
29 Reviews
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Look Away (2018)
Tech/behind the scenes needed a lot of work
16 April 2022
On screen the actors/actresses did an overall great job in the movie. The down side.....the camera work is subpar and the editing team need more experience. The writing was cliche at best....but overall the budget covered for it, generally speaking...
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I Am Lisa (2020)
B-Movie to the Max
23 February 2022
For a B-Movie it's actually pretty entertaining. Of Course there are scenes that are obviously eye rolling. But overall, it actually works as a movie.
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The Witches (2020)
Poor excuse of a remake
28 November 2020
Style does not always make for a good movie. In fact. most times Style makes for a Very Bad Movie.....this 'remake' has a lot of 'style' but has very Little Amount of Substance....
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Nice Idea, Poorly executed.
12 August 2020
I liked the idea of this one, but in the end it seemed to be that the characters were 1-dimensional. The plotline was just underdeveloped. Thirdly, I felt like the movie just wasn't "Horror" movie enough...
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Cursed (2020)
9 August 2020
Watched the first season all the way through. It's okay, there is a lot of Flaws within the story and flaws in many different aspects of the show. But when it comes to entertainment value it hits the mark I guess. Worth at least one watch through...
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Season 1 & 2 Good but Since Season 3....
2 August 2020
Season 1 and 2 started of great. Decent Storylines, Decent acting, and it was nice seeing that the producers integrated actors and actresses from previous incarnations of Superman & SuperGirl into the plot line, like Dean Cain and Helen Slater, But once season 3 started it went completely down hill. I don't want to watch a tv show about preaching Social Justice in the USA. That's not the point of Television. The point of Television is to entertain the general public with a good storyline, well acted scenes, and the occasional good time with Special Effects. Not Preach to me what I need to do politically.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Horrible Premise
6 April 2020
Why should I continue to watch a show that is trying to push politics over good storyline....In all honesty, no one cares that a fictional character is 'gay', nor do they care if they are female. What people care about, and they want to watch, is a strong Leading character, whether it be male or female, and strong conflicts against the antagionists.......
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
A Cliche attempt to try to be 'Female Power'
6 April 2020
The first two seasons were good...actually they were better than good.....But once season three started and started to push politics over a good storyline is when it went down hill quickly...
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Good but underdeveloped storyline
11 February 2020
Great camera work, great production design, good sound track to make it more atmospheric. The idea is definately there. Although the negatives are blaring. Low budget doesn't help it. Story-line is a good twist on the childhood stories you've heard before (mostly Americanized versions I'm talking about) but is very underdeveloped.
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Not Shocked by all the Fanboy and Troll posts 'liking' this film...
29 December 2019
The biggest flaw to this film was that everything was forced. There were no explanations or diving into more 'Force' Lore. The Storyline was sloppy, sloppy even for a movie with 1/100th of the budget of this movie. JJ Abrams didn't bring anything new to the series, he just rehashed the original. Sorry there was too many things taken from Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi in this one. Shows the lack of creativity and talent from the Producers and Director.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Liberal propaganda show
1 August 2019
I'm definitely a Centralist when it comes to politics but this show definitely only want to propagate far-left ideals..... never does the show ever try to give both sides of the political spectrum.....
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Good concept, poor execusion
29 June 2019
The idea of the film is there. What killed the movie overall was the writing and the poor choices made by the director. I get that they wanted to pander to the younger kids that were 12 or younger but went to ridiculous lengths to do so that killed any reason for anyone over the age of 30 to like it beyond being happy that their children liked it.
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Poorly done Good idea
18 June 2019
I have to give the movie producers a thumbs up for trying to at least keep to the comics with the Concept of the film, when it came to Jean Grey and how the Dark Phoenix came into the X-Men universe. But that is were the film starts to lose the rest of the story. It's obvious that the movie company who made this film thought they could make a 'Summer Blockbuster' with minimal effort. The writing, acting, editing, and plotline are done Very Poorly at best. It's a waste of a lot of talent.
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Sharknado (2013 TV Movie)
Really Bad that it's Good
9 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so self aware that it's bad that it plays really well as a direct to tv movie. Action movie clichés galore are played for laughs as well as driving the plot forward.
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Cute, mindless entertainment
25 March 2019
Good move to bring your 9 year old kids to. Funny, with a lot of 90's refrences in it. But when it comes to plot and character development it falls way short. Good graphics, funny gags. But overall Captain Marvel deserves better, a lot better.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Highly satisfied
20 October 2018
I just saw this movie today and I have to say I am Highly satisfied with Halloween. Would have like a little more character development with new characters that are introduced in this film and a little more 'Fear' in the atmosphere but those are minor grips to a good sequel....
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Hell Fest (2018)
Average, middle of the road 70's/80's horror flick
7 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Now, if this movie came out in the late 70's to early 80's it would have been a great financial success and probably would have been considers a slasher horror classic if not close to it. It's your run of the mill basic slasher horror movie with some good settings and tones. Good pacing. Almost nothing is known about the killer besides what we learn about the killer at the end of the movie. Find the 'victims' believable and enjoyable to watch....not too campy with the kills. One thing that shown out as a positive for me in this movie was that the 'last girl' was portrayed as a character who had in her the potential 'killer' inside her. It was actually a cool direction they took the character.
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A good sequel but....
