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truly awful
13 February 2024
Was the director senile when he made this? How could anyone think this was good? Painfully unfunny. Horrible acting. Terrible, insipid writing. Imogen Poots gives one of the worst performances ever, with a hilariously bad New Yawk accent. The other actors were pathetic also, from Owen Wilson to Jennifer Aniston. And only a dirty old man would think it appropriate to make a comedy regarding prostitution. There's nothing lighthearted or funny about it. But for some reason, some privileged people in Hollywood think it's a fitting subject for comedy. This movie was so bad it is insulting to your intelligence. Peter Bogdanovich reminds me of people like Truffaut. They know quite a bit about movies, and they talk a good game, but when it comes to making a movie they are miserable failures. Has Bogdanovich ever made a truly great movie? A resounding no, would be my answer. His allegedly good movies from the 70s were just tired retreads of 30s screwball comedies with a stiff plank like Ryan O'Neal failing completely to bring the same type of charisma that someone like Cary Grant brought to the screen. And look how Bogdanovich's career took a nose dive after the 70s. It's no wonder, he was a terrible director, and She's Funny That Way is a fittingly inept end to a dubious career.
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I'm afraid this movie is awful
2 January 2024
I'm afraid Ari Aster has lost the plot. I'm afraid he thinks he's some kind of genius, when he's anything but. I'm afraid his previous success has gone to his head. I'm afraid his movies are getting progressively worse. I'm afraid to think of how bad his next film will be. I'm afraid that Hereditary will be the best thing he ever does. I'm afraid his latest film is a cod-Freudian one note bore with nothing interesting in it. I'm afraid some people have decided Joaquin Phoenix is the next Marlon Brando, when he has about as much substance and acting ability as Adam Sandler. I'm afraid this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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vacuous and annoying
25 December 2023
Rudolph made a few decent films. This is not one of them. In fact, I'd say it is the worst Rudolph movie I've seen. It's like some kind of third rate wannabe Altman movie, which isn't surprising considering Altman produced it.

The characters are all incredibly shallow, annoying flakes. It's so bad it's almost like a parody of flakey 70's people. They sit around and smoke 24/7 and sleep with each other at the drop of a hat. They have the charisma of a wet rag, but they all think they are the greatest things since sliced bread. I really can't fathom how Altman or Rudolph thought this was good. It's almost like it was made by an alien from a distant star system, who was trying to approximate the behavior of empty humans during the 1970s.

Keith Carradine looks ridiculous with the goatee and bowtie, but every woman he meets wants to jump in bed with him, even though he has the charisma of a sponge. Another irritating aspect of his character was the fact that he was swigging booze whenever he would drive around town. Then there's Harvey Keitel and his idiotic pipe, and his wife Geraldine Chaplin and her coughing fits.

I have to make special mention of the godawful music in the film. This is some of the most worthless, annoying singer-songwriter crud I've ever heard. No wonder Richard Baskin's career never went anywhere, his music and singing are annoying beyond belief. It was like a cliched parody of coked-up 70s Geffen singer-songwriters. I felt like kicking in the TV every time he opened his mouth. And those lyrics! Sometimes I wonder if Altman and Rudolph deliberately did their best to try and make some of their movies as irritating as possible. I really find it unfathomable how anyone with a working brain could give this movie a good review.
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20 December 2023
Amateurish and poorly made. Cheesy music. John Carpenter must be desperate for money if he's willing to be a participant in such a shoddy film as this. He basically adds nothing to the movie and looks bored by what he is blathering. The "musicians" that are featured are a bunch of third rate synth hacks who make uninteresting, tedious, derivative music influenced by 1980s culture and music, which is completely pointless. But the no-names act as if they are great and wonderful artists who are gifting the world with musical treasures, when all they offer is about as worthwhile and interesting as dog vomit. One of the worst, most embarrassingly bad documentaries I've ever seen.
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so bad it's embarrassing
12 August 2023
Amateur hour. Looks like it was shot on an iPhone. Truly one of the worst films I've ever seen. The writing is horrendous. Dialogue is so bad it's embarrassing. A ten year old kid could write better dialogue. You can sense some of the actors, like Michael Madsen, wanting to squirm with embarrassment because it's so horrible.

