
3 Reviews
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Actually not bad
1 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I avoided this movie after hearing the horrible reviews and being utterly disgusted with The Village. This movie was surprisingly pretty good. I liken this movie to Signs in which I didn't really GET it until the second viewing, so I suspect not everyone GOT this movie either. While the movie is a "bedtime story", I also took it as a meta analysis of literary criticism as a whole, not just on M.Night's work in particular. Who is to say what a writer meant when he wrote a character or a scene? Only the writer can and one can't assume all classic conventions of storytelling always have to occur (hence the critics erroneous analysis of his possible fate).

I only have 2 complaints: 1)there were so many characters in this movie, you could easily completely forget about them until they were pulled out in the end. 2)directors should only do cameos, not be a necessary character to the plot. I just didn't buy the "actor" or character as writing something as influential as creating a world changing movement in consciousness.

M. Night's movies have been promoted as being "scary" and with a twist. This could potentially be his downfall as this movie has neither. It is mostly character driven and for the ADHD audiences, this movie would be too slow and boring. Too bad.
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Better than I thought it would be
7 October 2005
As a chick flick, this isn't a bad movie. It's predictable, and some of the dialogue is cheesy, but you actually find yourself liking all the characters. The Tad character turns out to be a decent guy caught up in the Hollywood way of life. In the end, he still has his flaws, but is on the path to change. One of the ideas of this movie was that a great love would change your life. In Tad's case, Rosalee made him a better person, and therefore, changed his life. He loved her as much as someone with his personality and lifestyle could.

The Rosalee character was written a bit ridiculously naive, but Kate Bosworth's performance made you forgive that and I can see why both men would find her character endearing, not annoyingly stupid.

Topher Grace stole the show. He's capable of showing love, concern, and pain, in his actions, not just his words.

All of the actors did a wonderful job, even with the clunky dialogue, and I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of their work.

This coming from someone who really hates cutesy chick flick movies.
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Crossroads (I) (2002)
Not a terrible movie, but definitely not a good one either
26 June 2005
I was sitting home bored on Sunday morning, and my cable was acting up, so one of the few channels working was MTV and Crossroads was on. The movie isn't as god-awful as everyone says, but I wouldn't recommend it either. The story itself has been done before (see Boys on the Side), and you can predict the whole movie in the first 5-10 minutes. You also have to suspend some belief (they should still be broke). If you accept the movie for what it is, a coming of age story of 3 very different girls that would appeal to the tween and early teenagers, it's passable. If you're a guy, don't waste your time. The acting is amateurish, but not nearly as bad as in Glitter or From Justin to Kelly.

All in all, if you have nothing else to do and it's on, feel free to give it a try. Do not purposely rent or try to watch it. You'll be sorely disappointed.
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