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Clueless (1995)
Rewatched as an adult
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I very much liked Clueless as a teenager when it came out. I adored Alicia Silverstone in real life and wanted to be her. But, there was always something a little weird about Cher hooking up with her older stepbrother in Clueless. Maybe it wasn't a great message for teenage girls.

As an adult, I HAVE to call out the statutory undertones. Cher is 16! Josh is in college working for his lawyer ex-stepfather, so we assume he's not a freshman. Even if he were (which is not convincing), a college kid dating a high school student is still bordering on pedophila, I'm sorry.

That aside, I still think Clueless is incredibly entertaining. I never read Emma, so I don't have the knowledge to compare the literary references that others have mentioned, but it certainly wouldn't be a new concept to update an old classic (or even that particular classic).

Truthfully, the reason I think this movie is still so relevant is purely cultural. Not that it's not entertaining or well done It's just that for many people like myself, it occupies a place in our memory associated with a particular time (and perhaps we even integrated it into our identities as kids of that time). Part of me wishes that Paul Rudd and Alicia Silverstone and gotten married and lived happily ever after in real life.

Another aspect of this film to note is the "dumb" blonde that is actually smart. It was done better in Legally Blonde, but Clueless really made that trend / trope mainstream. In some ways, it could be considered feminist (if one can overlook the incest / statutory plot), by showing a stereotypical female and giving her depth. Not sure if that relates to the Emma parallel.
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Mad Max (1979)
Makes no sense
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the plot and the social purpose (it's fantasy for a certain male mind), but seriously, Mad Max is totally ridiculous. I've watched it a couple times, and I still think this. Just why is everyone crazy, and why do they slip in and out of their psychosis? Where do all the shiny various cars come from in this struggling future? How is there still a clean fully functioning hospital running with the police working out of what looks like a parking garage? Also, if the world is so chaotic, how are they just able to take off on a gay family trip and get a puppy from a kind man on the roadside?

It's not just that it's illogical, but from minute one, Mad Max is queer, as in peculiar. The evil / crazy people seem to be on drugs and behave in abnormal and unrealistic ways. It seems that the point was to represent insanity as unpredictable and generally evil, but instead, the interpretation of it feels odd. It's clearly meant to make a particular viewer (with violent tendencies) feel that THEIR urges are normal and good, compared to these guys. I'm not against violence in media - I love a good horror move. But, the weirdness of Mad Max feels gratuitous and creepy.

That being said, I do like it when the guys do rolls on the way to their motorcycles. It's so ridiculous that some of its absurdity (the harmless parts) are almost a little funny. And when the guys eyes pop out, that was a pretty good effect. But, I just can't get over the overtones of toxic masculinity coming off this film 45 years later.
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Inception (2010)
Good, but overrated
21 May 2024
Like all Nolan's films, it's mind-bending and original, and incredibly entertaining. But, sorry, they're not as brilliant as people think. There's always so many holes in the writing, as mentioned by others, like how Matthew McConaughey went inside a black hole to communicate with his daughter on Earth in Interstellar. Is it creative? Sure. But for those of us who like our writing to be tidy, it's more than a little annoying. Furthermore, it has no real twists or intrigue.

For a person who is deeply interested and well read in psychology, I enjoyed the journey into the psyche through dreams. It's accurate in many ways that a dreamer does not control their subconscious, and theoretically, one could hijack it. In fact, people do this all the time, but one does not need to be asleep and dreaming. It's called brainwashing. No dream within dreams within dreams necessary.

I liked the levels of action - it is a fun watch. And all the actors are adept in their roles. I really don't even mind when writing is not based in reality, as long as people realize that it's not. There's really nothing particularly bad about Inception - it just doesn't live up to the hype.
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I loved it
19 May 2024
I think this will age well, as it is very polished with surprising cameos. It is a particular brand of humor that you either get or you don't. It's not really satire, but it sits on this edge of absurdity which feels satirical. It's funny, definitely leaning toward a left audience. The previews ruined the best one-liners, so avoid them if you can. You can't blame the filmmakers for that.

Overall, this is a bit like a lesbian fantasy, an ode to LGBTQ in darker days. The "love" story between the leads is meant to be anticlimactic, for a realistic effect, which makes it better. It's difficult to put to words the meaning, but it gives a feeling that only certain people will get - a humor for the absurd.

