
17 Reviews
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A great movie for 15 minutes, the rest in nothing
19 December 2021
The movie begins in a great way, and holds for 15 minutes. All the rest is boring, indeed well acted but with nothing to say, just a very bad copy of a Fellini movie. Unfortunately only Fellini could copy Fellini, and Sorrentino has maybe a nail of the talent of Fellini. Except the first 15 minutes, a movie to avoid.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
a Z movie
1 May 2021
Bad filming, bad acting, the whole movie is a nonsense. And the movie director had rush to end it. How Secretary Clay could be taken out of the building is a mistery, but is even more a mistery how a very well known man as. John Kelly could enter the building. the past there were B movies, this one is a Z movie. A lot of action, so it is not boring, This is the only positive thing.
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Tolo Tolo (2020)
Do not lose time in watching
22 December 2020
Checco Zalone made few funny movies. Tolo tolo is not funny. Only stupid. The actors are terrible. There is nothing to save. A piece of garbage
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
A good man hunting movie
15 February 2020
The movie keeps your atttention for 2 hours. Nice to watch with a lot of action.
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21 Bridges (2019)
another good movie
15 February 2020
The movie is decently acted, with a lot of action, and a decent script. Nothing new, but 2 hours well spent
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Knives Out (2019)
Finally a great movie
15 February 2020
Finally I saw a great movie. Very entertaining, very well acted, very well filmed, great script, fantistic actors.Keeps the attention until the very end. Strongly suggested
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Uncut Gems (2019)
A movie to avoid
2 February 2020
The movie is boring, stupid, bad acted, bad filmed. And on top it last more than 2 hours. Irritating. I wanted to give zero stars but it is not possible. So one star. Don't lose your time watching it.
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Hustlers (2019)
One of the worst movie of the year.
30 November 2019
Hustlers is clearly a movie to not watch. The film making is tragic, the photography is even worst, the acting inconsistent, the story boring.
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Midsommar (2019)
a boring nonsense movie
1 October 2019
Long, slow, boring, bad acting, might be a masterpiece for critics, but it is another movie with nothing to say. No suspence, poor script. It is just a movie to forget
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Why some people like Lars Von Trier?
23 December 2018
Ok, let's start from beginning. I think that a boring movie is not a good movie. Because the mission of a movie is to entertain. Unfortunately this is not for film critics : they love boring movies. The house that Jack built is one of the most boring movie I ever saw. It is not grotessque, it is not satiric, it is just a non sense boring movie. But I suggest everybody to watch it, just to understand how a movie should not be done.
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A very good movie, worth to see
25 February 2018
Honestly I do not know why people gave this movie 5.5. The movie is great acted, well filmed and original. Personally I do not like hard rock and heavy metal, nevertheless I enjoyed the movie a lot. Obviously I do not believe that behind rock there is the Devil. Only stupid people can believe that. But this is just a movie. And cannot be criticised because of that. It will be the same than criticise an horror movie about witches because witches do not exist. The movie is very entertaining, very well acted, the music is ok also for someone like me who does not like hard rock and heavy metal and there is as well a bit of truth regarding the life of a rock band in tour. I give the movie an 8.
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Wonder (I) (2017)
a well acted boring and predictable movie
30 January 2018
Not much to say about Wonder. It is a movie full of cliche, very boring, well acted. Not much else to say. If you want to get bored for 2 hours maybe this is your movie.
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Do not lose your time watching it
8 January 2018
The movie is a total nonsense. And not even good acted. It is an example of what happens when a film director is too ambitious. Yet some critic might like the movie since critics tend to like movies that no one does. An advise? Do not watch it
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best horror movie I have seen since long time
24 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I should first say I am not a big fan of horror movies. They are always the same, and not scary at all. Most of them just make me laugh. A very good one I can remember was the chainsaw massacre, because was different (not to mention it was a real story). The autopsy of Jane Doe was a very good surprise : even if it is for sure a low budget movie, it is well acted, with a script finally different from the usual horror movies and...well it is as well scaring (at least a bit). It was fun to watch and zero boring. In my opinion the only thing that could have been developed better in the movie is the part regarding The Salem witch trials(a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. The trials resulted in the executions of twenty people, fourteen of them women, and all but one by hanging). If the script was taking better care of that aspect, the movie could have been a real masterpiece of horror. If you wanna spend a couple of hours with a movie that has no implication of any sort, I suggest to watch it.
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A movie not to watch
18 December 2016
This is by far the worst movie I ever seen in my life. The actors are doing a great job, but the problem of the movie is not with the acting, the problem is that the movie is tremendously long, boring, pretentious and a very bad example for the young generations. It is a movie about lost teens who live on the road, with no rules and no respect for anybody out of their herd. And the most irritating thing is that a kid, watching this movie, might think that such kind of life could be cool, an example to follow. From the other side, being boring, long, pretentious, the critics might like it. Do not lose your time in watching, but if you do, avoid that your kids watch it.
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Misconduct (2016)
Worst movie ever
5 February 2016
Misconduct is by far the worst thriller I ever saw. A movie with neither head nor tail, the screenplay makes no sense, the actors are at their worst, and since Pacino and Hopkins are 2 of the best actors in the world, I assume the reason is the screenplay and the filmmaker. I only do not understand why they accepted to play such a movie. They should not destroy their image accepting such a junk movie just for money, which I suppose they have more than enough. On top of that the filmmaker has no idea of photography and light. Saying it is a B movie will offend for sure B movie filmmakers. Nothing to save, except your money if you avoid to see it.
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The Canyons (2013)
A movie to avoid
16 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just few words to avoid other people to lose time with this movie : actors are terrible, worst then anyone can imagine. Lindasy Lohan is pathetic, James Deen can be successful only in the porn industry but not for the acting (it looks he has another quality), Nolan Gerard Funk is a disaster. The story has no meaning, the end has no meaning, compliments to Bret Easton Ellis who wrote a script whose mark could be ...less then zero! Paul Schrader filmed his worst movie ever and possibly the worst I have ever seeing in my entire life. It is not a B movie, it is a below Z movie. Sometimes I am wondering if the producers are sleeping while they are reading the scripts : I don't think they spent a lot of money for the movie, but in any case too much! Do not go watching it.
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