
23 Reviews
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Vera: Tender (2024)
Season 13, Episode 2
Why is this guy ALWAYS the killer
6 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
EVERY TIME Shawn Dooley guests on a show, he's ALWAYS the killer. It sucks. The show was ruined the minute I saw him because I knew. EVERY. SINGLE. SHOW. They really need to stop doing. Ruins the ENTIRE show when you know within the first 15 minutes who done it.

I now need to use up 400 more characters ridiculously. Happy some of the other characters are getting more responsibility. I hope this continues.

Another 200 characters. I will never understand why these people have accidental deaths and never just call the police and say they fell. It's ridiculous.

30 more characters. Stop this nonsense please.
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Rosemary & Thyme: The Gooseberry Bush (2006)
Season 3, Episode 6
Who the hell keeps a baby they found in the woods
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever wrote this episode needs a refresher course on kidnapping. Who the hell keeps a baby they found in the woods??? And then leaves it alone in the trunk of a car??? And then hides it away from the police. One is a mother and the other says she'd have made a good mother, but kidnapping an abandoned baby doesn't speak well for anyone in this cast.

The first season was annoying to get through but I persevered as I love both gardening and murder mysteries. The latter half of the second season, and beginning of the third were quite good. But I agree with the reviewer that said he just stopped this episode and moved onto the next.
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Bordertown: Nainen peilissä 2/2 (2019)
Season 3, Episode 8
The daughter is absolutely sickening.
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this series up until Paulina died. After that it became slow and morose. She was the balance for him. And I really never liked the daughter that much, but I have no idea what the hell is going on with her storyline. It's absolutely disgusting. She's abusing someone else and it's just creepy and weird. More so it's advocating violence. Why kill a dog that way? It's sick.

Sorry to anyone who's gone through trauma or loss, but this daughter's behavior is so out of line. She verbally and physically abusing someone, who will now carry that trauma on. And the father beats up the guy? She is absolutely disgusting in what she said to him. He tried to leave multiple times and she physically restrained him. She should've been hit. And then she continued to abuse him. The video thing is cringeworthy. Reverse the sexes and you'll agree how sick it is.

The last set of 3 episodes were unnecessarily long. But these last 2 are just painful. I honestly don't care anymore. Just trying to get to the end.

Also why is Lena so mean to her daughter? And how is Katia still so nice? Finland looks beautiful in the winter.
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Midsomer Murders: The Animal Within (2007)
Season 10, Episode 2
Barely watchable with these horrendous actors
4 September 2022
The American husband and wife make this episode unbearable to watch. She is as wooden as a door and he's beyond a bad cliche. Why???? There are so many wonderful actors out there. Do they purposely pick the absolute worst ones to portray Americans?

It would've been a decent and interesting storyline if it wasn't for their cardboard voices and flat dialogue come through my ears like nails on a chalkboard. I'm having to take breaks just to make it to the end.

Gritting my teeth for another round of let's hear the one dimensional American actress relay her one dimensional lines to her couldn't pass drama school male counterpart.
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Midsomer Murders: The Magician's Nephew (2008)
Season 11, Episode 5
What is the obsession with incest???
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What on earth is this series' obsession with incest. This is the fourth episode where there has been sister and brother incest. Other episodes hint at it. Another has rape by a father. What the hell goes on in the English countryside???

And how much devil worship/mystical crap goes on also??? I'm beginning to think this representation might be akin to painting all of the US in a ye how cowboy film with confederate flags like another one of their absurd episodes.

Just when I was beginning to understand why people liked earlier episodes, this moronic one comes along.

All this inbreeding has to stop.
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Midsomer Murders: The Glitch (2009)
Season 12, Episode 4
Bad accents and boring story
1 September 2022
Dear lord why is everyone so attached to John Nettles? He can hardly speak without getting out of breath.

Please for the love of god stop with the bad American accents. Even though the actor lives in Canada I think.

What on earth is up with that woman sargeant??? First she's worried about her outfit, then she cries at a crime scene. Blithering idiot. In subsequent episodes she's just useless space, void of any personality at all.

I'm working these old episodes backwards and it just gets worse. The newer ones are sooo much better.

The only good part is seeing that actor from that movie we all love. Otherwise mind numbingly boring story.
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Midsomer Murders: The Silent Land (2010)
Season 13, Episode 4
The older episodes are just awful
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess it's which actor you see first that you prefer. I saw the newer ones first, so seeing these old ones is quite painful. Tom Barnaby barely opens his mouth and Joyce is quite the silly little wife. I definitely prefer the new actors much more than the old batch. And the story line was quite silly. Who in earth would shag that man? Simply an awful episode all around. And how big could the county be if they're officers for all of it?

I'm almost certain this is 600 characters by now. The previous episode with confederate flags all over the place was equally as repulsive. And really, I've seen so many complaints about the new mrs barnaby but this one is simpleton that gets talked down to like a silly child. Ridiculous.
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Murder over folk music???
21 August 2022
I genuinely enjoy this series as harmless fun, but there has to be limits to the sheer stupidity. There were eels in a bowl and then a "folk festival"???
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Midsomer Murders: The Christmas Haunting (2013)
Season 16, Episode 1
The blue filter is killing me
20 August 2022
This had to be filmed at the height of summer. I've never seen so many mufflers, scarves and sweaters in people who clearly were sweltering.

