
13 Reviews
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Girl Power!
30 March 2024
Some series delve into very real topics while also using humor effectively. This series is one of them. In fact, it's one of the most feminist works I've seen recently. The majority of the characters are strong women grappling with life and masculinity. However, the series is overly long, with each episode spanning an hour across 7 seasons. The frequent flashbacks also make it quite challenging to watch. Nevertheless, it's still a fantastic piece of work. I can say that I liked the performances and the film music. In fact, for a long time, I couldn't distinguish whether the actors were real inmates or not. The series also sheds light on social issues. The increase in crime rates in the US, institutional racism, attacks against women, and economic inequalities are some of the social issues that come to mind first.
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8 March 2024
It's tiring. One of Nuri Bilge's films with the most lines. As with every film of his, he highlights cinematography, with landscapes and photographs taking center stage. However, the recurring theme of provincial life is becoming tedious. I feel the director is taking the easy way out here. It seems like he's following a template, just filling in the blanks. Moreover, the constant interruption of the film with portrait photographs seemed meaningless to me, giving it a documentary feel. It was unnecessary.

I'm also getting tired of the recurring theme in Nuri Bilge's films where the main character, an 'intellectual', struggles to adapt to provincial life. There are some new elements in this film, like social media, and issues like harassment and mob culture. However, I believe the portrayal of pedophilia in this film is misguided. In countries like Turkey where these issues are real, depicting them as falsehoods in movies seems absurd to me. It should have been the opposite, confronting the perpetrators. But Nuri Bilge's disregard for such issues and his mockery of the 'me too' movement is well known. Only the Cannes jury seems to appreciate this attitude.
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Maden (1978)
Two great leading men
29 February 2024
Imagine a country where there is no progress in its mines and no job security. That's been the case since the film was shot. But what makes this film special, in my opinion, is also showing the cultures of the working class and the capital in Turkey.

The working class in Turkey has always been put to sleep with religion and faith. It was also the period when the working class in Turkey was most active. However, a few years after this film was made, with the coup, the working class was completely subdued.

For that time, tremendous acting. Tarik Akan has always been special to me. His political stance should be an example to today's actors.
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The Sea Inside (I) (2004)
26 February 2024
I haven't watched such an impressive movie in a long time. It choked me up. Not only because of the emotions it evoked but also because of the thoughts it provoked. I haven't seen another film that portrays the concept of death with such realism, something that every living being on this earth must face but often avoids thinking about and fears the most. Death is as much a part of life as birth or living, yet we often forget that it's a choice. The narrative in the film delivers this message incredibly well. The typical characteristic of Spanish cinema, social relationships - such as strikes or unemployment - also find their place in the background. The visuals in the film also draw you in. There's nothing bad to say about the performances either. Bardem, in my opinion, delivered his best performance. I only deducted one point for the film. That was related to the music. But unfortunately, that's a very subjective matter.
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Needless technical details
23 February 2024
For a while, I couldn't understand what the movie was about. The struggles of labor processes in Africa are well-known facts, but the film is a bit more than that. I couldn't quite tell if it's a love story or about the hardships of growing up in a poor region. It's a multi-layered narrative, which makes it challenging to watch from that perspective.

Also, there are too many technical details in the film. Too much music and unnecessary sequences. It feels like they've unnecessarily prolonged the film's length. It made it difficult to connect to the main story. However, I can say that when the main plot starts, it begins to get impressive.
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A different theme but...
21 February 2024
We are witnessing the intertwining of dystopia and fantasy, which can be considered a unique attempt. Departing from the usual genres like action, crime, war, history, or biography, there seems to be a search for something different, and I must congratulate that. However, personally, I'm not particularly fond of child actors. Films with too many child actors tend to irk me. In this regard, I can say it's a downside. Also, the casting choices don't seem to be very effective.

Another negative aspect is the classic good versus evil narrative. Mainstream Hollywood never seems to abandon this narrative style. They're always after making a good investment and earning money based on this narrative. However, a yin-yang character narrative established through characters or plotlines is always more intriguing.

Yes, the traditional good versus evil narrative can sometimes become mundane, and it's true that yin-yang narratives established through more complex character relationships and unexpected plot twists can be more captivating. Surprising the audience with unconventional character developments and unforeseen plotlines can make the film experience richer and more satisfying. Such alternative approaches can certainly bring a fresh perspective to the world of cinema.
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Genocide is genocide
20 February 2024
Genocide! Taking over people's lands, applying genocide to them, and then imprisoning them in an open-air prison... A context where the act of imprisonment is called "protection." Although the film depicts historical realities, the "white man" has not been detached from the civilizing and "polite" role. It's as if everything done to the natives is presented as the ordinary course of history.