This makes the average direct to video clunker from the 90s look like Citizen Kane. This has got to be a career low for Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, and Michael Madsen. They couldn't sink any lower than this. I guess the director/producer came up with enough money to make it worth their while. I don't know how that's possible, however. This director makes Ed Wood look like Fellini, Kurosawa, and Ingmar Bergman all rolled into one.

This film truly deserves 0 stars.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
complete and utter garbage
21 April 2023
This film goes overboard with visual stylization in order to distract from its lack of substance. The story is predictable and tiresome. The plot, such as it is, is underwhelming. There is next to no character development. The dialog is trite and childish. The acting is horrible. In particular, Brad Pitt, who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. I really don't see how he keeps getting film roles. He is terrible. Ok if he plays a lunkhead like he did in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, he isn't too horrible, but if has to display some real emotion, and convey some substance or depth, he fails miserably. Also terrible in the film was Margot Robbie, who turns in a laughably over the top, hysterical performance complete with a pathetic Joisey accent. These two probably thought they were working on a prestige picture which would result in Oscar nods. Think again! The only actor who doesn't embarrass himself is Diego Calva. The actors with supporting roles were pathetic too. Flea? Can't act. Jeff Garlin? Just breezes through it like he does with all his roles. Eric Roberts? Should still be stuck in straight to DVD limbo. Tobey Maguire? So laughably bad it was embarrassing.

The film is also way too long, and there is too much unnecessary vulgarity and crudity.

It seems the previous success this director had went straight to his head. He probably thinks he can do no wrong, and thought he'd gift the world with an early Hollywood epic. This bloated, perverse, shallow, epic fail of a movie could very well be a career killer.
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I confess this was painfully unfunny
6 April 2023
What a horrible movie. Jon Hamm has all the charisma of a wet rag. Not sure who at the studio thought it was a good idea to cast him as Fletch. Not that I'm a fan of Chevy Chase either, but at least he brought something to the role, and his Fletch movies worked, for what they were. Jon Hamm brings nothing at all. And nothing in this film works. The supporting cast are annoying and unlikable. The story is boring and pointless. The acting all around is pretty bad. None of the jokes are funny. The dialogue is pathetic. I sure hope this isn't the start of a new Fletch series, because there is no need for another painfully bad film. Fletch, please go away.
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Damnation (1988)
a laugh riot
10 January 2023
You'll be laughing so hard you may wet yourself. One of the best comedies I've ever seen. Whether it's watching mining carts move down the line for minutes on end, watching rain run down a wall for minutes, or watching the patented Tarr trudge, you will be howling with laughter at the absurdity of the filmmaking on offer. Then there are the endless shots of the poor dogs running about in the rain. People really should take care to have their dogs spayed and neutered in Hungary, then there wouldn't be so many loose dogs running about in the rain. Did I mention that Bela likes rain? Oh you will even see wet and muddy floors in the bar and other buildings, because y'know, life is miserable and ugly and Bela will show it all to you!

Actually, I already know that life is miserable and ugly and I don't need a pretentious, pompous filmmaker like Bela Tarr to shove it in my face at a glacially slow pace. By the way, cinematic boredom is not a virtue. Filming long shots of nothing for no purpose does not make you clever, serious, or avant garde. It makes you a dolt. Tarkovsky may have used long shots, but at least his films had a purpose. The only purpose Bela Tarr's films have is to bore you to tears with slow shot after slow shot of depressing, vile ugliness and misery. Of course, you may well end up laughing at the ridiculousness of it all.
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Charlie Bronson goes Eye-talian, capiche?
27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie Brando will make you an offer you can't refuse. The sight of him trying to act and emote, but failing miserably. But it's good for a laugh, before it bores you to tears. Charlie playing a mobbed up Eye-talian is about as convincing as Whoopi Goldberg playing the Queen of England. When Charlie's buddy has his family jewels sliced off, Charlie tries with all his might to emote, but can't pull it off, and seems rather bored by it all.

