
103 Reviews
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Power Rangers on the CW network
20 August 2023
Blue Beetle is featured well in one of the Batman cartoons i think in the Brave and the Bold. In that he is a fun teenager trying to figure out his powers and how to help Bats. If you want to see a good representation of Blue Beetle i recommend finding this animated series. This movie kind of felt like Power Rangers on the CW network, albeit with a much higher budget. There was nothing to care about here. I think DC was stretching to find more characters to bring to big screen. He is a supporting character at best. It is a good comparison to Shazam 2 with all the focus on secondary characters. Both are a waste of money and a little on time. If you have nothing else to watch its ok.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Way better than Citadel
12 August 2023
This is way better than Citadel the series. Every time I was ready to write this movie off, another excellent action sequence drew me back in. This stunt and production team deserve an award. Really fresh and realistic action. Never found myself rolling my eyes, saying 'as if'. They really sell it. Gal Gadot holds the movie together and moves convincingly. Dialogue is good but the script is weak. I immediately thought of Chris Hemsworths' Extraction 2, which is a modern action classic, for blowing my mind with camera and stunt work. Jamie Dornan is not as convincing as Gal, and kind of brings the movie down. Better than I thought it would be.
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Pixar its not
1 August 2023
I like the different offering in style. I dont like the style but its okay and unlike most mainstream animated movies. However, the clunky animation style has to go. Its like watching claymation, Shawn the Sheep, janky movements. Remember when Pixar came out and you couldnt wait to see what they came up with next? This is opposite. I dont want to see this style ever again, ruining my favorite titles. Unfortunately, 'animating on the ones' is probably here to stay, maybe because its half the work I dont know. What kind of attitude is allowing the audiences' "eyes to fill in the rest"? Thats what animating on the ones is. Next it'll be: let us fill in the story and the music and we'll just sit in a dark theater imagining the movie. Movie script is another origin story but it felt fresh enough. My favorite TMNT shows will always be in the past now. 2013's series was great. 2018's was unwatchable.
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Sonic Boom (2014–2017)
Funny is a thing cartoons used to know
25 July 2023
This show is hilarious. I wish i discovered it sooner. Ive almost gievn up on the idea that cartoons were created for humour and to amuse, not to drag us into an emotional abyss that shows like the Simosons does now and so many movies. This is sort of the Teen Titans Go of Sonic the Hedgehog. I couldnt get jnto the orevious series. I read The Adventurea of Sonic is goofy but i dont dig the quality or style of the animation of the older series. Sonic Booms characters, humour, animation, are great. Sorry to see its only 2 seasons. Sonic Prime is good but different humour. This is stress free cartoons like i like, where everything usually ends up normal again after every episode. No one is about to die or is trying to save their parents. Its wacky genuis!
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Fast X (2023)
At least F9 made some sense
21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didnt love F9 but it had a comprehensive story possessing some plausibility. Jason Momoas character is a Heath Ledger Joker style god in this that defies logic. He's everywhere all at once, he's able to predict the future, indestructable, able to get to anybody even Cyphers goons - which in my opinion the first and most unrealistic part of the movie - and all without any money! Since it was all stolen and burned from their family in the other Fast movie this is an extension of. How did he also put a bounty on Queenie with no money? How did he know where Cypher was before attaining the Gods Eye? How is he equally a tech genuis and enforcer? And how did his mole get to be the head of Nobodys super agency? Its all so insulting. On the good side there are some welcome faces that returned and one and only one sort of good action scene. The rest of it was ludicrous, like snatching a kid from a moving car and pulling him into your speeding car. And getting a car to jump a barrier just by accelerating. And who cares about the fighting between Roman and Ludicris? These characters should be axed.
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Paint (II) (2023)
Quirky enough
12 May 2023
There are moments that felt like shades of Anchorman, Rushmore, and other Owen Wilson movies. Whilst not hilarious there are enough good moments, lines, and visuals that make me think i'll probably watch this over and over. I only had one problem and that was with a character criticizing Carl for the same thing they were doing which really made me mad on the basis of double standards etc so there was a consistency problem there. Overall i think its a bit of a classic. Supposedly the screenplay was written a while ago. They sure knew a lot about Bob Ross because I only watched the Greed and Betrayal bio doc on Ross last year.
