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24 April 2024
This film is a mind-bending journey! With a plot rooted in psychological twists and dream-like sequences, it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Featuring well-known actors, it's clear the production had a significant budget, complemented by an excellent soundtrack. This film stands out as unique and might not cater to all tastes. The depiction of the characters' inner worlds is masterfully executed with a blend of music, cinematography, and editing.

The original artwork for the character Otis is phenomenal. It's so distinctive that it deserves its own exhibition in the future.

The cast delivers a fantastic and intricate performance, making complex choices that add depth to their roles. It was particularly refreshing to see Santino Fontana tackle a markedly different character.

Rather than being an overtly intense experience, the film offers a deep introspective look with a consistent, engaging mood. For those fascinated by dreams and the subconscious, this movie is definitely worth watching.
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Worth a watch
20 March 2024
This film brilliantly maintained tension throughout, culminating in an impressive climax. The dynamic between Robyn Lively and Shanola Hampton is remarkably palpable, making them an ideal duo. Robyn's portrayal of Charlie is a departure from her typical roles, and she excels in it. This movie was thoroughly enjoyable.

What sets this movie apart is its unpredictability; even seasoned viewers might find it hard to foresee the ending. The script is excellently written, with seamless flashbacks, transitions, and effective lighting. The film features strong female leads who deliver outstanding performances. The story unveils itself through a series of unexpected twists, characteristic of a well-crafted indie film. The pacing is spot-on, aligning perfectly with the narrative, making every minute of the film engaging.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Seriously well done
20 January 2024
Oppenheimer is a captivating historical drama that delves into the story of the lead figure of the Manhattan Project. This three-hour, R-rated film provides an in-depth exploration of its theme. It skillfully interlaces sequences showcasing the atomic bomb's development, the lead character's examination for alleged communist ties in the 1950s, and Strauss's later interactions with Congress. The film requires careful watching for thorough understanding, and a robust understanding of historical events further enriches the viewing. It contains some nudity, potentially leading to awkwardness for parents watching with their teenage children or for teachers considering it for a high school history class, as noted in anecdotes from both parents in movie theaters and personal experiences in a high school setting. Nevertheless, the film stands out as an excellent historical work, with strong performances and the potential to provide educational insights into history.
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Mean Girls (2024)
Could have been better
20 January 2024
I had high hopes for this film, especially being a fan of the original. I appreciate that it's a different take, inspired by the Broadway musical, and penned by Tina Fey, just like the original. A direct remake wasn't necessary given the near-perfect nature of the original. However, this adaptation didn't quite hit the mark for me. The character dynamics lacked chemistry and their motivations felt unclear. On a positive note, I did enjoy the perspective shift to Damian and Janice. Performance-wise, Renee Rapp and Jeremy Spivey stood out with their impressive vocals. The film had its charming moments and a few new lines, but nothing truly stood out as memorable or iconic.

Overall, it was an average experience for me.
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Ted 2 (2015)
loved it
20 January 2024
Ted 2 achieves its primary goal of providing laughter through bold, straightforward humor without being overly serious. Seth MacFarlane once again demonstrates his understanding of his audience, as evidenced by the constant amusement in the theater. However, humor in a film doesn't need to compromise cinematic quality.

The original movie was a great example of balancing comedy with solid filmmaking. In contrast, this sequel resembles a live-action 'Family Guy' episode, with a disjointed plot that feels more like a collection of unrelated sketches than a cohesive narrative. Although it's extremely funny and worth watching, it falls short of the first film's overall quality.
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Fast Charlie (2023)
Embracing Genre Tropes
20 January 2024
What sets this film apart is its embrace of well-trodden genre tropes, turning them into an engaging Southern thriller set in the grittier parts of Biloxi, Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana. The movie's charm lies in its acknowledgment of familiar storylines while presenting them in a way that feels both comfortable and exciting. Brosnan's portrayal of Charlie is particularly noteworthy. He captures the essence of a man grappling with the decision to leave his dangerous life behind. His performance is filled with nuances that make Charlie more than just a typical hitman; he's a character with depth and relatable human conflicts. Every time this film got too emotional or to heavy, it was lightened with a well timed laugh and all of that was split up by really inventive action scenes. Some films are greater than the sum of their parts. This one certainly is.
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Spaghetti (2023) (I) (2023)
Highly Entertaining
19 December 2023
As a 23-year-old horror enthusiast, I found this film to be a refreshing departure from the usual fare. Its opening, reminiscent of a James Bond sequence, immediately sets it apart from typical horror films. This innovative approach, combined with a standout soundtrack, creates an atmosphere that's both eerie and captivating. The music, in particular, adds a haunting layer to the experience, lingering in your mind long after the movie ends.

