
5 Reviews
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A compelling must-see
4 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is long, tedious, graphic, disturbing, and well worth watching. Although there are some critiques on here that claim the film focuses too much on the "positive" (if you can say there is such a thing in the midst of the Holocaust) it would be a very different and much less watched film if it was 193 minutes of the worst moments in the history of the Holocaust. It does not sugar-coat the atrocities that occurred, in fact there are many graphic and undeniably violently disturbing scenes. However, without the hopeful stories of those that Schindler saved, the film would be unwatchable. There is an honest depiction of the horrible things that occurred in the Auschwitz, but there is also a story of hope. One that doesn't discount the atrocities that were inflicted on the Jews, but also leaves you with some faith in humanity. The story of a greedy, powerful goyem, using his power and money to save all of the Jews he can from Auschwitz is incredibly moving and is what makes such a depressing film worth watching and prevents the viewer from leaving the experience with a sense of total depression.
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4 December 2008
After hearing from friends over the last several years that I absolutely had to see this movie and that I would love it, I finally rented it and... I hated this film, it was disjointed, confusing, lacking any visible plot, and incredibly frustrating to watch. The movie is almost schizophrenic, it goes from scary to erotic in seconds, I am not used to being both scared and turned on, it was rather unsettling. The movie definitely has artistic value, one of those movies that has a hidden meaning at every turn. As everyone else has said, you need to watch it more than once to figure it all out and I don't have the time or patience to watch it the four or five times it would take me to understand the total mess of a plot.
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
A must see!
2 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hotel Rwanda is the amazing and heartwarming true story of Paul Rusesabagina, played wonderfully by Don Cheadle. Paul owns a hotel in violent Rwanda during the civil war. The Hutu and Tutsi people are at odds and Paul is a Hutu and his wife, Tatiana, is a Tutsi. In the midst of the war Paul sees the atrocities being committed to his fellow Rwandans and makes his hotel a safe haven for refugees. The film is incredibly moving. Although it shows the horrors of life in Rwanda during the war, with people being dragged from their homes, murdered, and living scared for their lives, there is also a humanity and uplifting aspect. The compassion that Paul and his wife have for the refugees and the risks they are willing to take to keep those within the hotel is heartwarming. One of my favorite things about the film is that it doesn't shy away from portraying the Rwandan conflict and the genocide that is occurring and brings the country's issues to light. The film has raised awareness of the genocide and telling this true story brings some hope to the situation. Cheadle is amazing in the film and carries it. His performance is convincing and moving, he is the perfect man for this role.
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Snatch (2000)
Hilarious film
16 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Snatch is a great movie. It is hilarious and had me laughing out loud several times. It is witty, fast paced, and well written. The characters are over the top, yet believable. The varying accents keep the viewer on her toes and add to the unique pace of the film. The story line is simple, but the characters are so intriguing. Pitt is exceptionally good in the film. His Romanian Gypsy accent is well done and believable and yet each line he delivers is funny simply because of the odd sounding accent. Another thing I loved about the film was how well thought out it was. Everything in frame has a purpose and a reason you're seeing it. The speed and pace of Snatch is hyper-kinetic and keeps the film moving quickly and allows the jigsaw puzzle like structure to play out perfectly. Snatch is a funny, witty, and all around amazing film that I highly recommend.
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Great film, but not Almodovar's best
7 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Atame is beautifully filmed, funny, and compelling. In true Almodovar style it is controversial, as the story implies a woman can be forced to love a man, and because the audience begins to identify with and root for the captor and abuser, rather than the victim. The acting is great and Antonio Banderas plays the role surprisingly well. The sexual tension between Abril and Banderas is played wonderfully. Despite the film's rating, the sexual scenes are not unnecessarily graphic. Atame is a great film that deals with a controversial topic, however it is not nearly as thought provoking or moving as many of Almodovar's other films including Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown and Talk to her.
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