It's explicit, but not crass. The sex scenes themselves are actually almost PG-13. The "shocking" part people are reacting to is the casualness of homosexuality. A little girl peeping at her nude neighbor? Boys have been doing this in movies for ages, but apparently a little gay girl doing it is terribly inappropriate lol. How magical the sexual feelings of boys, and how offensive the sexuality of girls.

Again, I loved this and totally got it. And a mention for the woman that played the cop - such a promising comedian. The dead pan at graphic violence was very Coen brothers. Classic.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Female horror, should come with trigger warnings
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing that came out of my mouth when telling someone about this show was something I barely even noticed until I said it out loud. The female characters are actually believable and realistic. It's funny how you don't even realize that they usually aren't, because you're so used to it. Women in TV & movies are either empty robots or over-the-top exaggerated superheroes. These characters, though, are completely believable. They're flawed. They make choices like real people. And, they're actually intelligent and capable human beings.

That being said, that makes Yellowjackets completely and utterly terrifying. This is pure psychological horror. And, to be frank, each and every episode should have come with a warning of depictions of mental illness, addiction, suicide, and trauma. It seems like a negligent oversight in this day and age. Personally, I would have appreciated it, especially toward the end of season 1 when things take a darker turn.

What really makes this so unsettling is the uncertainty of what exactly is happening. Some have complained that the opening scene is never explained, but I completely disagree. That scene sets a tone and precedent for us to make connections. How did it get to that point? At first, we expect it to be a pretty rapid descent into madness. And, it is a bit annoying to drag out the initial wilderness plot, I agree. But, these girls are surprisingly tough, and it ends up being a much more complicated journey.

One thing that makes it so interesting is their age, which is also depicted somewhat realistically. They aren't portrayed as older kids or yet mature adults - they are truly at that in between place where laughing around a fire while a gravely injured person lies nearby, is normal. They do not yet have fully formed identities or capacity for moral reasoning. So, in some way, I think it could be seen as an exploration how that time in one's life shapes one's identity, in this case an unimaginable tragedy. How would anyone cope with that? However , this seems more relevant if they were slightly younger (a couple years), as seniors in high school are practically adults. But, that also would have made several plot points more unsavory.

Female identity seems to also be a main theme. We have a good variety of women who clearly drive the plot. The male characters are secondary and background to the women's stories, for once. From periods syncing to pregnancy, women's issues are there, and none of this is toned down for the delicate sensibilities of the patriarchy. The writing is unsympathetic to the benevolent sexism that often is culturally endemic, requiring women to be ultimately pious and guilt ridden for each and every mistake and deception. In some ways, this is the root of its scariness - lifting the veil of bias to reveal the true psyche. Maybe this is more terrifying if you are a woman, as we are so used to being hidden behind bias and innuendo. Being seen is the most terrifying thing of all.

The underlying theme developing, entering into the winter and season 2 is a formation of a social hierarchy in the group. Ultimately, women are more social and can be more complicated in their relationships. This is excellently demonstrated with Shauna and Jeff, with Shauna having multiple loyalties and perspectives, while Jeff ends up being pretty straightforward in his intentions and behaviors. It becomes Jackie's undoing, who is ultimately at a disadvantage as a simple popular girl. She is used to being spoiled and surviving on good looks and favorable attention, which having given her the social advantage in high school, does not prove useful in the wilderness. I disagree with this writing a little bit, though, especially if Jackie is a narcissist, as implied. I think a true narcissist would adapt their approach, and I don't believe that they'd go out and starve or freeze to death over hurt feelings, either.
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Engaging, but ultimately clichéd
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dream scenario has some great filmography. The dreams themselves are intriguing and mysterious, and the final connection (cause) of the phenomenon is revealed to be the collective unconscious. As usual, though, artsy filmmaking types misunderstand a real concept and make it something it's not. The collective unconscious, first proposed by the psychologist Jung, is the idea that we are born with preprogrammed beliefs and fears (like reactions to the shapes of spiders or snakes), built into our genes. It does not mean that we can telepathically communicate with other living people .

Still, even if you allow for this fantastical scenario, it doesn't really explain the plot. It seems to suggest that the nightmares were Paul's subconscious desires or persona, projected from him onto them. I was really expecting Thoughts? To be behind the whole thing, having randomly selected him from the beginning in some kind of brainwashing social media experiment .I think that would have made a far better story. That would be a great criticism of the power and influence of social media, making the point that they ought to be responsible for unfairly influencing and manipulating people's lives.

