39 Reviews
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Loved everything about this movie
29 November 2022
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for this amazing movie. It was truly one of the best movies I've seen in a long time and it will go down as a classic. I was enthralled by the various story lines, moved by the characters, and thrilled with the way it was filmed. You all did an incredible job and I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for creating something so special that we can all enjoy.

Movies can have an incredible and lasting impact on our lives. A great movie transports us to different worlds, gives us a glimpse into someone else's experiences, and can even alter our perspectives. It reminds us why life is beautiful and that every moment should be cherished and enjoyed.

'A Bunch of Amateurs' does all of the above whilst delivering some of the funniest scenes I've seen in a movie in years.
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Happy New Year (I) (2014)
Don't get the negative reviews
28 January 2022
Absolutely loved it. Everything you want in a Bollywood Masala Movie. Romance, comedy, action, fighting, singing, exotic locations, cheesiness, emotion, edge of the seat thrills ... and I am sure there's more I've missed out.

The people leaving these 3 and 4 star reviews must be stone cold, unemotional wet fish. Just chillax and enjoy the movie for what it is, i.e. Great family entertainment.
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Walked out half way through
13 February 2020
What a dreadful movie, well at least the half that I saw. I honestly can't think of any redeeming features. Some people have said the acting, but I honestly thought there was a serious amount of over-acting going on, and then there was some just plain weird acting. The cinematography was good, but even that didn't suck you in a transport you into the movie. I just ended up watching it to try and figure out what wasn't right, and in the end there was just so much that I left. It is honestly, one of the worst movies I have ever seen in a movie theatre. Yes, I've had worse DVDs and Netflix movies, but this one cost me £12.50 - what a waste.
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Very watchable
25 May 2019
I was recommended this movie by a pleasant young Romania I met in a park in Yorkshire. Having a keen interest in world cinema I asked for her recommendation on a pretty recent Romania movie, and this is what she offered up. Right from the opening scenes I knew it was going to be one I would enjoy. Unlike some world movies, this isn't a movie about Romania. As many other reviewers have rightly pointed out, it is a story that is told a million times a day in every country around the globe.

I is very much the story of how differently things can look from different perspectives. For someone watching on it is easy to wonder what the bog deal is. Why not just wait a few days and get released? But the reality is that what might not be a big deal to one person can be everything to someone else.

I loved the texture of the movie and the often minimal dialogue. There were times when you almost wanted to shout out 'speak - say something' and yet they still held the silence for another thirty seconds or even a minute.

A great effort on the part of everyone involved. Congratulations to them all.
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Wild Rose (2018)
What a stunning performance
21 May 2019
Jessie Buckley is simply amazing both as an actress and as a singer. As soon as I got home I put the soundtrack on and was blown away. This girl can REALLY sing every bit as good as any country music superstar.

But don't think this is all about Jessie Buckley. It is a movie full of terrific performances from some of the best actors/actresses in British cinema. The real standouts for me were Julie Walter and Sophie Okonedo. Walters puts her stamp on everything she is in and this is no exception. Simply amazing. And the same can be said of Sophie Okonedo too. She has a real presence too and was the perfect person to play the part she did.
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Hard work, but beautiful in so many ways
21 May 2019
I was tempted to give this 5 or 6 as I have to confess I did find it hard work to get to the end. Maybe I was just having an impatient day when I watched it, or maybe it was just slow in parts, or maybe it was a combination of both.

I ended up giving it a seven as it is quite simply a stunning work of art on so many levels. The cinematography is picture perfect. There are countless images that are so beautiful they could be framed as stills.

In addition to the amazing imagery and images applause also have to go to the acting. There are many brilliant performances where the agony and ecstasy of life oozes through every frame.

