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Good Grief (IV) (2023)
Ok. Not great.
4 February 2024
I barely know who Dan Levy is. I never saw Schitt's Creek. He seems like a talented enough guy. The film was pretty to look at and generally well acted. But I don't think, at least from this, that Levy himself has the acting chops to handle the dramatic scenes. There were a few moments where I was cringing.

And while the film was generally enjoyable, it's yet another gay storyline that focuses solely on beautiful, well-off gay people living glamorous lives. Beautiful homes in London and Paris, stunningly beautiful furniture. And most everyone wildly successful. It all just seems too pat. We've seen it all before.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Kind of a brilliantly woven script
21 January 2024
A little preachy, yes. But how Gerwig and Baumbach managed to write a script that is part social satire, comedy, and deeply moving statement is kind of amazing.

The movie was kind of all over the place, but very entertaining. And America Ferrara read some great speeches. Robbie and Gosling were, of course, the only two people who could have possibly played these roles. They are Barbie and Ken.

Will Farrell's scenes sometimes seemed like they were from a different movie. Not sure if I really got his part.

Overall, thoroughly enjoyable, moving, and thought provoking. But I can see why the bro-types don't like it. It's probably very threatening to them.
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Nyad (2023)
Great cast. Inspiring story. But "meh" film
15 January 2024
I love Annette Bening and Jody Foster. Both great actresses. But this movie was lacking. I think it mainly had to do with the writing. The Nyad character was just too quirky, with too many quick comebacks. I'm sure the real Nyad is a quirky character, but it was grating on film. Maybe it was just Benings portrayal. It's the first time I actually thought she did a poor job.

Both Bening and Foster were presenting real human women, which was refreshing. Bening isn't a spring chicken anymore and neither is Foster. And they both let the realness show through, wrinkles and all.

Again, incredibly inspiring story. But a so-so film.
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Maestro (I) (2023)
Beautifully shot, incredibly well-acted. However...
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Bradley Cooper is no doubt a very talented actor and director. It's pretty amazing, actually, that someone can have such talent and looks all wrapped up together His second directorial effort, Maestro, was beautifully shot and very, very well acted, particularly by Carey Mulligan. I loved the opening section, shot in black and white.

However, the movie overall seemed like a series of brilliantly shot, wonderfully acted vignettes that, when put together didn't all add up to a great movie. There were so many aspects that were touched on, but not fleshed out enough. His relationships with men, which seemed to be one of the integral parts of his story, was there, but not really there enough. For instance, what happened to his boyfriend,,played by Matt Bomer?

Overall, I enjoyed it. But I expected more of a storyline.
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Streisand at her peak. That voice!
31 December 2023
I just saw this in a theatre for the first time. The only other time I saw the full movie was when I was about 15 - literally 50 years ago. I hardly remembered any of it, so it was almost like seeing it for the first time. Streisand was truly at her peak in this. Her wackiness, the fast talking, quirky Brooklyn accent, And the Voice! There were moments I had chills watching this because her voice was so perfect then.

The movie is definitely dated, both in style and theme. And Yves Montand... ouch. Completely out of place in this. He has a beautiful voice, but listening to him sing with his thick Elmer Fudd accent was painful. I have no idea how he ended up in this.

If you're a Streisand fan this is a must-see. She's beautiful in the gowns, and very funny in many of the scenes. A much better actress than I've given her credit for. And did I mention that voice? Incredible.
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No Oscar nomination for Hanks? How is that possible?
19 November 2023
Very intense film based on a true story. VERY intense. I can't believe it too me ten years to finally getting around to watching this. It was incredibly well down, made by the same director as United 93, the 9/11 story. I loved the way they didn't make it all rah rah America. Instead, it gave some depth and background to the Somali pirates; what kind of lives they lead that brings them to this.

Tom Hanks gave one of his greatest performances ever, particularly during the last 20 minutes. It's hard to believe he wasn't nominated for an Oscar for this. The last scene was unbelievably moving and heartbreaking.
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Capote (2005)
Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant
28 October 2023
I saw this when it came out and loved it. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was incredible. Easily one of the finest actors ever. Apparently the writers did take some liberties with the storyline, which is a little disturbing.

