
30 Reviews
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The Changeling (2023– )
This is a work of Art & Art is subjective
5 December 2023
This series deserves a higher ranking than it's getting. If you like art films that make you think and captivate your mind with mystery and unique storytelling then you will love this. The cinematography is gorgeous, the acting is stellar. I'm a huge fan of LaKeith Stanfield and he delivered in this. Those complaining that they can't follow the story or there are too many subplots are not paying attention to the deeper meanings. This modern fairytail story is brilliant if you will just give it the chance it deserves. No, you will not get all the answers and conclusions in the first season because there is way more to process and unwrap, you have to be patient and be an adult about it. This is a story that builds from connections and in all the details. So many people are ridiculously impatient these days because of the instant gratification of the internet and they want everything spelled out for them. If that is the kind of person you are and not a deep thinker then this probably isn't for you.

It's art and art is subjective but in the right hands it's seen and appreciated. Go in with an open mind not a closed, impatient one.
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Fingernails (2023)
Swoon worthy & butterflies
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you've ever been in love, true love you just know. You don't need anything as absurd as a test to tell you and that is what this movie proved. Science may be helpful but in the case of love it cannot measure it. This movie had me glued to my seat. The anticipation was a slow but swoon worthy build. I got butterflies watching Anna & Amir secretly falling in love with each other, both trying desperately to hide it. Although one of them fell harder and faster than the other, the only reason she wasn't there yet is because she was fighting her feelings due to her current relationship & the ridiculous test results with him. It was so obvious they were not right together and that she and Amir were. Their chemistry was undeniable.

This movie made me think of my favorite quote " Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same. " ~ Emily Bronte Any movie that takes my mind back to that quote is a gem in my eyes.

I truly enjoyed this movie, I only wish the ending were a little more polished, showed a little more passion and had more of a solid conclusion. But I think we all know that they belonged together. It was beautifully told regardless. 10/10.
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Super fun to watch
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is definitely something different. It's a Rom-Com first and foremost with a zany Sci-fi twist. The entire outer space scenes looked like something from a kids show which made it fun to watch. My husband and I watched this together and rather enjoyed it. It was fresh and spontaneous for the most part and not too predictable. I love both Anthony and Zoe as actors and I felt their chemistry was right on target for this. They were adorable together. My only gripe is I wish the characters weren't married but maybe only involved/dating others prior to their being stuck in space together for 3 years. I just didn't like that element to the story that their relationship broke up 2 marriages. Other than that I loved the story and that they were meant to be together even as wacky as their space voyage was. I will say it was rather unique going from wacky unrealistic space visuals to realistic back on Earth scenes. That was definitely a unique viewing process with really no explanation as to why it was done that way lol. My only assumption is that it was filmed this way to maybe portray the way they felt about being stuck in space like their perceptions were distorted after being there for 3 years. Idk but whatever the reasoning it was a breath of fresh air to watch. I loved the creativity of it all.
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Camille (I) (2008)
One of a kind, unique Fairytale
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying this movie is not perfect and it lacked a little depth in the story & plot but there is just something so charismatic about this movie that keeps me coming back. I love quirky, weird, bizarre, funky movies and especially those that are oddball love stories and this one just stands out all on it's own. My youngest daughter 10 - absolutely loves & adores this movie. She is always asking to watch it and I think that makes it even more special. As weird and unusual as this tale is it's all about second chances, love, miracles and dreams come true and what's not to love about that ?

No matter how wacky the package is , the message is still beautiful and unforgettable in the end.

So yeah I love this crazy little movie and all it's quirky weirdness and rainbow colored horses.

