
32 Reviews
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Anime perse (2006 Video)
Multiple twists and turns make a classic WIP movie
19 July 2021
Bruno Mattei learned his craft well, this a is modern take on the Italian sleeze films of the 70s, a film filled with nudity, deprevity, gore and twists, nude inmates, a sadistic warden, the local governor who just happens to run a whore house and inmates that have had enough and decide to fight back. Not suitable for those under 18, this film has it all. A welcome addition to your WIP collection. While some of the gore effects are cheesy and lack believability it's easy to follow and not too complicated.
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Saladin (1963)
Great film that holds up after almost 70 years
28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Stumbled across this on Netflix on a lazy Sunday, at almost 3.5 hours it does require a commitment, but once you get into the film it does not take much to keep watching, although the film is in Arabic, there subtitles available so non-Arabic speakers can enjoy it as well, the cinematography is fantastic, the scale and scope is massive on par with epics like The Ten Commandments and Ben Hur.

The film shows the tolerance for Christians by the Arabs and the conflict and politics within the Christian camp. Saladin makes multiple offers of peace only to have them foild by the infighting within the Christian ranks.

If you like historical epics this is a must see.
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Threesome (I) (2011–2012)
How is it that this lasted only Two seasons?
7 April 2020
This show is very funny, it should have lasted many more seasons, this is so much funnier than many other shows that last much longer. With only 14 episodes it's easy to watch all the episodes over a weekend. Do yourself a favor and give Alice, Richie, Mitch and Lilly a watch. The only thing you won't like is the lack of more episodes.
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A slow teasefest
24 January 2019
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Everything about this film is slow, the dialog, the acting and the story development, with that said, if you can sit through the 82 minute run time, it's not terrible. A young Christian couple are leaving a group retreat and heading camping for a few days before heading home, their pastor is concerned that they will not wait until they are married to have sex, and gives Dennis (Dylan Bronte) a talking to before they leave trying to convince him to wait until after they are married in a few months. Kate (Brooklyn Wilde) on the other hand is ready and wants to get down to business as soon as they are alone in the wilderness. The chosen camping spot is one Kate and her family visited when she was younger and they visit some ruins and an abandoned mine shaft, she shows Dennis around and then try's to convince him that their is no need to wait they might as well do it, he still wants to wait and gets frustrated with Kate's insistence. From here the movie moves into the torture and gore phase, they run into an escaped convict (Richard Anderson) who has one thing (Kate) on his mind. Richard Anderson does the best job of acting in this film, and it's still a relatively week performance, he is more believable as just some guy in the woods than a hardened criminal and his attitude comes off as more carefree wanderer than someone trying to escape and hide from the law. Dylan Bronte as Dennis does not seem into the role and seems even less interested in his fiancé. Brooklyn Wilde as Kate pretty much seems to want sex any way she can get it and if her future husband isn't going to give it to her then maybe this criminal will, lets play coy and see what it's like. Overall weak performances all around, the story plot is classic 70's sexploitation material but in the end it will disappoint hardcore horror and Women in Peril fans
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51 Nevada (2018)
The poster has absolutly nothing to do with this film
6 December 2018
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After witnessing a traumatic event a young woman and her new husband (a non-believer) travel to Area 51 with some friends in an attempt to answer some lingering questions, once they get to Area 51 more questions and problems arise. Like most films featuring aliens there are the obligatory Men in Black and private security guards trying to discourage further investigation. An LAPD cop looses his wife because he spends too much time on the investigation and forgets their anniversary. In the end everything works out and the mystery is solved. Worth watching if you don't have a whole lot else to do.
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The Outpost (2018–2021)
Treated Badly by the network, means that a second season is unlikely
26 September 2018
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This is one of those shows that deserves to be watched, however the network makes it had with only 10 episodes they have 3 two week breaks in the schedule so many fans will forget or wonder when the next episode airs. It's has low production values but a decent story and good acting, the characters all add to the story and while some of them may be a bit silly that's the way it was written. Not designed to compete with Lord of the Rings or any other big budget program. The show is fun to watch. Jessica Green plays the role of Talon well and deserve better support from the network, as a summer show The CW was testing the waters but missed the mark on this one, perhaps fans will get lucky and one of the streaming services will pick up the show for a second season.