I had wanted to see this again for many years and finally watched it with my spouse just recently. He usually doesn't have much to say about movies. But when this finished, he was like "Wow, that was really good".

The fact that Hoffmann, someone who was pretty burly, could convincingly portray someone as fey and physically slight as Capote still amazes me. It was a great loss when Hoffman died. He was incredibly talented.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Interesting, atmospheric. But questions...
14 October 2023
I liked this. I had no idea what it was about when I rented it. The most I'd heard about it was the behind-the-scenes gossip. It was a cool story and very well acted by Florence Pugh. As far as Harry Styles, I have no idea. In many scenes he seemed to speak so quietly that I wasn't even sure if he was acting.

The whole thing starts out with little explanation of what's going on. It's only as the story unfolds that I began to get where it was heading. Unfortunately, as much as I liked it and it stuck with me, there are a LOT of plot holes. Maybe the book was better and filled those holes in a little better. I barely knew who Olivia Wilde was, as an actress or director. But she does seem to have a lot of talent. I just wish she could have figured out a way to explain some of the holes in the storyline.
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WTF did I just watch?
4 September 2023
I saw the first Wonder Women and kind of enjoyed it, even though I didn't grow up knowing the WW canon. But it was a fun film that played with the fish-out-of-water aspect. But this - WW1984 - what in the hell was this? Again, I don't know that much Womder Woman history, but this seemed like a huge conglomeration of crazy story line, special effects, philosophical ramblings... it was a total mess.

Gal Gadot and Chris Pine are pleasant, appealing actors, and certainly pleasant to look at. And Kristin Wiig had a great role that I'm sure she had fun with. But overall, this was just a total mess of a movie. And Pedro Pascal...I can't figure out if he was great, or just did one of the most over the top performances in recent memory.
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Wham! (2023)
Brought a tear to my eye
18 July 2023
I've never reviewed a documentary before. But this one really moved me.

I had no idea of the backstory of George and Andrew's friendship. And admittedly, I had always thought of Wham as "George and that other guy". So it was great to see just how important Andrew was to them even becoming a group. The friendship portrayed here is truly amazing. What it must have been like to be in Andrew's shoes, seeing his best friend develop and grow into a huge worldwide phenomenon, while he gracefully stepped back.

Lots of music and concert clips and some cool behind the scenes information on how some of the songs came about. George Michael really was a phenomenal talent. Such a sad ending for him.
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Caligula (1979)
Only movie I ever walked out of
15 July 2023
I saw this in the theater in 1979 when it came out. I'm no prude at all. But this was an incredibly embarrassing, lame attempt to combine big budget filmmaking with porn. There were scenes that made no sense whatsoever, literally having no context within the film; they were simply there to be titillating, like hardcore graphic titillating.

I have no idea how they managed to get so many respected actors to participate in this mess. I mean, Sir John Guilgud? Helen Mirren. Malcolm McDowell. And written by Gore Vidal? A true disaster and a perfect example of a producer, Bob Guccione, getting carried away.

To this day, it's the only film I ever walked out of.
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Jung_E (2023)
Such potential, but too much CGI
21 May 2023
This was an interesting, if somewhat incomprehensible storyline. My partner and I spent a lot of time going "So, wait...what...is she doing this or that? And who's that person?" The special effects were very well done, but way, way, way overloaded. To the point that the interesting story got lost in the chaos.

I could see this story being done in a much more subdued style, with more of an emphasis on the story rather than the effects. One of those quiet, introspective movies about the nature of humanity and where technology might cross the line. Instead, someone decided that it was best to throw in the kitchen sink and go wild.
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The Favourite (2018)
Weird. Very weird. But I loved it.
15 May 2023
I had never heard of this director before, but have since watched The Lobster (one of his previous weird films). The Favourite is difficult to watch, but incredibly entertaining with wonderful acting all around. The directorial style is just... weird. But mesmerizing. Odd camera lenses and angles, strange music. Over the top scenarios and acting.

