40 Reviews
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The Marvels (2023)
Marvel - ous???
11 November 2023
Well to be honest I wasn't expecting much, I didn't particularly enjoy Captain Marvel.

So I sat down in the cinema just to keep up my first day viewing of MCU movies streak.

Well I'm actually really glad I did, is it perfect god no. Is it on a par with Endgame, far from it.

Is it is bad as Thor love and thunder, well hell no it's not.

I think it could have done being another 20 minutes longer, which could have been used to flesh out some of the characters, the main villain in the movie could have benefitted from that, you are sort of just expected to dislike her from the get go, but no explanation why you are supposed to dislike her. This did come later in the movie, but it sort of give her some form of justication for being a bit of a git.

It was a good, funny movie probably on par with the first AntMan or Doctor Strange, in case anyone was wondering, I have added an extra point for the post credit scene, the only thing I will say about it is that it's not to be missed and will possibly and hopefully change the MCU forever.

It's the thing marvel fans have been waiting for since the Fox purchase, if you know then you know, and if you don't know then strap yourself in for the ride, it's going to be a good one.
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Is it terrible - No
2 September 2023
I am a bit perplexed by some of the terrible reviews that people are putting on this, I mean 1's and 2's. This is not 🐈 ladies and gentlemen.

Look it's not as good as the last crusade, but it's far far superior to the kingdom of the crystal skull.

I think what people are doing is basing their scores against the best films ever, as the first three in this series were probably up there, but it is no way worth anything under a 6. You can simply not put a film like this and a film like sharknado in the same conversation.

The deaging was done very very well, probably the best I've seen it done. The Irishman was incredibly well done but they made the mistake of still using the aged actor. So even though the face was de-aged it was still a 78 year old actor beating someone up. Face looked right, the rest didn't.

They didn't fall into this trAp here I don't know if Harrison is just in a lot better shape that de Niro was, or they have figured out how to superimpose the heads and bodies.

The film itself was a standard action movie, a few Easter eggs in for the sad amongst us. Yes I'm obviously sad because I noticed them, and a rather fitting ending to the Indy Saga

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Hijack (2023)
Been a long time coming
10 August 2023
I can't remember the last time I sat on the edge of my seat as much as I did with this show, lots of twists and turns, but also some fantastic acting anre and more now even on streamers and to be blunt, it's really doing my head in.

It must be counter productive to the actual channel. The way we consume content (sorry I went into work mode) as radically changed the instigator of this was obviously the pandemic, but I think it would have happens without it albeit a tad slower. We want to watch what we want watch, when we want to watch it. So we waited until Apple had screwed with our heads, and we could binge the bejesus out of it. We are so glad we did though, excellent show, in fact one of the best series that me and my good lady have watch for a very very long time.
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Not as bad as people are making out
11 March 2023
Is it as Clever and intriguing as the TV series, a simple answer is no, is there lots of action, yes.

Are there some bits where you go WTF ? Yes, hell yes.

Now my feelings on this, is that this was supposed to be series 6, a full season on this could and should have been wonderful. However, alas it wasn't to be, whether it was Idris or the BBC not wanting to do we may never know, but there was definitely an appetite for more. Is this what the masses were hungry for ? I am not too sure but, it really isn't as bad as people are giving it, I mean 2 out of 10 is just ridiculous, I understand it doesn't live up to the amazing TV show, but it's a fun film, and I for one quite enjoyed Andy Serkis's performance, it reminded me of a 1970's bond film villain, camp, funny and truly twisted.

It's in no way a movie that could up there with things like Jason Bourne, but it's as good as Little Tom's attempt at Jack Reacher (watch the TV show on Prime Video, that is excellent)

In summary, this could have been way way better, but it also could have been a whole lot worse.

I do suspect that this ain't the last we have seen of Luther.
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Very impressive
20 January 2023
With dramas that you get on channel 4 and channel 5 you might find 1 out of 5 is actually worth watching, this was worth watching and more. This is a spoiler free review but I would think that most people will have the same 'inkling' that I did on episode 1.

There might be some obviousness about the series but the acting and script more than make up for it.

There are some wonderful scenery, and it goes to show how much of a beautiful country Wales can be.

One thing that I thought was very well done is how many of us, if not all of us tend to be wearing rose tinted glasses when we try and remember what we were like and how we behaved when we were teenagers.