It has it all, A heroine, a Queen in Hiding, a fool that saves the day (many times), a monster and a quest.
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Not as bad as the reviews and rating would suggest.
18 September 2018
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If you are looking to recapture the magic of the original you are going to be disappointed, if you are looking for something to spend 90 minutes enjoying and laughing at then this might be a good use of your time. Unlike the other films that focus on the Bellas in competition this film is about the girls finding out that there is more to life than their past glories and that they can indeed move on and still be friends. There is some romance, comedy, intrigue, betrayals and laughs, along the way the girls learn to make some adult decisions, and move into the next stage of their life while cherishing what got them to where they are and how to cherish the past. There are worse movies and there are better movies, but this is another chance to hear the Bellas one more time. They don't a completion, but they do win at life and come together to support each other.
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Locked Up (I) (2017 Video)
Not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but I did go in with low expectations
8 April 2018
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There is so much wrong with this film that it's not even funny, supposedly the star gets sent to a women's prison in south east Asia, OK it's Thailand, but why does everyone, administrators, guards, prisoners speak English? The warden (a corporal) makes it clear that she is in it for the money and the guards go along for the money and they get to help themselves to prisoners when the warden needs to make a point. Thirdly, the guards carry guns when they are around the prisoners, and then the warden hands a problem prisoner a knife, in what reality is this going to turn out good for the warden? So once you get past all those problems the story is built around how many times can we get the star to take off all her clothes and give us a good view of her bits? So if you want soft core porn that tried to be a good women in prison movie then this if for you. If you are looking for a good women in prison movie like they made in the 70's you need to keep looking. As others have said, Bad script, Bad acting, but it is not really too long if you have nothing else to do.
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Peter Rabbit (2018)
Better than most people think
11 February 2018
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If you watch this film hoping for a bio pic of Beatrix Potter you will be disappointed, if you are looking for a romantic comedy then you will be in for a treat. A combination of the the original Tales of Peter Rabbit, Mr Hoppity goes to town and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, it succeeds very well. There is some adventure, some suspense and romance. The movie is laced with Three Stooges style slapstick comedy. The first part of the movie is true to the original story, Mr. McGregor is tired of the rabbits eating his garden tries to kill them, the rest of the story is about his grand-nephew having a change of heart and learning to love the rabbits and Bea. Great take on a classic story ,may not be to everyone's tastes but it's funny and worth a watch. In the end the Rabbits save the day and everyone lives happily every after.
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Winchester (2018)
Tries too hard to be scary, OK to wait for the DVD
8 February 2018
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Great story, however the film tries too hard by adding unnecessary scare and startle moments, the film would be much better without these "lets get the audience to jump out of their seats" scares, the film could be much better with suspenseful moments. Helen Mirren does a great job as the eccentric Sarah Winchester, and Jason Clarke fits well into the role of the skeptical (at first) Dr. Eric Price. Cinematography is very good and has the right amount of lights and shadows to set the scene.

Now to the bad; the character of Ben Block would have been just fine as a normal spirit bent on revenge, but the film makers for some reason felt that they need to have him be the jump out of your seat scary ghost type, this is where they could have used more suspense than frights to make the film better.

Is this the best horror movie of the year so far, no by a long shot, it is OK, and worth seeing but for most it people it's a wait for the DVD or cable view, not necessary to see it in the theaters unless that is the only way you watch a movie, not a terrible film but not a great work either.
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The Boat (2011–2013)
Just Like Lost in Space meets Giligans Island, but on the Ocean...
16 January 2018
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Saw it on Netflix and since it had English subtitles I figured I would give it a try.

Lets see if we can break this down without giving too much away, A brilliant scientist devises an experiment, finds out that the evil rich guy wants to rule so he steals some data and hopes they won't go through with the experiment, but they do and it goes wrong, DISASTER...