The movie also went on too long and the structure was rather poor. The acting was crummy all around, and Bronson is pretty horrible. His one-note, stone-faced "acting" style does this film no favors. Charlie's wife Jill Ireland also plays an Eye-talian. Seeing her in practically every Bronson movies gets old quickly. Did Charlie insist she appear in practically every movie he made? Well, at least she's not as bad as Sondra Locke. Also, several of the Eye-talian actors appear to be dubbed.

If you like a movie with goombas running around killing each other every five minutes, you might enjoy this. Everyone else should steer clear. It certainly ain't no Godfather, capiche?
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16 October 2022
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The whole premise of this "documentary" was so ridiculously fake, I'm really surprised anyone fell for it, and thought there really was a genuine "lost" Melies film out there that drove people mad.

First of all, the talking heads in this are bad actors, and it's obvious they are putting it on for the camera. There is nothing genuine about their wooden performances, whether they are real directors and film people is neither here nor there, they can't act.

Second of all, there is not a snowball's chance in hell that Melies directed anything that would scare people are drive them crazy. Anyone who knows anything about the films of Melies knows they are lighthearted fantasy romps with no actual terror or horror. The whole premise of this sham "documentary" is ludicrous beyond belief. It's like asking you to believe that Charlie Chaplin made a horrific silent film filled with such terror that it drives people mad.

Pull the other one, it has bells on it!
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a bigger fantasy than Lord of the Rings
7 August 2022
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Laughably awful. Vince Vaughan was terrible. He can't act his way out of a paper bag. And to ask an audience to believe that he can outfight every person he comes into contact with is absurd beyond belief. The action scenes in this movie are about as believable as the scenes from a low budget martial arts movie from the 1970s.

The prison scenes are also ludicrous. Especially when he is moved to the high security prison. That prison is about as realistic and believable as a prison from a 1930s prison movie. From Don Johnson twirling his cigar, to his men decked out in ridiculous fascist style uniforms, to the prison conditions themselves and the way the prisoners are treated, it is pure unadulterated fantasy that makes Lord of the Rings look like a Mike Leigh directed social realist drama.

The violence is also excessive, but it is so poorly done that it all becomes laughable. This could have been written by a 12 year old boy. Terrible.
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Titane (2021)
like being repeatedly kicked in your steel-plated head
16 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oui oui! Zee French, dey make zee extreeeeme film too! In zee not so fine tradition of Gaspar Noe (ok he's Argentine), and the cretins who made such abominations as Martyrs and Twentynine Palms, comes the newest version of laughable French extremism, Titane!

You may well bristle at the lack of plot, the terrible acting, and the amateurish writing. On the other hand, if you're looking for a neon-soaked sub-Cronenbergian body horror, new flesh, non-binary laugh fest, this is the movie for you! If you like characters and acting that are annoying beyond belief, this is the movie for you! If you like a main character without one redeeming quality whatsoever, you'll love this! If you ever wondered what happens when a mentally disturbed woman has sex with a car, later giving birth to an adorable little rivet-spined baby, this is the movie for you! As for me, I'd rather have a steel plate inserted into my head and receive a few hundred kicks to it before I ever watch this travesty again. That David Cronenberg is recommending this joke of a film just shows how much he has lost the plot.
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tries to be hip but is strictly squaresville
16 July 2022
This was a pretty pathetic attempt to write about the goings-on at an alternative newspaper in the 1970s, with the various writers and other employees of the paper. It seems like it was written by a dull accountant who is trying to capture the hip energy of young newspaper writers in the 70s, but has no clue at all what it is really like to work on such a paper. As if Ward Cleaver attempted to write a movie about Lester Bangs. The characters are cardboard cutouts of various types: the tortured writer, the egotistical writer, the kooky rock writer, the nerdy kid trying to fit in and be an equal of the others, etc. Nothing interesting happens in the movie, and the characters are just irritating and tedious. Jeff Goldblum's character is especially ridiculous in its forced zaniness. It's also full of depressing 70s fashions and interiors, full of ugly colors, bell bottoms, and wide collars. From a sociological perspective, it is interesting looking at how men and women allegedly carried on relationships in those days, but seems as foreign now as the relationships of an extraterrestrial race.
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Ambulance (2022)
Michael Bay - The King of Cheese
17 June 2022
If you like your movies extra cheesy, this is the movie for you.