Overall this was an excellent drama with an outstanding story portrayed by actors at the top of their game.

It might even make me forget that it was Ramsay Bolton that was on the screen.
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Not Bad
28 December 2022
I normally only review shows that I either really enjoy, or shows/movies that I have been thoroughly disappointed by. The Witcher Blood Origin is neither of the above.

I simply felt as though I had to review because of the plethora of bad reviews of this show. How can you judge a whole series when you freely admit that you could t watch a single episode ?? I just don't get it.

Look everyone is upset the Geralt is not going to be Geralt anymore, he is going to be a different Geralt but I will not judge a show that neither Geralt's are in just because I'm annoyed that Mr Cavill decided that he didn't want to catch a coin anymore. We will never find out the real reason he left, it might have been Superman, it may have been the direction of the show, Henry is the only one who knows, and he is keeping schtum.

Thors little brother might be fantastic in the role he also may be utterly terrible only time will tell, one thing is for sure is that it will be different.

Now for Blood Origin, is it amazing, no it's not, is it the worst show Netflix have ever created, well no it's not that either. It's decent fantasy, showing us a time we have never seen nor read about on parent show or books. Yes I did find it interesting that Elves were at some point just like Humans, selfish, proud ambitious and many other similar adjectives. They turned on themselves and probably made it easy for us humans to nearly wipe them out.

I also found it interesting where some of the 'things' we have seen on the Witcher originated from, I will not go into spoilers here because I do actually encourage people to watch the show

So take it from me as someone who managed to sit through the full series it's not bad, reasonably good in fact, please do not judge a whole series on fanboys who couldn't even manage to watch a full episode just because it's not the Witcher. No it's not, but the Mandalorian, isn't set at the same time as Star Wars, it's not got the same characters in (Boba Fett being an exception I know before someone flames me). But I don't hear anyone saying that it's not Star Wars.

Look that's all Netflix are doing here, they have stumbled on a huge success in the Witcher so they are trying to create a universe just the same as Star Wars and Marvel and even DC did it with The Arroverse, just not as well. And you cannot blame them for that, they will have paid squillions for the rights to the Witcher et al, all they are doing is trying to make a couple of quid or a few new subscribers before the magic (or people watching it) run out

Back in your box please haters !! Says me climbing down from my high horse.
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Lie to Me (2009–2011)
3 December 2022
I've long been an avid learner into body language and facial expressions, this programme gives you that and a bit of intrigue rolled into one. I would not say in any sense that I am a master of the only true global language but from the little that I know, the science that the Lightman Group talk/show on the programme seems to what I know. I do hope that it is backed with science because I feel as though I have learnt so much from this show, if you want to catch everything then that will require several viewings of each episode as they are all packed with things that you can learn but also a mystery wrapped up inside of an enigma.

Putting things into perspective the only shows that I have rated either the same or higher than Lie To Me is, Gane of thrones (seasons1-5) Daredevil, battlestar galactica and the best show of all time which in my opinion is The Sopranos.

To rate it so highly you must have an interest in the subject, my wife watched with me and she thought it was a good show, but really just another cop show, but I am a bit of a nerd and everyday is a school day.
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Black Adam (2022)
In the top 5 DCEU movies
20 November 2022
But to be fair, that doesn't really make it a fantastic movie. I'd heard/read a lot about Black Adam and I really love Dwayne Johnson when he is playing a decent character.

There are some good points to this film, pierce Brosnan was excellent, but he normally is, Hawkman was good as well, and Dwayne did play the role he was given quite well.

What I didn't really like about the film had more to to with points that that actors could do very little about, The CGI was very clunky in bits, it seemed to jump through bits and most of the fights appeared to be very jerky as if the editor took out a couple of frames every second, and then thought to himself that no one would notice.

There was predictably your paint by numbers superhero movie, feisty mother - check, kid who gets into trouble - check but redeems himself to save the day- check, new hero learning the ropes - check, possible romance between 2 characters down the line - check, I could go on and on, but I got bored writing it, so I'm sure so cannot be bothered to read it.

To sum it up, it's good for the DCEU, and meh in the MCU.

