
2 Reviews
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28 August 2005
This was one weird movie.

Individually it has some decent and even good parts, and looking back at it from the end, there was some coherent process. However, while watching it I was just confused. There were bits and pieces of various fairy tales mixed up and blended and cut and pasted together into one confusing concoction. Occasionally I found myself just thinking "what the crap?!". Really bizarre, with the occasional real freaky parts and comic relief.

Overall I would say its a decent one time movie (actually probably better as a rental, cause then you can watch it twice, in the hope that it might make more sense the second time). It had an interesting premise, but I think it could have been carried through better.
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Cats & Dogs (2001)
1 July 2005
I thought this movie had an interesting premise to work off of- the enmity between cats and dogs. However, one problem I had with it (besides its general low quality) was the fact that the cast the cats as the criminal buffoons. (Bear with me please - I'm at least half serious). I mean, dogs as the smart ones? Come on. Cats taking over the world is believable, but casting most of them as the not-so-smart, criminal stooges was going a bit far. Cats are smarter and more, hmm, elegant than dogs. Face it, in a showdown between cats and dogs that wasn't purely reliant on mass or strength, cats would own the dogs.

Now if they had cast the dogs as the villains of the piece...that would be better. Cats like the position they're in - pampered and very little required of them- why go to the trouble of taking over and running the world when it already serves you? Another thing- dogs are the ones who chase the cats, very rarely the other way around- bit of insecurity or jealousy perhaps? Dogs also often have to actually perform, exercise, do handy things or otherwise. If they would play it as the dogs trying to oust all the freeloading superior cats....that could have been real fun.
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