But, in the end, when they posit that dream projections is supposedly real, I don't really get what it's trying to say at all. Toward the end, there's a lot of outward criticism of "cancel culture". But, social media is made up of people. Had this scenario happened in real life, I'm not convinced that the public would have been so unsympathetic to Paul, who clearly can't influence people's dreams. Usually, when someone gets "cancelled", there's often a pretty good reason. And plenty of people have made big mistakes, apologized, and gone on to still be fine. I think cancel culture being a new thing because of social media is made up, because social rejection has been around as long as humans. We evolved in tribes. As a tenured professor of evolutionary biology, Paul would have known all of this. I'm not sure the writers do, though .

Despite all his mediocre movies, I still like Nicolas Cage. He's funny and just plain likable, no matter how unlikable he tries to be. Because of this, I'm not sure he is cast right here. His self serving apology would have been more detestable, and his subconscious desire to harm people, all would have been more believable from someone else. If this is supposed to be some kind of commentary on White men being discriminated against or something because of more cultural awareness, cry me a river. I'm White, and I proudly support social causes that would diminish my undeserved privilege, because I get that it has nothing to do with me. If people feel sensitive about this kind of thing, that is definitely their problem, not culture or social media. And maybe that WAS the point that was trying to be made here - I just didn't buy it from Cage at all.
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Clever and funny
26 April 2024
As a book lover and a liberal person, I'm always trying to keep a diverse list of books to read. I divide my reading lists into categories, like mysteries, fantasy, romance, etc, and rotate them to get a variety. I also include special categories like LGBTQ, feminism, Black interest, Native American, etc, (a total of over 50 categories including nonfiction and music) to make sure that I'm reading books that cover issues like racism and sexism, because I care about them. But, it is harder to determine if books fall into these lists than one might think. Black interest, in particular, is one that gets so muddy when trying to figure out if a book is actually addressing racial issues, or if it just has Black people as characters, or worse, just a Black author. It's also weird how Black American gets mixed with African literature sometimes, like that's the same thing (African literature is World literature, from my American perspective). There are a lot of great books under general genres or just general fiction, including ones by Black authors, and about Black people.

Racism is a real issue, and that's not really the point of this movie. First, this story is a drama, and funny, too. It's just about a struggling writer who happens to be Black, along with his complicated family, many of the issues which are highly relatable to any audience. And, that's the point. The jokes are genuinely funny and well placed. It's a pretty light watch, but very well done. It's not always about race. That's a really great message, and not done in a "All Lives Matter" kind of way., although I can only envision how that crowd might twist the message. It's about the expectation that if an actor or a writer or a character is Black, that it has to be about racism or slavery or stereotypes. This is a form of racism that is often overlooked.
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Argylle (2024)
A really fun, silly movie
18 April 2024
I'm not sure how this movie can have such a low rating when a similarly silly action-comedy, Shazam!, has a 7. Well, I do know, because I'm a woman and I am very familiar with this bias. The comedy here is often mocking the spy genre, which is known for being sexist, and slanted toward a female perspective. So, it's easy to understand how people who think those movies are very true and serious, might not "get" it. I think in a way, you can probably identify a particular "type" of person by who cannot enjoy this even a little lol. If that was the intention, it's actually very underrated. But, either way, it was such a fun time! It was a nice surprise, better than I expected.
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Constellation (2024)
Peaks in episode 6-7 (Sn 1), then feels unfinished
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show. It's smarter than anything I've watched recently, probably even outdoing the average Christopher Nolan film. I would have been more attentive in the beginning, except I assumed everything was going to get much clearer. It does, and it doesn't. Don't get me wrong - I love that it challenged my brain. I just wasn't expecting it.

My biggest confusion at the end is which "universe" in which the CAM exists. She speaks Swedish with her daughter and about the experiment before the accident, then later she still remembers speaking Swedish with her daughter, but doesn't remember the CAM experiment? Maybe I'm mis-remembering the beginning. I'm sure a second viewing might clear it up, but, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I just wish they'd spoon fed it to us a bit more. I really liked that the perspective was bent, though, defying biases, which I think was the point.

It's already established that the universe with the CAM experiment is the one in which Paul lived and Jo died. But, it also doesn't seem to be a simple split, either, as they appear to be switching identities, especially when they're both alive (as in Henry / Bud). So, maybe that explains the mix up, since the CAM does seem to be the center of it all. The concept of superposition in quantum mechanics is referred to more than once, so we get that is the premise pretty early on. But, there's also this plot line where these switches / splits have been happening as long as space travel, long before CAM. That part seems a bit hokey to me, like are we ever going to get an explanation for that?