A few reviews have commented on the very passing lgbtq element, but it's so minor it was almost negligible. Are people really, honestly that sheltered in their lives that this would be shocking?

This is definitely one of those movies to watch just to see the artistry of film making, of what goes on in the creative person's head.
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The Whale (2022)
Had no idea what to expect. Seriously intense
14 May 2023
I didn't know anything about this, other than it's was Brendan Fraser's Big Comeback, and that he played an obese, home bound man. But this movie was seriously intense.

There are some elements that I didn't really get, such as the initial setup with his daughter. It didn't seem to be realistic to me, or the stuff with the missionary. Story-wise and pacing, something seemed a little scrambled, like there were sections that had been edited out. But overall, this was fantastic and quite memorable. And Brendan Fraser? He did give a fantastic performance and likely deserved all of the awards he got.

Some people may feel it drags a little in some areas - but the ending is gripping and emotionally exhausting. I've rarely had such a visceral feeling from a movie.
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The Help (2011)
Even better than the first time I saw it
9 April 2023
I hadn't seen this movie since it came out many years ago. I loved it then and still do. My partner and I watched this last night and it still holds up really well. He had never seen it before and it obviously stirred something up in him, because he usually doesn't have much to say after watching a movie. But he was really shocked to realize that the storyline takes place in our lifetimes (we're in our 60's).

Incredible performances from everyone. And it's so weird to realize that the entire main cast (except for Bryce Dallas Howard) had, or has now, won an Oscar. Hopefully Viola Davis will someday win the Best Actress Oscar she deserves.
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Predictable, pat storyline with a fantastic cast
19 March 2023
I just came across this movie on Netflix and watched it because of the incredible cast. I didn't know anything about the movie. The storyline seems clearly based on a novel (maybe I even read it) and has a lot of pat one liners one second, and then heavy drama the next.

The cast was mostly wonderful, but it was Jason Bateman who impressed the most. Damn, that guy has turned into a good actor. It was great to see him getting a lead role in someone else's project. Tina Fey, who I always love, was slightly out of her element. But I'd love to see her do more drama. The ages of the actors seemed out of whack with the characters, such as Jane Fonda as the mother.

Overall, enjoyable and an easy way to while away an afternoon.
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Kindred (2022)
As the saying goes, "The book was better". And completely different
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book a few years ago and it really stuck with me. So I was looking forward to seeing the TV adaptation. And "adaptation " is exactly what it is. A very, very loose adaptation. The basic premise is there of a modern day black woman inexplicably getting thrust back and forth in time to the slave-era. And a few of the characters have the same name. But other than that, it's almost unrecognizable as the same storyline.

As a stand-alone project of its own, it's interesting and engaging and generally well made. But they could have easily done a few more tweaks and then called it something else, since it strays so far from the book. I'm not sure I get at all the portrayal of the boyfriend, who, so far, seems like a bumbling doofus (in the book he was actually her husband and, if I recall correctly, he didn't go back in time with her like he does here).

I'm on episode four at this point, and the way it's going, I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to be able to finish the season.
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Nope (2022)
I really liked it, but...
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fascinating movie. Peele certainly has a style that sticks with you. But, yes, as many have said, the storyline is a little wacky. Ultimately, though, I really liked this. Some scenes were truly terrifying, even the scenes with the chimp, which made no sense in the context of the movie (unless I'm too dense to get it). And the flying saucer, before it turned into a giant... mouth?... were effective and frightening. Some of the best sci-fi effects I've seen.

I can see why a lot of people don't like this, however. Some of the dialogue was incomprehensible. And Keke Palmer's character was incredibly annoying. Plus, I could barely understand anything she said. Daniel Kaluuya was fine as always, but didn't have much of a character.

Fun, interesting, annoying... I may watch it again someday.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
For Spielberg fans - of which I am one
2 December 2022
I wanted to like this more than I did. There's no question it was very good. But it didn't strike me as one of Spielberg's best. In many ways, I felt that it might only be of interest to serious fans like me. I remember reading in the early 70's about this wunderkind director who was making a name for himself. I've followed him closely for almost 50 years and have loved much of what he's done. So I was excited to see his whole story put on film. But for some reason I didn't feel fully into it.

