
31 Reviews
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I Care a Lot (2020)
WOKE boredom
21 February 2021
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Whoever wrote this does not know the elderly, of which I am one. Go to any McDonalds and watch the elderly when they get their food order, if it is not right all hell is let loose. But in this film drag one from their house and they go like a sheep? All to empower a lesbian couple who have to kiss and embrace every few moments to let you know they love each other and are better than anyone else. So illogical and lazy film making. But it does show in the end that white males with red caps are actually the better people who truly can love another person.
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Sit back and enjoy this thrill ride
1 October 2016
MY Dentist will love this film because I was grinding my teeth all through it. Fun flick that is well paced and acted. It is one of those films where you just watch and enjoy "the ride." Minimal character development, or rather economical development, but you end up liking all the main people, even caring about them. I don't know for sure but it seemed once the action really started it all happened in real time which added to the suspense. I do not like gory films and it would seem that this would be one, but it really was not. Sure lots of blood but no guts flowing freely or gore just for gore's sake. Action was in enclosed spaces but easy to follow. Best horror flick I have seem in many months.
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There goes the neighborhood with this stinker "Spoilers"
24 September 2016
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James Caan could not save this dog, that tells you all you need to know. The stereotypical ADHD kid and the sullen repressed teen are so poorly acted I thought it was a comedy. Nothing new or inventive here. The plot had so many holes it was ridiculous. SPOILER: They lived across the street but did not know the neighbor (who had helped them in a time of need) had a wife dying of cancer that he loved. Why lock the basement at all? He fixes a small hole in the driveway immediately but not the screen door that has been broken for years. They invest in thousands of dollars in video equipment but no audio, and they must have bought cheap crap because it always went off line when they needed it the most. There was no suspense, no action, no interesting characters, and no drama. Tell the director and actors to keep their food industry jobs.
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Cell (I) (2016)
the boring dead................
31 July 2016
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I really do not know where to begin with how crappy this "movie" is. It is like the worst director/writers from Lifetime channel and sci-fi channel got together and made a movie. AND I like those 2 channels. The human actors were more zombie-like than the actual zombie characters. The story really should have been explained better or simplified, or maybe at least make some sense. It does not quite meet the so-bad-its-good level. It was just bad. They run through the forest for miles and do not breathe heavy or have any dirt/grime on them. Beards do not grow, hair does not get dirty, and some guy can find a load of c-4 explosives. Do not watch this film, I think it was made as a joke.
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Camino (2015)
Camino - no - no - no
27 May 2016
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Who did Zoe Bell sleep with to launch this turkey? Film was nice to look at and even the acting was decent (barely decent), but read lips so you can mute the destructive annoying soundtrack. Maybe the worst I have ever heard. Plot was ridiculous, basically the brave photo journalist becomes Rambo (but Stallone show much more acting chops). The supporting cast look confused and most of the time were just stereotypes. The rantings of Nacho seemed to go on forever without any purpose. The opening scene in the bar was about the most pathetic attempt at character development I have seen recently. Stay away from this loser.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
The western bone is connected to the horror bone
11 November 2015
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I absolutely loved this film. It is long (over 2 hours) but the pace is not slow. The pace is just right for the story. Even with this long run there is really not any back story on the heroes or the villains but it did not matter. The writing and acting were so stellar and even unconventional that I felt drawn into this western town. I could actually watch these characters just sit at the saloon and talk, especially Chicory. The humor worked, and when it got scary it really got scary. I did not want anything to happen to these people. I really felt for them. This was not an art film or a message film. There is no mention of global warming, evil businesses, corrupt governments, etc. Even the villains were not portrayed as innocent victims abused by others. The stereotypical heroic female did not save the day, the token minority who sacrifices themselves was absent. There was not even the brave reporter or newsperson who risks all for the story. Just an entertaining movie.
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Home Sweet Home (III) (2013)
Pretty shell of a movie - but just a rotten egg inside
12 April 2015
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First the movie looked good, nice lighting, camera movement, and no damn shaky camera. But that is all the good I can say. Acting was a little above amateur middle school, especially the lead female. Making cutesy faces to the camera is not acting. The other actors really had limited screen time made the least of it. The cat was the best actor. The plot was just stupid and transparent. Clichés are OK in a movie if done right but even the clichés were awful in this one. SPOILERS - Female standing over the man with a loaded gun while he has a long sword. A person would either run away or shoot again or go see if she can help someone else. The entire basement scene was overly stupid. Man is upstairs with no way to come down except for stairs. You have a gun. So keep the lock on the gun and go up, no run up the stairs. This movie was really a waste of time. It cam be summed up with the observation of stressing the female in a cheerleader outfit - pretty enticing covering but empty underneath. Just like the movie. To the director - keep your day job.
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Daylight (I) (2013)
Just stay away form this celluloid loser
7 February 2015