It's one of a kind and magical and just gets to me.
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Hidden Gem
19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Throughly enjoyed this hidden gem. The storyline was original and unpredictable. I watched it alone the first time and watched it again with my 17 year old daughter. She loved it as much as I did. It was awkward & poetic at times but with real honesty and raw emotion. It touched on loss on so many levels : the loss of his hearing, the loss of his brother and the loss of the experience & joy of sound. It also touched on mental illness in a very profound way. This movie really puts things into perspective and makes you appreciate things we often take for granted. I was pleasantly surprised at how different this movie was. The acting was enjoyable and well done, the cinematography was beautiful. I will definitely watch it again at some point.
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Endless (I) (2020)
13 August 2023
I really wanted to like this as I'm a huge fan of epic romance/drama movies. However this came up pretty short for me and a bit of a disappointment. I feel like this could have been so much better and had potential but just didn't deliver. Alexandra Shipp's acting was well done but I didn't get a sense of chemistry between her and the male actor ( forgot name). The story could have been stronger and more emotional if there was any chemistry between the two as I mentioned but unfortunately it felt forced. I've only watched this one time and so many aspects of the movie were just forgettable, it just doesn't stick out to me and I honestly doubt I would watch it again. Over all it was just ok & decent I guess but didn't suffice as a strong love story.
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Could have been better
17 May 2023
I liked it but didn't love it. It was visually beautiful, the scenery & locations were great and the acting was fairly good. But the lack of storyline and lack of depth in the characters are just something I can't overlook.

I just needed more from this story. I just didn't get the sense that they were really meant to be together. It was more like obsession than love. The Christine girl he met toward the end seemed like a better match for him than Elissa. She's too reckless and can't seem to figure out what she wants and has a lot of soul searching to do. The ending was a bit disappointing as there was no closure and it wasn't much of an ending. The entire movie just felt underdeveloped and unsatisfying in the end. I really wanted to love this and it was in my watch list for over a year especially after I saw all these 10 star reviews. So I guess I had higher expectations of this being an epic love story but overall it simply was not. It was an entertaining watch but mostly a teaser of what could have been a great love story.
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Loved it ! Wish there was a sequel.
9 May 2023
So here it is 2023 and I finally watched this movie for the very first time. I'm not sure why I skipped on it all those years ago other than I am not a huge fan of most westerns ( mostly because my father watches westerns all day every day lol ) but I do love most Sci-fi movies. My usual movie preference is Romance/Drama with a little Sci-fi. So needless to say this movie held my attention and was not lost with the western theme. The combination was pulled off quite well and exceeded my expectations really. The acting was on target and everyone gave great performances for the parts they played. I would have liked to have seen more from Abigail Spencer ( Alice ) but this was shot before she was really known. Olivia Wilde, Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Sam Rockwell all shined in this. I especially loved the elements of a love story that was hidden in this. I gave it 10 stars because out of what is available streaming today, this was a breath of fresh air and rather entertaining. I even screamed a few times so it was quite a thrill to watch. Great story, great execution in my book. I didn't mind that certain things were not explained, it just leaves more for the imagination which I like when movies get my imagination going. Not everything has to be revealed in a plot to make it work as in real life you don't always get all the answers either. Some things are better left a mystery. Honestly wish they would make a sequel but it's ashame this movie didn't do as well as it should have.
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Adorable Rom Com that you can watch with your kids.
12 January 2023
I'm a sucker for Rom-coms and this one was simply adorable. I loved the plot even though it's basically been done before but this version was very entertaining. I love the fact that it is PG rated, it was very clean and kid friendly. There aren't many Rom-coms that you can watch with your kids that aren't super corny or ridiculous like Hallmark Rom-coms and this one isn't like that at all, it's perfect. And for those saying there was zero chemistry, that is definitely not true, they may not have been passionately in love but there was sweet & subtle chemistry there. I mean this was a PG rom-com so what did really you expect lol ? I really like Zoey Deutch as an actress, she was amazing in The Outfit and she did not disappoint in this. And I have never seen Kendrick in anything before, he was very impressive and entertaining. I thought all the acting was very well done, scenery was nice and I overall really enjoyed this movie and definitely would watch it again with my daughters.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Pathetic and Annoying
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start ? This movie was like watching a train wreck in a sinkhole. I couldn't look away though because I kept hoping it would get better, it did not. It just got worse and worse. It went from one underdeveloped plot to another. The script was so annoying with the constant talking over each other trying to sound intelligent when they all came off as mindless and arrogant.

