
7 Reviews
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
A Rousing Encomium!
20 December 2006
Like many Rocky fans, I was a little apprehensive with what to expect going into the last Rocky saga. I always prayed that Mr. Stallone made one more Rocky after the very disappointing 5. Let me just say was well worth the wait. Sly doesn't disappoint his fans and gives us a befitting and very satisfying conclusion to the greatest underdog story of our time; arguably all time. This movie focused more on character development and takes us into Rocko's lonely life as a widower, running his restaurant Adrian's. Estranged from his son,who is struggling with his legendary father's legacy and trying to carve out his own identity. Paulie is back with his acerbic one liners and makes you laugh like old. The story is simple; Rocky wants to prove that age doesn't take away the fire inside and agrees to go one last round with the current heavyweight champ, Mason Dixon.I had lumps in my throat for a good part of the movie. The only complaint I had was Rocky's overzealous worshipping of Adrian's memory. Her picture in his van, many pictures in his restaurant and visiting her grave everyday was a bit much. But that's minor. Anthony Tarver does a fine job in underplaying his part and lets Stallone take it away gloriously as Rocky. Sly does an excellent job as the aged warrior Rocky and proves that it's not age but attitude that shapes our legacy and how people will remember us.

I actually found myself enjoying the latter day life of Rocky more than the fight itself, until the last three rounds which were in one word-- unbelievable. Intersperced with flashbacks, the fight had zippy camera-work, b&w images, and fast jump cuts which made it all the more real looking.I bet Sly could beat Tarver in real life, he was that convincing as a 60 year old heavyweight. And oh yes, he would knock out a Foreman in the first round easily. I know you guys are dying to know how the montage and music is. It was understated and more believable. Rocky lifts 270 pound plates and does medicine ball pushups. And the best of all-- Conti's "Gonna Fly Now" comes soaringly alive in it's 21st century avatar.I won't give it away, but watch out for the new addition to it. I simply love this version even better than the original.Rock's old friends are all there--Cuff and Link grown ups now, and a new lovable mutt called "Punchy". Marie's role was essayed well, though I felt her son had little value to add. The only time I felt like cringing was when Tony Burton comes on. Age hasn't been good to him at all. He looked wizened and when he utters the "hurting bombs" dialogue, it felt corny and cheesy. I wish he had risen to the occasion and done a better job. This movie is full of inspiring quotes. I remember top of mind the "sunshine and rainbows" speech to his son and another one where he tells Marie that "you don't need to owe anything to give something". The last run up the stairs with Punchy was beautiful with snow falling and was a great cinematic moment.

