
29 Reviews
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Absolutely Brilliant
30 January 2023
I found the first season hysterically funny, I was laughing out loud often. And then it takes this really interesting turn, where it's still funny but it's not just a comedy show. There's so much going on here.

In the end, I think the audience is sitting through a long moral philosophy class, right along with the protagonists. It's dressed up as a bit of fun, and it is fun, but it's more than that.

By the end, I had absorbed so much about morality and the meaning of life. Brilliantly written and presented.

It always managed to keep the new avenues fresh and plausible, but also acknowledged when they had nowhere else to go and gave us an incredibly satisfying conclusion. Even that, the fact that the show ended while it was still good, is in keeping with the ultimate message of the final episode.

If you're looking for a show that will fill you up in so many ways, this is it. Enjoy.
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Fall (I) (2022)
15 January 2023
The actual plot of the movie is just ok in my opinion but the way it was made was very effective. Watching it made me almost physically ill at times, and at times I really wanted to look away. Which is unusual because the scariest horror movie wouldn't have that effect on me. But that's a sign that they accomplished what they set out to do.

Considering that this is basically a movie of two women in a tiny area, I thought they carried it quite well and it never got boring or tedious.

Like most movies of this kind, there are some plot holes and weird decisions made. But overall it was well done and accomplishes the goal of portraying a harrowing ordeal.
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Rick and Morty: Juricksic Mort (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
Not Funny Really
11 October 2022
Like most of the rest of the season, it's kind of a funny concept but not funny. I used to get in at least a laugh or a chuckle in each and every episode. Now it's sort of just a thing I watch because it used to be funny. No actual laughs in this one, just a bunch of things happening.

Every character was in the episode - even the president! - but none were really doing anything substantial. Each one had like half a plot line.

I miss the days of funny Rick & Morty but I think maybe the show has jumped the shark. Still worth watching but honestly once evil Morty did his thing that was the end of caring about the canon, and the random episodes don't have the same punch.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Extremely Frightening, But...
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains a kinda sorta spoiler, you can read it without ruining the plot, but if you don't want to know anything about the movie then don't read this.

I loved Ethan Hawke here, he did a fantastically convincing job despite his character making some decisions which are unbelievable.

Early in the film he finds a box in the attic of his new house which contains film of the murder which occurred there. The film could only have been made by the killer, and could only have been left there after the home was searched by police after the murders took place.

The audience knows there's a supernatural element at work, but Hawke's character does not. What kind of person would know full well that the killer had been inside their house to leave the films, and not immediately leave? There's no chance any father would put his children (let alone himself) in that kind of jeopardy.

However if you blow past that gaping hole in the plot, the rest of the movie is very effective and downright scary. The most frightening parts are not the jump scares, which I could have done without, but the ambience and ominous buildup. The jump scares are not so egregious that it ruins the movie's truly terrifying elements.

The whole cast does a great job, and I appreciated that the marriage at the center of the story had a little depth to it. There was some dialogue that wasn't strictly to set up the next thing, but actually gave the characters some depth. So much horror is cardboard characters who you don't care if they live or die. Caring about the characters and identifying with them is what makes it scary when things happen. If you just throw some one-dimensional teenagers into a haunted house, I couldn't care less, but here I found myself coming along with them.

Nice little twist at the end, too.

Definitely worth a watch if you're a horror fan, just don't think too hard about what you'd do in this situation and enjoy a scary ride.
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Hereditary (2018)
What's worse than a nightmare?
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Toni Collette gives one of the most powerful and terrifying performances I've ever seen. Like the story itself, she is almost possessed by this role. She delivers pain, that we all hope we never experience, in a way that is traumatically authentic.

Alex Wolff is equally compelling and heartbreaking.