I would have loved to have given it a 9 or even a 10, but from a story perspective it just didn't grab me and suck me in as other movies have done. I wanted to feel empathy for the characters, but it would have been forced and as such, unnatural. Yes, the characters were very well portrayed and the performances were faultless, but I just struggled to connect. Again, this could just have been a personal thing for me on the day. Maybe if watched it a second time I may feel differently.
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Pretentious drivel
21 May 2019
This has got to be one of the most pretentious movies I have ever seen. I can't believe the amount of reviews that are giving it high-ratings and can only assume that these people have either been paid to write these reviews or are guilty of some kind of kings-clothes narrative.

Three of us watched it and all three of us got to the 90 minute mark, looked at each other, and then almost simultaneously asked the question "is this totally c**p or what?".

Maybe the people who are giving it 10/10 and calling it 'extraordinary', 'super', or 'a masterpiece' are not familiar with world cinema. The reason I say that is that this movie is clearly trying desperately to give off a foreign-movie vibe. It is trying to be a French movie, or maybe Italian or possibly Spanish. Alas, it is doing it very badly. It simply comes across as a very poor facsimile of this world movie genre.

In the end we fast-forwarded from the 90 minute mark to the end. We could see the images at 10x speed, but couldn't hear the dialogue. Trust me, you can do this and won't miss a thing.

There are three redeeming things to this disastrous movie.

1. The fathers speech at the end. Absolutely brilliant and superbly performed.

2. The acting. There are some superb performances.

3. The cinematography. Very good, if slightly predictable for anyone familiar with international movies. It came across as being a Hollywood movie trying to be a European movie.

Even with these three positives it is still a dreadful movie that is a waste of two hours. I love movies so it always pains me to give a bad review, but it offends me that the voting for this seems to have been rigged to give it a much higher rating than it deserves.
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Challenging topic and superb acting
21 May 2019
This is definitely an interesting and challenging topic. I don't want to go into details about the plot specifics for fear of spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, other than to say it provides an interesting take on the struggles of a transexual when their partner, who has until recently, lived a 'straight' life. For me the real standout was the lead actor, who I think was also the producer and various other key roles. He (or would it be more correct to say she) was simply stunning. It is one thing for an actor to deliver lines correctly, but this performance went way beyond just reciting lines. In fact, there were moments of silence that said more than the parts with dialogue.

One important part that a movie like this can play is to help people to understand the challenges that other people go through. It isn't always easy to create a movie experience that allows the viewers to really see life through a different lens, but this movie scores very highly on that front.
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Good Doctor (2013)
Thoroughly enjoyed it from episode 1 through episode 20
14 October 2018
This the second South Korean drama series I've watched and I have to say I loved it. The premise was an interesting one, and I feel the writers, directors and producers did a superb job of bring this to life on screen.

Special recognition has to go to the truly superb acting performance of Joo Won. How he kept all of those mannerisms up throughout the series was amazing. Chae-Won Moon also deserves a special mention too. Her interplay with the other characters really helped bring the show alive, and the fact that she lights up the screen whenever she's on it makes it very pleasant watching.

I devoured the whole series in less than a month and there wasn't one period during that time when I lost interest. Gripping stuff.

Oh, and one more thing. Good Doctor had good positive messages throughout and didn't rely on sex and violence to keep the viewer hooked.

Highly recommended and high praise to all involved.
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Absolutely superb except one thing
9 September 2018
I loved every minute of this movie. It tackled a very difficult topic with grace, compassion and insight. To do all of this whilst being so watchable and entertaining is pure genius. The writing, directing and filming is never short of brilliant and a wonderful rollercoaster ride of comedy, sadness, and romance with touches of intrigue and excitement for good measure. And the acting. What can I say. There wasn't a single weak performance. It is hard to pick anyone out for special praise as the whole ensemble were top notch and deserve a mantlepiece full of gongs.

My one criticism, and my reason for deducting a star, is that the brilliant recreation of the 1980s, which was meticulous to the smallest detail, was shattered when Sheridan Smith's extensive ink work was revealed towards the end. Seriously? Did any woman have that much ink (or even any ink) in the 1980s. Why be so realistic with all the attention to detail of all posters in the background and then have clear shots of tattoos that are clearly post 2000? I'd consider this a major blooper.