A lot of people were disappointed with the latest Thor offering, and this movie was a little better than that but it wasn't a patch on Shang-chi,

In case you wondered in my humble opinion the other 4 best DCEU movies were (in order)

Aquaman The suicide squad (and it gave us the peacemaker series, which I loved) Wonder Woman The Batman Black Adam

Over n out.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Much better than the ending made it
31 October 2022
If it had not been for the last episode I would have given this a strong 7 and possibly even an 8. The creators of this show have taken an acorn of an idea, which grew into a massive strong oak tree and then in the last episode set fire to it. Such a shame it deserved so much more

If you know of the true story or read up on it before watching then you will realise that never has the phrase "creative license" been more appropriate. Throughout the show you will be convinced you know who the watcher is, then you will change your mind in the next episode, and then again in the one after, it was incredibly well written with more twists and turns than a twisty turny thing on acid.

I would think if you turned off with 15 minutes to go on the last episode, you would go to bed happy.

Don't say you have not been warned.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
I don't get the hate
10 September 2022
Is this the best superhero movie ever made, hell no, is it the worst movie ever made, not by a long shot.

Stallone plays to his strengths here

  • no long bits of dialogue for him to chew over, check
  • some good action scenes, check
  • vulnerable young kid for him to save, check
-some dodgy CGI, check
  • twist in the end you didn't see coming, unless you are that person at work who sees every twist before they even start watching it, check
  • actor who makes you say to your family, "who is that guy?, what else was he in?" Check
  • laughter track, when you realise it was the annoying kid from Hannah Montana, and the only way he has grown in 15 years is the addition of multi coloured cornrows, check
  • reasonably good supporting cast, especially the main bad guy, and then when you realise who it is, and what he was in, makes you hate "the dans" for ruining the end of game of thrones, because that's how Euron Greyjoy should have been

Joking aside, it's a good movie and you won't want the 2 hours back as wasted time, I'd be a happy man if Stallone kept churning out films like this till he enters the pearly gates, yes he's old, but would I want to pick a fight with him god no.

Well done Stallone sir, as it says in this movie "I'm a fan"
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Reminds me of mad men
3 August 2022
Bear with me here, I know Yellowstone and Mad Men are chalk and cheese in terms of their similarities, but I watched Mad Men, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but even after all these years I don't know why, nothing ever really happened.

Yellowstone is a bit like that for me, some incredible performances, some amazing scenery - but nothing much happens, but can I stop watching - NO, do I want to stop watching HELL NO.

The only thing I wished is that it wasn't so addictive, I'm staying up way too late binge watching it, yes it's 2am, yes I have work in the morning, ah sod it I'll watch one more.
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Halo (2022– )
I don't get the hate
3 August 2022
I'm not a gamer (sue me) but I do like a good piece of science fiction, and this is a well produced, well acted science fiction show. There is action, there is intrigue and mystery, and some rather excellent effects.

I understand it might not fit with the game, but how many shows/movies stick religiously to their source material, I know of none, that's it none.

So if you want an escape for an hour, and you don't want trek or wars of the star variety than you cannot go wrong with Halo. It's very early days but this show to me has BSG vibes to it, and if it's half as good as that then it will be still worth watching.

One thing I do agree with some other reviewers, Kwaan (I think that's how you spell her name) is an annoying character, she comes across as a petulant teenager and if I wanted to watch that type of gubbins then I'd watch Riverdale.

I don't watch Riverdale.
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A lot better than expected
29 July 2022
Unfortunately most channel 5 dramas are no where the quality of what you find on other 'terrestrial' stations. Witness Number 3 really changes that, it was very well acted, and contained quite a few surprises when you were certain you knew what was going to happen plot wise.

Yes there were plot holes, yes the main character acted incredibly stupid at times and made some poor life choices, but don't we all sometimes.

If this was on the BBC or ITV, I probably would not have scored it so highly but for channel 5 it was definitely one of their best deliveries

Well done channel 5, one more thing, just before 'endgame' you will be totally certain that you have seen this trope before and you know how it will end, it's been done countless times in big budget Hollywood movies and series.

Nope, is all I will say.
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I don't know what to say
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Downton Abbey when in its prime never really appealed to me or my better half, then this little thing called COVID happened and we needed something to watch, well we got hooked and we honestly don't know why. Nothing really ever happens in the show or the movies, but boy do I love watching.

In this movie Downton is a tad run down and needs a facelift, but alas no pennies in the coffers to pay for new roof, so the family embrace the new era and invite a film crew in to use Downton as the location shoot.