Watching a film from the 90s and seeing that it is one of the best in terms of art direction of its time was impressive for a cinephile 30 years later. I'm sorry for being so late to the party.

I'm not sure if a situation is created where whites question themselves, especially around the protagonist. I think the main focus is on showing how primitive the natives are and legitimizing colonialism.
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Ecological crisis and inequalities
19 February 2024
Poverty, economic and sexual inequalities, ecological crisis, and the effects it has on the poor, impoverishment...

Struggling to read. It's not quite possible to experience this in a Western country, but in Africa, it's in line with the daily flow of life. Unfortunately, that's the way it is. There are many children there who are willing to apply what they learn to the practices of daily life. This film tells the story of one of them.

But I think the more striking thing was the side stories. People forced to destroy their nature due to poverty are forced to directly confront the effects of the ecological crisis as a result. Unfortunately, like everything else in the world, the ecological crisis affects people unequally. But the film suggests overcoming this inequality by listening to everything that makes up nature, animals, and the world. In my opinion, this is conveyed very well with images. It's a sad film. I recommend not watching it if you have eco-anxiety. However, I think it's done quite well in a societal sense.
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The Spanish Civil War and Its Impact on Lives
18 February 2024
A film about the devastating civil war that began in Spain in 1936. While social and political events are the driving force behind the film, we also follow a personal story. Cinema often overlooks the story of ordinary people, focusing on leaders and their biographies, but this film pays attention to that.

The cinematography, editing, and pacing are all very well done. Additionally, the choice of locations sets it apart from typical films. Silence intensifies the impact of the reality portrayed. The casting, especially the performances of the main characters, is fantastic.

It's a realistic film, yet not boring. I recommend watching it.
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Beats (I) (2019)
Hardcore realistic
17 February 2024
At first glance, it seems simple, but it's not. I wasn't expecting much in the first few minutes. I thought I would be watching a 4/10 movie. But the silence suddenly caught my attention. And the intro music! What a great entrance.

Although this movie seems simple, it portrays the love for music and its healing power well. I also appreciate narratives that subtly show racial inequality without shoving it in our faces. This movie is one of them.

When I watch movies or series, I don't pay much attention to the technical aspects. I prefer to focus on the messages and ideologies presented in the film rather than areas like casting or cinematography. That's why I really liked this film.

There's not just one drama in the film. There are multiple stories, and these stories are shown with small symbols. These details were interesting. The film doesn't have a documentary feel; I won't pass without mentioning that.

By the way, the acting turned out to be solid as well, better than I expected. It's truly an extremely gritty, realistic film. I strongly recommend watching it.
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Easy to watch
16 February 2024
I appreciate documentaries of this nature as they skillfully unveil hypocrisy. The term "cult" nowadays tends to evoke associations solely with religious factions within Islam. However, irrespective of societal progress, there exists a plethora of charlatans globally, endeavoring to exploit individuals' faiths. Hence, I deem this documentary highly valuable. Additionally, its storytelling employs an entertaining tone, while the incorporation of animations in a cinematic manner facilitates the digestibility of the content. Through such presentations, viewers are prompted to critically examine and reflect upon the complexities of belief systems and their manipulative potential in contemporary society.
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15 February 2024
We've been tracking a corruption operation that has spanned two generations, with the entire organization, including former FIFA president Sepp Blatter, being implicated. The extent of corruption within regional and national federations remains uncertain. However, the ironic twist lies in the World Cup relocating to Qatar from the USA. It appears as if the USA is exacting revenge... Had the 2022 World Cup been held in the USA, it's likely that this documentary wouldn't have garnered as much attention, highlighting the intricate interplay between geopolitics and sports corruption on a global scale...
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Spy Ops (2023– )
Classical American Propanda
30 December 2023
This series is a type of classical CIA and American propaganda. People talking in the series say "We interrupted people's history because there was no freedom, but when we came freedom came." It's a big lie. How can a American feel sad after supporting Taliban against URSS? US struggled against Taliban after that. They knew that how these Taliban people were. Taliban is against freedoms, music, games, technology. But how did you back on them? And do you want us to believe these lies? I don't like these types of propaganda movies. But I know streaming companies are loving the idea of "fake" freedom. Suggestion: Don't what I did and don't spend your hours please.
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