But wait, Brilliant Scientist has a plan to save some people, they get on a boat for a 2 month long scholarship cruise, The DISASTER happens, and they wander the ocean for more than the planned two months.

The evil rich guy has HENCHMEN, and they try to get the Red Folder from the Brilliant Scientist...

They find an Island, Evil Rich Guy has more HENCHMEN,

There are more ships, some are good, some are bad, some we never see

There is romance, betrayal, giant sea monsters, big waves, whirlpools,

Three seasons total, the first two were decent, the last was less so, as it seems they either ran out of money and or knew they were being canceled so they tried to wrap things up quickly.

Overall the stories were pretty good, although like Lost in Space you wonder why they didn't just dump Gamboa into the ocean, There is quite a bit that is not explained until the last 15 minutes of the last episode of season 3. Being that all the dialog is in Spanish and I don't understand much Spanish the English subtitles made this a very watchable show. Some of the episodes are much better than others and some of them drag a little and seem overly complicated, this may be how the Spanish Networks wanted it done, I don't know. If you like shows that are somewhat silly and improbable with a decent plot you will probably like El barco, if you don't like the silly plot twists, the love triangles, the betrayals and the improbable disasters than you might want to skip this one.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Can a Short Run Time be a redeeming feature?
24 December 2017
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I was looking forward to this film, but now I'm glad that I didn't waste the money at the theater, slow, boring and lack of character development made this one a yawner. Sure the cinematography was good but the plodding along made this a film to skip.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Wasn't too sure about this one in the beginning
30 October 2017
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I probably would not have watched this show unless the wife wanted to give it a try, so I read a couple of the reviews and figured that I would probably not make it past the first episode, however 5 episodes in it has a lot of potential. To me it is a cross between the multitude of hospital shows, Banacek (1972-1974)and MacGyver (1985-1992), Freddie Highmore does a very good job as Doctor Murphy. He visualizes things in his head before suggesting them to the other doctors. He has no filter and sometimes gets in trouble, but quickly bounces back. As for several of the other reviews that mention the sex scenes, first they are TV-14, second its a drama and hospital show that needs to develop the interpersonal relationships of the characters as they go through the episodes. The episodes build on each other and develop more of the backstory on the characters. Looking forward to the rest of this season
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Predestination (I) (2014)
Slow and Predictable
19 October 2017
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The acting is good, but it starts out really slow, picks up a little but end the end it is predictable. Typical time travel paradoxes abound and you can see the ending coming after about the first 15 minutes. Worth a watch if you have nothing else to do or don't want to think too hard about what is going on.
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American Horror Story: Election Night (2017)
Season 7, Episode 1
It needs to get better fast...
6 September 2017
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One of the worst episodes ever, the writing has dropped to an all time low with this episode, the whole episode revolves around Sarah Paulson's character Ally having a meltdown after Trump wins the election. We later find out that she didn't even vote for Hillary, her wife Ivy (Alison Pill) just needs to slap her up side the face and send her back to the asylum for the remainder of the season.

Evan Peters plays Kai, a Trump supporter who also goes too far, filling a condom with urine and tossing it at a group of day workers and having someone record the beating he so rightly receives, from the group.

Billy Lourd is good as Evan Peters creepy sister Winter (also a Hillary Supporter) who talks her way into a nanny job with Allu and Ivy, she then exposes their child to the dark web and the horrors hidden there.

Finally Clowns are prevalent though the whole episode, Ally has a fear of clowns and her son Oz reads horror comics featuring clowns, she sees them in the supermarket, they murder the family across the street. The highlight of the episode is the return of Twisty the Clown.