This film could have easily had no supernatural elements and been a true horror masterpiece. But it's not heavy handed with it's horrific attributes. They are a frightening homage to Rosemary's Baby. Slow burning and dark as midnight. This is the kind of film that mainstream horror wishes it could be, but can't, for reasons that will be apparent if you watch it. It dives deep into the darkest places that there are to go. And it leaves you there.
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Host (II) (2020)
Imperfect, but Unnerving
27 October 2021
Interesting concept and well acted, and does have some genuine creepiness to it. I most enjoyed the moments where things were happening and the characters weren't carrying around their screens. Would have preferred if the entire movie was just fixed shots of the rooms they were in, as I think that would have been more realistic. But worth seeing, especially as a new take on the found footage genre.
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Underworld (2003)
It Is What It Is
29 September 2021
Not very good as a movie, but nice to look at. And I don't just mean Kate Beckinsale. Overall the visuals are good, and if that's all you're looking for you're in the right place.
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Maniac (2018– )
One Of My All Time Favorites
19 August 2021
I re-watch this series every so often and just did so again. It's just so good, it's a masterpiece. There's so much packed in here. It's hilarious in a deadpan sort of way, inventive, captivating and it's got so much heart that it's practically bursting off the screen.

I could understand how it may be too strange for some. Personally I like that it starts in a not-so-distant future world and doesn't bother to explain everything (such as the A-void pod in the back yard). That makes it all feel perfectly natural and real. Some of the things that happen are bizarre, but it's like a dream that almost makes sense, and that's actually a really hard thing to capture on film.

Layered on top of all that are these really charming and enjoyable scenarios played out perfectly by Jonah Hill and Emma Stone. You could take each one of the stories on their own and love them, but the way they weave together into the broader picture makes for a really satisfying experience.

Everything is perfect, from the writing to the performances, to the way it was executed.

If this review makes it sound pretentious, don't let that discourage you. It's got so much going on but it's a really enjoyable watch even without needing to analyze it. Take in the wonderful stories. You won't regret it.
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Soul (2020)
An Unexpected Christmas Classic
26 December 2020
I'll always think of this as a Christmas movie, even though it has nothing to do with Christmas. Such a lovely way for the whole family to spend time together after opening presents and eating breakfast. Releasing it on that day of all days really captured the visceral nature of the movie.

It's technically brilliant, from animation to score to story to voice acting and everything else. Made all the more impressive given that it was created during a pandemic.

The story brilliantly sidesteps all the loaded questions about which afterlife is the real one, while giving us something meaningful at the same time. It could apply to anyone, including atheists, without being out of place. It gives children a pleasant view of the great beyond, whatever that is, and adults a new appreciation for simply being alive.

A movie to be enjoyed on different levels depending on your age, and hopefully one that will be part of the Christmas repertoires for years to come.
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The Two Popes (2019)
Brilliant, Even For An Atheist
6 February 2020
Fantastic performances, a great script, subtly brilliant cinematography, an important and timely message. Very uplifting despite some of the subject matter. I don't believe a single word of Catholic dogma and yet I found this magnificent
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Happy Endings (2011–2020)
The Greatest
27 September 2019
My whole family loves this show so, so much. We've watched it through probably 10 times now. It's so funny and quick, great scenarios, great cast with good chemistry. A true feel-good show, and it looks like it was a lot of fun to make. Just watch, it's so amazing, you'll be glad you did.
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Love this show
24 August 2019
I watch it with my daughter and it keeps me laughing along with her. Highly recommend!
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Diagnosis (2019)
Fantastic Concept, Frustrating Watch
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love the idea of asking the crowd for help on problems, it reminds me of Fold It. This is how all the problems we face today will be solved.

But I felt that they could have done less flying people around the world and filmed more cases. Too many of these people already had the solution and frustratingly wouldn't accept it, or there was simply none to be had. That's life, to be sure, but not an especially feel-good watch.
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Sometimes Ok, Often Cringe-Worthy
18 August 2019
My wife and I cherrypicked about 10 episodes, I feel like we got a pretty good cross section. Quickly realized that the funniness of the show depends entirely on the guest and their ability to tolerate Jerry.