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not good
1 April 2023
Very similar to the first one. Exotic locations. Exotic cars. Whole lot of not funny. I found myself getting madder and madder at Adam Sandlers performance and his weak jokes. Super weak jokes. It's as though he's not even trying, perhaps, fulfilling some contractual obligation to do another movie. He's in and out of caring. I liked him in Hubie Halloween when he's in character and not just sitting back and riffing. I couldn't get into any of Murder Mystery 2. I had to go back and downgrade my rating for Murder Mystery 1 to try to get them to stop making these. Or to make them better. All flash and no gaffs. Gaffaws. No gaffaws.
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Tetris (2023)
All the excitement of paperwork
1 April 2023
What a waste of time. I thought it was going to be an enthusiastic video arcade gamer movie like Pixels or something. I clearly did not read or watch a trailer. This is all business. If you want to watch a bunch of business men talk about licensing then this is your movie. The characters seem to love the game itself but the game doesn't have a lot to do with it. And politics. Boring business and politics. I don't think I'll ever care about who invented my favorite arcade games anymore than I give a fart who voice acts the Simpsons. The message of the movie is business is hard work but if you have enough greed you can see it through. Or something. I recommend Halt and Catch Fire the series is way better than this.
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Better than the Wheel of Time at least
29 March 2023
With such a huge fan base I expected too much from this movie. Chris Pine shines and often saves a scene from getting too boring. He is surrounded by lackluster actors and characters. Hugh Grant is meh. I never understood the appeal of Michelle Rodriguez. She drags the movie down. The CGI is very CGI. It feels like a made for tv series with a big budget. Its way better than those action adventure fantasies that failed so bad in my opinion like the Wheel of Time and Shannara and Shadow and Bone. This D & D wins by staying light hearted enough. Its not great but it satisfies the genre, and is a relief from the strained efforts of say, Shazam. Couldve been cleaner in story and tone. Just get rid of the heavy, traumatic back stories. They bog things down a lot. Shouldve just kept it fun.
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High hopes dashed
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the first 3. And really hated this one. I thought the action sequences were stupid like one that reminded me of the scene in Hot Rod where Andy Samberg goes flying down and a hill and doesn't stop for miles. Apparently this is one of John Wick's new superpowers, to be able to survive long falls. The Scout character is extra stupid and unnecessary. I don't understand his motivation. There's too many characters here that are supposed to be important. I just found everything confusing and redundant. There may have been one or two scenes that I liked but I can't even think which they are. Keannu is too slow now to pull these fight scenes off. Donnie reprises his role from Star Wars Rogue One. I just think it's a messy movie.
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Squandered talent
15 March 2023
If you're as big of a fan of Rob Corrdry shows like Childrens Hospital as I am you'll be disappointed here. Despite having the all star comedic cast that we've seen in series like Burning Love and Medical Police, there are no laughs here. Looks like the writer/director has no apparent connection to this group of comedians/actors from before. Not according to his credits so i dont know how he assembled them, only to squander their talents with this hard to watch movie. Its way too serious to come across as comedy, even though its ridiculous at times. I read Medical Police might have a season 2 so let's forget this flick and look for that.
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Too much money, nothing to say
7 March 2023
I used to love Guy Ritchie movies. And I like Jason Statham movies. I think Ritchie has too much money now and no longer has anything to say. Lots of rich set pieces but a boring, confusing screenplay. Boring because the stakes are stupid. Confusing because of the tone and nemesis aren't clear. Aubrey Plaza is unnatural in her role. Wanted to love it. Ended up being a waste of time. Found myself wanting to watch Statham in previous movies like Parker. This movie has a lot of guns but no meat. It has yachts and grand houses, no laughs. I find it funny that 3 people are credited as writers making at least 3 people who thought this was good. It's not the worst I guess.