It needs to get better fast or this may be the last we see of American Horror Story.
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Coin Heist (2017)
Not what it could have been
3 September 2017
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Browsing the streaming options I happened along this film, being a fan of "Who's minding the mint" (1967) i decided to give "Coin Heist" a try, while it started out good the film lacks direction, it tries to be too much, a comedy, a heist film and a teen romance movie all in one package and falls short on all three counts, while the actors played their rolls well, Sasha Pieterse as Dakota was miscast and out of place as a high school aged character, her performance was good but she was just not the right person to fill the role. The film took time to develop the characters and the plot but at the end everything was rushed and just pushed out to fit the running time, could have used 10 or 15 more minutes to provide a more satisfactory ending. The story had potential but falls short in the end.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Worth watching
5 July 2017
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Originally introduced to Margaret Attwood's story though the 1990 film staring Natasha Richardson I was eager to check out the Hulu version. While this series is not disappointing it seems at times that some of the scenes are too long and drawn out, adding much of the backstory that you miss when adapting a book to film.

In the end, the extra time adds to the story and helps to bring the viewer deeper into the world of Gilead. You can't help but to be drawn to the characters and sympathize with them though out the entire first season.

The acting for the most part is subdued in keeping with the dystopian theme of the story.

The 10 hours it takes to view this series is well worth the time, I spread it out over a couple of weeks as it was not really something to be binged as you need to let the previous episodes work though you before moving on to the next episode.
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Not Suitable for Children, in any way shape or form
5 July 2017
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So I watched this on Hulu over the weekend, had no idea what to expect, lets say that this film can pretty much offer scenes that will offend almost anyone.

Before watching this film, I had never heard of Big Brother Magazine, allegedly a Skateboarding magazine aimed at teen boys it pretty much gave them everything they were looking in the realm of sex, drugs and rock and roll along with some pictures and articles on skateboarding what's a teen boy not to like about it.

According to the film, the stunts that Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O and others created for this magazine opened the door to Jackass on MTV.

Lots of Male and Female Nudity Drug use, Yep Stupid Human tricks it's got those too Drinking, of course Adults in diapers, wait until you see what's in those diapers, yes they show that too

So to recap, totally tasteless film about a magazine devoted to skateboarding with lots of nudity, and the promotion of alcohol, and drugs run by some friends who by all accounts lost lots of money but put out a fabulous product that was loved by everyone at least until their parents found out what they were reading and then they weren't allowed to read it any more. Eventually the magazine was bought by Larry Flint Productions who cleaned it up and made it more parent friendly, not all the way but just enough to get by and make it more mainstream, and then it went out of business

The film itself was fun to watch, and recommended if you like to see the history behind some of the skateboard movements of the 1990's and the growth of an idea and how it morphed and changed to meet the audience and corporate mold.

You are warned again that you will be offended by something in this film!
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Toy Stories: Flight Club (2012)
Season 3, Episode 0
The Dream of Flight
29 June 2017
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This episode moves away from the focus of earlier seasons of larger projects that require hundreds of volunteers to complete and more on the science of flight and the obstacles that need to be overcome to get a glider to fly 22 miles across the English Channel. Using classic model airplane designs James explores the use of several wing types and weight the pros and cons of each before settling on his final choice, the plane is then built and tested, the use of wind tunnel data is evaluated and factored into the final design. Politics and weather change the destination from France to Wales and then again to a small island off the English coast. Great use of on board, air and surface based cameras follow the action from launch to landing. You can't help but learn something from this episode. Recommend
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Toy Stories: Plasticine (2009)
Season 1, Episode 2
Where in the rules does it say the flowers need to be real?
27 June 2017
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More history and problem solving than should be allowed to fit in one program, this episode brings many problems to light but they are solved with James May's typical humor and tenacity.

Never been to the Chelsea Flower show, but it looks fun, and James May's entry of Plasticine flowers bumps the fun factor way up, when you approach a project with his enthusiasm and attitude you can't do anything but succeed. Props to the Royal Horticulture Society for taking a chance on the vision and allowing the entry in the first place, with help from his friends and the British public the problems were overcome and a beautiful display of hand crafted plants and flowers were displayed in a beautiful way that shows again the power of teamwork.

Another great effort and episode
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Toy Stories: Airfix (2009)
Season 1, Episode 1
Introducing kids to hobbies from the past
27 June 2017
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At first glance this series does not look like much, but as the series goes on the shows grow on you and James may gets the British People involved in his hair brained schemes. In this the first episode James introduces kids to plastic model building and then gets them to help with building a full size Spitfire model using the same techniques that they learned with small models.