I would like to say that rest aside all your fears and go see this movie and spread the word to family and friends. I would like to thank Mr.Stallone for not disappointing us and giving us a very satisfying conclusion to our favorite hero's fairytale story. Go enjoy this movie and I am sure many of you will see it again. I definitely will. The triumph of will and the human spirit lives alive and well in this world. The movie proves that in spades. And it's all the more believable because you see a real 60 year old man proving that "It ain't over till it's over". If I had to compare, I'd say this movie is on par with the original. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry. But most of all, it will inspire a whole new generation.
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Swades (2004)
One of Indian Cinema's finest moments!
4 June 2006
I recently saw 'Swades' for the first time in it's entirety and was just blown away by it's mature and intelligent treatment on the subject of brain drain. Director Ashutosh G has succeeded in making me feeling completely rejuvenated. There are so many magical moments in the movie,to pin them down would be fruitless. It goes to show what conviction, effort and the power of imagination can accomplish when they all come together in such wonderful fashion. The movie has all my favorite elements- simple clean humor, realism, a blend of old and new values,some truly good old fashioned romance and idealism. I was swept away by the lyrical quality to the film. There were many scenes that stood out. The scene where Mohan and Gita meet for the first time was refreshing and witty.The scene where Mohan entertains the village-folk with the powers of his imagination when the movie projector breaks down....the train scene where Mohan witnesses the hardships faced by rural folk up close... It would be a travesty to think that anyone but SRK was born to play Mohan Bhargava. I've never been a SRK fan,given his penchant for safe roles and scripts.But this movie has changed all that for me. I have a new found respect for his talent. Maybe he will go back to playing inane lover boy roles in the future but for me, he will forever be NASA project manager turned rural crusader Mohan Bhargava. His honest,restrained and utterly convincing portrayal of a successful NRI works,and how! This movie reminded me of a lot of things I had forgotten or pushed into the back of my mind. Indian values.Ethics.The unadulterated and intoxicating joy of pure love.Respect for one's elders and nation. I rarely am moved by any recent Hindi movie. To my chagrin, I even got emotional at certain junctures of the film. I'm sure many of you felt the same way,especially those of us living outside the country. I understand that it's quite possible that's its impact is much more since I'm living abroad, but there's no taking away from the fact that this piece of cinema will be remembered and hailed as a classic work....even a few decades down the line. I salute the makers, crew and other technicians who created this movie. We need more cinema like this. It is relevant, entertaining and has a poignant message. Never, ever forget your roots. This movie made me feel proud to be an Indian and what we, as a people,stand for.
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Tathastu (2006)
Never push a father to the edge...
30 May 2006
This adaptation of the 2002 Denzel Washington starrer 'John Q' stands above the average fare doled out in 2006. Tackling the serious issue of health care red tape, this movie has its moments. Ravi Rajput(Dutt) is a doting middle-class father of a cute 7 year old(Master Pathak).When the son takes ill in a heart complication, Ravi has to raise 15 lac rupees for the heart transplant operation in order to save his son's life. But due to callous hospital administration who want the money upfront and an uncaring health insurance company, Ravi has reached his wit's end. Ia a fit of rage, he takes the hospital under siege adamant to save his son's life. Will he succeed? Or will the machinations of bureaucracy destroy an innocent child's life? Without giving anything away, I will say that this movie manages to move you. Sanjay Dutt delivers a knockout performance-- a gritty and realistic portrayal of a simple, blue collar worker who loves his son very much; and will do anything to keep him alive. The supporting cast barring a terrible Amisha Patel as Ravi's wife is competent. Jaya Pradha in a fine comeback shows that she's indeed a capable performer. Gulshan Grover also does a good job as the DCP who has to take Ravi down. The music of the film is simple but powerful; and conveys the mood of the film very well. Director Anubhav Sinha leaves out the flashy technique and does a fine job letting the film flow. I wouldn't be surprised if Dutt is in the reckoning for a Best Actor statuette this year. He is entirely believable as the hapless father who's trapped in a situation he doesn't want,but is left with no choice.He has you rooting for his Ravi Rajput,even though you know that he has taken the law into his own hands. If you are fed up of the trash that's coming out in the name of cinema these days, rent 'Tathastu'. At just under 2 hours, it is strong enough to hold your attention for the entire duration and will not leave you disappointed. Highly recommended. 9 on 10.
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Ye Charming Olde English Rockin' Tale!
27 April 2006
Who says a great dramatic cast cannot make a commercially successful film? 'A Knight's Tale' boasts of no mean talent like Ledger, Rufus Sewell, Paul Bettany and other stellar cast members. But in this very entertaining and extremely gleeful movie, they all come together and create pure magic. Driven by a relatively simple plot,William (Health Ledger) is a peasant's son who aspires to be a Knight some day. He gets his shot when he takes the place of his fallen master and goes on to win the hearts of the people and the beautiful princess.Just when he seems to be having it all, comes the evil Black knight.Does William overcome the Dark Knight and win the princess? Or will the Evil Knight end William's dream run? The film captures a wide array of emotions. There's intensity from Ledger as the wannabe Knight, brilliant comic timing from Bettany and Sewell and all-round great support performances. Also of note is a very imaginative soundtrack. I was really impressed with the use of Queen standard like 'We will rock you' and other creatively chosen rock classics in unusual situations. Be prepared to have a chuckle or two at the song choices in the backdrop of medieval times. An absolutely delightful romp, this film will leave you elated, enthused and highly entertained. Go see this film if you enjoy a good action movie with many light moments and a positive message for everyone-- Dare to Dream!
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The Comeback (1980)
Return of the King........Arnie's back!
23 March 2006
Arnold after 5 years comes back to reclaim his throne as the premier doofus in the world. In his own self deprecating words..."It's so ridiculous.....having the title of Most Build Man in the world....very funny..." Jokes aside, this is a 'lost film' that I happened upon by chance. It is made in the same vein as Pumping Iron but lacks the rich drama and layered characters of P.I. This is an Arnold vehicle all the way and in fact was released months before he exploded onto the big screen as Conan the Barbarian. What are the highpoints of this movie for me are getting to see Arnold hasn't changed much despite being way from the sport for 5 years, or 15 in bodybuilding years.He is still the same lovable guy, with his competitive edge sharp as a razor. His English hilarious as usual..."I dream of Western philosophies.....conquering, ruling, being champion of the world...that kinda stuff.." Arnold remains an inspiration.His pursuit for excellence, ability to translate his goals to reality and wanting to be Master of the Universe is something that can be imbibed by all.To sum up....a good docu-film despite the average production values,and if you are a bodybuilding/Arnie fan. This guy rocks.
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Pumping Iron (1977)
4 July 2005
Wow.Big men with big personalities. Humor, drama,passion, camaraderie. In my opinion, this is a great guy flick. Especially, if you're a gym fiend like me. I didn't have too much knowledge about Arnold's bodybuilding past,as I'm from the generation of his movie period, just like kids today are part of his political period. I grew up on Arnie, Stallone and Bruce Lee. Discovering this movie was one of the best things that happened.Thanks , IMDb :) To take a close look at the inside world of bodybuilding the way it should be, Pumping Iron delivers big time. With the Mr.Olympia contest as the center stage event, and what happens around it is the premise for this docu drama.

