
2 Reviews
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Paradise Hotel (2003–2019)
Paradise Hotel Rocks
2 August 2005
It is a pity that there is only 1 season of it so far. The review from the other guy here wiping the floor with this series is just nothing but rubbish. He is so totally wrong. At the moment this is my favorite television series together with Will& Grace and Joan of Arcadia. Unfortunately the Dutch TV has canceled the Will & Grace series from the air. So now I'm stuck ed with 20:00 PM's Friends a very old season. Anyway to come back at Paradise Hotel this show is just great. Because every time y our think you have got the clue there come's another surprisingly twist. I would never have guessed that around episode 22 all the people who where voted off came back. And they are all jealous of the new group containing: Tara, Charla , Dave , Keith. So they are embarrassing these 4 all the time. But that is really fun to watch. Because we see Charla crying and talking about quitting. She must have felt really stupid if she actually walked away from the Hotel. Now that she has won 250.000. Anyhow these ''new people that came back'' Andon , Kristin, Beau, Zack are doing nothing but making fun of themselves's. Because in the end Amanda , Beau , Scott don't want to be a part of it. So if you want a good reality drama show Paradise Hotel is the one for you.
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My view on the movie Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.
9 June 2005
I found this a very entertaining movie. Because there were a lot of scene's which were interesting. The characters of Sam Rockwell , Drew Barrymore and Julia Roberts and Clooney were very well developed. The story was amazing just like the acting and all the camera tricks. The reason i didn't vote a 9 for this movie instead of 7 is that it is very slow starting and it gets boring after a while in my opinion. But there are some good plots in this movie. If you want a fun and interesting movie to watch with some friends or you girl friend I guarantee you will like this movie. All what with all it is a great movie and a really nice Directing Debut by George Clooney. And I never saw Sam Rockwell before in a movie but I liked him a lot.
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