This film nicely wraps up the families individual journeys and most seem to be happy with their lot in life. So I doubt that we will see any more shenanigans from our upstairs or downstairs personnel, which to be honest is a crying shame, I do genuinely love this programme.

If you have followed this show, then the inevitable happens to the unequalled Dowager which had me wiping away the tears, but she goes out as she lived her life, another reason why I don't think we will see another instalment as the show will just not be the same without that acerbic wit we have all come to admire and try and emulate (much to my wife's disgust). It also proves once again that Dame Maggie Smith is a rather terrific actress.

We may see a new cast I suppose, but how will they find someone to replace Lady Mary, a sometimes nasty woman, who isn't "all that" but for some reason has every man whether single or married under her spell. That's the only thing I never really liked about DA, in reality both of her sisters were nicer human beings, I know that in that era money definitely talked, but the money was her sons not hers, so there had to something else that drew in the men like flies to a lump of steaming........ Pate. I just don't see it.

But damned good movie and damned good TV show.
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The Northman (2022)
So disappointed
18 May 2022
I was really looking forward to seeing this film, and I don't think I have ever been so dissatisfied after watching a movie. I heard comments before seeing it saying it was this generations Gladiator. Nope certainly not, it's not even worthy of picking up the discarded popcorn after watching Gladiator for the umpteenth time.

It was slow, it was confusing, it was uneventful, the 'battle' scenes which promised so much from the trailer were laboured and looked downright boring, I think I could have escaped the Viking Hordes by walking away at a slightly brisk pace. I think Alexander is a very good actor, but he was wasted in this mono syllabic role.

It could have been so much better, if you like a bit of historic Nordic action then you would be far better investing your time in Vikings on Amazon Prime Video or Vikings Valhalla on Netflix, far better action scenes, more drama and emotion in one 44 minute episode than in the whole of this "Event Movie"

I'll finish this by saying the last time I was looking forward to a movie and was ultimately dismayed by it was a small independent movie called Star Wars: The phantom menace.

Yes even the Rise of Skywalker didn't let me down as much as this movie.

As a small green gentleman once said, "Boring and slow this movie was"
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Heels (2021–2023)
One Hell of a ride
15 May 2022
I've watched wrestling when I was a kid, before the internet made it possible to find out anything about any wrestler. The WWF was the main player then and still is now but I loved watching the backyard promotions if only to spot who could be the next big star. This show reminded me of those days.

For those of you in the know this show doesn't just break kayfabe, it stomps on it, delivers it a clothesline the puts it in the million dollar dream. But it does it with style, some magnificent acting from the two main leads and some excellent supporting roles, and somewhat not as important (weirdly) some damn fine realistic looking wrestling.

For the fans, there is crowd pleasing cameos, bit of a shame Mrs Foley's little boy was resigned to a non wrestling role, but still made me 'pop'

I honestly can't wait to see season 2, and see what they do with the promotion, and I'm totally invested in the belt as well.

Well done to the writers, actors, directors and producers for making a damned good show that I am totally invested in, which is a real rarity it this day of binge watching, or giving up on a show in 2 or 3 episodes. One of the biggest compliments I can give it is I honestly thought it was written by Aaron Sorkin.

As a loyal fan, can I please make a request, seeing Chris Jericho in season 2 would be amazing, he would fit the show down to the ground, I'm not asking for him to be a major part, but I think him popping up for a couple of episodes playing a jaded national champ or something trying to "get his smile" back would make for some great TV

I don't say this often, but thanks for making this show, it combines great TV, but makes me reminisce of my younger years. Thank You.
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Real Men (1987)
Totally Stupid but hilarious
2 May 2022
I think the highest praise I can give this movie is that it reminds me of a Python movie. I rented this as a teenager from my local video shop, I rented it that many times that the shop actually gave it to me (thanks Derek) It's totally stupid, but I find it utterly hilarious, think James Bond meets Airplane.

"I'm working with a bunch of clowns"
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
A rant against negative reviews, and some recommendations
21 March 2022
There are many positive reviews on this show, and there are some really poor reviews, but I just don't understand how anyone can give this show a 2/10.