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the worrisome trend
3 March 2023
I couldn't even get through this episode. The trend I was fearing is coming real; Social media is the prevailing theme. I hated the show 'Mr. Mayor' for this and now Party Down - whilst true in it's modern age depiction of what constitutes fame - has been ruined with it. If you're going to revamp Party Down with just a 6 episode season, I wish they would've stuck with the main characters, the struggling actor/writer/comedians. Here, they introduce new characters who have their own thing. What I loved about the original series is that it was about holding onto hope, cultivating your talent, breaking into showbiz. It gave me optimism. Never give up. If this has been replaced with the vapid desire to gain fame through social media, I just don't find it funny. And it's depressing.
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Wacky fun
18 February 2023
I thought this flick was pretty cool. Id maybe go see it again. I like that it didnt get into Star Trek territory. Maybe I just liked it because there hasnt been any good movies out lately. I loved seeing what the villain was all about. Id rather immerse myself in this CGI world than Avatar. It has some different characters, giving us something other than superheroes and tech. If youre looking for something to trip out on, something like Aquaman, its freaking awesome. The realm feels like when Dr Strange fought Dormammu, which was an wicked scene. When i compare it to the other stuff out there like on TV Carnival Row, Picard, Moon Girl...Quantumania blows them out of the microshpere.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Pleasantly surprised
27 January 2023
I wasnt in the mood for this. I dont like Natasha Lyonne and her 2 packs a day personality (couldnt get into Russian Doll); nor was i in the mood for another detective show; but this is really decent. Its well made. Ill stick with it for now. Its better than the reboot of Perry Mason. Has a Fargo kind of feel. I can see the likeness to the Knives Out Glass Onion Murder Mystery style. This came out at the perfect time because there is Jack all to watch these days. I like the Americana vibe to it. So far im calling it a hit! Even though i fully expected to watch three minutes, quit, and go watch Celebrity Jeopardy.
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His super power is singing
22 January 2023
It's hilarious how in almost every episode so far the show stops to spotlight the cheesy singing and guitar playing of one of the main characters. It's his super power! Whenever he needs it, he just pulls out his acoustic. Just one of many issues bogging down this show. The best episode so far is the one where Riley Poole makes an appearance. This should be advertised to get people to watch the series so therefore not a spoiler. I don't know if I can continue to watch it. It's super boring. None of the characters shine. And Catherine Zeta Jones is not pulling it off. It's like when she stepped away from acting for a while, she forgot how to act. Or maybe she never could? The show is at least better than Velma. And Willow.
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Just ok
17 December 2022
Loved the Murderville series with Will Arnett. Probably had too high of hopes with this special. Had a few laughs. The format change was odd. Its no spoiler to say Pete Davidson makes an appearance who ive never understood why he is popular. He doesnt even try to entertain. Isnt he in the entertainment business? Too busy being himself to contribute to this nor when he was on SNL. Former SNLer Maya Rudolph adds something new as the first guest who i presume has an improv background. Bateman is totally game and pretty good. Never found him funny though in anything he does. All in all against the other episodes its not the best, not the worst.
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Willow (2022–2023)
High budget production but lacking
7 December 2022
High budget. Looks good. Should be good right? With Ron Howard and Steven Spielberg attached, how could you go wrong? Answer: they didnt actually have a lot to do with it. Im telling myself i like it however there is a quality missing, one that makes the story and characters believable and compelling. Some say bad acting. Yes theres that but i like the actors actually. Theres some fresh talent. One has to remember that the original movie had a combination of british and american actors. These american actors are perhaps too modern in their delivery. And others their lines are matter-of-fact, contrived to drive the plot. Choppy script. In the end its the director and how the show is cut that fails the project. Disappointing becausr im trying so hard to get into it.
