable, and heart warming. Some movies know how to hit home, and do so with such genuine heart Morgan Freeman's portrayal of the character totally steals the spotlight whenever he is on. All in all, anyone who enjoys drama, a settling story, and a way to have a nice time. By all means, check it out.

And one more item of note, is that it can be praised, for its own original ideas. Some follow cliché, but all in all, it's amazing.
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World War Z (2013)
Biting deep
22 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Like many reviewers may say, the story of how this goes is not so much original. It has a take towards it, that we've seen before a few times. There are some things of note to this though. One, would be the used term of "Zombies", not beating around the bush to be fancy. Ecept that these ones are highly attracted to sound and sight, with their sense of smell seeming apparent in some ways. They're more concealed though, but I found this movie to be an enjoyable watch. it jumps right into the story, but I've never read the books themselves. That doesn't take away from this experience though, it's a good ol' zombie flick, in the way they should be done. The Cgi is impressive, at first I was skeptical by the previews of this movie, but it gave me a pleasant surprise.

If you're looking for a good time, wanna kick back, and get into a movie that can still have some jumps, this is your movie.
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It's alright!
20 September 2013
This movie is still note worthy of viewing, and despite it still pulling in elements that shouldn't have been in, a title a few times after redeems the qualities. It's an action flick, the characters aren't the strongest, but as always, Hugh Jackman shines as a star to the Wolverine role. There aren't many outstanding elements to this movie, it feels average, but there are spectacles to dazzle the eyes. Although, you have to see the previous ones, to get a better grasp, and depth to certain characters. This movie was worth my view, and can even be thought provoking, towards a more fictional premise. Test it out, see how you like it.
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Machete (2010)
Action Flick.
20 September 2013
The summary, is essentially how you describe this movie. A popcorn flick, if you have the stomach to eat while viewing certain gruesome scenes. Heart stopping is stretching this movie a bit far, it's just one you go to see, when you wanna forget certain physical logic, and ideas, to have some fun. The characters are pretty generic, and a man who constantly refers to himself by a title, and not his own name. The movie had potential, and was entertaining for a little while. I'd give it about a 6, for the combination of everything, the story elements did happen to stand out though, despite the usual clichés. At the moments of viewing this, I knew what I was getting into, the first beginning 10 minutes tells you what's going down.
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To Watch a settling movie
17 September 2013
Excellent voices, portrayal, and execution of a movie. To begin though, let's have a few negatives towards it. The ending felt a bit abrupt, and the T.v. series that ensued. Don't get me wrong, it was still enjoyable though.

An animated masterpiece, well budgeted, characters even, though not without the traditional clichés'. Each character in this story shares some sort of importance, whether small or large. The concept as well, is heart warming, wondrous, and eye appealing.

This is a movie to be see, for all ages, and some can even find the characters relatable.
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A Journey Back!
17 September 2013
It was skeptical at first, the idea of having a Hobbit movie, after some years, prior to Lord Of The Rings. Ultimately, I came out from the theater satisfied, and without many complaints. The gripe towards this movie for me, had to be that we are aware of what is going to happen in the end, but...that does not mean we predict the events to conspire. That's what makes this tale so interesting, as well as the characters. It's a fun time with the family, and a wonderful watch. I'd suggest it to some, except maybe younger children easily frightened. There are intensities to some parts, but I'm not one to give away any spoilers.

A worthwhile few hours.
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Altered (2006)
The Gist
17 September 2013
A movie with potential, and promise, but somehow fails to meet the ends. You could sum up the movie, by saying it performed best, with the quality it was given. In personal bias, I'll state the movie itself could expand, further with the ideas it had. Giving it, an average rating. Everything centered around that statistic, average acting, plot, but the concept of the enemy was what was interesting.

The holes in the plot are minor, but they still should have had depth. How did this happen? What about this? It didn't give a deep intrigue towards this, but gave the amount necessary to at least grasp it, albeit somewhat.

These are all personal thoughts, but i enjoyed the movie. A settling horror flick, around your friends, or alone, but not worth more than maybe 10 bucks.
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