
20 Reviews
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Control (2022)
Glad I Saw It
19 January 2023
The problem is that it doesn't do anything just fine. Everything in it's hit or miss and it clearly isn't batting 1.000.

The lead, good. Mystery, also good. The story, clever. The action, really good and the whole thing looks surprisingly good too.

The problem is Roger doesn't get enough to do, the story unfolds slower than it should especially given the style, there's too many flashbacks and the ending's underwhelming given the wait.

That said I think it's worth seeing cause even if it's not entirely original, it feels different and it does a lot well. The effort that went into it is clear and it shows.
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Good Idea....
15 August 2022
It's obvious what they were going for. A rated R, edgy horror Scooby Doo.

They basically just take everything (minus the dog) and ramp it up to 11 and that should be a blast and to be fair there are times where it is. The cheesey montages, the team coming together, the over the top cliches and some of the horror isn't even half bad.

But it's slow. It plods along, makes it painfully clear it's on a low budget and while the acting isn't bad, why'd they do that to Fred? Honestly it just isn't exciting. A great idea and one I hope gets another try in the future. This just didn't stick the landing.
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
Too slow
5 May 2022
This movie feels like nothing is happening even when things actually are. It's not poorly done besides that. It just takes too long and has unneeded characters that get far too much screen time to make it go even slower. There is something here but the pacing just isn't right.
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Ogre (2008 TV Movie)
Better than it should be
12 August 2021
The ogre is quite possibly the worst effect I have ever seen in a film. Outside of that the script, acting and story are all genuinely investing and it's clear they're at least putting in the effort to make a good film. It's just unfortunate the effects department didn't get the budget or memo and it all gets brought down a peg by the catastrophically bad ogre.

Still, I found enjoyment here and the story is pretty good. Maybe give it a go.
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Just know what you're in for
9 August 2021
I didn't. I turned this on to watch a generic, low budget pass the time horror/thriller and my God.

This thing's extremely messed up and gets brutal at moments you don't fully see coming while feeling far more real than it should. That said, it's got a brutal story and it tells it accordingly. You can tell it's on a budget but it's contained enough to keep it looking good through the end and the acting only ever sticks out as a plus.

Don't expect a horror movie, expect a horrifying movie. And one well done at that.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
Just doesn't work
30 July 2021
I like Bruce Willis and sci-fi but this just doesn't work. Bruce Willis himself is fine and for the most part the acting does its part.

But yeah, the action's boring, the lead's annoying, it tries to be Pandorum far too often and the lazy action, drab sets, uninspired direction, mediocre effects and plot that takes too much from Life, Pandorum and others I'm probably forgetting does not make it better.

I wanted to like this but honestly, bad acting would've made it more entertaining.
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Great White (2021)
Being one of the better shark movies really is like being one of the tallest dwarves.
24 July 2021
The acting's a lot better than you're typical shark flick and so's the camera guy. Too bad that's where the positives end.

It's sillier than it thinks it is and too much time's devoted into inter-raft mate squabbles rather than the shark. Also the kills aren't great, inconsistent to bad CGI probably played a role in a lot of this but the worst thing a thriller can do is bore and at times this one does.
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It just isn't good
6 July 2021
This isn't a bad movie, it's perfectly watchable. The Warrens as usual are great in this and like the prior 2 Conjuring's it looks nice and is acted accordingly. There's also a lot of the Warrens so that helps.

Unfortunately though this one doesn't ever get to where either of the previous ones do in terms of frightening. The set-ups, scares and stakes just aren't as well executed and a few characters should've gotten more screen time in order to flesh out them and the plot. There are some cool effects and the plot's actually a strong point, but a horror movie should be scary and this one just isn't. Too much imagery, not enough tangible danger, too much mystery without ever fully going into it and too little horror to compensate.

It's not bad but it feels more like a mystery-thriller than a horror and the plot probably called for the latter. Again it isn't bad, there are some really good scenes here and there and the acting's nice all around. It's just not particularly good either and that's unfortunate.
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Almost Something
5 July 2021
Surprisingly the setup, plot and acting are all fairly good. Of course some scenes here and there during the somewhat promising setup scream budget restraint but until the creatures and main predicament there is promise.