If you like horrible acting, this is the movie for you.

If you like terrible writing, this is the movie for you.

If you like warmed-over sub-Tarantino pop culture references, this is the movie for you.

If you like a surfeit of action scenes, to distract from the fact that the dialogue and plot are so horrible, this is the movie for you.

If you like smug PC-ness, this is the movie for you.

As for me, I'm thinking of having my head examined for watching this, because from past experience, any movie with Michael Bay's name attached should be avoided like the plague, unless you want to marvel at the sheer incompetence on display, but even that becomes extremely tiresome rather quickly.
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Mission: Unwatchable
6 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Cheesy beyond belief. Horrible acting, especially by the dwarf cult member. A plot that is laughably bad. Tedious and uninteresting action scenes. And they stole the masks bit from Scooby-Doo cartoons, but there is more depth, craft, and intelligence in any episode of Scooby-Doo than there is in this worthless crap fest of a movie. Tom Cruise should have retired in shame after this debacle of a movie, instead of subjecting the world to more of his one note, feeble acting performances. He is remarkably talent-free. Why people continue to watch his movies is a mystery to me. Maybe they are masochists?
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beautifully shot but doesn't add up to much
29 May 2022
This was beautifully shot and had wonderful imagery including an inspired use of lighting. For me, that's where the positives end. The story itself is predictable and really doesn't add up to much. The material is taken from a novel, which I haven't read, so I don't know how faithful the movie is to the book. But I suspect it is more faithful than the 1940s movie version. Still, I don't remember being as disappointed with the 1947 version when I saw it a number of years ago. It was a unique vision of film noir for the 1940s. This new version is just not very interesting to me. For one thing, Bradley Cooper just doesn't have what it takes to carry off this kind of role. He's a complete lightweight. If del Toro chose a better actor for the lead role, it might have improved things. Still, the overall story was not handled well, and the ending was rather clumsy, rushed and predictable. Also, the characters were not fleshed out very well. The motives of Cate Blanchett's character, for instance, were not very clear, and her behavior was odd and inconsistent, to say the least. And her acting was rather one dimensional. Some of the supporting actors turned in interesting performances, including Willem Dafoe and Toni Collette, but overall this version is a case of style over substance.
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On the Rocks (2020)
the burden of privilege
18 May 2022
Does every movie this nepotism baby makes have something to do with the burden of privilege, in one form or another? Does she think that people have sympathy for her? Does she think that people care about the travails of the super rich? Does she have an ounce of talent? If FFC wasn't her father, would she ever have gotten to direct a movie? Are there other filmmakers who can start directing a movie, as she has done in the past, without even finishing the script first?

This is a completely lazy, vacuous, worthless, inept, uninteresting, annoying, tedious movie with no redeeming value whatsoever. Complete and utter rubbish from a poor little rich girl.
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Wavelength (1983)
boom mic incompetence
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a low budget movie, but had an interesting story. However, the execution of this movie was extremely incompetent. Throughout many scenes in the movie, you can see the boom mic hanging down from the top of the screen! Unbelievable! I mean, I've seen a boom mic in a scene or two in some movies, but it just hangs there for half a minute in some of the scenes. Complete incompetence!

Also, the aliens looked rather ridiculous, since they were just children with bald heads.