I do really appreciate the strong female characters, even the astute daughter (played by twins which adds brilliantly to the spookiness). James D'Arcy's character (the husband) is pivotal for keeping perspectives grounded as the most neutral bystander. On that topic, why is the daughter, who never went to space, or the people with the "ghost tapes" able to see or hear the others? These parts are more mysterious and unexplained. I don't mind a few loose strings in writing, but too many make me start to lose faith that the writers have it worked out themselves.

Since this hasn't been renewed for another season at the time of writing this, I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt that there's some explanation for these holes. And, I hope that they get the opportunity to fill out the story. Of course, I don't want to leave out that Banks is amazing. He adds a wonderful dichotomy to the Henry / Bud character that is integral to the show.

Episode 6 was definitely the "a-ha" episode that answered many questions. But, at the same time, the above issues still lingered. And, the final episode does nothing to clear them up. Instead, it goes in a completely different direction. Just when her colleague gives her a way out, she gets scared and stays, which seems very out of character. Then, there's the mysterious double she sees upstairs. What? Also, the cosmonaut woman offers insight that she understands and believes her, but expresses that trying to undo it is pointless. Yet, she simultaneously is clueless about there being an actual double of herself? It feels less like a cliffhanger than the story was just interrupted. However, the many angles to think about are still there, so I think it's still ok. It will definitely be better to see more, though.
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Immaculate (2024)
5 April 2024
The horror genre can be quite diverse, and this one falls under what I call social horror - that is horror with a definite social commentary. There's slasher flicks, gore, classic horror, philosophical, survival & psychological horror, to name a few. But the type with a political message like this one is my favorite, and I love the topic, too - pregnancy and religion. It's obviously a timely topic.

Sydney Sweeney does an excellent job of convincing us in the first half that she's not much of an actor, or that her character doesn't have much fortitude. But, she turns out to not just be the vessel of writers and directors here - she seemed very committed. In the second half, we realize that she'd been holding back on purpose, that her performance is deliberate. Horror acting is always so underrated, but I am counting myself a new fan after not getting what the hype about her was, after having seen her in a few other things.

The commentary here was the perversion of religion. There is of course the reality that all nuns are considered brides of Christ, which is supposed to be symbolic, but is still kind of creepy. The patriarchal organization of the church is not directly addressed, but it seems open to interpretation. The nuns themselves aren't innocent bystanders here, either (an understatement). The fact that the acts are divided into trimesters shows a clear perspective from the pregnant person's view, not some general theme of evil like Rosemary's Baby.

It is not anti-religious, either, and there are supernatural innuendos. The themes of women as incubators is contrasted with religious themes to present an argument suggesting a criticism of Christianity, but not a rejection of, the supernatural. Indeed, there does seem to be an underlying force working in her favor. The last few minutes are barely graphic at all. They are purposefully edited to make a point. The horror is in the reality that she faces because of religious zealots. It's not the actual thing, but the fact that she's put in that position in the first place. That's definitely a commentary on the position of women in patriarchal society, and directly applies to current events and politics.

The one critique I offer is that there is a bit too much focus on aesthetics to feel a bit superficial, which distracts from the main theme. At one point, the nuns are bathing communally, with one of them brushing their wet hair in the background at the edge of the tub. I'm not really sure the point of this. And, of course, lots of attention is paid to Sweeney's already infamous knockers, but none of that is distracting at all. It's just the general portrayal of the nuns as sort of cartoonish that was a bit distracting.
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Ghosts (2021– )
Completely addictive
22 March 2024
I just watched all but one episode in a few days, and I rarely binge things. It's not like it's perfect or shocking or anything specific. I wouldn't say, "wow it's so good". It is incredibly entertaining, and looking forward to watching another episode is exciting, but I can't really say why. Yes, I want to see what happens next, because sometimes the writing is very predictable, but sometimes it's not. I guess that's why. It has that element of surprise perfectly combined with the familiarity you crave. Even the characters themselves are types plucked right out of other bingable shows or mainstream culture. It's like every popular thing crammed into one. There's sitcom elements, dumb humor, serial storylines, character drama, and it's all within the frame of a stable marriage on a property they literally can't leave. TV!
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Bottoms (2023)
Smart, timely, whimsical raunchy teen comedy
15 March 2024
I love the premise of this movie. You rarely get a movie with gay leads that isn't just about being gay. Yes, the actors are pushing 30 playing teens - since when is that new? I didn't even notice because I'm over 40 and they all look young to me. Women are getting represented more and more in mainstream film - not just a certain "type". The casting and plot clearly aims to be LGBTQ diverse, which is a first that I can think of - you have blurred gender characters, gay, bi, feminine, straight, masculine, all represented (including different political spectrums). And none are straightforward stereotypes. If you care about these things (and smart people do), this alone makes it unique and worth the watch.