31 August 2018
WIth how this movie was portrayed I felt there was a huge let down. Yes, in the end, it was an overall good movie. But was equal or better than the hype? Not even close. It did effectively create a situation that caused our main hero have to make a decision that was plausible and a situation that many people in real life must make. But at the same time there was a feeling of 'we knew that it wasn't going to happen' throughout the movie. Defeating the credibility of the movie. Out of all the Mission Impossible sequels I enjoyed this one the best but it still feel into the sequel tropes and the directors decided to make the action and 'intensity' of the movie the forefront of the movie instead of storyline and character development, which in the end would have made this movie epic. The 'enemy' of this movie was one dimensional at best, and if we are honest with each other, then we would admit that the 'enemy' definitively is the equal of the protagonist, if not their superior. Movies done correctly have proved this time and time again. I
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Suicide Squad (2016)
A horrible Mess
24 August 2018
I honestly don't get it. I really don't. Where are all the high ratings coming from? Is it from 12 year old boys who say 'oooooo, look I saw Margot Robbie with her shirt off and saw her bra.'? Maybe trolls who don't care about content but just want 'action, action, action' because it's the only movie they see this year, and 'oh by the way, I saw Margot Robbie with her shirt off. HeHe'? There was hardly any character development, the characters portrayed in this movie didn't really reflect their characters in the comics, The Joker was portrayed as some type of Rapper type gangster (which isn't the character. The Joker isn't a white Rapper wannabe Gangster. He is a seriously disturbed character who has very serious mental health issues who people can say 'in a certain twisted way yeah! I get the logic'). Will Smith plays too much of a 'nice guy' type of character in which his character wasn't really that 'nice of a guy'. On top of that we find Margot Robbie playing Harley Quinn. A Character that is suppose to be unrealisticly 'in love' with the Joker. But all we get is 'oh, how cute! They have a misunderstood love that the public doesn't understand' type of character arch. Really people? How did this movie even make it's money back!?
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Solid family fun
21 August 2018
I don't know if it is that the movie in and of itself has just worn out its welcome or that it's just a poor movie that would be great for toddlers. But the movie seemed a little too quick, lacking of storyline (Even for kids as young as 8 or 9), and the resolving of the movie jumped the gun.
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
Hilarious, Cynical, Dark, Sociopathic
18 August 2018
Watching the entire 12 episode first season. I haven't the faintest idea where critics come off by saying this show is to 'fat shame' people. It is far from it. Most of the show is meant to be hilarious and a 'funny haha' look at American Pageantry life. For laughs. But at the same time has an aspect of Dark and Cynical turn to the lifestyle of Pageantry. Even going as far as certain main characters, you will have to watch to know what I mean, become sociopathic in their determination to be a 'Pageant Queen'. It is a great blend of Comedy, Dark Humor, and Horror that makes it fun to watch.
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A Fan Boy wet dream but in Reality A below average movie
18 July 2018
It had Special Effects to the max. It had light saber fights. It had Rey in training to be one with the force. Who could not like that?!!? Well, what they forgot was a storyline, character development, a continuation of a 'mary sue' character, logical story telling, Luke being a whiny little 'bit**' like he was in the original Star Wars (he did grow up a little in Return of the Jedi but reverted to the 'Whiny little 'BIT**' in this movie). Rey having no character development. The movie wanted to please every 'family friendly' family out there to only find it only pleasing 'Fan Boys' who have no clue about real cinema and the history of American Cinema and Politics. It was an utter disappointment to be nice.
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6 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot of you trolls out there are not going to like this review but whatever. 1. To big of a cast. Had too little screen time to be an effective character (all characters) and fit in the plotline effectively. 2. This ties in to not enough screen time, lack of emotional connection to the characters. I simply didn't care that half of the characters died by the end of the movie. Because we all know that most if not all characters are going to return anyway in future movies, it's a financial decision on Marvel's behalf. We all know that these characters are cash cows for Marvel studios so why care that they died when we all know they are going to come back anyway.... 3. Plotline, it had potential but due to time limits done by the studio and editing team it wasn't fully developed (Yes I understand half of you are going to say 'but I want my movie to be an hour and half and mindless fun'. and to rebut that, you can look this up here on imdb, 90%+ of movies that have made the most money and have the highest ratings are at least 2 and half hours long, most being over 3 hours so don't claim to represent the majority). 4. I would have liked this movie a lot more if they would have split it up into 2 movies, which would have been warranted with the material they were using in the movie. In the end, this movie was the 'might have been' movie. Too many 13 year olds went to see this movie who have never went to see movies before this.
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Arcade (1993 Video)
Cliché and bad writing
11 September 2017
What made 'Arcade' cool was that despite it's many faults was a decent Cult Movie. The writing was terrible, the acting was average at best, the directing was bad, The budget was well below what it needed to be to make a great film. But for what it was, a low-budget Cult Movie, it hit the mark like nothing else. I suggest at least one viewing for everyone.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Another Good movie that was ruined by a PG-13 rating
10 June 2017
I have to say is that I did enjoy watching this movie. It was a very entertaining movie for Family Friendly Audiences. However, in the end, it lacked storyline and emotional connection that it was trying for mostly because it was rated PG-13. I get that the studio is trying to pander to the widest audience as possible but in the end it doesn't pander to anyone beyond the basic 5 year old whose parents brought them to the movie because it was a 'Super-Hero' movie that they believed their kids would like the movie. Yet, in the end if this movie was indeed a 'dark' rated-R movie would have completely changed the dynamic of the storyline and how well it would have been told.
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