
35 Reviews
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On the Beach (1959)
Apocalyptically Hypnotic
31 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An authentically serious, thought, provoking & soul-searching film that, masterfully orchestrates a likely answer, to the age old question, for what becomes of man-kind, when left to himself.

In many ways, this is an atypical film, captivating & compelling, from prologue to epilogue, but a far-cry, for how many define & expect to be entertained.

With this in mind, On The Beach '59, is a most difficult film to genuinely (e.g. Accurately) critique, as the subject matter is woefully sobering, while the overall thematic-direction, will leave most viewers gobsmacked, w a feeling of hopelessness & an eery desperation. But arguably, if this is the intended 'art-form' of a film's Writer & Director, to convey a particular feeling, sentiment or mindset, shouldn't its review be reflected accordingly? That stated, perhaps this film deserves a solid ten!
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Night People (1954)
Ambiguous Title That Kept People Away from an Exceptional Film!
23 October 2023
Not just an exceptional film, but arguably, NIGHT PEOPLE, is one of Gregory Peck's best roles (that, few fan's have never heard of).

Granted, good actors are a dime a dozen; however, those such as Gregory Peck that, genuinely belong to an elite group of Hollywood Royalty, are able to transcend any movie script & take ownership of their character.

In all candor, having sidestepped this movie on more than one occasion, strictly based on its confusing moniker, but (thankfully) having invested, in watching so many Gregory Peck flicks over the years, solidifying the impossibility & reality that Peck, could never make an average or above average film - only exceptional ones!

Take the beginning or ending of his inordinately long career & everything in between, Gregory Peck's work...., all his work, was par-excellence!

Admittedly, it's unfortunate that the title of this movie in particular, does nothing to entice, intrigue, or compel one's curiosity. However its title, does subtly dovetail along the way, but even then, the title has little (if any) specific rationale.

The best way to try & describe it, is (for any movie aficionado), to take into consideration, a personal favorite movie of their own, then try & think of something abstract that occurred or was stated in the film, but had extremely little (if anything) whatsoever, to do with the movie's plot, storyline or script - and that became its title?

So take it from a fellow movie buff that has taken the extra time, to try & encourage movie lovers of all ages, shapes & sizes (especially Gregory Peck fans), to ignore this title & jump in w both eyes & ears & get ready for a wonderful & entertaining experience!

Such a well done movie in all aspects!
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A Must See (Atypical) John Wayne Film
18 October 2023
He may not have been wearing a cowboy outfit, w his noted *yellowish Ivory gun grips, always jolting out slightly, from the left side of his waist, in about 99% of the western genres Duke was in, dating back to his early 20's & the 1930 Epic, The Big Trail. {incidentally, some 91 years later (2021) that once young 23-year old boy's famous sidearm, was auctioned off by the Rock Island Auction Company, in excess of $500,000: {search PR Newswire for details of auction}

Additionally, hardcore 'Duke' fans won't see Mr. Wayne, slinging a machine gun around his chest or, going out fighting, in a blazing ambush of military glory.

No, this film takes on a much more clandestine & subtle approach, in vividly & creatively, expressing heroism that, is (proudly) shared, among the characters. So, like most of his films, don't look for or expect to see, Wayne carrying this movie from its start to finish, because this film and/or its theme, is not setup, for such a plot.

Yet arguably, could anyone find a more compelling or meaningful medium, to better convey, the realities of freedom (i.e. Freedom won and/or a Freedom lost!
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In The Top 10 List of All Time Personal Favorites (Films):
7 September 2023
It's a sad reality, but likely very true that, if the studios had made this film w a less known/popular actor, it would have likely flown under the radar, woefully unnoticed by many. But this is not to imply by any means that, this is a great film, based solely on the quality, talent & name recognition of its actors.

It may be somewhat cliché to suggest, but similarly to visiting a nice restaurant & experiencing a particular entrée that's exceptionally pleasing to the palate, does not necessarily guarantee that, the chef, was responsible for the final outcome. No, it's an amalgam of a quality chef (or chefs), a gift for the selection of exceptional ingredients & ultimately paring them in way (perhaps seemingly unconventional to many), in a collective effort, to obtain the desired outcome.

