
15 Reviews
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
All you need is patience to love this
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers

This series got an awful lot of hate, so I was not sure what to expect. What I did learn early on was, you need a whole lot of patience to appreciate it.

They could have easily done a quick version of this in maybe 1.5 seasons. But the 4 seasons allowed such an in deep character development and such a depth, that I grew and evolved with them.

I was so sad when it ended, but it ended so perfectly and left no strings untied.

I found this series disturbing, heart wrenching, devastating and soulful all in equal measure. I laughed with them as much as I cried with them. It was not disturbing for typical reasons, it was the feeling of pain, unrest and heartache that it gives you all the way through, the anxiety it builds up. It leaves you choked sometimes.

Considering these actors were so young, their acting was amazing, their characters were annoying at times, but it just made them more believable. I had a teenager in High School, she was just as annoying. Thought she was always right and thought us adults never understood, or had a life before her.

The topics covered were: Rxpe S. A school shxxting Homosexuality Death by murder/accidental/ suicide guns drugs pregnancy

and so very much more... They way they handled these topics was brave and subtle.

As for some of the character plots: Hannah was seen as an entitled brat, but I do not believe that. I believe the culmination of everything broke her over time. Just like high school does for so many children.

Ani in season 3 was the worst part of this series, not because of her acting, she played her part well. But there was no need for the "entitled" voice over the whole season. It was so hard to listen to, not because of her accent, but because of her tone and attitude, but you learn to like her in season 4.

Bryce? Well what can I say. You hate him with pure venom, but there are moments you cry for him. His story was hard to watch because it leaves you feeling guilty when you sympathise with him when he was such a monster.

Justin, cry? Oh, I cried so hard for him.

This is just a couple of them, all the characters were complex, hard to love sometimes and easy to love in others.

But Clay? He was the absolute star. He was soft, loving, brutal, fierce and fearless. His acting was amazing.

I could have written pages more of this...

This series is not perfect by any means. But it was brave and it was worthy. 49 episodes. I do not regret a single one and every single one had something important to share.

My final thoughts?

I am a survivor and I wish I had seen this in high school and I wish my daughter could have known this series in high school.

It would have saved us both so much pain.

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She did what?
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film. But I can't get past the following 1 scene... (spoiler) If this film had a 17 year old guy giving a 13 year old girl an envelope with pictures of his penis in, this would have been a very different film and I think it says alot about how we trivialise abuse from female to male. Bad choice guys!!! We didn't need that. It let the whole film down.

I would have liked to see goslings relationship evolve more... The potential for some beautiful scenes were missed, and as for the cheating wife... She got off lightly and I had zero emotional connection to her. She was wooden.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Poor taste
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up in the era of allo allo, taking the Michael out of the nazies through dark comedy is a darn good coping mechanism, I loved allo allo, but I found this film to be in absolutely poor taste and offensive.

The storyline between the boy and girl is lovely, but the imaginary Hitler being an almost likable friend to the little boy? I just couldn't find it in me to understand this. I find this film messy and shameful. The only decent thing about this film was Sam rock well. But depicting Hitler as mostly a funny and kind guy as opposed to an absolute tirant douche, was not a good move. What an offensive spin.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Massive spoilers below
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers

So... I'm not a fan of remakes... But I've read the book and seen the original.... And to be able to review the remake I had to look at what I enjoyed and didn't enjoy about the first one.

The things I loved about the first one were:

Jud (the old guy) was just the creepiest and most amazing character in the original... His presence and demeanour was captivating... Warming and likable but with a grave undertone.

The original pascow was really haunting and didn't need to do alot for his presence to be known

I loved the general creepy feeling and ambiance of the first film and the gore... You rarely get that nowadays The story line and plot were also great

The bits I didn't enjoy about the original film: The little girl was such a spoilt winey little brat that I just wished she would shut up. I had no feeling of compassion for her and I found her irritating. She was just always whining

Her mom was the same... Self righteous... Self pitiful and just a typical whiney brat

But overall the film was great but I didn't watch it again because I just couldn't get past the mum and the girl...

So the second one... I was pleasantly surprised that the little girl was really cute friendly and likable... That was my first biggest relief...

Jud was now played by John lithgo. He was OK.. Not too creepy but subdued and weird in his own right... And he seemed to be a little sinister in this one which is a vibe I didn't get from the first one so I didn't like that. He added no extra to the film at all where as in the first one Jud made the film.

The mum this time isn't too whiney so again made the film more palatable...

I'm not sure if it's my eyes but some of the scenes in the cemetery (the wilderness behind) didn't look real... Not quite cgi... But fake in some way... Like superimposed (I'm not technical so I'm not sure) but in the first one I never felt like that... it felt real and I felt part of the setting and that added to the feeling of unrest. I didn't get that from the scenes in this film

Hang on... Who got killed by the truck? Oh man... Why do you have to change such vital plot details...

Pascow got hit by a car... Brains hanging out.. Bones protruding... Face hanging off etc.... The girl gets ran over by an Arctic size truck and she's fine... Dead... But immaculate... The mind boggles.

She doesn't come back as a creepy possessed murderous girl... She comes back as a weird and bratty little girl with an attitude problem

Then turns into just a regular child killer with a mean streak.



So overall this film was not really worth the remake... It added nothing new or better nothing extra or more frightening. If anything it was less in the terms of scare and horror. No suspense and no real drama. If anything it just looked like a film about a dysfunctional family.

Sometimes you can not enjoy a film but still recommend it... Because you can see the quality but it just isn't your thing.