The investigation and locals odd behavior makes for an interesting start and while the group's dialogue isn't overly endearing, it's not awful and nobody's ridiculously stupid. Then what you came for happens.

This movie will get compared to The Descent a lot and that's a fair comparison (albeit the two are different enough). Unlike the former though, the creatures here don't look great or even very good but with a visible fraction of the budget, it is understandable.

What isn't is the cameraman and director's choice of filming and lighting style. I don't usually notice this so when I do it tends to be a problem. There are scenes, not all even regarding action that have crucial moments in dark places. I get that realistically there isn't a lot of light there, but the viewer still has to see what's happening. The Descent makes great use of this, having things pop out or crawl by at unexpected times. Here, you just can't see. I get the need to hide the creatures but they aren't that terrible and it's not like Jaws has the shark flouncing around in front of the camera for minutes on end. There are ways to selectively show and hide them and there are plenty of examples.

But, instead of hiding the creatures and using specific moments to show them and what they can do, they just dim the lights, blur the camera and let the scene play. I wanted to like this. You don't often get movies like this and the plot itself isn't even bad. It's just, the action/horror isn't visible and the characters aren't good enough to carry it (which tbh they shouldn't have to be).
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The Player (1992)
Had a lot going for it....
24 June 2021
Yes, this objectively is a good movie. Great cast, witty dialogue, at most parts it's funny, self aware and gets twisted where and when you don't see it coming. Here's the thing though. When you write a movie specifically about writing movies and how endings make or break them, how do end up with a lazy one? Honestly, how?

This film is obsessed with talking about endings and them being sad because that's real as opposed to a Hollywood ending. There is a villain in this film who writes letters and instigates most of the action and remains pretty well hidden throughout. Unexpected events transpire and as the protagonist tries to get out of the situation, well things get twisted and lines get blurred/crossed and well things go haywire. It's quite entertaining and you don't ever truly know where it's going.

Then the writers have it just skip forward a year, which is already a bad sign and..................I'm sorry but your movie cannot be about movies and their endings and then have a cataclysm for a plot-hole be yours.

Straight up, if this was 10-20 minutes longer, filled its plot hole and addressed any of the first 40 minutes to an hour of its runtime and ended the same way, 7-9 easy.
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Cricket? Entertaining? 8.5/10
23 February 2021
As one who doesn't typically enjoy Bollywood films, this was surprising. The story's about an Indian village who, by happenstance end up in a bet with the nearby British cantonment. The bet being, if the village beats them at cricket, he'll cancel the tax, but if not, they won't be able to pay the amount necessary.

While the movie is very conventional Bollywood, it finds a way to use that to its advantage. The music by A.R. Rahman had me dancing at points. Mitwa, Ghanan Ghanan and Chale-Chalo slap to high Hell and I stand by that. The characters all wear their emotions on their sleeves and while it doesn't always work, with a classic sports underdog story put into a musical format it usually does.

Also, a large part of the movie is dedicated to the villagers learning cricket which helped me, (a bloody American) understand the game to the point where, during the match I knew what was going on and minus the potential starvation involved, it honestly looked like a good time.

Lagaan, like Dodgeball, is a true underdog story. This movie is a great time. Mix Remember the Titans with Lord of the Rings and add an absolute bop of a Bollywood score with phenomenal singing and direction (if the LOTR comparison didn't imply that) and you're getting there. If you like sports, historical fiction or good music give it a go. It will not disappoint.
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Seen Die Hard?
17 February 2021
Die hard is this movie. Die Hard is a good movie. The Dark Knight is a good movie. Putting a poorly acted B movie Heath Ledger joker (not even Joaquin Phoenix's) into Die Hard as the lead villain, cramming them into a school to make it "hip and edgy" and copying a suspicious amount of scenes from just make a new Die Hard at that point I'm sure someone'll watch it. It's obviously what they wanted to do. Copying 3 movies at once is impressive though so I guess the writers had to have put some work in.
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The Sacrament (2013)
What Happened?
2 January 2021
The first half of this movie is genuinely interesting and makes you want to know where it's going. The main characters travel to an "isolated communal community" in Africa to find one of them's sister, hopefully bring her back and document the strange isolated commune.