My husband and I finished this till the end and regret every minute of it. The only funny scene was when their car was in the water but they showed that in the preview trailer so you didn't really get to enjoy it. I get that this was a satire but it just plain stinks, it made no sense whatsoever. However I'm pretty sure there will be a huge fanbase for this ridiculous movie just like there was for the nonsense movie Mulholland Drive. If you want to watch a weird/bizarre satire movie that is actually entertaining and has a good plot, then " Sorry to Bother You " is a good start.

White Noise was just pathetic. The only thing I liked about the entire movie was the choreographed dancing scene in the supermarket at the end which could have been used for a music video instead of wasted on this cringy mess.
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Spoilers -Watch the end scene after credits
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was not as bad as so many are saying. I have teenagers & preteens that love thrillers and scary movies and this worked out great for them to watch. There was no nudity/sex scenes and just mild gore, but yes people do get killed. This probably should have been rated PG-13 in my opinion. If you are looking for something to watch with your older kids this is not bad. Aside from the many F bombs, it's pretty mild. There are a few jump scares and intense scenes which was exactly what we wanted to experience. The mystery of it kept you guessing. The acting was good but not great. I think the movie could have used at least one character that stood out more or made you root for them more. The character development was just not there. A back story on how they got there or what they had in common or why they were chosen would have been a good subplot.

So anyway here are the spoilers : I had figured this movie out as soon as Ryan gets injected with something and gets stronger and starts to change. I called it in front of my family and I was right.. Most people who are giving the bad reviews didn't watch the scene right after the ending credits which reveals what I was right about.. The whole thing is an experiment to see who can survive and it all revolves around what Ryan gets injected with. All the clues and the maze is just a distraction to wear them down. The experiment is repeated with new subjects until " they " get the results they want. Each new group goes through the same ordeal until one gets injected with the mystery concoction and goes crazy & changes and then that person hunts the new group until someone survives the hunter, then they get ready for " Phase 2 " which I assume there will be a sequel : maybe / maybe not.