But, it is also very funny. So many jokes will go right over the head of someone not versed in all the current debates in feminism. It actually really impresses me that so many younger people get it from having grown up in 3rd wave feminism. Older people like myself had to be interested enough to learn, since no one was talking deeply about this stuff when we were younger. Besides this, though, the comedic writing, timing, directing, and delivery are perfect. Each joke lands as intended, better than, or at least as good as, any recent big screen comedy in memory. If you follow the finer satirical points, the jokes hit just right.

I can't actually compare this to anything recent, but it does have some capricious turns that seems rather familiar to other current films. While raunchy and romantic comedies 20 years ago were more predictable and grounded in reality, now they seem to be more abstract and willing to bend toward the less rational. There's nothing wrong with that - it's simply a purer expressive form. And the whimsy is probably reflective of the times. Much like Barbie, the larger message seems to get lost a bit in the art. It's great for any emotional release for those who are most stuck in the middle of these debates, specifically younger people.
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Incredibly well done, Love can be strange
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big fan of the Edward Scissorhands-type weirdness that Tim Burton brings, but this one really resonated with me. Many people have mentioned the Heathers-Beetlejuice feel which is particularly nostalgic if you grew up in that time. But, it's also fresh enough to introduce that feeling to a younger generation, too.

Now for spoilers: The story is a metaphor. On the surface, we might be wondering if (or assuming) that Lisa actually was the axe murderer, then dug up a dead body and had sex with it before killing herself. It's pretty heavily implied. It seems awful, except the true story is about finding love in strange places.

Lisa, having been traumatized by her mother's murder, just doesn't fit in. As well meaning as her sister is (and she says this), she just can't understand her. Even her sister recognizes this in her own way ("You just can't understand because your mother's already been murdered "). And Lisa agrees, driving the point home. But, The Creature "gets" her. She finds a true bond with him.

This movie is hilarious. The idea of her keeping this guy she summoned from the dead in the "friend zone" is funny. There's a satirical element in the phoniness of the setting and the stepmom, familiar to the aforementioned films. But, this goes further into the emotional shallowness of most relationships in general. There's also some parent-kid humor in there that anyone can appreciate. But, I think her dream is probably where we start to understand that this is about something psychologically deeper. I think it's about how life can be so weird and difficult, that you have to find and accept deeper connections wherever they may be. And, that makes this an instant classic for me - worthy of many future viewings.
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FBI: Most Wanted: Invisible (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
Atrocious writing
20 February 2024
I rarely take the time to write a negative review, but this one was absolutely inexcusable in its writing. How did this make network television? As a person who has suffered from PTSD (nobody calls it PTSS) for a long time, I'm used to media misinformation about mental illness in general. My biggest issue is that veterans are the only ones that get it, apparently, and that it makes people homicidal. Honestly, this characterization would be laughable if so many people didn't believe that.

First of all, bupropion is an antidepressant that has been used for 50 years, and it is not addictive. Abuse is incredibly rare and it doesn't make you high. I'm wondering how this even got by editing. Also, psych services don't let people with mental illness run out of meds (even the VA). If anything, they push meds over more expensive forms of treatment, like counseling from actual clinical psychologists and psychiatrists. If a patient is taking psych meds, they're going to be required to keep seeing someone for monitoring of symptoms. Meds that run out between visits can be filled by phone. No one is ever going to be deprived of medication - that's just poorly researched. The real problem is that meds don't usually solve mental illness alone. Write about that!

