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Midsomer Murders: Sins of Commission (2004)
Season 7, Episode 4
Strange Reviews but Stranger Ratings For Excellent Show
19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Review Contains Spoilers:

Main Story line:

The trustees of a book festival are determined to maintain its integrity and independence when confronted by a failing publishing company that attempts to corrupt the outcome to keep from collapsing.

The company has not a ghostwriter, but a ghost author who must be protected. This leads to attempts on the life of the real author. Which leads to deaths by self-defense, not murder.

The show has numerous red herrings related to Gay relationships, possible blackmail, reformed criminals, secretive payoffs and all sorts of other duplicity which leads the viewer in all sorts of directions.

As such, it is completely confusing but fun to watch.

Regarding the rating system: The Most Rated review has many reviews but few positive responses. So Most Rated main may not mean best rated.

In fact the Most Rated episode is mainly a takeoff of a Tony Shaloub review of Frazier Crane in an episode of the Frazier show" "I just don't like him."
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The Shooting (1966)
Gives "Bad" a bad name
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Save yourself 1 hour and 21 minutes of your life; just watch the last minute first. You'll thank me.

It is a fascinating movie that has just one problem: The last minute when you find that there is no ending. Sure, it obviously ends. I mean credits are displayed, the screen finally goes blank and otherwise you would find yourself damned in Hell watching this garbage endlessly. (As an aside, churches should show this to their parishioners to prove the existence of Hell).

It would be like watching "The African Queen" and when Bogart climbs out of the water screaming in horror with the leeches all over him and suddenly "The End" shines on the screen leaving you wondering "What the Hell just happened?"

One wonders what the point of making the movie was. How many Canne Film Festivals and college philosophy majors could there be that would warrant making this movie.

Sure, if you had a dungeon that you could shackle your friends in and force them to watch it and not allow them to leave until they submit and profess that the film is brilliant and so are you for loving it, I could understand.

Otherwise, don't watch.
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Cheyenne: The Durango Brothers (1962)
Season 7, Episode 1
Violent, Bizarre, Dreadful, Demented , Cruel, Disgusting and Horribly Directed
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is meant to be a farce. The Oxford Language Definition of farce is: a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations. The writer of this definition must have based it on this miserable episode.

This episode is played off as a slapstick comedy. But, the mischievous family members, excluding the daughter, have kidnapped and murdered 6 men that failed to attract the attention of the daughter. Doesn't quite compare to The Three Stooges or The Marx Brothers.

And if the plot isn't horrible enough, the director obviously had never learned the timing and mannerisms of comedy.

Kind Hearts and Coronets, starring Alec Guinness, had murders but was comical. The Good Guys had numerous deaths but they were brilliantly written, acted and directed. This thing had none of them.
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Shipping Wars (2012– )
What's there Number?
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I want to hire these buffoons so I can collect on the damage insurance. If there truly is a company that accepts bids for transporting property, surely they would have been sued out of existence by hiring these clowns. Stupid is not synonymous with funny.

Why would anyone having seen this show would call this company? Everything is always damaged, late and these delivery people are unlikeable obnoxious people. No one would hire them and no one would accept their incompetence and rudeness.

But people seem to like this type of entertainment. But people also like cock-fighting.
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Hardcore Pawn (2009–2015)
Yeah, this is where I want to shop
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Drop in on this store and end up in an emergency ward. If the owner and employees don't pistol whip you, the clients will.

Seriously, if this were real, and you saw it on TV, would you be insane enough to go there? Yeah, you could insure grandpa to the max, shave his head and dress him in a NAZI uniform and wait to hear from the police to go and identify his body. Collect the insurance and move to Barbados.

Otherwise, if you are stupid enough to go there, wear body armor and leave a note to the wife and kids in case you don't return.
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Brojects (2014– )
Too stupid to watch
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Doing silly things is one thing but these two just do outrageously stupid things that serve no purpose. Why people enjoy stuff like this , I haven't a clue. Why these same people are allowed to vote , I haven't a clue.

The Three Stooges did things like this , but they were funny. These two are not.
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Yukon Gold (2013– )
Already been said
2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Someone has already noted that this show is about the repair of broken equipment, not the search for gold. Obviously it is not real, just actors.

The equipment is always broken, the employees are drunks, druggies, but worse, they are supposed to be totally unskilled, incompetent, obnoxious, lazy, argumentative, unreliable, and prone to threats of violence. They are fit only for a reality show or elected government positions.

In reality, I could take my child's beach bucket and shovel and have greater success at finding gold.
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Hunting Hitler (2015–2020)
This Has To Be The Dumbest "Reality" Show Of All Time
10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I can only stomach maybe 30 seconds of this program before I have to change the channel. Only 30 seconds? Trust me, if your IQ is greater than KoKo the gorilla, that is all the time you need.