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Tulsa King (2022– )
dumb gangster cliches
14 November 2022
Sylvester Stallone is pretty good in this. Like all mobster movies we're supposed to care for the main gangster because he beats up bad guys as much as he picks on the little guy. He's portrayed as some anti-hero who sticks up for people meanwhile engaging in all things thuggish. The writer Taylor Sheridan has lost it. He was too righteous and preachy before, now with this, and his jail show mayor of whatever, is more cowboy, macho, idiocy. People portrayed in gangster movies should not be celebrated/glamorized. They are bullies and such a story, i'm surprised to see exist still in this day and age. I'm sure this is some sort of commentary on how America was made; cowboys and gangsters. So cool. Not really. I'll pass.
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Amsterdam (2022)
No Chemistry
12 November 2022
I couldn't buy into the supposed chemistry of the lead 3 actors. John David Washington is doing his best again to ruin another movie with his lost look and atrocious acting. They keep closing in on Bales scarred face and eye. This was an unpleasant movie. I can see the ideas and story behind it, so I have to fault the actors. The directing is great. Screenplay isn't great. This came out the same time as See How They Run, which was marred with a bad accented Sam Rockwell, and a hacked up script, but is preferable to this movie - albeit they are different kinds of mysteries. The theaters are struggling to produce decent movies in 2022.
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8 November 2022
This is the reason why you shouldnt get to write your own vanity biography, which Weird Al did. Because you can embellish and make stuff up. How much of it is real then? Who knows? If this movie was pure entertainment i would say who cares if its legitimate? But its not good. Not funny. Didnt like the lip syncing of Daniel Radcliffe. I truly wouldve preferred a sequel to his movie UHF (i think that was him). This movie is like a joke on the audience making them believe this was a biopic. Might be better for an audience who wasnt a fan of his because i was and i was interested in seeing his life through his perspective. Its lazy writing really. Who wouldnt want to change things, make things more sensational, in telling your story? There is serious stuff here but how can you tell if that isnt fiction? This movie can Eat It.
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Blockbuster (2022)
Its goofy enough
4 November 2022
Whilst dipping into melodrama often its still mostly a comedy which i find rare and appreciate. Hard to find a sitcom that stays in the lane of comedy. This one is goofy and light hearted enough to be worthy of watching. You see influences of the talented creators and their past projects; superstore, happy endings Brooklyn Nine Nine, which is good if you miss those shows. I did find myself missing Andy Samberg across from Melissa Fumero. Randall Park isnt very funny. Its a 6/10 if not for being in a video store. 7/10 cuz it is. JB Smoove is hilarious and much needed here to carry Parks lack of funny. Hope to see a Season 2 but from the looks of it we wont.
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Pleasant enough
21 September 2022
Saoirse Ronans charm really carries the movie. Usually I like Sam Rockwell but like Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes cannot pull off an accent. His mumbling was very difficult to decipher and I wish they cast someone else. Even if they did, it is a pleasant but not engrossing movie. I guess it's based on a book? I wonder if the book was so contrived? The repetition in it's layers seems forced and not clever. Without Saoirse I think I would've fell asleep.

It was fun to see in in theatre when so much of the movie is in a playhouse. I've never watched the Mousetrap so I don't know how much it ties into the play. I suspect a lot. It's a lot of self referential stuff. I do prefer it over Knives Out which was a cut and paste Agatha Christie homage movie without any original ideas, also poorly cast with Daniel Craig.
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So good
3 September 2022
So far the first 2 episodes have given all that i wanted and more. I think things are going to get gnarlier. I think it's a lot of fanfare, but i'm not complaining. Sometimes a prequel actually works. I remember them doing The Watchmen prequel comic books and worrying that they would water down the source material but it didn't and so far neither has this!

LOTR lives!

So far i enjoy it much more than House of the Dragon. I was afraid the CGI wasn't going to be up to par, or that they would do as other series do which is string the story along just to set up for an episodic cliffhanger, but I haven't been distracted by these things. So far; so great.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Walked out
8 August 2022
Couldnt watch more than 45mins of it. Waste of money. Horrible dialogue. Worthless action sequences. Big misses lately with director producer. He also produced Kate, which stunk too.
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