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It takes an effort to write this review because I wasted enough time with this piece of trash. There is nothing to this film - and I use the word film only because I can think of no other word. Just one good scene could have made it so much better but every minute was just a waste of time. There is no focus to the film, no real plot, no resolution at all - well maybe there was but I did not find anything to resolve. I do enjoy well made "found footage" but this was crap. Please do not waste your time with this. The best punishment for this inadequacy would be for all involve to have to watch this film every day. I can think of nothing worse.
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Descent into boredom
23 November 2014
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Wanted to like this film, found footage is growing on me. But there need to be some semblance of reality, not banal disbelief. Tries too hard to make the characters likable and hip. Guy breaks into churches to repair ancient clocks, young "ph.D" solves riddles in seconds that have puzzled scholars for centuries, tunnel leader sees other tunnel rat that has been missing mysteriously for years and has no reaction, and so on. Take out the misused supernatural crap and it could have been entertaining. At the same time the story goes nowhere and everywhere. Really a bad film that tries too much and succeeds at nothing. How can a director make the Paris catacombs boring.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
underwhelming is what it is - utter failure
20 October 2014
Just awful. I can appreciate slow moving artistic films but not this one. How can you make Scarlett boring? This director certainly did. Sure there were questions left unanswered but I really did not care because this film never engaged me. And I watched the entire film as painful as it was. There was no tension, no connection, and no entertainment. If there was a message I was too bored to catch it. This film felt like waiting at a doctor's office. You want something to happen but it doesn't. You just wait. Was this trying to be like a French new wave film? Many of those were slow but grabbed your attention, this did not in any way. Please do not make any more films.
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Cold in July (2014)
Houston Vice plus Dexter with a mullet
22 September 2014
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Somber well plotted little gem of a movie, and some great but not overused humor. The story does make a stretch or two but this really is not a mystery - this is a character study. I could watch the interaction of the 3 mains (Johnson, Hall, Sheppard) all day long. It would be interesting just seeing them do laundry. When Hall returns to help at the end, the other two barely acknowledge his arrival but it is so riveting. When Don Johnson enters the picture it goes up 10 notches and nobody can wear a stetson like he can. The plot really is the classic hero arch from being reluctant to being courageous and Hall pulls it off. You do not get everything tied up in a neat package but that was not the goal of this flick. I recently saw Blue Ruin and it is not a similar picture.
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Blue Ruin (2013)
Just plain enjoyable to watch, the acting was first rate, no it was incredible
8 September 2014
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I usually cannot make it thru most indie films more than about 10 minutes. I try I really do. This film is an exception. The director set am amazing mood with the cinematography, soundtrack, and lighting. Also there was no shaking camera. I do like films in which I have never seen most of the actors and this definitely one of those (although there were 2 former child actors in small roles). You have to watch this films several times to pick up all the great line and this film is full of memorable moments of dialogue. Read the discussion boards for a collection of these after you see the movie. The only predictable part was the last character you see on screen. This is one of my favorite films so far this year. It will make you laugh, cringe, bite your nails, and hold your breath. Could become a cult classic.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
I thought it would be good, I thought it would be good, it was not good
5 July 2014
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I was hyped up to see this as was my wife who is a sci-fi lover. We both were very disappointed. The story went no where, and was slow getting there. The picture was well made in technical terms, the effects were great and Ed Harris stole the show at the end. The only other character that held my interest was Tilda Swinton who was terrific but underused. The movie didn't seem to know what it wanted to be. The action was so unbelievable, at times it tried to be realistic and then tried to be a comic book. Plots holes are so numerous all the way through. The train itself became a parody and was so predictable as was the ending. Do not be fooled by the high rankings, this film was just a mess.
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Rabies (2010)
what a strange trip - מה טיול מוזר
22 May 2014
Fresh, inventive, fast paced - this film was like going on a fun roller coaster. Never a dull moment and you do not know exactly what will happen next. Just when you think it is going to follow a formula the bottom drops out. Never having seen any of these actors before added to the experience. At first it may seem there are too many characters but it all blends together at the end. If feels like the directors took the theme of the old movie "After Hours" and paired it with the comedy of "Shaun of the Dead." Then gave it a Cohen brothers twist. I really enjoyed this film and the previous effort (Big Bad Wolves). There are gory scenes (and I dislike gore) but it did not seem excessive or gratuitous.
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Odd Thomas (2013)
Pleasant surprise, really a good watch
14 March 2014
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I knew nothing about this movie or the book. I had read a few Koontz books but nothing with this type of character. It did not matter. My wife and I were blown away by how fun this movie was. Very likable lead characters, no unnecessary tangents or messages besides just good versus evil, just enough humor, scares, romance, and action. The main character was sweet, sensitive, unselfish, empathetic, and tough as nails. A real hero that you care for. This movie had a feel like Romancing the Stone, Big Trouble in China Town, and the Ghost and Mr Chicken, just a charming movie.