In other words, it's an extremely fortunate reality, to have been drawn to this movie, based on a personal affinity to Gregory Peck's work, but once the film had started, Gregory Peck (the actor), expeditiously moves into the background, while the writing, casting, directing, and all the other moving parts that, make an exceptional film - extraordinary - have been seamlessly paired to perfection!

Be prepared to watch this movie time & again - it's timeless:
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Fitting Square Peg Into Round Hole!
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Those involved in this movie, were either exceptional illusionist, or they were able to somehow bend the laws of nature & simultaneously, circumvent universal law, by fitting a square peg into a round hole.

In all sincerity & candor, this film had the raw-potential, of being something really special & ultimately, connect w humanity, in a deeply profound & emotional way. The estimated $24 million budget for this film, isn't necessarily 'chump-change', but then again, it's still a far cry, from Hollywood's ever-increasing consideration, for a healthy 'median budget'.

But w respect to filming-budgets in general, (as a scapegoat for poorly developed scripts), suffice to say, lot better movies have been produced w much less financial backing, while conversely, much larger funded pictures, have done quiet worse.

Nevertheless, there's is a lot of shared blame & finger-pointing to go around in this production of 'On A Wing & A Prayer', yet perhaps the core fault-line, originates from a deafening-silent, lack of foundation or {rooted} structure, from which many decent films, tap into their momentum/direction. Frankly, it was often difficult to discern Quaid's (character) acting. If he, was playing an (on the wagon), struggling alcoholic that, somehow got caught up as a passenger, riding 'right seat' in a private twin engine airplane, when simultaneously, he started going through withdrawal & also, the airplane's only pilot died of heart failure! ..... or did Quaid's character have some undisclosed medical condition & forgot to bring his medication?

Granted, the writers/directors here, are allowed poetic license, to get & be creative w character-development, but in the real-world, (of any non-pilot individual), ending up behind a yoke & avionics of a complex twin-engine aircraft that, exhibits such anxiety & radical behavior, is going to react accordingly, and much less, not be able to land a twin-engine plane.

For example, anyone that's watched a Dennis Quaid Movie, within the last decade, knows very well that, he is a monstrous talent & an A+ actor. Yet, Quaid seems (directionally) lost in this film, resulting in what appears to be overacting, most likely a byproduct of poor directional acumen.

For lack of a better analogy, back in the 80's & early 90's, the advertising agency for SAB Miller, parent company to Miller Beer, crushed a grand slam home run ad, using (pun-intended), the refreshing ad tagline 'Less is More', {referring of course, to beer-drinkers getting more taste, from a beer that's less-filling!

Subsequently, a 'less is more' approach here, may have fallen short of the necessary runtime, to qualify the movie accordingly; however, the movie, 'On A Wing A Prayer', took in excess of 100 minutes, to tell (at best), an hour (or so) long story.

In all sincerity, one VERY positive aspect about this movie, is how the director/product we, was able to incorporate, actual 'live' footage of the family & individual family members that, were aboard the actual aircraft. Perhaps watching the last 20 minutes of this movie, is all that's needed, to help setup this movie's epilogue, when the live footage of the real family members involved, start to appear on screen!
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Epic on All Fronts
5 July 2023
From its directing, acting, editing, casting to its 'spot on' musical score {& virtually everything in between}, this film is an authentic, Stand-A-Lone MASTERPIECE!


Personal & Intimate Note: Interestingly, this film used very little profanity, especially considering its intense & dramatic genre. However, there is a brief scene; whereby, God's name is, not only taken in vain, but is done so (unfortunately), in one of the vilest & most blasphemous manners. As an admitted chief of sinners, this is not to stand in judgment (here) per se, but merely to acknowledge, the millions of individuals (many that remain unspoken) that, possess such a deep & profound love for the God we/they Worship: It was simply unnecessarily scripted-monologue, and deeply painful & disturbing to hear, as an (oft-failed) follower of Christ.
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Perhaps a Masterpiece That Transcends Mortal Critique?
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Frankly mortal-words, would fall ineptly short, in any effort, to weave any legitimate tapestry of thought or imagery that, might somehow, provide proper & honest insight, for such a grand visual...