The acting was also fairly poor, with Robert "Revenge of the Nerds" Carradine, and Cherie Currie from the band The Runaways, which also featured Joan Jett.

However, I did find the story interesting enough to hold my attention throughout the movie.

Another interesting thing to note was that the exteriors of the building where the aliens were kept was a facility know as Lookout Mountain, which is located in Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles. Lookout Mountain was actually a government run film studio, which was active until the late 60s, which produced military films, including footage of nuclear explosions. The facility was sold in 1968, so at the time Wavelength was made, it was in private hands. An American Indian character actor owned it for much of the seventies, but lost it in the early 80s when he went broke. Apparently, the director of Wavelength did not have permission to shoot the exterior of the facility, so there was a bit of guerilla filming going on, or so I've read. Jared Leto now owns the property.

Another interesting point is that Tangerine Dream did the score for the film. I'm not sure why they would become involved in such a low budget project. Maybe they liked the subject matter. Anyway, it's not one of their best scores.

All in all, a somewhat interesting effort for such a low budget production that is marred by boom mic incompetence.
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clown show
19 April 2022
I used to be a big fan of this band. I had all their albums up to 2003's self-titled album. I had started to lose interest by then, but still think their early albums are interesting, mostly due to the unique guitar playing of Geordie. He is one of the most idiosyncratic and original guitar players working in rock music.

However, this movie was poorly done. For a start, the sound mixing was horrible, and it was hard to understand what was being said during much of the movie. I also would have preferred to see and hear more of the personal interactions between the band members, and how they got along over the years, and how the various albums were created. Instead, what we are treated to is the Jaz Coleman clown show. Jaz making countless inane pronouncements on this or that childish and ridiculous occult topic. Jaz really should think about growing up. His juvenile obsession with the occult is extremely tedious. And furthermore, for someone who professes to know so much about the topic, he should at least know how to pronounce Aleister Crowley's name. He mispronounces Crowley's last name. In addition to his occult-mania, we get Jaz the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, ranting on about more nonsense. How in the world he manages to get up in the morning and put his trousers on is really beyond me.
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The Unholy (1988)
an unholy mess
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow what a turkey. This movie was painfully bad. The lead actor (who was in Chariots of Fire) has all the charisma of a wooden plank. I was surprised to see Hal Holbrook, Ned Beatty, and Trevor Howard slumming it in this worthless garbage. Well, I guess everyone has bills to pay.

The plot is ludicrous and cliched beyond belief. The so-called evil in the film is laughable. The special effects are so horrendous you'll be rolling on the floor with laughter. The creature effects at the end of the movie are inept and unbelievably bad. The demon looks like a rubber mutant dog with mange, which jauntily capers down the church isle, looking as if it will lose its balance and topple over at any moment. I kid in kindergarten could make a papier-mache creature which would be more convincing. Oh, and lets not forget the kids in rubber evil dwarf costumes who harass the priest at the end. Hilariously awful. One of the worst films of the 80s.
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tilting twaddle
2 March 2022
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Cliched espionage hijinks full of atrocious acting and a non-existent plot. The director thinks that tilting the camera at a jaunty angle makes for an arty and interesting shot. It doesn't. It just makes him look incompetent. And by this point Frankenheimer seems to have lost the plot.

The movie itself has no plot to speak of. It consists of the cast jetting around to different countries, and having run-ins with various incompetent would-be killers who may or may not be Nazis. By about fifteen minutes into the film you will have ceased to care either way, and will probably be hoping for a hydrogen bomb to go off and spare everyone the pain of sitting though to the end to find out what happens. The ending itself is hilariously bad, and Michael Caine seems to pull the "it's all a plot to consolidate every terrorist organization in the world!" reasoning right out of his behind, since there is absolutely no build up to this throughout the movie.