The narrative of the film is its true gem. Centered around the theme of Voodoo, it skillfully weaves real-life occurrences into its plot, offering a unique twist on the horror genre. The script is filled with unexpected turns, keeping you on the edge of your seat. Moreover, the film's humor, like the whimsical warning about spaghetti on dates, injects a light-hearted element into the suspenseful storyline, showcasing the filmmakers' knack for balancing different tones.

The cast's performances are the icing on the cake. Each actor brings their character to life with depth and authenticity, making the story even more engaging. Their contributions are vital in making the film believable and immersive. Overall, this isn't just another horror movie; it's a standout piece that's sure to become a cult classic. It's a must-watch for anyone who loves a mix of thrills and intelligence. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and enjoy a film that's as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.
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Black Noise (2023)
Entertaining flick
6 December 2023
Black Noise is that kind of movie you'd watch with your buddies on a Friday night, expecting some solid action and a bit of a thrill. The action is pretty sick and the island vibes give off this cool, edgy feel.

Now, it's not all perfect. The dialogue can be kind of cheesy, and some characters feel like they needed more juice in their backstory. But honestly, I think people have been way too harsh on it. It's a decent flick, especially if you're not overthinking it. The action keeps you hooked, and even with some predictable moments, it's still a good time. Bottom line - Black Noise is worth a watch. Don't expect some deep, life-changing story, but for a couple of hours of entertainment? It does the job pretty well. Definitely a cool movie to check out, especially if you're into stuff that keeps the adrenaline pumping.
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26 November 2023
The Red Shoes: 75th Anniversary provides an in-depth and captivating look at the enduring impact of "The Red Shoes," marking its 75th anniversary.

Shannon Davidson and Ashley Shaw both adds distinctive angle to the narrative. With Davidson portraying Moira Shearer and Shaw having performed in the ballet adaptation of "The Red Shoes," they share not only their professional insights but also their personal reflections and emotions regarding this timeless classic. Their dialogue extends beyond mere appreciation, linking diverse interpretations across time and shedding light on the nuanced challenges and pressures experienced by women in performing arts.

This commemorative piece on "The Red Shoes" does more than just pay homage; it acts as an important platform for discussing ongoing and historical issues within the industry. The exchange between Davidson and Shaw, enriched by their individual experiences and perspectives, offers a reflective journey into the realm of performing arts, underscoring the enduring challenges and triumphs that have marked its history.
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Romancero (2023)
Watch on prime
13 November 2023
Just seen it on Prime and it's a captivating Spanish supernatural horror series that masterfully intertwines dark real-life issues with elements of fantasy. Set in Andalusia, it follows the intense journey of two young characters, Cornelia and Jordán, as they navigate a night filled with danger and supernatural encounters. The series stands out for its complex storytelling and deep social commentary, although its fragmented narrative style can be somewhat confusing. Despite this, the intriguing plot and rich thematic undercurrent make "Romancero" a noteworthy watch for fans of horror and mystery. Released with minimal fanfare, this series, featuring a stellar cast and unique storytelling, is a hidden gem on Prime Video.
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The Marvels (2023)
I loved it
13 November 2023
This recent superhero film pleasantly surprised me with its engaging content throughout. Unlike other lengthy films in its franchise, this one struck a perfect balance in duration. The dynamic trio at the center of the story showcased exceptional chemistry, both when together and individually. Their scenes packed with exhilarating action, including body-switching sequences, were impressively executed.

The film excelled in blending humor, fun, and fast-paced action. Its straightforward narrative is appreciable and accessible even for those not deeply familiar with the franchise's previous installments.

A notable highlight was the portrayal of the youthful protagonist, Kamala, whose vibrancy and energy, along with her family's depiction, added a fresh dimension to the story. The adorable cats featured in the film also added a charming touch.

Furthermore, the end credits scene was particularly thrilling, setting an exciting tone for future developments in the series.
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The Moderator (2022)
13 November 2023
Embarking on this cinematic journey unfolded as a pleasant surprise, revealing a film that, in its simplicity, managed to leave a lasting impression. As a debut feature, it navigated the challenges of storytelling with a commendable touch, demonstrating a solid foundation for the filmmakers.

The movie provided a solid dose of entertainment, skillfully delivered through decent acting performances. It didn't aim to reinvent the wheel, but rather, it embraced its own narrative with a straightforward approach. While the theme of violence and abuse against women added depth, it didn't overshadow the overall enjoyment.

The conclusion, though not groundbreaking, felt satisfactory and rounded off the story neatly. The plot, admittedly a bit thin, didn't strive for complexity but maintained a coherence that worked well within the film's framework. It didn't attempt to be an epic; instead, it succeeded in being a good, enjoyable movie.