But, tattoos to one side, and this still remains a brilliant movie and one that deserves as wide an audience as possible.

If you appreciate movies that are more than car chases and guns then this is worth adding to your must watch list.
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Leo's Room (2009)
80% brilliant, 20% confused
18 May 2018
Like other reviewers I was really sucked in and thoroughly enjoyed the first 80% or more, but then it seemed to lose itself slightly.

I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I won't go into detail. It is just a shame the director couldn't have continued with the same attention to detail and intrigue that was so evident in the first hour or so of the movie.

I would have to disagree with other reviewers regarding Caro. Some felt she was totally unnecessary, but for me she was essential to the story. At the point she entered the story there was a similarity between Leo and her, i.e. they both had unresolved issues. This for me added an extra dimension to the movie, which meant it transcended the usual coming of age / coming out of the closet flick.

Where I would agree, as far as Caro is concerned, is that this story arc was not resolved in a way that made it as integral to the overall protagonist's journey as it could have been.

To be honest, had I rated it after 85% I would probably have given it a 9, but the last 15% just didn't do it for me. Maybe after a few days reflection I might feel differently.

All of that said, I would still recommend it as there is so much to like about and so many interesting characters.
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Shocked at some of these reviews
24 February 2018
I can only assume some of the people who wrote these reviews had gone to the cinema expecting all-action shoot-em-up thriller and so were disappointed when it turned out to be a drama.

I had read the reviews before going to watch it this evening and so didn't have high hopes, so was VERY pleasantly surprised.

I found it had an excellent story-arc interspersed with short snippets of what was to come. The idea to use the real guys rather than actors was inspired, and I thought the three guys did a terrific job. As the movie progressed I felt a real connection to them.

I have to confess I shed a tear or two at the end. These guys are awesome.
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Excellent on so many fronts
12 February 2018
Having read through the reviews at this movie I am amazed that some people felt the lead character was a nasty/selfish person. If that is the main takeaway then I think you missed a big point of the film, and that is that EVERYONE has issues. Those people who wrote these reviews seemed to think badly of Kalki's character simply because of some of the ways she behaved - as though 'disabled' people are supposed to behave by some kind of superior set of values. To those people I suggest you watch it again and see her as a human being and realize she IS more than her disabilities.

Personally, I found it to be a superb movie. From the script writing through the cinematography to the acting. There were some seriously strong performances and not just from Kalki Koechlin who, quite frankly, deserves an Oscar for her performance.

There's so much to like about this film and so little to dislike and it is very thought-provoking, which has to be a good thing. As others have pointed out it is definitely not a masala movie and as there are some mature themes in it, I wouldn't say it was family viewing, unless your kids are old enough.
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Missing something?
17 March 2017
I found this watchable and the two leads both made for compelling scenes, but there was still something lacking for me. I can't quite put my finger on it. Strangely, my desire to find the missing piece in the film mirrors the desire for the two leads to discover what it is that is missing in their relationship; something that they once had, but then one day they wake up and realise they lost whatever it was, but don't know when.

The movie is loaded with imagery. I've rarely seen so much in one film, and I reckon if I watched it again I'd spot dozens more. I don't want to give out any spoilers so won't mention what or where in the movie, but suggest if you've not watched it yet, that you play I-Spy with the comparisons between the mis-en-scene and the state of their relationship on both an individual basis and as a couple. Hats off to the director for this as I found it worked very well and added a poignancy to the film that was portrayed without the use of language or deliberate action.
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Terrific feelgood film
14 March 2017
If you enjoyed Moulin Rouge then you owe it to yourself to check out Strictly Ballroom, which Baz Luhrmann wrote and directed nine years earlier. There are several scenes, such as the one on the roof with the Coca Cola sign, that will have you thinking of scenes from Moulin Rouge.

Strictly Ballroom has all the makings of a classic feelgood movie; a protagonist who has a story arc that takes him from hero to zero, before starting his journey back to redemption (or not), a heroin who starts of looking frumpy with a poor choice in glasses and acne, and a whole host of support actors who are truly marvellous.