The cast is wonderful, particularly Michelle Williams. Hopefully she'll get an Oscar nod for this. Spielberg's relationship with his mother obviously had a strong effect on him.

There is something different in Spielberg's last couple movies - this and West side Story. Both seemed to be very stagey, almost like watching a theatrical play. It's an interesting style he's developed as he's gotten older.
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Finally saw the whole thing. Very funny
7 November 2022
I'd seen some of the more famous clips of this movie, but never watched the whole thing until recently. Overall, it's kind of a scrambled, unfocused mess - but a very, very funny mess. It seems as though the filmmakers couldn't decide if this was the story of Annie and her messed up life, or if it was more about the bridal party and everything that went on there. Both parts had some great scenes, but it just seemed unfocused.

The cast was great, particularly Kristin Wig, and Melissa McCarthy, with her scene stealing role. I also loved the woman with the teenage boys.

I enjoyed it and laughed - a lot. As a piece of filmmaking, it left a little to be desired.
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Amarcord (1973)
A little chaotic, difficult to tell who's viewpoint the story is from
8 October 2022
I enjoyed this. But it took me awhile to figure out that the story was from the viewpoint of the teenage boy. There were a couple characters that spoke directly to the camera, so it seemed like it could have been their narrative. And there seemed to be some fantasy sequences that were difficult to tell if they were real or not.

I've only seen a couple other Fellini movies, so was surprised how contemporary and "graphic" this was. But it was made in 1973, a time when movies started to get a little more frank and realistic. Beautiful cinematography and compositions. Quirky storyline, very Fellini.
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Picnic (1955)
Really stuck with me when I saw it as a kid
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this in the mid-70's when I was a teenager. I probably didn't grasp all of the nuances and adult angst at the time, but what I remember sticking with me was Kim Novak at the end of the movie, agonizing over wanting to run off with William Holden; wanting to run off to something bigger and brighter and more exciting. As a teenager going through my own angst, I could completely relate. The scene between Novak and her mother really stuck with me.

I never saw the movie again until just last year, when I was 62 years old, forty-five years or so after my first viewing. I still had the same reaction at the end of the movie. And as an adult who has gone through the ups and downs, the joys and disappointments of life, I could more easily relate to some of the characters.

The movie is a little dated and somewhat quaint by today's standards. But the themes are timeless.
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The Colony (2021)
Very stylish, stunning cinematography. But other than that...
11 September 2022
The visuals were really incredible, even if they did make it a little difficult to actually see what was going on. They did a great job of set design and lighting, managing to create a frightening dystopian future. Unfortunately, the storyline is somewhat incomprehensible with a lot of plot holes. Also, a lot of different accents - German, British, American, and gibberish... which made it difficult to follow the already confusing storyline.

A little bit of Road Warrior, a little bit of Alien, and a little bit of The Road. A mishmash. But a stylish mishmash. Acting was good, I think (difficult to tell due to accents and sound). The little boy was very impressive and seemed to have a lot of talent for someone his age.
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The Lost City (2022)
4 September 2022
Somewhat humorous, very predictable fluff. Not sure what Sandra Bullock was thinking when she made this. Maybe she just wanted something light rather than the heavy drama she'd been doing. The script just seems to strive too hard for witty one liners and comebacks. It may have been better with someone less accomplished than Bullock, since we expect more from her.

Channing Tatum was amusing and certainly nice to look at in his bare-it-all scenes. Daniel Radcliffe was funny, but at times seemed to be acting in a different movie. Storyline is preposterous and all over the place with many elements that make no sense whatsoever.
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Ben Affleck's best performance ever
9 January 2022
The movie was good. Very touching and heartwarming, with a great sense of time and place. A little uneven at times. But Affleck gives what I think is his best, most real performance. Not his usual movie star stuff. He should be nominated for an Oscar for this.
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