In terms of pacing, the film kept a steady rhythm, avoiding the pitfalls of dragging or rushing through key moments. Considering the reported challenges of shooting during a pandemic, the production team deserves credit for their dedication.

In summary, this film may not be a groundbreaking masterpiece, but it stands as a testament to solid storytelling and competent filmmaking. It's a good movie that doesn't overreach, offering a straightforward and enjoyable experience for those seeking a worthwhile cinematic escape.
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Open (I) (2023)
Loved it
12 November 2023
Open, directed by Miles Doleac in 2023, weaves an intriguing tale of a woman in a failing marriage who finds herself drawn to a former teen heartthrob, fallen from the spotlight. The film stands out with its imaginative use of hallucinations, where the protagonist envisions herself as the leader of an 80's New Wave Band. These sequences are not only visually captivating but also symbolize her escape from reality and her journey towards empowerment.

Doleac's direction skillfully balances the fantastical elements with the emotional struggles of the characters. The performances are compelling, with the actors bringing depth and authenticity to their roles. Their exploration of love, self-discovery, and redemption is both sincere and poignant. The film's visual flair, particularly in the band sequences, is a vibrant homage to the 80's, complemented by a carefully chosen soundtrack that enhances the storytelling.

In conclusion, Open is a unique and engaging film that combines drama, romance, and a nostalgic musical backdrop. It impressively blends imaginative storytelling with strong performances, making it a thought-provoking and entertaining experience. This film is not just about entertainment; it's an invitation to reflect on self-discovery and the timeless influence of music.
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A must watch
19 October 2023
This series immediately grabs your attention with its unique and striking art style. It seamlessly blends 1980s retro-futurism with cutting-edge animation technology. The result is a breathtaking world filled with vibrant neon colors, over-the-top action sequences, and a delightful blend of humor and nostalgia. It's a visual treat that effectively taps into the aesthetics of VHS tapes, arcade games, and retro sci-fi while infusing a modern flair.

The storytelling is another strong suit of the series. It delivers a rollercoaster plot filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep you engaged from start to finish. The show skillfully balances humor, action, and moments of genuine heart, making it accessible and enjoyable for a wide audience.
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It's a watch from me
18 October 2023
Haunting Lodge is a thrilling cinematic experience that expertly blends psychological horror with supernatural elements. As a group of filmmakers venture into the eerie confines of a haunted lodge, they are soon plunged into a nightmarish world of unexplained phenomena. The film's ability to craft a palpable atmosphere of fear and uncertainty is one of its standout features, keeping the audience on edge from start to finish. While it does incorporate some familiar horror tropes, Haunting Lodge intelligently subverts expectations at key moments, leaving viewers guessing about the true nature of the otherworldly entities haunting the lodge. With convincing performances and a well-paced plot filled with unexpected twists, this film is a must-see for anyone seeking an adrenaline-pumping and spine-tingling cinematic experience.

What sets Haunting Lodge apart is its unique portrayal of the lodge itself as a character shrouded in dark history and sinister secrets. This added layer of depth enhances the overall sense of dread and fascination with the story. The chemistry among the cast members adds authenticity to their characters' fear and desperation, drawing the audience deeper into the unsettling world of the lodge. Ultimately, "Haunting Lodge" stands as a well-crafted thriller that delivers on its promise of suspense and supernatural intrigue, making it a standout choice for fans of the genre and a compelling addition to the world of cinematic horror.
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Freaky Deaky (2012)
Seriously good
9 October 2023
Charles Matthau's take on Elmore Leonard's Freaky Deaky offers a delightful watch. While the original novel was deeply rooted in the 1980s ambiance, Matthau masterfully transports the setting to the vibrant 1970s, infusing the film with a rich tapestry of outfits, vehicles, settings, and a wonderfully bold kitschy aesthetic. The film boasts an impeccable cast, weaving a tale of three main groups, each chasing after the allure of quick riches. The narrative revolves around the sharp-witted former bomb squad officer, Chris Mankowski (Burke), paired with the vivacious Greta (Sabina Gadecki); the extravagantly whimsical millionaire, Woody (Glover), and his trusted driver and confidant, Donelle (White); and the sultry ex-convict Robin (Breanne Racano) alongside her explosive aficionado boyfriend, Skip Gibbs (Slater). Enhanced by a groovy 1970s-inspired soundtrack and sharp, clever dialogue, this film undoubtedly stands tall within its category. It's a must-watch!
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Til Death Do Us Part (II) (2023)
Watch it
11 September 2023
From the very first scene, Till death do us apart grabs your attention and doesn't let go. The plot is a masterclass in suspense, expertly weaving a complex web of intrigue and mystery that keeps you guessing until the very end. The pacing is impeccable, with each twist and turn carefully orchestrated to maintain a heart-pounding level of anticipation.