I don't want to spoil the movie for you so I'm not going to go into any of the plot twists and turns, but I can say that once you start watching you are unlikely to stop, as it is an absolute corker of a film.
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Love it until I realised it is fiction
14 March 2017
I feel rather stupid believing this movie, which is little more than a propaganda piece, and is so factually incorrect that it is little more than a fairy story.

Now that I've done some research it seems that this is a long way from the truth. In other words, it is just history rewritten.

This trend of rewriting history to fit a modern day narrative is becoming all too common and is shameful.

It is worrying that people can go to the cinema, as I did, watch this, and go home thinking that what it depicts really happened, when just a small amount of reading up on the topic clearly shows that it didn't happen in the way this movie portrays it.

It would be nice to see a more accurate version of the story at some point, but I won't hold my breath.
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Elles (2011)
Slow burn drama, but very watchable
3 March 2017
Juliette Binoche leads this excellent cast in a slow burn drama that looks at relationships. Yes, it's overt focus is on the modern day concept of students who are paying their way through college by prostitution, but the main thread that runs throughout the whole movie is Binoche's character's relationship with her husband. Yes, it is slow burn (not unusual for a French movie), but at the same time it is very watchable as every character is, in their own individual way, a stereotype, but in such a way that makes them interesting to observe. I liked the penultimate scene very much. If you enjoy a thoughtful drama then well worth watching.
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Balcony (2013)
An entertaining short
6 January 2017
An entertain vignette of how something small can change the dynamic of an otherwise typical day, and how different people react to the same situation.

The way it was filmed made you feel like you were just part of the crowd, which I thought was rather cleverly done. The interplay between the different characters making up the crowd made for an interesting fly-on-wall style of filming, and I must confess I was a little sad when it ended as I was happy just hanging out with this bunch.

I chose to watch it because I had never seen a film from Kosovo before, at least not one I can remember, and this was the only one I could get my hands on at the time.
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Dangal (2016)
Had me on the edge of my seat and in tears
23 December 2016
It's conceivable that a wrestling movie might have you on the edge of your seat, but who'd have thought it would bring tears to your eyes. Dangal does both in large doses. Right from the opening scenes through to the awesome climax, this is one movie that will keep you glued to the screen. I can't remember the last 3 hour movie (nearly) where absolutely nobody took a toilet break apart from in the intermission.

Everything about the movie is superb from the cinematography through to the script writing. The movie is superbly directed and there are so many stellar acting performances that it would be unfair to single anyone out.

One thing about sports movies is that the action can often seem staged, but the fight sequences in this movie are superbly done and brilliantly filmed.

Everyone knows an AK movie is going to be great, and this definitely doesn't disappoint.

A must watch.
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Parched (2015)
Superb and Brilliantly Acted
25 November 2016
Right from the opening scene through to the last this was a beautifully shot movie. It was clear that a great deal of attention had been paid to every frame. Although the story, at times is harrowing to watch, the cinematography throughout, was a visual treat, so good I was tempted to watch the movie again with the sound turned down.

The acting was also superb, particularly by the lead actresses, of which there were three. The tender scene in the hut where one of them bathes the others wounds was very touching, and shot in a moving way that was in no way gratuitous (as is often the case in Hollywood movies I find).

Is it everyone's cup of tea? Definitely not. If you're after non-stop action and violence, then it's not for you, and if you're after a romantic comedy I'd look elsewhere. But if you're looking for a film that is a pleasure to watch, gripping from start to finish, brilliantly acted, and has enough food for thought for ten movies, then you'll love it.
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Everest (2015)
Simply Stunning and deserving of all the awards coming its way
30 September 2015
We watched this in the local IMAX in 3D. I am not normally a fan of 3D, but have to say that this movie made you realize just how effective 3D cinema can be if it is done well. I've read several of the books relating to this disaster on Everest, and was surprised how accurately the movie followed the books, which is a massive challenge as everyone's account of exactly what happens differs to some extent, and often markedly.

