
29 Reviews
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The Bear (2022– )
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this 2 x and had to turn it off because of all the noise in the show. Screaming, yelling, loud music and toxic relationships really turned me off. I decided to give it another try using the MUTE button and reading closed captions which helped somewhat. Sometimes the music on the show competes with the yelling and you can't hear anything! I'm sure that was a purposeful artistic choice to make one feel uncomfortable. Some of the scenes were too long and drawn out. I wanted to fast forward to the upcoming event so many times but I remained patient. Another pet peeve is none of the Berazzo's looked Italian. Loved Jamie Lee but she surely a far stretch from Italian along with her daughter, Sugar. Carmen can pass for Northern Italian and his brother, Michael for southern Italian. I don't get it...are they half Italian. Probably not as Donna would not have. Gone through all the trouble of making the 7 fishes for Christmas.

Things I like: the main character, Carmen. He was enough to make me continue to watch. His silences speak volumes to the screen. I like Richie after his transformation but had he been working for me, I'd dump him a long time ago due to his vulgarity and disrespect for Carmen. I really like Marcus...he brings much needed solace to the scenes.

Sydney started out okay but as her character unfolded, she got more annoying. She is in Carmen's face about his girlfriend..yet he is the one who apologizes...what' (s that about.

WHat the show inspired me to be was more organized. (as I look at my messy
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Michelle Pfeiffer is amazing
18 June 2022
On episode 8 and must note the series gets better as it goes on. Michelle Pfeiffer exemplifies what great acting is all about. Loved her as Betty Ford. Gillian Anderson is also wonderful as Eleanor. I sually love Viola Davis but think she was miscast in this. She seems too old for the part. Barack who is actually 3 yrs older than Michelle looks 15 yrs younger in the series. Whoever did Viola's makeup in the White House Years should be fired. They heavy makeup ages her and the overdone eyes make her look like a hooker (or in modern day terms...a sex worker) In real life, Michelle Obama's makeup was always understated. Also, the character is not as warm and empathetic as the Michelle Obama we have all come to love.
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if you can get pass Miss Buffam..enjoy
29 May 2022
I was taken in but the story until the actress playing Miss Buffam appeared. Worse acting ever amongst an otherwise superb cast. She drags out every scene with her staccato faux poetic way of speaking. Keith Carradine is wonderful. Love the family dynamic.
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Better Things: England (2022)
Season 5, Episode 9
Breath of fresh English Air
21 April 2022
This show made me nostalgic for England. It was the perfect episode that would have made a great season finale.

Everything seemed to come together.

Glad there's another show coming up...but following this one will be a hard act.
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Grey's Anatomy: Legacy (2022)
Season 18, Episode 11
Rap music distracting
14 March 2022
The show seems to be getting better but the rap music is too loud and is a real distraction from the dialogue. It also does not fit the pace and tempo of the scenes. The Eric character is quite annoying. Seems like people without children wrote the Teddy's lines.
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Belfast (2021)
Stunning Cinematography
20 February 2022
First, I was mesmerized by the photography. Each shot is so perfectly poetry in motion. Love the acting and all the characters. A near perfect film. I would see it again. It leaves you wanting for more and I would see the sequel if there ever was one.
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Ray Donovan (2013–2020)
enjoyed thoroughly
16 January 2022
Make sure you watch the whole series prior to watching this movie! Even if you watched the series, I highly suggest watching the 1st and last episodes to refresh your memory before diving into this. Superb episode which ties everything up.

Incredible performances by all. It's an actor's movie. Jon Voight is flawless. Loved how they went back in time to reveal the truth.
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Enjoyable-some loose ends
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Although flawed, I found the film enjoyable. I'm a sucker for writers' biography and memoirs and Ivy League settings.

The young boy playing JR was soulful and wonderful...such an authentic little actor. My beef was that physically he looked nothing like the actors playing his mother or father with his black hair and dark eyes compared to their sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Just when I could suspend disbelief, the older JR comes in with light hair and light eyes!

IMHO, if you wanted to cast both of them, hair dye and contacts should have been used to match the look of both ages

I loved the mom. I loved Uncle Charlie. I loved the Dickens Bar.

I didn't buy older JR's blatant disrespect to his girlfriend's father.

I didn't buy the girlfriend's callous, oversexed nature. Why would she bring him home for Christmas if she wasn't serious about him?

Also, when he got his father arrested for hitting the girlfriend, wouldn't the girlfriend have to be the one to press charges?

Lastly, where does this kid with no job expect to park the car his uncle gave him in NYC?
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Maid (2021)
hard to watch
6 October 2021
Can this girl's life get any worse? I have only a couple episodes to watch but I can barely watch this anymore.