The characters are multi-dimensional and flawlessly brought to life by the talented cast. Their motivations and actions are shrouded in secrecy, and the gradual unraveling of their backstories adds depth and complexity to the narrative. Every performance, from the lead roles to the supporting cast, is top-notch and adds to the overall immersion in the story.

It's a good film worth watching, ignore the haters.
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Flirts (2022)
Great laughs
11 September 2023
I recently had the pleasure of watching the uproarious stand-up comedy film directed by Don Tjernagel and I must say, it was an absolute rollercoaster of laughter from start to finish.

From the moment the film began, it was clear that the filmmakers had successfully captured the essence of a live stand-up comedy show. The stage was set, the audience buzzing with anticipation, and the comedian, played brilliantly by a whole bunch of comedians. This is a must-watch for anyone in need of a good laugh. Don't miss this comedy gem; it's a guaranteed good time. Watch and support great indie films like this.
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One of the better thriller films out right now
31 August 2023
This is one of those new age physiological, mystery thriller films that will have you on the edge of your seat right to the ending. Dark Obsession is about a painter who struggles with inner demons after being forced into a life of solitude when her husband leaves suddenly. The plot starts of a little slow but done intentionally as it gradually picks up pace and theres plenty of unexpected plot twists and a good amount of dialogue that had me entertained. This turned out great and my favorite cast member is Mena Suvari who plays maya. I highly recommend this if your into thriller films. A surprisingly good ending also. Well worth a watch.
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A must watch
15 July 2023
How did I just hear of this film? This is actually based on a true story and I absolutely loved it. Lots of positive things to talk about here from the set designs to the costumes and the actress Suzan Anbeh, super talented as she really made this film come alive. The story is deep and has plenty of plot twists and the ending really had me by surprise. This isn't your typical Hollywood film so you will need to pay attention but it's totally worth it. The script is solid and is award winning. It's not so often you find films like this so I'm glad I found this and i'll be sure to recommend it to family and friends.
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Dungeon (2023)
Seriously good
15 July 2023
This actually turned out great. Lots of plot twists with a solid storyline that had me glued to the screen right to the very end. Tubi recommended this to me and I wasn't expecting much but this is for sure one of the better mystery, thriller indie films out on there to date. The progression is on point, characters don't feel way over the top, the audio mix feels like you're there with the characters as the storyline thickens. An award winning film that deserves the recognition it rightfully deserves. I'm not going to give away the ending but I'm hoping for a sequel. Congrats to everyone involved and I'll be sure to re-watch this again. I'll give this a 9.
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Loved it
29 May 2023
This was our long weekend movie and I didn't know what to expect but thankfully this didn't disappoint us one bit. Such a funny film with lots of plot twists and unique and hilarious characters as we follow Gilbert a happy go lucky type of guy embark on his daily adventures. Seriously funny and quirky dialogue with intense and funny situations that keeps the film entertaining for sure. If your looking for a laugh with a solid storyline then this is for you. This is easier one of the funniest films i've seen this year so far on Tubi. Well done to everyone involved, I highly recommend this! 9 stars.
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Great Kills (2023– )
Great thriller
19 April 2023
This was such a fun watch. Everything you would expect from a comedy style thriller. Lots of talented actors and plenty of surprisingly unexpected plot twists that had me on the edge of my seat to the very end. I think the way they shot this series was impressive. It had it's own style that made it seem that much more realistic. I always support films that dare to push boundaries and this is one of them. I've seen a whole bunch of films from Steve Stanulis but this one is his best to date for sure. Hopefully we can get more then 8 episodes in the new season. Plot wasn't all over the place, as the film went on you learn more about the characters and by the end of each episode you really get invested in everyone. I love it!
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Lady-Like (2017)
Made me miss college
21 March 2023
Oh those were the days. I could relate to so many of these scenes in this film I really had a ball watching this. There's only a few films out there in this genre that i could relate to and this is one of them. Seemed so real to me, the cast and everyone involved this film had so much passion and it made it that much better. Lady Like is about a college girl who helps out her best friend score a boyfriend but then she's left on the outside looking in and that's when life really hits you. I love films like this because of the relatable storyline and not the over top, dragged out characters and scenes. The ending was perfect also. Worth a watch with your friends and family. Support this film.
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So Relatable
11 March 2023
So unbelieveably wholesome and warm. Everything works so beautifully well to tell the story. This movie could be my new favorite. It's that one movie you see and immediately after watching you want to see it again. The story is so beautiful and full of friendship, strength and tragedy. The acting is amazing also! Every actor felt like a real person going through real life events. You felt what they felt. I wish I could write a review that does this movie justice. Also Lou DeNardo is an upcoming star to watch out for sure. A talented actor and a writer. Watch it , watch it, watch it! Award winning.
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