He often asks pointless and awkward questions which even the guests visibly cringe at. Jerry doesn't really seem interested in talking about substantive things with the comedians, he has rather low regard for people he considers less funny than himself, and treats his comedy career as if he's Jonas Salk.

I went into this show somewhat indifferent toward Jerry Seinfeld and came out quite put off by him. The show deserves some credit for the array of guests. The cars are cool too, despite how mind-numbingly self indulgent that aspect is. It really speaks to Jerry's personality that he combined his favourite things into a show, but the part that the audience might care about (asking the guests questions) often feels like an afterthought.
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Illuminating but a bit hard to follow
5 August 2019
Very compelling story and loaded with information I otherwise had only passing knowledge about. Good production value and well acted. Nice biographical stuff too, aside from the crimes. Really strong show overall.

My only gripe is that given all the moving parts, the large cast of characters and their various nicknames, it might not have been the best choice to jump around in time with the story. I really had to focus to keep from getting lost, and even then I feel like there was a lot I missed.

Having said that, it was well done enough to watch again at some point and take in all the details.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Nothing like the rest
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Grey Worm and the Unsullied skedaddle at the same time Jon does (they SEE EACH OTHER GOING). The only people who really care if he gets punished are now long gone. The Dothraki disappear completely too I guess. Oh well, Jon thinks, I'll go to the Wall anyway because there needs to be a Nights Watch to guard against creatures we wiped out a few days ago. Good thing he came back from the dead and had a whole royal lineage story developed over several seasons so he could not be bothered to fight for his own life, let alone the throne.

This whole season was so painfully rushed as to make it unrecognizable. At so many points in this series people would just be walking from point-A to point-B, and in that time we would see them talking, growing, encountering problems and overcoming them. All throughout this last season suddenly it feels like people can just teleport across the realm when it suits the tremendously, astonishingly rushed plot. And we lose all of that great and subtle development while people are on their journeys, rather than oh hey, everything has to happen in basically 4 episodes.

Honestly why even make it if you're going to rush through so fast? It's nothing like the rest of the show. You have to wonder if it would have been better to not have an eighth season at all.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Good But...
13 May 2019
I can understand the hate. I don't see why this enormous amount of content had to be smushed uncomfortably into six episodes. That's what's truly against the grain compared to the rest of the show. But, as far as the actual storylines go, I could see it all going this way.
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The Order (2019–2020)
10 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine you're in university and several people get publicly and horribly killed, and/or disappear. Do you think that would move the emotional needle for you and the entire campus for more than five minutes?

Maybe there would be, I don't know, a memorial service? Or a police investigation? National media coverage? And even IF you can get past all that, the characters are so shallow and cardboardy that they barely even seem to notice, except to say 'shucks, it sure is awful that those friends of ours got ripped to shreds.'

Spoiler alert here! Here's some truly terrible, terrible writing for you:

A young student - a friend of the main character!! - is killed, body displayed for all to see. The main character's response? Go to class, take ONE DEEP BREATH and it's all good. Literally two scenes later he has forgotten all about it, he's back to flirting and cracking jokes.

Everyone else has forgotten about it too. Schools get grief counselors if one person dies, let alone several. This one doesn't even give a half day off for some CSI.

They must have invested their student counselor budget in janitors because there's no trace of the horrors by a few scenes later. And can you blame them? Someone's getting killed every twenty minutes.

A male faculty member disappears after several students have already been murdered. His friend and collegue, a female professor, is hit by a car. So NATURALLY the faculty throws her a welcome home party when she gets out of the hospital! She looks positively cheery!

One of the werewolves says he's been a "knight" for eight years, yet somehow The Order is surprised when their recruits start getting killed. What has this werewolf guy been doing for the last eight years? And how have he and his band of merry men gone undetected by a literal army of magicians? Especially given that the werewolves have done enough damage to "confiscate" a room full to the brim with magical items.