So sorry to say this but Andie McDowell's performance is so over the top unbelievable. Watching her is like hearing nails screech on a chalkboard.

On the other hand, her daughter's performance is nuanced and brilliant.
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Gossip Girl: Just Another Girl on the MTA (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Boring...Watch the OGG!
12 July 2021
After watching this reboot with several "Gossip Girl" fans of varying ages, we all agreed it was a big disappointment.

Nobody cares about soulless influencers and intimidated teachers stalking kids in school.

The show tries to hard to be diverse and ends up boring us with bad writing and poor casting.

Some of the minions of the main character look about 28-32 yrs old (as old as the teachers.)

Disgusted, we cleansed our palate with 5 old episodes of the Original GG and went to bed very happy after revisiting Dan and his cool rockstar dad, Serena,, Nate, Chuck and Jenny They are irreplaceable.

Would have rather seen a show with them as adults years after.
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Rebel: It's All About the Chemistry (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
show keeps getting better
10 June 2021
Sorry to see it end. I warmed up to the show with each episode. This was a great one.
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StartUp: Diversification (2018)
Season 3, Episode 5
What happened to Izzy's Mom
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is no explanation as to what happened to Izzy mother. The father is living in an apartment. There is no mention of a death or otherwise. It does not make sense as in a previous episode, Izzy tried to call her mother and said she gets worried when she doesn't check in.
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StartUp (2016–2018)
Great binge, solid story..needs a good editor
14 May 2021
A great binge.

Was turned off by ridiculously gratuitous sex scenes in first couple of episodes but glad i kept with the series. Each episode gets better and better.

Great acting and intelligent and engaging storylines.. A great way for the novice to learn more about cryptocurrency.

Unfortunately the scenes are very choppy and abrupt. There is no rhyme or reason to the abruptness of cuts.

Really missing a good editor that would do the script and cinematograpy justice.

Still, would love a Season 4!
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Sins by proxy
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this film when it was released I absolutely hated the movie. This time, I watched it alone without the benefit of seeing the other two movies before it. I appreciated certain things about This film although the first two Godfathers were much superior. It was great to see Diane Keaton and Al Pacino again. I love Andy Garcia but he was ridiculous in the role of Sonny's illegitimate son., Vinny. His temper tantrum's were laughable...Almost like a comedy skit on SNL. I like how MIchael is looking for redemption but I don't understand how he can be so nonchalant about his daughter dating her first cousin. In this generation, nobody.. especially Catholics date their first cousin. It's considered incest and he doesn't treat it as seriously is any Italian father would. I could understand her attraction if she didn't realize he was her first cousin but the whole relationship seems absurd to me. Also, why is her mom, Diane Keaton approving of this relationship? No mother in her right mind would approve of such a thing. Michael vows on his children's life to God that he will never sin again. Yet he sins by proxy through his nephew, Vinny and his beloved daughter dies. Al Pacino's performance with the silent scream is amazing. Diane Keaton's Portrayal of a mother's grief is heartbreaking. If something was said about sins by proxy, the film would have a greater impact.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
annoying music detracts from story.
13 February 2021
I would have continued watching except for the annoying loud music which sounds like screeching noise. It detracts from the story line. I suffered through the first episode but will not be watching again. If one trying to modernize a time period, they should take a lesson from "The Great" which hooked me from beginning to end.
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Un village français (2009–2017)
Lucienne's Shifty eyes
31 August 2020
Almost finished the 1st season. I like the premise but there are some annoying instances that keep on keeping on. The melodramatic silent film type of eye movements of the character, Lucienne are so distracting and feel overdone. A director should have caught this. Her scene after her meeting with the German officer is wonderful though. It is heartbreaking and authentic. Also, the communist brother of the Mayor/Dr Larcher is quite annoying to watch. I just want to fast forward through his scenes except when the little boy who plays his engaging son is present. Yet, I continue to watch. I am enjoying getting to know all the other characters...especially Dr. Larcher.
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Better Call Saul: Winner (2018)
Season 4, Episode 10
's all bad
17 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I became a big Breaking Bad fan during Covid and although never much liked the Saul character I decided to give BCS a try in May. I could barely get through 4 episodes and put it to rest until I hit the bottom of the COVID TV barrel.

Friends kept recommending it so I decided to go back and give it another try. I waited 4 FULL seasons for it to get better. It did..sort of but was very slow moving. I loved the Kim character and her stellar acting perfectly balances her flaws, responsible nature and her love for Jimmy. I also appreciated the great acting of Chuck and Howard, Mike and Fringe. IMHO Jimmy's acting is hit or miss as at times, I don't know if he is acting like a bad con man or if if it's just plain bad acting.