Also the story is slow and boring.
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Midsomer Murders: Dark Secrets (2011)
Season 14, Episode 2
Horrendous recycling of a horrendous story
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Coming late to this series. Watched the first one and they did this brother sister crap then too. It's absolutely revolting. How many incestuous stories do they need to sell?
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Inspector Morse (1987– )
Not really sure why people love this
1 August 2022
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I watched Endeavor and inspector Lewis, and absolutely loved both, so I thought I would give the original a chance. But I have absolutely zero idea of why on earth anyone would think this was good, let alone some kind of classic. In this series Morse is neither a brilliant detective, nor a sympathetic flawed character, but is instead a sleezy old chump that his Sargent has to keep bailing out. I'm going to chalk it up to some sort of nostalgia, like columbo, sort of a series of it's time. But it definitely didn't age well at all. He becomes a bumbling skeevy bafoon whenever there is a female in the mix. It's frightfully embarrassing. And he always gets it wrong. Watch the other 2 but skip this. It's just mortifyingly bad. Disconnected plots and an incompetent police officer.
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Cute but the money
30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Cute show, but honestly who the hell burns money. I just couldn't let that go. And at the end everyone seems fine and dandy with Nana's life savings being whittled down to a flashy car and the arrest of loan sharks that probably will still make the bloke pay. Who the hell burns money????
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Grantchester: Episode #7.2 (2022)
Season 7, Episode 2
What is up with these vicars?
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After only one night the show starts with "I love her", then "I think I love her" and finally "before I fall in love". Preaching morality while having an affair geez. This show has only gotten one thing right and that is Leonard.
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Grantchester: Episode #5.5 (2020)
Season 5, Episode 5
26 July 2022
Jack pillaged money and jewels from desperate Indians trying to escape British tyranny. If he had did it from the Jews they wouldn't have been so easy on him in this show. Hut somehow it's excused in this show. He should give it all back. Indians are not as indispensable as the Brits writing the show think. Brits stole so much. It's time it was acknowledged and not justified.
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Grantchester: Episode #5.3 (2020)
Season 5, Episode 3
These horrible American accents are PAINFUL
24 July 2022
Why do they keep using Brits with atrocious American accents. Painfully bad accents. What's wrong with just having them speak in their natural accents???

And getting sick of the "bad" Indian nonsense. Whoever these writers are need to go get a curry.
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Grantchester: Episode #4.3 (2019)
Season 4, Episode 3
Once again Georgie is an ass
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why they're all acting like will is new. And once again these vicars put their faith in this cop only to be betrayed. It's just ridiculous. And does anyone remember this Mrs whoever's new husband left his pregnant girlfriend to fend for herself??? Ah the church.
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Grantchester: Episode #4.2 (2019)
Season 4, Episode 2
Why drag this out???
22 July 2022
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Why the hell would James Norton leave now instead of 2 episodes before with the storyline with Amanda. Instead he sleeps around and we're to believe he's so captured by this woman or the movement he has to move away. Wonder what happened. But it's pitiful. What a horrid show. They also purposely don't mention Amanda at all. He's a womanizer and a drunk and somehow we're to believe he's a man of god. Or even a gentleman. A gentleman would've married Amanda and been a father to grace. He's just a cad.
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Grantchester: Episode #4.1 (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
Absolutely hate this show
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How dare a man of the cloth disclose a confidence. When one upholds his faith another tears it down. Does he suddenly forget that his breach of confidence cost a man his life. The cop isn't a good man at all. He lies and cheats. This show disgusts me.

And for the love of god could these British shows stop using Brit's with bad accents in roles of Americans.
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Grantchester (2014–2024)
Written by someone who hates the establishment
22 July 2022
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I avoided this show like the plague, thinking it was just another pretty boy mop top soap opera. And the first season gave me hope it wasn't. But the second proved it was. The word abortion was never spoken in the 50s. The number of gay encounters and teenage pregnancies in one town. And a clergy that couldn't keep his mouth shut so someone died. It's pathetic. But the fact that the writers seek to make the affair of someone in a 30 year marriage with 4 children and someone in a 6 month marriage that left their husband the same, or someone that thieves for reasons of greed vs of sentiment shows this show is written by soap opera writers making religion fit.
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S.W.A.T.: The Fugitive (2022)
Season 5, Episode 16
Painful to watch
31 May 2022
Unbelievably stupid storyline and piss poor acting. As a fan of this show this was so disappointing. How stupid to have Hondo run when every other episode he gives huge lectures about following the rules. And the writing and acting were soooo bad.
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A Very British Scandal: Episode #1.3 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Oh Paul Bettany
24 April 2022
Let's just say the timing of the release of this series to American audiences is quite unfortunate. Let's just say that it hits way too close to home for Paul Bettany. And for Depp. And for their text messages that replicate this script. The performances are fine. Wonderful in fact if they weren't so true and infuriating. Sadly this woman was wronged in court, but there is no reason why audiences should ignore the violent nature of the actor vividly portraying the character.
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A Very British Scandal: Episode #1.2 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Absolutely ghastly
24 April 2022
Basically a re-write of the crown's story line of Princess Margaret and Anthony Townsend. Atrociously toxic relationship of the rich and titled. Put into an entirely new view given Bettany's involvement with the Depp/heard marriage fiasco and their violent texts.
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Criminal Minds: Damaged (2008)
Season 3, Episode 14
A pathetic hero complex episode
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Are you kidding me? Rossi had a house and millions of dollars and let the kids he supposedly anguished over for 20 years to live in squalor without therapy or food or a decent education, then gives them their own house back when his demons have been squashed. Are you kidding me? What kind of pathetic hero complex is that? The girl had to strip to feed her siblings while he has a mansion. He kept their empty house. And after they were all screwed up gave it back to them for a fresh start. Better to have helped them all along. And seriously how good a profiler could he be that he couldn't solve this in 20 years but the team could in 2 days????
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