Yes some of the acting in the first season wasn't exactly Oscar bait, but these were kid actors, I mean the first couple of Harry Potter movies some of the child actors notably Daniel Radcliffe was downright vomit inducing. But he even says it himself. Everyone has to start somewhere, this show has been a starting point for many good British actors, so giving it not just a bad or mediocre review but a terrible one is just plain wrong, the adults acting in this show we're fine and in some places very very good. In subsequent seasons the acting especially from King Alfred was very very good (he's come a long way from a bit part in Peaky Blinders)

Some people point out that there isn't much CGI effects, this isn't fantasy boys and girls there are no dragons or dinosaurs to be had, it's set in the past, so again I don't understand the negative reviews on that point, and in the first couple of seasons didn't have a Netflix budget. So 'effects' were neither warranted nor needed.

Most of the negative reviews focus on how it is rather loose with its historical accuracy. Now if this was Versailles (excellent show please watch) or something similar when it explains that it's a retelling of historical fact, then I could accept the points deduction on that basis alone. At no point does this show claim to be historically accurate, in fact it doesn't even claim to be one iota accurate, it is a work of fiction using some historical characters such as King Alfred. I'm sorry to say that Uhtred of Bamburgh ( I will not apologise for using its modern name because I can't spell the old way correctly without looking it up) was never a real person.

So yes I love this show, I thoroughly enjoy it, but you have to watch it as was intended, it's a gritty, sometimes violent drama based in the good old days, think Luther with a sword. No one has ever complained the Luther would have been up against the police complaints authority by 10am on his first day because he's a bit violent against the criminals, why ? Because it's a drama, and people watch it as that.

To me Braveheart is probably to blame for peoples bad reviews, that "true story" of Sir William Wallace was so full of historical mistakes and downright lies, that people now don't trust movies and TV shows of similar vein. If that had been called Braveheart, wee jock goes on a rampage against the nasty English, and it is in no way any way connected to persons living or dead, then it would still be seen as a wonderful movie, rather than the joke it unfortunately has become. If you watch it with a pinch of salt, then it's still a good historical movie.

Now if you take Gladiator as a movie, yes it's based on history, Commodus was a real emperor, yes some say he killed his father,. But no where in the marketing did it portray it as a true story. The difference now is that people still laude that movie.

Please accept my apologies for jumping off on a rather large tangent there. The Last Kingdom is great work, good acting and excellent fight scenes, based on the true story that Bernard Cromwell thought up over a cup of cocoa. It's not real ladies and gentlemen. If you don't watch or complain about the show because it's not historically accurate then all you are doing is depriving yourself of watching a damned good TV Show.

As you may have probably guessed, I often partake in the odd novel in the category of historical fiction. Just before I typed this review I just finished the war of the roses series by Conn Iggulden, it was really good and shows Tudor politics in a new more feminine perspective. That would make a great tv show. However I've read all of his books, and never read a bad one, his Empire of Salt series about Genghis Khan wax utterly spellbinding, i really enjoyed it, and learnt so much about a time period to which I was wholly ignorant of beforehand. (BTW, it's pronounced jengis)

So in summary, The Last Kingdom is a great piece of drama, the books are well worth a read as well, also if you like books like this stuff then check out Conn Iggulden, you will thank me for it.

I will sign off by apologising for the novel length review, but it annoyed me when people gave this excellent show bad reviews for non valid reasons.
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Simply Epic
15 December 2021
I had a lot of expectations going into this movie, I read some non spoiler reviews of it and some of them said it's the best movie in the MCU. In my opinion it's not, but it's very very close, IMHO Thor Ragnorok is virtually perfect. This does come very very close, in terms of sheer scale it's on par with Civil War, some proper geek out moments. I won't spoil them, because it's totally worth going to see it at the cinema, my biggest nerd moment seemed to be a bit different to other peoples judging off the gasps and applause from the audience. Let's just say I like Netflix shows.

In terms of its 'epicness' I think it falls a little short of Endgame although my two daughters who I went with thought it was on a grander scale to endgame and infinity war. I will leave that to your own judgement.

We all now know that Tom Holland has signed on again the put the spandex suit on, but this would have been a great ending to Tom's tenure as Spidermsn, many people are crying out for a more diverse lead character, and they actually comment upon this in the movie.

It was a long film so stock up on the snacks and drinks, but to be fair at no point did I think the film was dragging its feet to fill the time.

In summary a damned good film, up there with the best the MCU has to offer but not in my opinion the GOAT.

First post credit scene was amazing, and it still bemuses me after so many MCU Films the amount of people who get up and leave, they don't even put the lights on anymore like they used to. I was rather confused by the second end credits scene, it wasn't a scene it was a trailer for the next Doctor Strange movie .