'Gone With The Wind', {along w perhaps, but a few other such notable & profound classical productions}, should ultimately remain without (formal) critique? And, in the process,, humanity take solace, in the overarching message that, ALL Americans are to be free.

Interesting Insights: Only Beau Wilkes (i.e. Child-actor Mickey Kuhn, being held in the arms of his father, Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard), while Beau's mother & Ashley's wife, lie dying in her bedroom), is now, the only living actor that remains, from one of the greatest films of all time - 'Gone With The Wind'...

Interestingly, for her supporting role in this film, it was Oscar Nominee, Olivia de Havilland, (up until her death, 7/26/2020) that, maintained the position, of the longest surviving cast member, for this film.

As of this writing, (9/26/2020), merely 2-months after Ms. De Havilland's actual death {at the age 104}, would it appear that, the child-actor-Mickey Kuhn, is now, its last-known surviving cast member.

And, as if to validate the old-saw that, 'truth is stranger than fiction', Kuhn's role in Gone w The Wind, was {....drumroll please....}, to play the role of de Havilland's only son. Kuhn, would survive de Havilland in film, and many a decade later, would also, survive her, in real life too.

[...{Btw, for John Wayne fans, it was none other than Mickey Kuhn that, played the role of a young teenage Matt Garth - (aka: Montgomery Clift), in the film, Red River}...]. And, although he is still living today, Kuhn's film career, seemed to fad away, almost in lockstep w his fleeting youth...]

...Mickey Kuhn update: Last known (former) survivor & cast member of the 1939 epic film: 'Gone with The Wind': Kuhn passed away, November. 20, 2022 at 90 yrs. Old...
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A Swing & A Miss - or is it a Mess (or both)?
29 June 2020
The Rockford Files is an all time personal favorite, the best TV Series ever produced (a solid 10).

Out of 119, The Rockford Files episodes, 118 of them could literally be modernized & successfully repackaged today, as a detective series, by merely updating decor & perhaps swapping out some stock-footage of dated automobiles (going back 4 decades), and that was how far ahead of its time -it was...

The ONLY episode that arguably comes close, to something being a miss & not hitting on all 8 cylinders, surfaced in Season 4 Episode 15 {January 13, 1978} : 'The Gang at Don's Drive-in'...

Granted, there's different strokes for different folks, and the uniqueness of so many different (guest) actors, coupled w a (diverse) plot each week, was all part of the recipe that, appealed to such a large fanbase & was responsible for making this Television Series, an All Time Favorite!

But this insight being stated, the referenced ingredients that made, for such a will kept secretive recipe, were seemingly devoid in the production of the 15th episode in the fourth season: 'The Gang at Don's Drive-in'...

Not missing in this particular episode, is the exceptional acting that, James Garner & the Cherokee 'gang' always brought to the table, nor was it an issue w any of the guest actors. But, there was something obviously a miss, in this one episode that, separates it from the other virtually flawless (118) episodes.
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Impractical Plot
26 April 2020
For those yet to see this movie & just may throw caution to the wind, tempted to watch it, based solely on the notion that, Sandra Bullock's (universal) likability & acting prowess, is more than enough to carry it through, to the rolling credits, then it just may be important to note that, if there really is such a dynamic called magic - it never found this film.

{But, then again, Bullock does give a 'magical' performance}.
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A Priceless Pearl of a Picture, Hidden in a Sea of Empty Oysters
20 April 2020
This movie has it all, a realistic & compelling plot, w romantic Interludes that, appear as forbidden, as they do Ill-timed.

For those that might be new to Tyrone Power, get ready for a real treat. And, if you like Power In Son of Fury, you'll come to adore him in 'The Luck of the Irish'

Absolutely loved this movie!
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86-Minute Movie & Feels Longer Than 'Gone w The Wind'!
5 April 2020
This is an atypical John Wayne movie & one that, recently popped up on Amazon Prime, and just so happened to be, a JW movie never yet seen (personally).