Anyway, besides these huge mistake, let's talk about PTSD and what it isn't. It doesn't make people kill people. In the context of veterans, if anything does that, it's the military training itself. But, more likely, if a person murders people, it's because they were never a very good person to begin with. Mental illnesses don't change who people are. None of the dialogue by the veterans makes sense given any knowledge of psychology. Frankly, it's insulting to veterans, like they're not normal people with normal points of view. Who is like "I can relate" after someone murders 5 people? Maybe sociopaths, which is a really terrible way to characterize veterans, who know the difference between right and wrong, as do individuals suffering from mental illnesses. Do better.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is more than a story. Truthfully, I felt full of dread while watching it. You knew it wasn't going to be a happy ending. I think this was actually scarier than the "scary" episodes, with jump scares and creepiness. There was a looming presence of death, despite being mostly happy. The story of Bill and Frank is cleverly inserted between the 2 main characters after Tess's death. It begins as if it's going to be about the people the government killed, to prevent more infections, and abruptly changes to Bill, the one that doesn't get caught.

I think the purpose of this episode fits with the overall theme of the show, despite appearing separate. These two certainly made the best of a bad situation, but their lives were still quite tragic. It elevates the show to being more than just an apocalyptic story, to being a story about humanity. Cleverer viewers will appreciate this message.
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Foundation (2021– )
So far really unique & magical
10 February 2024
I just finished season 2 of Foundation, and it was worth it. Although interesting, season 1 was forgotten, as I hadn't read the books and had little involvement in the story, which is complicated and takes some work to follow along. But, this season showed how the investment paid off. True to its story (whether it follows the books at heart, I don't know), this show is unforgiving to the characters, for the sake of the narrative. It's high sci fi with a deep message about humanity. I've listed Asimov's works in my reading list, and I look forward to enjoying its source material. You needn't have read the books, which were written in the WWII era, to know that characters and relationships have been updated for a modern audience. Progressives will appreciate this, as good science fiction never lives in the past. Even though this story starts off feeling a little too big for itself, it certainly had the right to do that, and it does eventually get to filling its own big shoes. You just need to be patient. I recommend watching the last 2 episodes of season 2 in one sitting for the full impact.
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21 January 2024
The Blackening starts as a regular horror movie, then feels generic for awhile, but actually ends up being quite entertaining. It's not supposed to be a serious movie, just fun. The best part is a phenomenal Black cast - I favorited them all. It's highly liberal, so be forewarned if you're not & you can't laugh at yourself. Overall, I found this a nice fun light watch to mix in if you just need a break from dramas, news & serious stuff.

Not that he played a big part, but I will say that the park ranger, Bader, is actually one of my favorite actors, too. He never seems to age. And I thought it was Black that didn't crack.
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The Kid (1921)
Required viewing for all educated people
11 January 2024
I don't know why I was under the impression that old films like Charlie Chaplin's were irrelevant and outdated. Perhaps that's what I was taught at some point, but this film should probably be part of a general knowledge. Pretty much every modern movie built off the work of Chaplin.

You could probably write a doctorate on this film alone (and I'm sure many have). A quick research into Chaplin's upbringing makes it obvious that this story is very personal to him. The Tramp is so inspiring here, that I've automatically added several books on Chaplin to learn more about the unique and compassionate person he clearly was (as well as the 1992 biopic). I seriously can't believe that this wasn't required viewing in school. It's highly culturally relevant, and The Dictator was historically relevant.

The story is overall, very touching, compassionate, and funny. The dream sequence, while probably relevant to the history of filmmaking, in general, is probably the least interesting scene, simply lengthening the conclusion. What I find fascinating is how the woman is portrayed in a very sympathetic light. Even The Man is not without his second thoughts. The characters are more nuanced than expected, with more dimensions than the average blockbuster today. It makes one wonder if art and society really are any better now.

Just as a side note, I also discovered that The Kid is Uncle Fester from The Addams Family, which kind of blew my mind.
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Black Mirror: White Bear (2013)
Season 2, Episode 2
So dark, follow with something Disney
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have avoided Black Mirror for so long. Now, I'm watching it one episode at a time, infrequently, as the darkness of it is disturbing. White Bear is particularly so. At the end, we are left to look at ourselves - now I get it, "Black Mirror"!

Like many, I am a fan of true crime TV, and I feel morally superior when the bad guy is revealed. I believe in justice, even though I know realistically that the justice system is broken. In America, it's a cultural continuation of slavery, discriminatory against POC, the poor & mentally ill, unequally targeting these populations. The fact that the main character here is Black is not inconsequential (at least from an American perspective).

The 8th Amendment of the US Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, and this definitely qualifies on both fronts. Historically, humans have used public executions as entertainment, so this type pf cultural development becoming a reality doesn't seem far-fetched. I could not have said it better than another reviewer that people believe that they have the right to judge and punish (which creates an ironic horror). We like to believe that we're good, not capable of such horrible things.