Overall I give this movie a 8 to help with the bad ratings but really I'd give it a 6 . It was different and entertaining and kept you guessing. The teens liked it.
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Funny kids Christmas movie
27 December 2022
My daughter's 4th grade teacher played this for her students. My daughter came home talking about how cute and funny it was. We watched it with her grandparents the day after Christmas. At first I thought it was going to be horrible but it turned out to be an entertaining family movie. I loved the life lessons in it, the unity of the community village and how colorful they were. The farmhand character, Beano was a bit obnoxious but very funny at the same time. I can see why kids would love this movie. My parents even laughed throughout it. Overall if you are looking for a family Christmas movie this one is pretty fun to watch.
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Learn to Swim (2021)
Lead Character lacked Emotional Maturity
30 September 2022
I honestly could not stand the lead character, Dezi. He was just so disconnected and seriously lacked emotional maturity. He was just so annoying for the most part. There was nothing likeable about him. There was really not much chemistry between the 2 leads either, even the romance scenes seemed very off. There was barely any plot and most of the movie was boring and pointless. I really wanted to like this movie as I love romantic dramas but I just can't. This was just a complete waste of time. The only thing this movie had going for it was the music and the only good actor in this entire film was Andrea Pavlovic, it's a shame she didn't have a better part. Maybe then the movie would have been a little worthwhile.
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The Secret Path (1999 TV Movie)
The ending was disappointing.
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie overall. For a TV movie from the 90's it was pretty good. The story was well written until the ending. I loved Della Reese and Ossie Davis' characters and charisma together. I thought it was brilliant to cast two sisters to play the part of Jo Ann at ages 7 and 14, they look so identical I had rewind the film to do a double take. As for the ending, It just didn't make sense to me that she waited too long to come back to visit Honey & Too Tall. I also didn't like how she mentioned she didn't see the point in telling her daughter about them until now. Like really ?! These people helped save her life for the better and she didn't see the point in telling her daughter all those years and she didn't bother to return until it was way too late ? It just gave the impression that she took the couple's love for granted, she could have returned years after she was married. The fact that she never mentioned them or visited was like punishing them for what the Foley's did. That couple loved her like their own daughter , especially Honey. The ending just didn't do the rest of the story justice in my opinion. The ending just seemed rushed and very disconnected from the rest of the story. It should have been way better.
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Into the Dark: Tentacles (2021)
Season 2, Episode 11
Weird but entertaining
5 September 2022
I like weird and bizarre and this was definitely in that genre. As for it being a horror it wasn't really scary it was more of a strange sci-fy thriller. There were plot holes for sure and still a little mystery left at the end. It could have been better with a little more back story. And it probably could have all been summed up into a short film. But overall I was engaged and entertained even as it started out slow. I rather enjoyed the creepiness of it. And honestly I love films/shows that end with vague endings. It leaves more to the imagination and requires you to think for yourself. Not everything has to be wrapped up in a perfect package. I give it a 7 for Casey's acting and just the overall bizarre factor.
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Endless Love (1981)
Super Cringy mess
13 August 2022
I decided to give this movie a try because it is about to be expired on Netflix. Kinda wish I would have skipped it. The 2014 remake with the same title yet slightly different plot is way better than this cringy mess. I was honestly disappointed that the original was almost nothing like the remake aside from the title and main character names & such. The movie was so unrealistic and super awkward. There were so many plot holes and lots of bad acting. It should have been titled Endless Obsession. Can't believe this was even made.

