
32 Reviews
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Maybe if, ALL BABES WANT TO KILL ME, had killed him I wouldn't have watched the movie, gee, lucky me, they didn't
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If there was a star rating below 1 star, I would have rated it minus 15 stars. I wish the BABES had killed him early in the movie because the movie was not funny at all, it was boring and literally sucked big time from beginning to end, from the non-Native Americans, a bunch of idiot people dressed up like Indians wanting to be Indians. A bunch of unknown actors who will probably stay a bunch of unknown actors, I can only hope. I had a feeling the movie was going to be a stinko from the beginning when a man who looked like he had mental problems and a woman were walking together stopped and he started digging what looked like a grave and the woman, she was not a BABE pulled out a shot gun but didn't do anything, the man starts laughing but continues digging, have no idea what that had to do with the movie.
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Should be called NASA Doom & Gloom Files
24 October 2023
None of the episodes has nothing to do wth Unexlained Files but Doom & Gloom, how we and the earth are going to be destroyed, from giant artificial robots to Super Novas radiation bursts to the suns solar flares wiping out the earth's atmosphere, giant asteroids, giant comet's, giant metors, alien diseases and all the astronomers say, it's going to happen, it's going to happen sooner or later and they all sound so happy so when it does happen they can say I told you, but they won't be able to because they will be dead also. Unexplained Files, I'd say it has been explained pretty good. I don't know if this contains any spoilers, just my opinion.
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Make Me Scream (2023 TV Special)
Hope this not going to be a weekly show, got bored within 3 minutes.
8 October 2023
I dont think this review contains any spoilers. All this show is just a carnival horror house attraction, made for TV, tried watching it on Freevee, twitchy camera work at best, jumping all over the place. A couple of celebrities I have heard of, most were complete unknowns. I have been to my share of horror houses in my time with a bunch of people jumping out at you, screaming and holloring, one guy screamed at me RUN, i turned at looked at him and said WHAT, he got real quiet, kind of suprised him, Just hope this is NOT going to be a weekly TV show, if it is, count me out. I'd be surprised if this show actually make it a full season.
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Portals (2019)
This movie was a wsste of time from beginning to end
26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made Event Horizon look like a good movie, even though it was a real stinker of a movie, really never saw what was in the Portal except one time, a dirt road and weed filled land with dead grass and a weird dilapidated jail house when you touched the jail bars an annoying screeching sound, sounded, wonder how much money they paid for special effects to build that dirt road and plant dead grass and build that run down jail, another scene cops break into a 911 call center to rescue the employees but no one was there, except the Portal. Did everyone just decide to run into the portal at one time? Nothing could have saved this worthless movie, except one thing, not to have made it.
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Nope (2022)
Nope to this movie
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One on the worst sci-fi movies I have ever seen, kept falling asleep trying to watching it, bored the hell out of me. No special effects or very little special effects. People who would mumble their lines. A person who looked like he was wearing a bathrobe with a hood and a covid mask, the worst mumbler, could not understand one word he said. Flashback to a tv show were a chimp killed the entire cast. Could not figure what that had to do with the movie, have no idea. This movie was disjointed from the start to finish. Never found out what the aliens actually looked like. I hope I never see a movie directed or produced by these people again.
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The War of the Planets, one of the worst sci-fi movie ever made, couldn't wait till it was over, that bad
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Giacomo Rossi Stuart king of the Z movies, B would have been to good for him, all he did was grit his new dentures, was one of the worst actors I have ever seen, the whole movie was a mess from beginning to end. No special effects just something that looked like burned spaghetti sauce on the surface of the planet that people and space ships would sink into never to be seen again, lots of steam and people floating around aimlessly in outer space. You never actually see who was at war with the earth. What a waste of time.
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One of the worst ww2 movies ever made, no acting talent
25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible acting from everyone, all people were doing was yelling at each other about disregarding flying rules, and being court martialed, movie was inters paced with faded, out of focus videos from camera's mounted in other planes.
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From a genuinely boring director "THE GOD ORSON WELLS"
20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A genuinely boring movie about genuinely boring people with Tim Holt asking every 5 minutes "who is that queer duck dancing with mother" if he was listening he would have heard her say "that queer duck is my father" art least twice. I can't watch any of Orson Wells movie, they all wind up so preachy.
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Can't believe I wasted my time watching this movie
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a mishmosh of dinosaur, dragon and ninja cat movie. There is no ending, just ends, I guess there is going to be a part 2, sometime, somewhere. Milla Jovovich has a singing role, don't give up your Resident Evil job, can't sing. Ron Perlman plays Ron Perlman, no expression. This is the last time i watch a movie advertise on YouYube. Can't believe I wasted my time watching a movie with no end.
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Brightburn (2019)
Not a movie I would be proud of
9 August 2020
You know what they say, a movie can make or break your career, this movie seems like it could be a career breaker for Jackson A Dunn, it's a shame.
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Movie had nothing to do with the original except the names Klaatu and Gort
4 July 2020
When asked about what Klaatu actually looked like, he said it would frighten her, the only thing that frighten me was the acting.
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Ad Astra (2019)
I was bored out of my mind
24 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The narration by Brad Pitt put me to sleep, no excitement, just kept droning on. Very little special effects. A real sleeper. Wish I had read Imdb before I watched the movie.