As many other people have commented, the cinematography is nothing short of genius. There are some jaw-dropping shots that really demonstrate how huge Everest is, and what a ridiculous task it is to climb it. I don't think I've ever seen a film that managed to communicate perspective in such a way.

Some of the reviewers have said that they were disappointed that the characters were not fleshed out more. I don't quite understand this as I felt the movie did an excellent job of introducing you to the key characters and providing enough back story to make concerned about whether they lived or died. To have fleshed out every character would have necessitated a mini series rather than a one-off movie as there were dozens of people involved.

One huge testament to this film is that we were in a pretty full cinema and I don't recall one person getting up to go to the toilet or get refreshments. I can't ever recall any movie achieving that kind of effect.

I'm struggling to try and think of any weaknesses in the film, but I honestly can't think of any. It is quite simply a cinematic triumph and deserves all the awards that are surely come its way.
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Surkhaab (2014)
Not your run-of-the-mill Bollywood action movie
27 September 2015
Illegal immigration is a hot topic at the moment, and this excellent movie provides an insight into the trials and tribulations of people seeking their fortune in the Indian diaspora.

Barkha Madan is superb as the protagonist. Not only is she very watchable, but she conveys the emotion and desperation of someone entering a country illegally via dubious people traffickers.

The interplay between the narrative and the backstory worked well, and I particularly liked how the back story rewound further as the movie progressed.

On the level of an out-and-out thriller it worked well too and had me on the edge of my seat.
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Phantom (I) (2015)
Don't believe all the negative reviews
3 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I think there is a LOT of political or patriotic voting going on for this movie. Lots of people seem to have mysteriously given in 1-star, which is insane. It is way better than that. Okay, disagree with the story line if you like, and write in your review about how you think it is anti-Pakistan if you feel that way, but don't rate a film 1-star just because you don't like the subject matter.

I honestly didn't think the movie was anti-Pakistan at all. It was definitely anti- terrorist, but isn't everyone against terrorists? Surely, they are. One of those terrorists was living in London. Does that mean the movie was anti UK? Of course not. Another was in America. So was it an anti-American movie?

I thought the story line was fast-paced and gripping and the acting was as every bit as good as you'd expect from a Hollywood blockbuster.

Was the film pro India? Probably, but hey, the topic covered is one of the biggest atrocities to have ever happened on Indian soil so the fact that there's been a few movies covering it doesn't warrant the critical reviews or the 1-star ratings.

If you are sat on the fence I'd go watch the movie and judge for yourself.
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A film of two halves
3 September 2015
For me the start of this movie was so cheesy I actually turned it off as after watching the first ten minutes or so I really didn't think it was something I'd enjoy. However, my wife and I decided to give it another go and we stuck with it and managed to get beyond the terrible opening and boy am I glad we did.

As the movie progresses it just seems to get better and better in every way. The story unfolds in a magnificent way, the characters become less two- dimensional, and the message of the films shines through so brightly ... well, I won't say any more as I'll leave that for you to discover.

After the first ten to fifteen minutes I would probably have given this movie 3 out of 10, but by the time the final credits rolled that had gone right up to a well earned 9 out of 10.
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A beautiful film in so many ways
14 August 2015
In many ways this is very typical Bollywood. Boy meets girl. Boy fall in love with girl. Boy upsets family. Boy and girl are cast out, etc, etc. In that respect it is cast from the same mould as thousands of other Bollywood films over the decades. However, on the flip site, it has a cast that can pull this off in style. For a variety of reasons each cast member plays their part superbly from Shah Rukh Khan, who is rarely anything buy excellent, through to Kajol and Kareena Kapoor who both sizzle beautifully each time they are on screen. Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bhaduri are superb as the parents, and even Hrithik Roshan manages to be much more than just some male eye candy for the ladies. The whole family values thing is well worked and there are many messages about pride and brotherly love that will resonate with all ages. In short, if you're looking for a great film for all the family to watch then you can't go far wrong with this one.
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