Caine seems to be phoning in his performance when not overacting, and there are some excruciatingly bad bits of dialogue that had me rolling on the floor with laughter i.e. "I like!" when asked if he wants to murder his mommy's killer. Victoria Tennant's performance should also be singled out as being particularly terrible. I don't think she could act her way out of a paper sack. And that slack-jawed, vacant expression she constantly wears really starts to grate on the nerves.

Overall an insipid, inept, pointless production.
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Nebraska (2013)
an overrated nose hair extravaganza
26 February 2022
This is the perfect movie for you if you would enjoy looking at the nose hair of an ancient Bruce Dern from multiple angles throughout the movie. I suppose that nose hair trimmers are not sold in Billings Montana, where his character purports to be from.

Other than that, the movie is full of annoying, unlikable characters who are completely uninteresting and extremely tedious. I wouldn't be able to spend five minutes with any of the characters in this movie, so spending two hours watching them was a real chore. If this is what most people in the middle of the country act like, I can see why it's considered "fly-over country," as you wouldn't want to step anywhere near these boorish cretins. The barren wasteland of the area does reflect the barren wasteland in the characters' heads, however.
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Mad City (1997)
Vinnie Barbarino, victim of capitalism
16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was basically a critique of the American system. I don't have a problem with critiques of capitalism, and other aspects of American life, but this was just poorly done.

John Travolta's character is basically a victim of American capitalism, and his job loss leaves him feeling so helpless, he takes a gun in to the museum where he works as a security guard, intent on getting his job back.

I'd like to know how he manages to own a home, when he states in the film he makes $8 an hour as a security guard. Only in the fantasyland of Hollywood is this type of thing possible.

The filmmakers are also obviously poking fun at how dumb many Americans are, making Travolta's character an embarrassingly stupid person. He seems to be channeling the stupidity of his Vinnie Barbarino character in Welcome Back Kotter, but it is done in an inept and pathetic way. His acting is atrociously bad in this movie.

Dustin Hoffman's acting fared much better, but it wasn't a very challenging role.

There were also poorly done critiques of the American media throughout the film. It was all very obvious and ham-fisted. The critical targets in the movie deserve a skewering, but it was done in such a tiresome and obvious way it was laughable.
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watching this disturbed my domesticity
5 February 2022
Watching this was a real chore, because it was such a bore. A cliched bore, I should add. Seemed like it was written by committee in the studio board room. I could just see every talentless studio hack trying to poke a finger into this pie. Utter crud. Travolta seemed to be coasting on any goodwill he still had left after Pulp Fiction. He really phones in his performance, although I'm not sure he's even capable of giving a good performance. And Vince Vaughan was his usual talent-free self.

The most amusing part of the movie was when the credits rolled. It seems like more concern went into pampering Travolta than into writing and directing a decent movie.

Craft Service for Mister Travolta, Hair Stylist for Mister Travolta, Make-Up for Mister Travolta, Costumer for Mister Travolta, Personal Trainer for Mister Travolta, Transportation for Mister Travolta, Security for Mister Travolta, Assistant for Mister Travolta, Executive Assistant for Mister Travolta.

I'm surprised he didn't have a Diaper Changer also.
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completely pointless
22 January 2022
Is there anything more pointless than another Halloween movie? As I sat watching this uninspired twaddle, I kept thinking to myself, "Why am I bothering?" There is absolutely nothing of interest whatsoever in this mess of a film. Maybe one or two bits of the soundtrack are interesting, even though it was partially made by someone who benefits from tedious and offensive Hollywood nepotism. Other than that though, the only other reason to watch this is to marvel at the sheer incompetence of the writing, directing, and acting. The director thinks that adding some local color makes for a good film. It doesn't. Jamie Lee Curtis was awful in this. Her acting was atrocious. Almost as bad as Anthony Michael Hall's acting. He should have retired after Sixteen Candles and spared the world any more of his incompetent performances. I guess Halloween Kills is an appropriate title though, because after sitting through this inept crud you may become so depressed you might start to think that a long dirt nap sounds like a good idea.
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