I honestly didn't mind the found footage element as it made the cult and all its weird intricacies feel real and the decent to quality acting and dialogue didn't hurt. The film starts off with a good amount of intrigue as it doesn't rush into anything and you actually get to see why the people went there and why many actually enjoy it. Slowly things start to seem a little off and as the mystery starts to rear its head it honestly feels at least somewhat refreshing and original.

Then the second half happens. I don't know if the writers just quit on the job or the original ending was deemed too strange or what but I guarantee you (even if it was aliens all along) it was better than what we got. The second half is just a blatant rip-off of real life events. It's really disappointing as the found footage before that made it feel real, but when real events start playing out in this dramatized theatrical way it just doesn't work. Plot points are thrown to the wind and both plot and character development are culled almost instantly as it spirals towards the finish. I can maybe guess that the point was to show how horrible these events were but in the context of the film it just feels wrong and you want it to stop or change or something. And if that was the point they should have just made a documentary, there was obvious effort and competence behind this.

To me nothing is worse in film than disappointment. This movie is technically well made. It looks good, the acting and dialogue are strong throughout and that's why the nightmare of a script makes it a 3/10. This not only could have been something but it should have been something. The first half truly has the makings of a good to great film so why wasn't it? What happened?
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Worth a Watch
2 January 2021
Let's start with the good: First things first, the entire cast, not only Viola Davis and Chadwick Boseman (R.I.P) just kill it in this movie. The acting and dialogue are phenomenal and the movie looks fantastic. It really gets the turn of the century style, look and vibe and every character feels their part. The music is also pretty fantastic and not what you hear everyday. It's not a musical so music isn't in every scene or anything but it's the point and there's a good lot of good music to see, hear and enjoy. Viola Davis as Ma Rainey herself is a big pat of that and she just gets it. You can really see the effort of everyone in and behind this film and it looks great, sounds great and is all in all just really well done.

Now for the not so good: This movies strong suit is its cast and dialogue and it knows this to a fault. The turn of the century and all its dated and not so dated issues, look, isms and style are portrayed beautifully but you see shockingly little of it. The film, and the plot does somewhat call for this, stays in mainly one location for its entirety and while scenes or shots never feel repetitive or pointless, more variation in setting and scene would've done it a favor. I genuinely wanted to see more of the world they took so much time and effort to create and was truly disappointed when the credits rolled because of that.

In essence this films biggest strength is in a way its greatest weakness. It's definitely worth a watch even just for the performances alone but 7.4ish's what I'd give it so round down I must.
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3/10? Really?
29 December 2020
This movie wasn't terrible at all. It certainly rips off of Rear-Window a little but it isn't like that kind of movie happens every year. Sure it's not THAT original but what is anymore?

The movies main problem is that it doesn't look good. It obviously had a tiny budget and the camera is often out of focus and even when it's not it still doesn't look good. That said the camera man actually tried (not that he was given anything to work with) and both the script and acting are surprisingly decent. Music also is not a strong suit of this film.

The story's a Rear-Window style story with an opening scene that sets it up nicely. After that the movie's fairly slow but the characters are likable and for the most part the acting's good which helps. While there are a number of cliche scare moments they're at least set up effectively and work well in the context of the film. However the detective character and his arc got more screen time than I would've preferred and the ending climax just should've been better.