I didn't feel that way about this film. It was just pointless.
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Watch with headphones on...
24 March 2021
I didn't really expect much from this film and wrongly assumed it would be a Hollywood thriller flick... It was actually however a remarkable and artistic film with alot of depth and layers....

I watched it with headphones and this really helped with the ambiance... The musical score was haunting and created tension and worry.... The conclusion was just bizzare... But I genuinely enjoyed this film... I would highly reccomend... X
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14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I waited such a long time to watch this film... I was hoping for so much more.... Not Hollywood glitz... But at least something more believable

Chris walken was the most amazing part of this film... He made the film worth it.... But I struggled with parts of it... Well most of it really...

Spoilers Its over exaggerated... You only see her sick once yet she's dying of cancer... She looses 1 lock of hair...

Here are my big spoilers....

What dying woman spends her time whilst she is possibly dying, trying to hook her husband up with women.... Surely that's an absolute waste of your final moments together.... She didn't get the final diagnoses till later when she realises she's not responded to the treatment... So why would you think that way... And before you think you don't know how you would act... I have a degenerative disease and setting my partner up with a woman is not even on my mind...

She bought an engagement ring for his next wife.... Whaaaat... With their savings... Then was mad at him for being mad at her...

She is also the healthyist looking dying person I have ever seen

But I think the moment I realised the film was a rubbish attempt at being something beautiful, Was when the guy, Who loves her SOOOOOOO Much.... Got drunk and had a sympathy shxg with some bird he doesn't know while his dying wife sits at home alone

So at that point I was about to turn the film of but my family said we got this far let's see how it ends...

It was just a mixed bag of rubbish script work... OK acting and a massive shame Mr Mr walken...
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I See You (II) (2019)
I was cheated
2 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't watch thrillers really but I am into the paranormal so when I saw the trailer to this I was quite excited.... However about half way through I realised this is not a haunted house movie at all it's a crime thriller... So I was pretty gutted as the trailer was misleading... But it actually turned out to be not too bad..

I think I would have enjoyed it more if I knew what kind of film it was from the start
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Hollow (I) (2011)
there should be a zero star option
8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love gritty... I love un-polished... young new actors and low budget horror because I think you can find some real, honest and talented acting...

however ...

4 people... toxic pointless arguing... no bonds... some sort of legend... lots of running around screaming ... some sort of wierd storyline about a guy with mental health issues... you see nothing throughout this film... I'm still absolutly clueless as to what happened and why...

you know it's bad towards the end when someone is screaming a name and you have to think.. hmmm which one was that again "BUT THERE IS ONLY 5 PEOPLE IN THE FILM"

and the ending is exactly what you expect... HOLLOW!

the worst part is... this could have been brilliant it would not have took ANY extra money ... just genuine actors... a better script and someone to perhaps film it in some sort of coherent order

such a shame
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Howl (I) (2015)
not bad for a pass time film ... quite entertaining
30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'll do the negative first....

I watched this because it said Sean pertwee was in it.... turns out he has a 2 minute part and I was gutted... he is such a good actor so it was a shame....

I did not care about the characters accept for the train guard and the young guy with the fire sticks

the movie lacked the ability to get emotionally connected


the monsters are not too shabby for a low b rate horror

the two young lads: the guard and the fire stick guy were really good

it was fun to watch and I'm glad I did watch it

it was very realistic... train ticket that was extortionate in price... crappy train that had appalling toilets and was falling apart.. tired train guard.... aweful general public.... and because of this it gave me something to resonate with.... I've been on a train like this many times so for me I could really imagine being there...

overall if you like b rate monsters then you will like this
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the tension...
18 April 2020
Well this all escalated rather quickly and ended just as quick...

quite believable other than a couple of moments but other than I quite enjoyed it x
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Lone Wolf (1988)
typical for the 80s
16 April 2020
Big hair big thrills shocking acting shocking plot

but quite entertaining... it's more of a background film but it was not bad... just not great eother
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Dire Wolf (2009)
not too shabby at all
16 April 2020
Ok so I love these kind of low budget... small town America films..

they are predictable and fun

and I really enjoyed this... it's just the kind of escapism you need sometimes.. light hearted blood and gore entertainment...

with plot holes and far fetched scenarios... it's definatly popcorn time
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Crying Wolf 3D (I) (2015)
took 2 attempts
16 April 2020
Ok so the first time i watched this i got 20 minutes in (I think I was expecting something different)... then about a week later I put it on again and actually really enjoyed it...

it's a terrible film if you are expecting perfection but if you can appreciate it for comedic entertainment with over the top blood... ridiculous acting and an awesome shootout then you will enjoy it...

helps if you are a little tipsy also
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Secret Santa (I) (2018)
jaw "drippingly" hilarious
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film... I laughed and laughed! it was brilliant for shock value... the most disturbing part was if most families took truth serum at Christmas this is exactly what would happen!

if you got munchies and an hour or so then please give this a go... it's too funny to miss !!
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Titanic II (2010 Video)
perfectly terrible-loved it
31 December 2019
I discovered this film by accident, I read the reviews... I could not help but get some munchies and persuade my poor partner to watch it also.... It was TERRIBLE... but I absolutly LOVED it. The aweful CGI, the shockingly ripped off story line, the bland characters ... but somehow it worked... I even shed a tear at some parts... all in all ... if you want to entertain yourself, have a laugh and see what computer games from the 80's and 90's are like then give it a go. Hey, it can not be that bad as my boyfriend didn't dump me for making him watch it
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