3 Reviews
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The Lost (II) (2006)
Fans of Ketchum and low budget films will enjoy
3 September 2006
First off, some people just can't get into low-budget films. And I agree many are unwatchable. However I've also found some decent films among the crap. Bottom line, if you have a problem sitting through indie films. Then this movie probably won't change your mind. However if you're a fan of Jack Ketchum (who wrote the novel it was based on) then you'll probably enjoy it. It manages to stay pretty close to the book, other then the book being set in the late 60's. At first I thought this was going to be a problem, but as the movie goes on it kind of takes on a timeless feel. And being a low-budget movie, setting it in another era would have been too costly. The acting was pretty good for an indie, the actor who plays Ray Pye pretty much nailed the look and essence of the character.

I caught this movie at the Rue Morgue convention where there was a Q&A with Jack Ketchum afterwards. Which was pretty interesting, he explained how low-budget films allow the director to follow his sometimes grisly story lines more accurately. That's OK with me, I don't mind low-budget movies, especially when they're based on such powerful writing.
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were you expecting Citizen Kane????
3 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only posting this do to the amount of negative reviews, I've read on here. Most people complain about the lack of plot, the made-for-TV acting and the sex violence and child murder. However this movies is called Murder-Set-Pieces. What did you expect? Oscar worthy performances? I agree that Sven Garrett's performance often reminded me of a piece of wood. And I agree that the plot is almost non-existent. However I knew all these things before I even pressed play. This is also a film that you probably will never be able to rent in Blockbuster. So if you're watching it you're probably a gore/rape hound. Therefore the big question for me was. Does it deliver on the gore? And the answer is yes! And it's glorious. The murders in this movie look amazing. Every death scene is carried out with as much of a sexual overtone as possible. I think it is clear that Palumbo was directing this movie for people who share his same sick erotic fantasies. And for that I thank him. And just for the record, to the people who claim this film replaces tension or suspense for gore. I ask you to look at the crib scene, and tell me it didn't make you very uneasy.
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I didn't even hit fast forward
6 November 2005
Being a fan of independent horror, I've learned not to be afraid of my fast forward button. I'm not one to give up on a movie, but I've found my self skipping to the next moment of gore. To escape some of the terrible acting or plot twists that fill up time in your average indie-horror romp. This being said, I had my finger ready above the FF button when I started watching DAB. But to my pleasant surprise, there was no need. I admit the first half an hour of this movie are a little slow. But once it kicks in the gore truly makes it worth the wait. As long as you can take the cheesy jokes and singing country/rap narration (thats right). I think you'll find one hell of a good time. There's even a cameo by David Carradine, proving he can still function after his 10 yr booze bender. It wouldn't surprise me if some people can't get into this movie. And I feel sorry for them. Since they'll miss the best zombie/comedy since Dead Alive.
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