
5 Reviews
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Good Movie
4 September 2023
This was a real good movie, I'm a sucker for 70's film. James Caan in a different roll for him and very enjoyable. Good dialogue and interesting characters. A story with highs and lows. Myself being a dad to children who's biological parent walked out on them I identified with his logic, some will think why would you do that when it's not even your child, my answer is everyone needs someone to love and care about them as they grow up. My dad walked out when I 5 and not having a male roll model really affected me growing up. Hats off to any man who takes on another man's family Anyone can be a father but it takes a special person to be a Dad.
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Margaux (2022)
Nothing Smart Here
2 April 2023
Wooden cast of young nobodies with typical stereotypical set of boring personalities, the stoner, the jock, the nerd, the nasty girl you know the formula, lame and boring social media people. Don't insult your own intelligence and save precious time of your life that you will not get back. This is total garbage, watching paint dry is more entertaining than Margaux and the sfx are so cheap and nasty a giant curtain used to make the water room look futuristic is just laughable. CGI from the 80's cracked me up think Terminator Liquid Metal guy. Possibly my biggest mistake this decade was to watch part of this.
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Bad Bad BAD
29 July 2022
Jurassic Park meets James Bond, No story and pretty ordinary action sequences. What happened to this franchise. The original cast meets the new cast a mish mash of cliches and new cgi that just doesn't work. Watching movie reminded of a theme park ride rather a movie. Should stop at 3 maybe even 1 Hollywood keep churning out this garbage.
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Viva Knievel! (1977)
Classic Motorcycle Movie
1 March 2022
What's not to like about about motorcycles, stuntmen, drugs, Gene Kelly and Leslie Nielsen and the beautiful Laren Hutton. It's got a corny plot and the acting from Evel is pretty wooden but I actually enjoyed it, worth a look.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
3 February 2022
As soon as I seen Thomas Jane in his Ray Bans I knew I was in for a treat and then in the next scene I see paint piece of polystyrene stuck to the wall and trying to make it look like the interior of a spaceship I was done. How do these types of movies get funding is beyond me. This is not a B-Movie it's more of an M for moronic movie. Don't waste your time and don't listen to any of the positive comments or you'll be sorry.
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