The two guys are surveilling some house in Argentina where Hitler may have stayed. You know something like 75 years ago. They see somebody walk out and then suspiciously walk back into the house. Maybe he saw two dipsticks spying on him.

Me, I would have gone to a realtor and asked "who owns that house?" "Oh, you must mean the Hitler house.'" "Yeah, that's the one." "Some retiree." "Not Hitler?" "No, I think he moved to Miami. But just go up and knock on the door. People are friendly here in Argentina. You must be one of those deranged suspicious Americans. The last one was searching for The Lost Dutchman's mine. Yeah, we get all the crazies."
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Great cinematography
7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I only saw about a minute of the movie but I wanted to comment on a quality which most people would likely miss. Two people were killed at the bottom of a hill and the others come upon their bodies. Several scurry down to examine the bodies. The camera then shows the view from the people standing on the hill looking down. They see the others investigating and their own shadows below, but no camera is in the shadows. Excellent work by the cinematographer.
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The Last Detective (2003–2007)
Beetle Bailey as an English Police Detective
1 October 2021
OK, I love Peter Davison, but his character makes Mr Furley (Don Knotts) of Three's Company, seem like Thomas Magnum(Tom Selleck) of Magnum PI.

This Sad Sack loser is ridiculed and laughed at by the other detectives and spends his off time baby-sitting his ex-wife's dog so that she can go out on dates.

My guess is that he would wet himself if he came across a garden gnome in the yard of a crime scene.

He would only be sent out on a crime if the Police dog was too busy to investigate.

Truth be known, I haven't watched it in a while. But that should go without saying. Spend tonight making shadow puppets of Magnum PI "Did You See The Sun Rise" Part 2 instead of watching this show. You'll be glad you did.

Does this review contain spoilers? How could it? The show itself is a spoiler.
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How to find a movie to watch
22 September 2021
Whenever there is a "Got to See" movie, like this piece of crap, I check IMDB and read the 1 star reviews. They will tell the truth.

During the Iranian Hostage situation, I went to hear some high level Middle East intellectual speak. All I heard him say was that Muslims. Are dead serious about their religion. But the audience was electrified with his "brilliance".

Same with movies. Hand an idiot a ticket, tell him he is sophisticated for watching the crap and he will fawn all over it.
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Still a Dog in 2021
21 June 2021
Give me a break. Nobody but a person trapped in an iron lung could have possibly seen the entire movie. Nobody would subject themselves to that much suffering. OK, maybe people into SM. But you would really have to be a class A sickie.

There is no plot and it is confusing trying to determine what kind of film it is supposed to be. I mean, if Marlon Brando had suddenly started singing and dancing in "The Godfather" it would have made more sense than this movie. If the weirdo murderer in "No Place for Old Men" had done puppet shows before killing people, it would made more sense than this movie. If Captain Kangaroo had gut shot Mister Green Jeans and held Bunny Rabbit for ransom, it would have made more sense than this movie. This is not the worse movie every made. But for the life of me I cannot think of another one that is worse.

Does this review contain spoilers? How could anything written about this movie be a spoiler?
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Tales of Wells Fargo (1957–1962)
Jim Hardie has the Personality of a Rattlesnake
24 May 2021
At first I wasn't a fan of this show. Like Paladin of Have Gun, Will Travel, he is the toughest hombre in the west. BUT, unlike Paladin, he never cries for his enemies (you would think that Paladin would give up being a gunman and take up being a theater critic), never spouts philosophy and is always quite willing to gunfight anybody, anytime. If you like Charles Bronson movies, you'll like this series. Both Dale Robertson and Charles Bronson play 100% tough guys, with no feminine side.
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This Movie Contains Totally Objectionable Sex Scenes
3 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what did you expect ? It is Pauly Shore after all. Great comedy. Typical Pauly Shore with humor but also a nice compassionate ending. Yeah, truthfully, I could have dome without the sex, but it is still a riot.

SPOILER ALERT! I did love the scene with Pauly's best friend, who has promised Pauly to ask Sean Penn about offering Pauly a part in his next film, meeting Penn in a bar. Penn is racking his brain trying to remember Pauly's name, sitting their describing Pauly's appearance, the movies he was in, some of his comedy sketches, but can't remember his name to save his soul. All the time Pauly's buddy sits there and feigns total ignorance of who Penn is trying to remember. Like some of the SOB's we all know.
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Horrifically Emotional
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jean Hansen (Judy Garland) is an inexperienced nurse at a home for children with mental issues. She sees a small child that she feels just needs love and tenderness. And against Dr Matthew Clark's (Burt Lancaster) advice, she becomes closer to the child. Ultimately, with great intentions but improper actions, her life and that of the child and his parents start collapsing around them.