Lots of inspiring moments when the champs are working out-- Arnold's massive barrel chest, Lou's young turk on the rise, Columbo's strongest man in the world angle, the modelling, the charity (Arnold kissing a jail bird and saying "Heyy, she might not have been kissed for a long time yooo knowww..").. It also shows how these Kings bonded....sharing tips (even "bad advices"), lazing on the beach, Arnie showing "little men" how to pose,spotting each, reminds me of when I'm with my gym buddies. Even if you're a girl or a layman who's not into working out,this movie is good entertainment. Lots of funny quips from Arnie--my favorite being "Franco is good..but he's a the day of the competition.. I am his father!" and " When I get the pump I feel like I am coming day and night, I'm in Heaven.."

On a serious note, the anxieties, the passion, the fear and the mental armory these guys possess varies. On one side there's Lou (a big softy) and on the other end, there's good ol' Arnie; acting out the part of likable rogue to perfection.When he talks about immortality and mentions his admiration for dictators and Jesus.."yooo know, people who will be remembered for thhhouuusands of yeaars.." you know you've got a winner on your hands. Some of his quotes are outrageously funny but they also make you think. Maybe that's the true mindset of champions.

At the end of the day, the message is that everyone is friends. And that's the bottomline. Play hard, work hard, party hard. But stay firm friends. That's how it is and that's my belief as well.Male bonding will always be something women can never understand. I love women, and I know how much a part my physique plays in it ;) but when it comes to getting "pumped" or needing a good testosterone boost(without the homosexual overtones), I prefer good solid male company to truly make me feel alive. The competition, the fun, the bonding is something only we the male of the species can share. Great stuff.Inspiring, funny and immensely entertaining. A movie with muscle, if there was one. 10 on 10.
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Rocky II (1979)
Inspite of flaws,as inspiring as they come!
27 May 2005
What can one say about Stallone? A guilty pleasure he is, for one.And his movies as well.I think its become fashionable to trash him and the movies he makes. Lets not forget, the genre he tackles is emotional, action packed entertaining blockbusters and not some mind twister which is going to be some cult classic. Rocky 2 falls in the sphere of an entertaining, action movie with dollops of emotion that will endure through the ages.Why? Coz it carried the saga forward in a logical manner. It takes the story forward and throws light upon the character's development. How Rocky still thinks like a street fighter when in fact he is fighting for the biggest prize-- the heavyweight championship. The fact that it takes time for this to sink in shows that Rocky SLOWLY builds up momentum and takes off; just as he does in his training run.Stallone may be one of the most humane and underrated talented Hollywood stars ever. Has any other major A list star ever managed to create such a wonderful and inspiring character?He did 2- Rocky and Rambo. But Rocky will go down in history as one of the most loved, inspiring and unique characters in movie history.Rocky 2 tells us how he manages to conquer the world and kill his demons once and for all. It is not just Rocky's story, but our story as well.We all have a little bit of Rocky in us. And it is stories like these that inspire all of us to be better men. The message of this movie in my opinion is that the 3 things most worth fighting for are- family, love and self respect. Rocky is the man we all can be; if we just try a little harder and have a deep faith in whatever keeps us alive.
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