It is a great mystery as to how John Wayne, was ever cast for this film, and would be almost understandable, had this movie, predated his 1939 breakout role in Stagecoach.

Prior to Director John Ford's Oscar winning film Stagecoach, Duke had already spent a decade of his young-adult-life, making, B-Level, Shootem-Up pictures {now called Western Movies}.

But, interestingly enough, these referenced, cookie-cutter movie-shorts, {each less than 60-minutes in length}, were churned out, at a rate of a-half-dozen or so (every 45-60 days).

For John Wayne fans yet to see this particular movie that, must make such the necessary time invest, if for no other reason than, (it's a freakin John Wayne Movie) - this is truly understandable.

But be prepared for confusion to set in, questions to surface & the temptation, to hammer your own (shoeless) big toe, to keep from going mental - dont pretend that, you've not been amply warned.

The rating of one - is based on the maximum number of times that, anyone should watch this movie.
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Final Transcript Had Missing Page(s)?
17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As of the drafting of this review (3/17/20), Sherry Jackson, the then 11-year old daughter of Steve Williams (aka John Wayne), is still living (and approx., 77).

And candidly sharing, it's quiet tempting to personally hire a good private investigator, to try & locate Ms. Jackson's current residence, and then, draft a kind & endearing, letter, requesting her, to be fully forthcoming, and state for the record, if either The 'Duke', Donna Reed or she, had ever discussed or, actually had (or ultimately developed), any theory or notion, as to, the direction that each of their roles, were to take the movie (both individually and collectively)?

In the movie world of abject make believe, what possible plot, would call for a small child, in the closing screen, to willfully abandon her devoted & loving father & essentially, walk off into the proverbial sunset, locked arm-in-arm, w the same female truant-officer (Donna Reed) that, had spent, the lion's share of the film, attempting to demonize the father and negatively affect his custody

Yet, in the end, she falls in love w this 'troubled' father (and his daughter), but while the credits begin to scroll up the screen, viewers are tossed a curve-ball & left sucking their thumb, as they watch JW, as he & the now retired & beloved priest, walk off into one direction, while the child & truant officer, skip off in opposite direction.

What the?
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Exceptional Acting, but Plot To Nowhere
16 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Having grown up on westerns, so far back that, many a time would one of us brothers, fall asleep, w our head, in our father's lap, only to be awaken once it was over & long past our bedtime.

So, now at the age of 57, it's a fairly safe assumption that, spotting a quality western, isn't all that difficult to do.

'The Glory Guys', is such a film, full of exceptional acting, and at least the makings of a storyline that, initially grabs one's attention.

But sad to say that, once the cavalry starts riding off into the sunset & the final credits, start rolling up the silver-screen, don't be alarmed, should the past (almost two-hour-film), leave some bewildered & perplexed, w regard, to the film's overall plot & loosey-goosey moral

Frankly, this film has to many exceptionally good actors that, bring their 'A' Game to the movie set & refuse to try & call in their performance
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Hidden Treasure (Hope There's a Remake One Day)!
1 March 2020
The only complaint about this film is, it can't be watched again for the first time & it wasn't long enough

Ideally, someone gifted, will come across this exceptional storyline & do a remake, w follow up movie being over 2-hours in length.
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The Odyssey (2016)
Household Name Growing Up - Jacques Cousteau
16 February 2020
Currently at the age of 57, it's fair to say that, hearing the name {Jacques Cousteau}, be it random conversation w others, catching it on the radio or perhaps, seeing him on a TV special or documentary, was as common an occurrence over the decades (before his death), as was waking up, to cartoons every Saturday morning (during that era).

For those unfamiliar w the name & legacy of Jacques Cousteau, this is an important & smart film, especially for those possessing a concentrated interest, in the historical perspective, of such a profound conservationist (so far ahead of his time).

Personal Disclosure: As an individual that does not adopt to the supposition, of anthropomorphic climate-change, it is important to note that, much of Cousteau's efforts, during the last (almost) two-decades of his explorations, were given, to legitimate environmental concerns. And, going forward, he invested his life's work, exposing & educating the world, on the ramifications of unchecked pollution, and subsequently, the needless and/or, haphazard slaughtering, of any species (to the point of extinction).