It's not just that the characters and situations are poorly written, unbelievable and shallow. When they write in huge events and then totally gloss over them, the viewer is left feeling that there are no stakes. Who cares who does what, or who lives and dies.

Sometimes you watch something and you're left wondering how it even got made, and who thought it was a good idea. This is one of those for me.
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Sing (2016)
So Good
6 March 2019
This movie is great. My daughter loves it (which means I've seen it four time already), and you know what? I'm not sick of it yet. The story and characters are good, I love a story that works out but not the way the players expected them to.

But where this one really shines for me was the animation. Nerdy, I know. But watch the reflections in the car doors, the bottles of olive oil in the grocery store, the water, the hairs on the animals. It's those near perfect little details that are quite an achievement in realism.

Definitely worth at least one watch.
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Friends from College (2017–2019)
Dont Understand The Appeal
7 February 2019
This is not a show about a group of friends, it's the Keegan-Michael Key show. If you like watching him in other things, you may like this. I might even hop on board with you except his character is morally bankrupt and unlikeable. And not in a hyperbolic (and actually funny) Always Sunny kind of way.

A good portion of the cast feels like pure window dressing (I'm looking at you, Marianne and Nick). You don't have to recreate Friends, but at least in that show everyone had their own narrative, things they wanted and didn't want, etc. Half the people in this show just feel like props in Ethan's life, which just makes the whole thing ring hollow for me. The further you get from his immediate circle of interest, the less round and substantive the characters are, which is a sign of bad writing.

If you can squeeze a laugh out of Melissa McCarthy saying one over the top thing after another, you might find the humour in this show funny. One of the only parts that made me laugh was the comments about Ethan's book because they were similar to how I felt watching the show. Boring. I hate it sooo much.
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IO (2019)
Depressing Right On Through
1 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to do breakdown the the scientific problems with this movie, I'm not even that irked that the movie had next to nothing to do with Io. Heck, the performances were good and it was atmospheric and visually well done.

But it's basically just death. Death of the planet, death of Sam's parents, dying bees, dying pigs, wives starving to death, murderous ideation. And then they saved the best for last.

After learning that all communication between Io and Earth will be severed FOREVER, Sam decides to stay on the planet. She wants Micah to tell everyone that there's hope for Earth "if she survives", which he'd have no way of knowing. And of course he didn't tell anyone because she's shown perhaps five or six years later with her young CHILD, alone on the planet, doomed to a life of solitude and their inevitable, pointless demise.

Bleakness doesn't have to mean bad movie, but I think there was supposed to be a message of hope buried in there somewhere that got lost in this mess.
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Green Book (2018)
27 January 2019
I could hardly wait to finish the movie before writing this review, and I don't write them terribly often. This is just an excellent film all around. It's heartwarming, insightful and moving, but best of all I thought it was very very funny! There aren't too many movies that cover so many bases and do it as expertly as this. If you haven't seen it, definitely add this one to your list.
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Paddington (2014)
28 December 2018
I had absolutely no expectations going into this movie, which may have worked in it's favor given the story's history. However, I thought it was extremely well done. Funny, whimsical, charming, unique and stylish. There were subtle moments of filmmaking here that were really neat, but it was also just plain enjoyable. I don't have a bad thing to say about it, this is a good one.
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The Romanoffs (2018)
It's Good But...
22 October 2018
Interesting anthology but it's so loosely based on the Romanovs as to make no difference to the plot. Not sure why they positioned the series this way, but it's really more of a distraction than anything.
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Like Poetry, It's Much Ado About Nothing
21 October 2018
Well acted, deeply disturbing premise. But nothing really happens. It's unsettling and atmospheric, I'll give it that. But ultimately there are no stakes for anyone involved so it's a letdown. Just kind of fades to black. Overall if you can avoid, you probably should.
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