I'm only giving it 3 stars because of Brooke Sheilds.
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Exquisite Soulmates Movie ~ Must Watch !
30 June 2022
So it's 2022 and I just watched this for the very first time and I am in love with this movie. I was 3 years old when it came out and I never even heard of it until a few years ago. This movie, let me tell you, it's a beautiful masterpiece of a love story . I myself am an epic Romance movie enthusiast and I especially favor those that involve time travel like the Time Traveler's Wife and the show Outlander so it was no surprise that I would probably love this one too but man I wasn't expecting it to be as wonderful as it was. Everything was superb, the acting, the story telling it was all so beautifully done. I especially love that the time travel in this movie took on a slightly different approach than others have which made it more creative . Anyway, I know there are a ton of great reviews on this movie and I can see why but I am writing this one not just to add to the pile of great reviews but to urge others who haven't seen it to FINALLY see this. Seriously you are missing out on a gem ! On a another note this may sound crazy being that I love this movie as is and wouldn't change a thing but I would love for this movie to be remade into a series to elaborate more on the book and bring out details & more depth of the story that otherwise couldn't fit in the length of the original movie not to upstage the movie but to help it live on. And only if they do it justice and find superb actors to fill Christopher and Jane's shoes perfectly. That is just how much I love this movie, I just want to see more of this epic story of soulmates who defy time to be together.
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Better than the bad reviews
13 May 2022
It was entertaining for what it was. The ending could have been a little better but it wasn't as bad of an ending as others have said. I think this generation expects every movie to end happy or have some huge climatic ending. I kinda liked the ending being a little vague. Over all it was a decent thriller with an interesting twist.
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Normal People (2020)
Gave up on it
26 March 2022
I really wanted to like this as I love romantic dramas but after 3 episodes I reluctantly gave up on it. It was just too slow and the leads had no chemistry to me. It just all seemed forced and so dragged out. IDK maybe I will give it another chance later to see if it gets better. I'm giving it 4 stars because the acting was good and the cinematography was beautiful but the storyline was very lacking for me, their relationship seemed so off & pointless. I just don't see what the big deal was.
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A love story about Soulmates
14 March 2022
This film is a beautiful story of soulmates and how even time travel that has been altered to eliminate their relationship isn't strong enough to tear them apart. Love truly does conquer all. I loved this movie. I do wish the ending was a little more satisfying but overall this film was deeply moving and thought provoking. If you believe in soulmates and the power of love over all, you'll appreciate the message in this film. I'm rating this a 10 for it's originality and concept, the acting was superb and the cinematography was beautiful. It deserves a much higher rating than it's getting. I think most people didn't realize this was a sci-fy love story and not a sci-fy adventure or sci-fy thriller. I went in knowing that the movie was a romance/drama with a sci-fy twist , which is honestly my favorite type of movie.
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Stop and Go (II) (2021)
Quirky, Silly movie
28 February 2022
Give it a chance, it gets pretty funny as it develops and it's wildly unpredictable. I laughed so much. The pandemic themed humor was so relatable. It's an adorable little gem. Would have been way better if it were appropriate for children to watch, however it definitely is not for kids. I loved the characters and their quirky, eccentric personalities. Would love to see more from this duo.
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Time Is Up (2021)
Not as bad as the reviews
24 January 2022
Most of the bad reviews are from people who didn't watch it all the way through and obviously aren't into romance films. Yeah the acting isn't Oscar worthy but it isn't that bad either. It was way better than TV movies like cheesy Hallmark Romcoms or cringy Lifetime movies . I like it for what it was. I'm a huge romance movie junkie, and this one sufficed. This was visually gorgeous to watch. The cinematography was beautiful. I thought the lead actors Bella and Benjamin had very steamy chemistry. The story could have been a bit better, there were definitely plot holes and awkward scenes. I would have liked to have had their relationship given more screen time than it got. It wasn't perfect but it deserves more credit than it got. I liked it much better than the After trilogies. It was an entertaining, steamy romance.
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RomCom that your kids can watch.
22 January 2022
Yes this was a bit cheesy and unbelievable but it was charming and very entertaining. I love that it was PG and pretty clean. My girls, ages 9 and 16 both enjoyed watching it. I love RomComs and it is so hard to find one that we can all watch. This was a win/win in that respect. The main characters had great chemistry. It was nice to see Mena in another fairytale type movie since Aladdin. Yes some of the supporting character's accents were excessively overdone & colorful but I think that was to appeal to any children watching because my 9 year old loved the accents. Also the soundtrack and scenery was very nice.
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Golden Arm (2020)
Hillarious & Adorable duo !
30 December 2021
Just finished watching this with my husband and my parents. It was a fresh change from all the mindless obnoxious/annoying slapstick humor & raunchy comedies out there. We all thought it was hilarious. The 2 main characters are adorable as friends. I loved all the niave / clueless / goofy banter between the 2 of them. We were laughing through out the entire movie, and that rarely happens anymore. Loved every minute.
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Sci-fi drama NOT an action movie. I loved it.
19 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is way better than the poor reviews are claiming it is. Seriously, did everyone that hated it have low attention spans, and no emotions ? This is a dramatic sci-fi survival story, it's not meant to have non stop mindless action & violence. I mean seriously, it was not boring at all as others have said. It was very entertaining. But we live in a time now where people want instant gratification and have cookie cutter expectations, or want happy endings so anything out of the norm or a little unique, or thought provoking and they hate it. So it doesn't surprise me really that so many are hating on it. The story was very well thought out on a deeper level, if you don't pay attention you will miss the core of the movie. There were even several intense scenes that I was on the edge of my seat. The acting was superb and drew me in. Chloe had me in tears at the end with her heartbreaking decision. Algee Smith delivered as well. The cinematography, and special effects were all top notch. This movie reminded me of the movie The Road in a lot of ways but the mother was the protagonist in this one, willing to do whatever it takes for their child to have a chance of a life in a dying world. I gave it a ten because I appreciated it for what it was and didn't expect it to be something it wasn't.
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