The Odyssey, did & will continue, to help generations to come, remember the life & legacy of such a special individual (and family).
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Crashes Through Glass Ceiling of (Genre) Film Making!
9 January 2020
Without risk of breaching the fringe, for any potential spoiler alert ahead, suffice to say that, the 'reboot effort' for 'Charlie & The Chocolate Factory' ('05), and that of, 'Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory' ('71), reflects little in common together, if anything at all.

And regrettably, those that confuse the two, will have either settled, for watching a confusingly-uneventful little movie, juxtaposed to having experienced a timeless film-classic, (to be repeated time & again)!
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The Saint (1997)
Truly Ahead if It's Time
7 January 2020
The Saint has been my wife's all-time favorite movie, since it's release date. Personally though, The Saint, ranks within the all-time top-10 most-favorite movie selections, and it should be noted here that, this review, is based on its very first viewing {e.g. on or about its original release date 4/'97}.

Obviously in time, as w most industries, comes advancements in technologies.

Yet, even considering the available technology - present day, juxtaposed to technology, some two-decades-plus previous {the aesthetics of computers & their peripherals not withstanding}, there's seems to be little affect or recognition involving technology, specific to this film.

In other words, this film has impeccable (Intrinsic) 'bones', and could remain virtually untouched, via its writing & directing-style, and easily be remade for a modern-day version.

The most difficult dynamic to try & duplicate, would be actually, recapturing the wildly-impressive chemistry, between Elizabeth Shue & Val Kilmer.
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Draft Day (I) (2014)
An Introspection of Multi-Perceptions (Re) the NFL Draft
28 December 2019
There are so many fascinating, creative & well-written dynamics that occur in this extraordinary film, yet interestingly enough, the overwhelming majority, have little if anything, to do w football.

Watching this movie was, in many ways, tantamount to inspecting an exceptional timepiece (from Switzerland). In that, the product, is a true work of art, possessing both, the aesthetically pleasing & well-placed jewelry {outwardly}, but also being keenly-aware, of the remarkable craftsmanship & intricate number of moving-parts {internally}.

[And, having an affinity for football and/or the NFL, isn't necessarily, a prerequisite, to genuinely enjoying this film; but will likely enhance the experience].
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Perhaps a '9' Rating for Silver Anniversary (2034)
26 November 2019
Admittedly, as an adolescent, it was something extra special, to lie in the lap of our dad & watch a John Wayne movie. But, as special an event as those times were, the prospect of repeating the process, {during those subsequent, seven-short teen years & on a weekend night vs., being on a date or out w friends}, would be considered - unconscionable.

But, fast-forward three decades or so, and (now) after watching every John Wayne western a minimum of 25x each, the only possible regret imaginable, is that, each of those movies, were not somehow, originally made via 3-4+ hours in length.

Its w this in mind no doubt that, there are & will continue to be, many more Denzel fans that, will genuinely appreciate each & every moment of (his) screen time, regardless how overtly drawn out, the running times are (and will be), for films such as 'Pelham 123'.

This film's running time was approximately 110 minutes, of which, ten (10) of those estimated minutes, were consumed by both 'Pre & Post Credits. Yet, at the end of the day's setting sun (a little 'western lingo' there), the end product essentially remains that, a still rather long 80-min movie, was crammed into almost two-hours.

Perhaps, it will be my son or daughter that, will frequent 'Denzel Washington' film's, and the Silver Anniversary for Pelham 123 (2034), will be tantamount to them, what John Wayne's 'Rio Lobo' (1970) meant personally?
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A Vigilante (2018)
Traditional 1-10 Scale Review Doesn't Work Here
25 October 2019
It is unfortunate that, the rating protocol(s) set in place {for all movies}, are considered a collective scoring methodology, based on an 'overall' likability (or entertainment value).

Case in point, the 6/10 rating submitted here, has no way of delineating, any specific aspect, as to the dynamic or dynamics that, contribute to the exceptional, juxtapose to the laissez-faire (of a film).