I was trying to predict the plot and did not come close. I advise you not to do the same, just sit back and enjoy the ride. Warning - be prepared for a tug of your heart.
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Americano (2011)
What a mess - the worst film I have seen in 2014
26 February 2014
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I wanted to like this film, it started nice with good characters but then it just went nowhere. The director did nothing with the most interesting characters (the father, Linda the friend, and the owner of the bar. No sense of believability or rational thought. Parts of the film really ask you to suspend all belief.

SPOILER the Frenchman just happens to run into a kid who has a connection to the bar where Lola works - c'mon.

Selma walked through her part and was totally unbelievable as the whore. I wish I could talk of the plot holes but there really was not plot to pull together.
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Dark Touch (2013)
Writing and plot Jumped the shark at the end, sorry I wasted my time
12 February 2014
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Great atmosphere and mood. Held my interest for most of the film till the end and then it just lost all associations with a plot.

Spoilers####### I love a good psychological mystery but I also like some answers. This movie promised the first but did not deliver on the second. If you want resolution of any kind do not watch this film. Why kill the kids, why kill the foster parents, why not kill the other 2 kids at the end, why the girl dying of cancer, why the blood in the eyes, and the list goes on. I'm a smart fella and I can usually piece a film together but not this one. And that really disappoints. To take a emotional loaded topic like child abuse and spin it in totally non associated tangents is in poor taste and screams exploitation. The director had a chance and a good setting to maybe shed a different light on the subject but she failed.
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Well paced straight forward thriller
2 November 2013
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Saw this on YOUTUBE and the technical qualities were very good. Lots of familiar faces in this noir and the acting was excellent. The placement of the camera was really impressive. Many shots of just the torso, then extreme closeup to see the sweat on the face, then long shots for an isolation feeling. No gimmicks, direction added to the experience.

The narration was sparse but useful. Neither the cops nor the killer acted dumb or stereotypical. All the moves were logical,even when occasional humor was used.

This was one neat package that delivered what was promised. If you are a film noir fan this is a must see.
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Gravity (2013)
Almost a perfect movie experience
21 October 2013
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The first 20 minutes took my breath away. Fantastic immersion, almost an altered state of consciousness. I really was amazed at the use of sound - silence and noise (don't really recall much music). This was one film that benefited from 3D, IMAX especially. There was only a moment or two where it played to the 3d, otherwise it really added more to the experience. I looked over at my 13 year old daughter and found her holding her breath several times during the film.

It does drag when it forces too much character background in the middle, this was the only part that spoiled the immersion and did not seem real.

Acting was great and you will connect with the actors even with limited background info.