Life is not so simple. Love, sadly, is not always what is needed. An incredibly emotional movie. Maybe that some should not watch.
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Out of the Ordinary in Many Ways
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this has spoilers so be prepared: Of all the things that I love most about this film, it is that even though Superintendent Newhouse (Laurence Olivier) suspects that there is no Bunny Lake, he has his police force searching valiantly for the child. It is so refreshing to see a character understand that the effort has to be made in spite of what seems obvious, that there is no Bunny Lake.
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According to Jim (2001–2009)
Only one reason to watch this show
7 January 2021
OK, every 1 "star" reviewer got it spot on. Nothing to add there. BUT, if you are a red blooded male, turn the sound off and watch Kimberly Williams-Paisley. I'd watch her put change into a parking meter. Give the girl a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for being gorgeous. OH, and even with her on the show AVOID any episode with Dan Aykroyd. I love the actor's work, but here he is a monotone, stone-faced caveman. Feed him to the Garthok and save us the pain.
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Karroll's Christmas (2004 TV Movie)
Too funny!
13 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you love Married With Children, My Name is Earl and Seinfeld, then you will love the insane humor in this movie. Also comparable to Mixed Nuts with craziness, warmth and sensitivity. Some have criticized it for the diversity of emotions. But this is not the Marx Brothers, where total insanity reigns unfettered. Funny as it is, this is a movie of loss and reclamation. A movie with hope and happiness. A movie with totally original absurd humor.
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Secret Window (2004)
Bad version of a bad Rod Serling Twilight Zone style story
11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT! OK, this movie makes no sense at all. Johnny Depp's character hires a detective to investigate a man who denies seeing John Torurro's character with him. OK, I admit I do this all the time. Then he murders the detective and the man. Haven't we all? Then we find out that Torturro is imaginary. Usually my imaginary people are friendlier with me than Toturro's character is and usually they look like Pamela Anderson. Then he kills his ex-wife and her fiance.

What has a window got to do with it? And why is the window behind a chest of drawers. I'm confused.

And what about the other people in the village who may have seen him not with Torturro's character? Me, I would have snuck into the village, padlocked everybody in their homes and burned the place down. Then chopped them up with a fire ax using "The Shining" style and slipped back to my home and pretended to be asleep. I also would have had cartoon music in the background. Not sure if this would have helped the movie but it couldn't have hurt it.
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Father Brown (2013– )
Virtually every episode mocks Christianity
6 October 2020
The series Father Brown, like the series House, seems to delight in insulting Christianity. I find them so offensive that I will not watch them. Trust me, I will try to watch anything since I have run through Poirot, Murder, She Wrote, Death in Paradise, Wings, Frazier and other series until I can quote them. Even so, except for Poirot episodes, which I have seen at least 10 times each, I still watch them. So something fresh would be nice. But Christian bashing I will not tolerate. Someone wrote that it is unrealistic that a priest would solve crimes. I think the only reason Brown is not a butcher or baker or candlestick maker is so that the writers can hate on Christianity.
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The Red Line (2019)
Hate Speech at its Best
5 May 2019
Jussie Smollet should be the lead actor. Divisive, politically pandering and disgusting. All the best attributes of Hollywood.
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The Incredible Hulk: The Snare (1979)
Season 3, Episode 9
Incredibly Offensive Scene
15 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Stock footage used in this episode shows a charging African elephant being shot in the head. Disgusting.
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Vexed (2010–2012)
9 November 2017
Vexed was a fun detective show. Which, I guess, is why it failed. After all, there must be 163,482,632 episodes of Law and Order, Criminal Minds, NCIS ad nauseam shows, which are the same bloody body, disgusting violence, hatchet in the head, boring repetitive garbage. And since that crud is so popular, it prevails.

So if you want something different, watch Vexed. But there are only 9 episodes. If you want the blood and guts format, simply turn on the TV and you can find it with your eyes closed. Face it, you would be hard pressed to not find it.
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Too Silly
15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Stewart captures a wanted outlaw,Ryan, and runs across several other despicable, dangerous and untrustworthy people. So what does he do? Of course, he invites them to tag along with him and Ryan and enjoy the great outdoors, camping out, having fun and adventures along the way and just engaging in some good old fashioned fellowship.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be in the company of a group of thieves and murderers? So along the way, Jimmy-Boy gets sleepy. So does he tie up Ryan and the others? No, why would he? No, Jimmy, stumbling along, why does Jimmy always incur some type of injury in his films, listens as Ryan tells him he has to sleep sometime, and surprisingly without fail, little Jimmy does and the bad guys take him prisoner. Who could have seen that coming? Feel free to throw up at this point in the movie.

Typical, silly, "Duh I'm too stupid to take care of myself", Jimmy Stewart movie. Add in "The Mountain Road", "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence", "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and the list goes on and you get the picture.
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Fun Action Film
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Be advised that this movie contains an heroic Christian character. This seems set off the hate in a lot of people. So, if not one of them, enjoy the show, lots of action, a comedic character to pull for (he survives) and enough dead bodies to placate a Rambo fan. But do not become too attached to the characters because the cutting room floor was covered with their blood.
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