There is some history of the Spitfire sprinkled throughout the show, there are engineering challenges to overcome and finally there is the build and teamwork to complete a project.

While the programs are designed to be entertaining and showcase some of the host favorite toys from his childhood, they sneak in a large amount of educational material, teach problem solving skills and teamwork.

While James May seems to bumble though the episode without know what he is doing, it becomes obvious in the end that he knew all along what he needed to do to bring people together to complete the project, and in the end kindle an interest in a new hobby or in the case of some of the participants parents reintroduce them to hobbies from their youth.

Highly recommend
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Toy Stories: Scalextric (2009)
Season 1, Episode 4
The Need for Speed is Satisfied
27 June 2017
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Who in their right mind would build a slot car track almost 3 miles long, following the course of an old Race track, that now goes though people's yards, and into corporate buildings? The only person on the planet daft enough to even try is James May.

It would be hard enough to do this if the track was complete and intact but since homes, ponds, highways and offices now cover parts of what was once Brooklands raceway the task becomes even bigger. Like all of the episodes in the Toy Stories series James approaches the problems with from multiple angles gets the public involved and uses teamwork and ingenuity to solve the engineering and logistical problems.

Like other episodes of the series, James mixes history, science and teamwork to accomplish his goal. There are ups and downs along with some comedy but in the end, a world record is set for the longest slot car track 2.953 miles (4.752 kilometers).

Another highly entertaining and educational episode of an underrated series.
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The Outer Limits: The Human Operators (1999)
Season 5, Episode 7
A familiar story with a twist
26 June 2017
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The story is familiar, man's creation becomes smart enough to take over the role the master and subjugate the humans that once controlled the machine. In this case a single star-ship gains sentience and passes that knowledge on to the rest of the fleet, the fleet realizes that they will need at least one human on each ship to do the hands on maintenance to keep the ships running. However with a limited lifespan the humans must be replaced from time to time, also the humans learn and become a threat to the ships. Ruling with fear and torture the ships control their human operators and sail through space alone, except when it comes time for one of the human females to bear a child so that the cycle can continue and a new generation of operators can be raised and trained. One of the females lives on a ship that breaks down and no longer possess sentience, she learns to operate the ship and seeks out human males to couple with and hopefully recruit so they can overthrow their master and travel to an inhabitable planet and begin anew. After several tries the female, finds a male that disables his ship and they settle on a planet.
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Becoming Bond (2017)
Like a Convention Panel in your living Room
16 June 2017
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The way the interviews are filmed remind me of going to a fan convention and listening to the celebrity tell a story, George gets into the role and is a fantastic story teller, are some of the stories a little exaggerated? Probably but who really cares, the film is entertaining, it gives you some insight into the man, the role and the times. The reenactments are also exaggerated but they are very entertaining, one of the best scenes in the film is when a young George is trying to sell cars and he fails miserable, until he goes to a class and takes one thing away from that class, he learns to listen. Once he does that he starts selling cars. People need to watch the film, listen to the stories and enjoy the reenactments for what they are stories about a mans life and career.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service was possibly the best Bond Movies ever, the story of how George Lazenby became James Bond is not quite as good as OHMSS but it gives the Bond fan something to think about.
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Long but entertaining look into the lives of gamers
9 June 2017
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With the extended edition coming it at 2 hours and 25 minutes, this is not a quick watch, however the extended edition does add quite a bit of depth to the treatment and allows you to become fully immersed in the film. There is lots of subtle humor throughout the film that becomes clear in later scenes.

The film crosses so many other films and TV shows into it just for the fun factor this is a must see just for that reason,

A Magic the Gathering vs Karate Kid Scene - Got it Hannibal Lecter vs a Pokémon like character - Got it Destruction of a Super-Mega Rare CCG card - Got it Power Rangers talking sense into Hannibal Lecter - Well almost

Along with all the fun and hi jinks that goes on at a convention this film will let you embrace your inner geek
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