Do not be late to the film and get ready for a ride. At times you will feel weightless.
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Ritual (2012)
Fresh, well paced thriller
19 October 2013
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CONTAINS SPOILER Think Vanishing meets Memento by way of Groundhog Day. Every minute of this film is important. The last third wraps it up so well. What you think was a stupid action during the film really makes sense at the end. Such as (((SPOILER))) why the kids respond to the cry of their father instead of sneaking up on him, why the killer could not follow him when he had the light on in the forest most of the time. I was pleased that there was not much gore, it would have been a distraction. This is not a redneck slasher film in any way. Micky Spillane said the greatest mystery novel would be solved with the very last word on the last page. This movie is very close to that concept.
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The Silence (2010)
outstanding - strangely tense and moving
7 October 2013
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The realism draws you in and the pacing keeps you hooked. It was more immersive for me because I did not know any of the actors in the film.

This was not a documentary style crime story or a pure police procedural. There was enough of that to satisfy but it was not the focus.

Almost every scene is about loss or loneliness, but it is really not about depression but more regrets in life. With each character is it different but it all flows together. SPOILER: Even the "solving" of the crime was a loss because justice as not fully done.

There were no stereotypical characters except the bald headed police chief who was always wrong. Having the characters act like real people made it difficult to predict exactly the plot.

See this film. It is now on netflix.
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more like Kaaterskill EPIC FELL
4 October 2013
This "film" was pure punishment. The actors had no charisma, no expression, no affect, no talent, no personality, and nothing really to say. God it was just awful. I love slow building character studies or thrillers, but this was just slow and b-o-r-i-n-g. Nothing realistic, nothing in the characters you could identify with. Did I mention it was boring.

The editing was amateurism and distracting. Having constant effects just to have an effect is not professional film making, just lazy and sloppy.

For the first 5 minutes, yes 5 minutes, there were the credits in a very pretentious manner with no other activity occurring except the driving of a car in the woods. There tells you need to know about the directors.

Stay away even if you can see it for free.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
fun film with no Hollywood message, 3d worked well
18 July 2013
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I caught this spectacular film in IMAX3D so my experience reflects that unique environment.

This movie was entertaining on many levels. Technically it took my breath away with the sense of scope and the set design, every set was a masterpiece. When add the effect of well down 3D it was the most immersive time I have ever spent at a movie.

Pacing was lean and precise - no wasted overdrawn character development, no unnecessary characters like a news reporter who becomes a hero or a hooker with a heart of gold . When an explanation was needed it was simple and understandable. My 12 year old twins were with me and could easily follow the plot. Having the differing 2 scientists was an easy way to explain the "science" part of the film.

Yes, the plot was predictable but this did not detract from the film. This was a film to entertain, not to force a message of global warming or evil businessmen like every other Hollywood film.

I always give an extra point to the score if the trailer of the film actually matches the true content of the film. In this case it does.
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know when to fold them
7 June 2013
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There were some entertaining moments, but just kind of fell apart. Worst editing of a movie in a long time. I want to go back with a stop watch and time how much we have to watch the lead actor run. I bet at least 20 minute is just chase scenes on foot that just go on and on. When he wasn't running he was digging graves over and over again.

Side note: I was distracted by the guy sounding like Dan Akyroid from SNL.

I was more interested in the farm woman, she had a decent presence on the screen but was grossly underused, the only interesting character and actress. The other wife was a joke and just didn't fit.

Plot holes everywhere, many moments of sheer boredom, unlikable characters, it was really an empty film that had a few moments I did enjoy but it was not worth it.
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Aftershock (2012)
One notch above a sci-fi channel film
28 May 2013
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The picture looked great and actually the acting was about as good as it could be with the lame predictable script. The character development was very forced and unrealistic even for this kind of film. Too many unnecessary characters and bar scenes were distracting (winery chick, bartender). Let me tell you that most people do not like to watch videos of other people on vacation but that is what you see for the longest time in the beginning.

Special effects were excellent and is what made me continue to watch the film. It was difficult to make it through the first third of this film - it was laborious. This movie made the cardinal sin of being so boring for the first 30 minutes that I will never attempt to re-watch this without skipping the first third. Trust me you will not miss anything.

Cut out the first third and downplay the forced stereotypical characterization and I would give it a 5.
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