In the Season 4 finale, it made no sense that Jimmy would hoot, holler and brag about conning the bar into giving him back his license right outside the door where he could easily be heard. That scene exemplified a stupidity that was not a part of his character. Either that scene was poorly directed or poorly acted. If he pulled Kim aside and excitedly whispered, I might have believed it.

Even more unbelievable is the letter writing and phone scam to keep Huell out of jail. Cute but the montages are a bit much and I fast forwarded through them to get to the point. Just why would Kim risk her job on doing Jimmy another favor when she is already disgusted with him? I'm so disgusted with the Saul character and even more so with Mike who supposedly has a code of ethics but kills good guy (Werner) just for sneaking off to meet his wife. Yet, he won't kill Hector who is a royal pain in everyone's ass. He should have used his brains to help Werner escape.

What also doesn't make sense is the openness of exchange at Los Hermanos Pollos when in Breaking Bad, the location was Fringe's secret front.

Yeh..i read all about the nuances of their psychology, pathologies, etc. With nothing else on, the show hooks you in but I won't be paying Amazon for season 5....I
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The Great (2020–2023)
A fun, witty & clever summer surprise
6 July 2020
I was surprised that my 28 yr old niece turned me on to what I thought was a historical drama. Though I love them, I thought, "Am I in the mood to watch another piece on Catherine the Great?" YES! "The Great" is a fun piece that takes you on a ride to a rewritten past infused with a perfect blend of humor, drama and engaging characters with a clever charge of modern language. I'm a sucker for great story telling coupled with wonderful acting and gorgeous art direction. The comedic timing is impeccable and the song selection at the end of each episode are on note. I also enjoyed all the behind the scenes episodes which explains how they focused on the characters rather than being historically accurate. A must watch.
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Breaking Bad: Felina (2013)
Season 5, Episode 16
just heartbreaking all around
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I binge watched this whole series during the coronavirus quarantine and I need a antidote. I can hardly breathe. So many lives lost and ruined for "Baby Blue." I don't think I can ever listen to that song again without crying. Walter's final confession to his wife that he did it ALL for himself because it made him feel "so alive" is ironic as the rest of us feel so dead inside. I think I need a meditation retreat before embarking on the El Camino movie.
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Homeland: Prisoners of War (2020)
Season 8, Episode 12
Fabulous Finale- please answer a few questions
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved the finale...great writing and stellar performances by all. I do have a few questions that I hope someone can clarify. What I don't understand is why didn't Carrie get the flight recording box after giving up the name of the asset. Did Yevgeny double cross her and know that the Russians intended on keeping it? It would have made all Carrie's actions in vain. She'd have to be furious and I understand that she would have no choice but defect and redeem herself by becoming an asset to the US herself. When Linka Glatter says that she thinks Carrie "LOVES" Yevgeny, it confuses this even more. Maybe somebody can clarify.
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Unorthodox (2020)
Where is Este's New York or American accent?
2 April 2020
I'm really liking the series and I think the lead actress is very soulful & interesting. She would be so much better if she would have worked on authenticating a New York or at least an American accent. The lilt in her speech distracted me so much that I had to look up where she was from. I'm sorry to bring this up because she's so good but it really makes no sense to cast a person who can't fake an American accent. Alternatively, the story should have changed to accommodate her accent.
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Ray Donovan: Horses (2017)
Season 5, Episode 8
Most Heart-wrenching Performance...Ever
17 March 2020
Powerful acting by Liev. Best male performance I've ever seen on tv or film bar non. Although I am NOT a fan of the exposition like story telling that began this season, this episode makes it all worth it. Bonus: Patti Smith's haunting vocals add depth to the entire episode and to the character of Abby. Had to download it. Land: Horses/ Land of a Thousand Dances/ La Mer (de)
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Ray Donovan: Walk This Way (2014)
Season 2, Episode 7
Dance, Write, Direct & Act This Way!
6 March 2020
Big Wow! Great filmmaking on every level. Congrats to Liev for his powerful performance & direction. His dance at the end is a treat that surpasses all the dance moves in movie history.
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
Pleasantly Surprised
4 January 2020
After seeing "The Loudest Voice," I thought I had seen enough of the subject. Also, I was not impressed with the cheesy trailers which flaunted some of the funniest lines. Still, I was cajoled into seeing this by friends who did not see "The Loudest Voice." I thoroughly enjoyed the smart, funny writing by Charles Randolph and the direction and acting. Charlize Theron was amazing. Ladies and friends of ladies, go see it! I want to watch it again.
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Barry: ronny/lily (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
Bring back the little karate girl!
30 April 2019
I love this episode! It was really special. I don't know why they didn't give the little karate girl a credit because her character & performance was "off the charts!" I saw in the "after the episode" segment that her name was Lily. Great casting & great writing, my favorite episodes so far.
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