But, we are capable of horrible things. I think this is the point. True morality is valuing all people and their humanity - the murder victims and the murderers. This point is made well with the perpetrator chosen. I doubt this message would have been as effective if the boyfriend had been the protagonist (although the silent voyeurism also wouldn't have made sense).

In general, I find these "beware of technology" tropes to be unrealistic overall, though. They always misunderstand sociopathy and criminality on an individual vs cultural scale. The boyfriend, for example, is likely a sociopath, while Victoria is probably not, just like most of the "audience" is probably not. These negativistic worldviews tend to incorrectly conclude that these things are the same thing, and that anyone could become a sociopath, which is not true.

The truth is that most people would have no problem torturing actual sociopaths, and exploring that human tendency might actually be more interesting. Because our laws and morals tell us that we shouldn't be ok with that, when we're actually a lot more comfortable blaming and hating the complicit bystanders than the true threats. It seems like the real uncomfortable thing we don't want to face is the boyfriend types, and our ability to treat THEM humanely, so we take it out on the people that are more familiar to ourselves. In a way, it's like we're punishing ourselves for being human.
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Lazy start, phenomenal finish
4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently rewatched The Strangers to prepare for this sequel. I loved the original and totally understood its theme of evil intentions in strangers. Actually, I liked it better now than I did when I was younger.

Watching Prey At Night, I was not impressed. Throughout most of it, I was not scared at all and felt no tension or suspense. I will say that they do a good job of creating mystery, though. We're not really sure when this film is taking place, relative to the first, or who The Strangers might be at this point. It's definitely not present day, as the phones and cars are older. But, we do finally learn that it's probably near to the time of the first film.

But, as I said, during most of this movie, I'm thinking it's probably a 3 or 4. Some of the acting is good, and the setting is original. But, not scary or suspenseful, pretty lazy feeling. I thought the mother-daughter scene started to seem better, but still not great. Then, the pool scene happens and it finally gets good. But, at that point, there's only like 15 minutes of actual movie left before the credits!

Admittedly, I actually really loved that last 15 minutes. It was not what I was expecting at all, given the first film, and I appreciate a surprise, especially when it's a happy one. I was yelling at my TV when she shot the girl with the shotgun! I think this alone really made it worth the watch. Maybe I'm a little jaded for enjoying watching the guys who killed poor Liv & her boyfriend back in 2008, but I don't care.

Wikipedia says there's a third film in production, and 2 more planned, and I welcome that. We'll see, though, if they can improve the third to be good from start to finish, rather than just finishing well.
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Whitney (2018)
Beware of questionable claims
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whitney left me feeling highly sympathetic for Houston - at first - but something about it simply did not sit right with me. In particular, the sexual abuse allegations of Dee Dee Warwick, who I then learned was one of the first openly lesbian performers in the music industry. Of course these types of allegations are possible and should be taken seriously, but Dee Dee also presents as an easy target for a scapegoat. Pairing that with the convincing testimonies given (along with footage) of how Houston treated her daughter, it certainly doesn't scream of high credibility. The only people alleging the abuse are tied closely to Houston, with no defending arguments from the other side. Furthermore, on quick research, many people close to Houston (including her mother, other brother, and Robyn) have publicly stated doubt of these allegations. Lastly, just a year after the release of this documentary, Robyn Crawford, Whitney's longtime friend, associate, and very probable lover, released a book about her relationship with Houston, which was incredibly well received (and I plan on reading next, thanks to this documentary).

What I got from this was that Whitney Houston was indeed a tragic figure - not a big surprise. But, as I was a bit younger, I had not seen some of her character and footage from her earlier days, and it seems quite apparent, in hindsight, that she was definitely LGBTQ (or queer as was said more back then). She really seemed to be running away from this label, in her marriage and in her drug use. It makes me sad that we couldn't see how she might be perceived now, where there's increased culture and acceptance, that she might have thrived as herself had she just been born a bit later. She might have even been more legendary. But, I don't think I feel much sympathy for her, as she seems to have been very selfish. Even if the sexual abuse allegations are true, it wouldn't excuse her behavior as an adult, and I'm not even really convinced such trauma would explain it. It seems more likely that she was scared of herself and of being like her mother.
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The Strangers (2008)
A memorable thriller
23 December 2023
I think this movie gets better with time. It is legitimately scary. And, even though the characters do predictably dumb things, it comes across as believable. But, what really makes it worth the watch, is wondering what you would do. I got really worked up by this - it is quite traumatic, actually. The suspense is sometimes too over-the-top (more slow burn than jump scares). But, that makes it extra creepy.