Transfixed w such a beaten & broken character, Wilde, is able to transcend her organic beauty, {tantamount to a zebra, attempting to, 'act-away' it's strips}, and in 90-short minutes, confirms that, authentic beauty truly is, in the eye of the beholder.
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Suspect (1987)
Exceptional Thriller. Rushed Epilogue.
19 August 2019
This surprisingly intense thriller, was released, a mere 13 days after our wedding day, some 32-years ago this coming October (e.g. 2019). And, given all the dynamic & drastic changes (both technologically & culturally) that have occurred, over the past 3-plus decades, this review, is being submitted accordingly, based on my initial, mid eighties perspective (not present day).

Our 28-year old son watched this film too, and could not believe, w less than 5-7 minutes left, until rolling-credits begin that, 120-minutes had already clicked off the clock. In other words, this dated flick (from '87), still possessed the necessary chops, to not only compel the interest, of a tried & true millennial, but maintained an unnerving & thrilling storyline, coupled w solid acting that, kept all eyes transfixed, to the very end.
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Rated PMe (Excessive Potty Mouth)
18 August 2019
At exactly what {...insert profanity here...} point, did Hollywood pass through some potty-mouthed, space-time-continuum; whereby, the majority of movies going forward, seeking 'poo-your-paints' {impromptu} laughter, would necessitate that, a screenplay possess, a seemingly 3 to 5 ratio, of profanity-laden obscenities, in order to merit comedic value?

Granted, be this only one individual's humble opinion, this film's excessive 'poopy-diaper-worded screenplay, not only becomes a {I can't take it anymore} distraction, but also morphs into, the most unnecessary, {seemingly necessary}, comedic crunch.
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"It's Déjà vu all over again" - Yogi Berra
18 August 2019
Tantamount to walking into the 'Hall of Mirrors' the local {annual} state fair, usually held early fall, in virtually every hometown-city USA, and then, w great expectation & abject certainty, spending the next 15-20 minutes, in search of a common-denominator, (before that inevitable carnival-barker appears & shouts.... This Way Folks......This way to The Exit!

Admittedly, although there were a number of jumping off spots, littered throughout this film & met w the temptation to act accordingly... There exists (in all candor), an intrinsic & worthwhile redeeming value, for those that, make the approx., 90-minute time-investment {e.g. Leaving w a deeper understanding & compassion, for experiencing & connecting w humanity}. ...No Foolin'.
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To All The Miss' Dove's That See The Heart of a Child
24 April 2019
Miss Dove was my mother....well..., at the very least, she could have been.

A second grade teacher for almost 30-years, she was responsible for profoundly impacting hundreds of children that now, have children of their own & some even grandchildren. Now deceased ('13), she retired in '98 & spent the next 15-years investing her life into the lives of my son & daughter (both, now young adults).

Over the years, theres no telling just how many, parents, relatives, friends & former students that, have shared, their deepest & most personal of affections & appreciation (to me & my brothers), for the impact & role that, their 2nd Grade teacher played, in shaping their formidable years.

Perhaps only one in hundreds of teachers, should ever truly be considered the caliber of a 'Miss Dove' (or perhaps one in thousands). Nevertheless, In large part, teaching isn't for the faint of heart, especially elementary education, and not only is the profession of early-age-educators a tedious proposition, but the rewards are often intrinsic, rarely monetary & they offer little, if any, genuine respect (as a profession).

This was indeed a great film, brilliantly written, meticulously directed, extraordinarily acting & a great tribute film, to all the legitimate, wonderful Miss' Dove's that, without promise of fame or fortune, selflessly poured their love & life, into so many beautiful children.
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Great Suprising Vintage Sleeper Film
15 April 2019
Approximately 10-15 min into this movie, technical issues such as lighting & other (minor) aspects problematic to most films leading up to the late 30's, prompted an urge to search elsewhere, for yet another 'oldie but a goodie'...., succumbed to these little gold nuggets of compelling brilliance, followed by a well-structured & fascinating, human-interest story.

Personally, it was one of (if not) the, best directorial {and acting} presentations, for having communicated, the often misunderstood notion, of accurately defining what is, authentic character. Love finding hidden treasures like this film that are decades old, but still have a relevant connection almost 80 years later.
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