All in all it wasn't anything great but a 3? If you like Rear-Window and want to see that kind of story this isn't a bad option for you. Just don't expect it to look good. It doesn't.
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Rust Creek (2018)
Better than I thought it'd be that's for sure
16 December 2020
6.5 out of 10. At points the movie slows down a bit more than it should and I could've done with more establishing shots/anything of the town or county they're in. But the acting's surprisingly good as so is the story albeit it's nothing groundbreaking. Movie doesn't have any cheap thrills just a good story, good acting and decent writing. Nothing fancy here, no big budget, nothing really new, just a pretty well made horror/thriller and I'll round up to 7 for that.
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Freaks (2018)
Wait For It
2 October 2020
If you want a sci-fi or superhero movie that starts with a bang and never loses speed then you're in for an unpleasant smack to the kisser. This is a slow burn. A horrifically realistic sci-fi-fi movie that has the balls to actually take time to show you what's going on rather than just telling you right off the bat. Admittedly the first half hour or so is pretty tedious but it is for a reason. It leaves you in the dark as to where it's going and when the pieces start fitting, then it starts clicking and then you realize that the not so amazing setup was actually really clever. This one takes giving a chance but if you stick with it and you're a sci-fi fan, superhero fan or even just a fan of good old school not flashy storytelling, I'm willing to bet you'll enjoy this. It honestly really refreshing.

Also for a low budget movie the effects and acting are both obscenely impressive. Especially from the kid.
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I mean.......what more do you want?
17 August 2019
I didn't expect this movie to be good. In fact I went and saw it specifically to see a bad, entertaining movie but I was pleasantly surprised. Don't get me wrong this isn't a good movie but for what it is, can you really ask for more?

The beginning is just lazy. There's little to no character development and when the four girls enter the cave you genuinely do not care about any of them. (I cant even really blame the actors for this cause the dialogue was just not given any effort whatsoever.)

But then the good part starts. The lazy direction and cinematography of the beginning goes away and there are actually some really cool shots and scenes. For a shark movie it's actually scary and the jump scares were actually well done for once.

By the time it ended I'd begun to actually vaguely care about the characters and I guess I just wanted some well directed shark kills with a storyline that gets more interesting and just better as it goes on.

All in all It's just dumb fun, nothing to dislike really. Sure it's not great but what more to do you want? It's a shark movie called 47 Meters Down Uncaged.
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A lot of things to be liked but a lot to be disliked as well
16 June 2017
There is a lot to be liked in this movie. It looks great, the plot's good, and the use of the setting was really good. Also the pacing was great. I won't compare this movie too much to The Shallows but, one thing this movie did better was its pacing. I was never bored and there were spots in the shallows that did drag a little. It also scared me a couple times and that's an accomplishment. Shark movies don't scare me and again that's the director making great use of the setting and the sharks.

However, there's also a lot to dislike in this movie as well. Have you seen Mean Girls 2? If you haven't it isn't good. But the main character from that is in this movie. In fact she's Kate, and like in Mean Girls 2, she's not the problem. She's actually quite good and, when thrown bad lines, actually manages to deliver them in a way that isn't bad. However, the main character, played by the voice of Rapunzel from tangled, was not good st all. To be fair it's not all her fault. She's given, time and time again horrible lines and dialogue when there just shouldn't be any and, unlike Mrs. Mean Girls 2, when she's given a bad line, it's bad. In fact I heard people laughing in the theater and it's a real shame.

It's a shame because this movie has very good things in it. Creative scares, looks beautiful, clever plot, really nice ending, some extremely tense sequences, the fact that the sharks aren't the only problem, and that to someone that doesn't dive it seems decently realistic. But this movie is an enclosed thriller, and all of that means squat when your main character doesn't work, and unfortunately, this character doesn't work and because of that the movie just isn't good.
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Eden Lake (2008)
A couple decides to take a weekend trip up to Eden Lake where a group of kids turns their excursion into a nightmare beyond Elm Street.
7 July 2015
This is one movie that, although I love it, I also realize that not everyone will. It's a simple and unoriginal story of a couple who goes away to the supposedly empty Eden Lake for a nice weekend of relaxation and erotic bedroom activities when a group of kids turn their excursion into a living Hell. Although unoriginal this movie stands out from all the others with this exact same plot line in that there are no super natural things, no superhuman people, and no BS. The story is gritty, down to earth, and at times downright hard to watch. The film makes you feel so many emotions including disgust, anger, hatred, and hope. I will admit that it starts slow but you do get well over an hour of gripping action, survival, and plain messed up stuff. It's a great horror movie that, although it doesn't really scare you, it's gripping, disturbing and everything else that a great horror movie should have. So in the end, this movie's one of my favorite horror movies and don't watch it if you are uncomfortable with blood.
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