Of course, the real underlying theme that will keep you remembering The Strangers is - Why? Like all good realistic horror, it asks the viewer to consider how people can do such horrifying things. Why do some people enjoy terrorizing people? Maybe the reason this seems to get better with time is that that question tends to haunt you more the older you get. Despite its mediocre rating, this should be on the list of classic horror movies.
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Cheap exploitation of political turmoil
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Do you long for Civil War and really wonder what that would be like? Then , learn history, people.

I am so tired of this type of melodramatic political drama about doomsday. If you want to watch a less exploitive apocalypse film, watch Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012). This is just the same thing, but not as good.

I've never been a fan of Julia Roberts. Every once in awhile, for one reason or another, I get roped into watching a film she's in, and I can't remember any that I liked her. I like Ali - he reminds me of Wesley Snipes, actually.

I laughed at another reviewer that wondered why they keep portraying women as angry (Do they watch the news? Lol). I just felt that this film was cheap with all the political innuendo and shallow soliloquy (to steal a word used in the movie) that ultimately says nothing important at all.

It's simply a dark fantasy for people who don't actually understand how real disasters work. Deer don't swarm, ever. Lyme disease won't make a teenagers teeth fall out overnight, and neither would a sonic weapon. This is all basically fear porn. If you want a realistic description of different potential world ending scenarios, there are documentaries.

I actually did like Bacon's character in the end, because he did seem believable. That was a little funny. When they were getting high and the pink flamingos landed in the pool, I felt for a second like the movie could have been better if it was more abstract. Like, was any of it real? Seems like a lost opportunity.

It certainly wasn't that I didn't get the point of this film. I just didn't find it original or compelling. So, I will reiterate that the average person who finds this believable needs to learn more about history, and perhaps science. Or, the filmmaker needed to go more abstract / artsy.
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Mean Girls (2004)
Funny, not groundbreaking
16 December 2023
I kind of agree that this movie is overrated. But, I never was much of a fan of Tina Fey. The characters are actually all very shallow, so there's no inspirational moral ending. It's just jokes, which is fine. But, I think anyone who finds this is a deep inspirational story is lacking something

But, I will say, especially in the first half of the movie, before it digresses into a teen cheese fest, there are plenty of moments when this film felt ahead of its time. Like when they make fun of stereotypes of homeschooling, or because there's diverse representation (a little). But, it could also just be because social progress has declined the last couple decades. I recognized a lot of famous actors here just starting out. Except Lindsay Lohan, who at the peak of her career, still couldn't act (sorry).
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
The little things annoyed me
13 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was entertaining, and I'd watch a bad sequel. But, I just wish they worked on the realism.

First, the good. Patrick Dempsey, still nice to look at. He seems to be in on the joke. And, like all good teen slasher films, it is supposed to be ridiculous. I'm pretty good at guessing the ending before most, and I didn't know who it was. Love a good surprise, no matter how dumb. Second, the opening Black Friday scene was pretty great, but there were some technical problems. I like my horror somewhat believable. And, I did enjoy the nostalgic horror feel - the creative murder scenes of dislikable victims. The one with the cat was probably the best.

Now, my gripes. 1. People don't stampede. This is a myth. I know it's pretty minor, but people actually do not tend to do this, even when very frightened. But, certainly not running for a waffle iron. People can be awful, but they're honestly not that awful (even if it sometimes seems like it). This is a common incorrect belief. 2. How did the waitress get chopped in half? The physics did not make sense at all. She was jumping in to the dumpster. The car was headed in a horizontal plane. She was chopped vertically, we're supposed to believe by the dumpster? No. Even if the car caught her legs, that would not happen. 3. I hate to ruin this for everyone, but human thighs don't look like chicken. I feel like the gore factor, if you're going all out, could have been better for the oven scene. I can't think of a more terrifying way to go. 4. Gina Gershon was supposed to be pregnant, but she was born in 1962, making her over 60 years old. She looks great, but I find this insulting to women. Come on. I know there were other little things, too, which just kind of annoyed me. I get that it's supposed to be dumb, but there were just too many things for me to overlook.

Overall, Thanksgiving is original in it's theme, which means that obviously there needs to be one for every other major holiday, too. (Easter anyone?). I like all types of horror, even the slasher films like this that are more about gore than actually scary. It was very well done for what it is.
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