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T-34 (2018)
A great movie
11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the dubbed in version which was a great help to know what was going, no subtitles which flash by so fast that they are hard to read, the only thing wrong, everyone spoke perfect english, no one had accents, sounded like they just got off the Hollywood bus, but that is a minor detail. The movie is a war movie but more of a grudge movie between the Russian and German tank commander. If you get a chance to watch the dubbed in version, watch it, you won't be disappointed.
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Ghost Nation (2019– )
Just as boring as the old Ghost Hunters
11 November 2019
First show, I fell asleep. They never do any hard core investigations, always nothing to worry about, never use any modern equipment or no equipment at all. Have to on my DVR to automatically record but thinking of deleting it.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
It was so bad, where do I start?
3 September 2019
When I started watching this I said, when does it start to get better, it doesn't, boring people, boring story line and no ending. The series could have been better. I have a feeling there is going to be a part 2 or higher, I hope not because I'm not going to watch anymore. I actually fell asleep during the last one and had to find the part I fell asleep to see if I missed anything, I didn't.
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Made a big mistake watching this movie
5 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie went from bad to worse then back to bad again, did it through to whole movie. It took the aliens 20 minutes to show up and when they did, everyone else disappeared into thin air, the kids found an order ordering everyone to evacuate, they did, instantaneously, fastest disappearing act ever seen in a movie. One of the counselors was an alcoholic, always drinking from a flask, luckily one of the aliens got rid him out fast. The aliens looked like the drunk counselor, and was drunk, did the graphics, really bad. Can't give a good description of the aliens but when they had babies, they had vicious alien dogs.
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A really good movie, In The Heat of the Night quality
30 March 2019
I can't rate it a 10 because of the music, the music did not go with the movie, happy go lucky in a racially tense movie, didn't make any scence to me, I guess when I first saw it, I didn't mind the music back then but now the music is stupid
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Battalion (2018)
There were no goofs on TITLE REVIEW page
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The whole movie was one big goof, Australian actors trying use American accents but then forgetting and switching to back to their Australian accent. A very slow movie, switching time periods, got so confusing, I forgot what time period they were actually in. Confusing charecters, forgot who was who after a while, except the two main characters. Special Effects, what special effects, very little, hardly any CGI. A bad and boring movie. Run away if anyone says lets see Batillion. May have a spoiler, not sure
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A-X-L (2018)
A pree-teen movie
19 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if this is a spoiler or not And not very good. A.X.L. is the only thing that keeps your interest and it's a robot. Had a feeling the movie wasn't going to be very good.
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Kin (I) (2018)
Randy Quaid ought to glad he was in this dog of a movie for a short time.
11 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If your like movies that are extremely slow, uninteresting people, hardly any sci-fi, except that crazy Lazer rifle that blows things into sparkles, a weird crime family thugs that goes into a police station and kill very one except the people they are looking for and don't even come close to getting hurt or killed until the end of movie, this movie is for you.
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Occupation (2018)
This movie stinks from beginning to end
21 July 2018
Did the filmmaker's intentionally want to make you feel sorry for the aliens, well, they did. Bad acting, people you could care less about and hoping the aliens would somehow knock them off. Definitely did not spend a whole lot of set design. Read on the reviews that there is going to be a number 2 movie, I hope to God no.
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Batman Ninja (2018)
I thought this is going to be one good movie, I couldn't have been more wrong.
9 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I'm not the only one who thought the movie was a real stinker. Joker's screaming laugh got on my last nerve, felt like screaming back at the screen, give me a break and shut up, didn't sound real but did like Harley Quinn, Cat Woman, they were cool, the other Gotham villans, really didn't care anything about them. I know Japan has monkeys but the writers made it look like they have millions. Does Robin have some kind of hair disease and didn't know he knew monkey chatter, must be his second language. Could not wait for this movie to be over.
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Bright (I) (2017)
I liked it, didn't love it
29 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not too sure if it contains spoilers. Not the best movie ever made but not the worst movie ever made, l liked Bright even though it is a combination of a couple of movies, Warcraft with the Orcs, the only problem was the make-up artist sometimes gave Jacoby an alligator look but not all the time, Lord of the Rings with the elves but minus the Hobbits (should have had some). Don't take someone's word it's horrible, especially movie reviews or online reviews, watch it for yourself, make up your own mind. If they make Bright 2, I would watch it.
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One of the worst Sci-Fi movies ever made
25 March 2018
Comparing War of the Planets to Star Wars is like comparing a Rolls Royce to a Robin Reliant, Robin Reliants have a tendency to fall over when turning, two wheels in the back and one in the front. I was surprised to find out both movies came out the same year 1977, I thought War of the Planets came out in the middle 60's. Star Wars had top notch special effects, this movie has bad, cartoon like, laughable special effects, especially COSMIC LOVE, two people on two separate beds moaning and groaning to music. The acting was so bad I'm surprised that anybody had any kind of acting career afterwards.
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Movie is so bad it's good
28 February 2018
Hate to say this, one of the best comedy movies I have seen in a long time, horrible acting which made the movie funny to me, very little sci-fi, no horror at all from Criswell and his little curly Q hair, Bela Lugosi walking around like Dracula, Vampira and her skinny humongous finger nails , saw her when her hair was blonde, a really hot woman, Tor Johnson mumbling his lines, hard to understand, on the plane, a shower curtain, split in two, seperating the crew from the passengers. THIS IS MY KIND OF MOVIE
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