Now this is the bit of my review that will look very strange if after many years IMDB is still going strong (thanks Amazon) - it was very difficult sitting with a mask on for the whole length of the film, I am also pleased to announce that 99% of the audience complied with the order to 'mask up' There was a couple of eejits who were not wearing a mask, and they were not challenged by the staff either (they were not showing exempt notices). To give the @odeonsilverlink some credit, most of the people on the 'shop floor' were either at school or college/uni so I wouldn't really expect them to challenge someone for not wearing a mask. It shouldn't have to rely on other audience members to say anything, this should be done by the management or supervisors

Well I managed to create a spoiler free review, I'm happy with myself.
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Old (2021)
Should have stayed on the beach
9 October 2021
This movie was made in one location on a beach and it really should have stayed there undiscovered, quite possibly the worst film I've ever watched. Most bad films have got something about that makes them amusing/scary just something that makes you say that was so bad it was good. No luck with this one, just terrible don't watch it.

I could go through some of the bad or worst bits of the film, but I don't want to put my brain through reliving any of it.
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Last Knights (2015)
So misleading
16 August 2021
I've put off watching this movie for so many years mainly due to the rather abysmal reviews given to it by critics.

Look it's no gladiator or braveheart (bar the historical in accuracies) but is it a bad film, hell no, but it's a real good watch for people liking historical movies or even samurai movies.

There is not a blood and gore battle every five minutes but you do grow to care about some characters and also grow to despise a few more. This means you have invested in the film, which in my mind means it's done it's job

And a good job it did to, do not believe critic reviews, they didn't like Venom and look how well that did, plus it's got Morgan Freeman who is a living legend or should I say God ? (Please excuse the Bruce Almighty reference I couldn't resist it )
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The Watch (2020–2021)
I tried, honestly I did
14 July 2021
I love the Sir Terry Pratchett universe, I didn't even mind some of the adaptations like going postal and hog father.

This was just plain awful, Sam Vines was doing some awful Johnny Depp impersonation and failing miserably, Lord Ventinari, (and I can handle the gender swap if it's done properly see Starbuck and Boomer as prime examples from Battlestar Galactica) was actually appearing to be a nice person rather than an evil genius.

Angua just wasn't Angua, corporal carrot was probably the closest to his actual character but even he was a country mile away.

This review will contain no spoilers because I couldn't bring myself to watch the full series, and dear reader I would suggest you don't even start watching it

BBC, I want my money back for my television license this was not television it was Blasphemy to the dearly departed utter genius that was Sir Terry

DONT WATCH IT - you will thank me in some multiverse out there

Ok - one spoiler, it was utterly dreadful.
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Not bad, to while away a couple of hours
10 July 2021
This is not the best movie in the world, but nor is it the worst by a long stretch of the imagination. The opening premise was really good, and thought out quite well, but from the middle of the movie it began to drag a bit, and then caught up quite a bit I the third act of the movie.

I won't spoil anything but the big twist at the of the first act was telegraphed from a long way away, in fact there are meerkats sitting on their little mud huts saying how they saw that from a mile away.

Even though that was pretty obvious it doesn't spoil the enjoyment of the movie, and does add a bit of angst that wasn't really there.

As I said not a bad movie, and if you go into it expecting Aliens or Star Wars you will be disappointed but if you go in expecting a district 9 or minority report, then I'm sure you will enjoy it.
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Black Widow (2021)
Good Action Movie, but unrecognisable as a Marvel movie
7 July 2021
I know it's a stand alone movie, but that is a bit of an understatement, you simply don't need to have watched any other marvel movies to watch this. It's a typical good action movie, nothing bad, but nothing excellent. They tried very hard to inject some humour, but I feel as though the jokes were very rushed.

One thing I was disappointed with especially with the extra time they have had due to the multiple Covid delays was the CGI, honestly the Falcon and Winter Soldier had better effects than this full blown movie.

Good, but not for a marvel movie.
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Vikingane (2016–2020)
I came, I saw, I laughed so I stayed
25 January 2021
After watching Vikings and The Last Kingdom I saw this advertised on Netflix and thought that's a show for me,

For the first 10 minutes, I couldn't really work out what the hell this show was supposed to be, and then I started laughing and didn't really stop till the season ended.

Very very funny
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