
17 Reviews
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Good sequal
15 May 2024
Hamilton is so good as a tough witch. Her buff body and take no crap persona is so pleasing to watch. Arnie is a little tough to watch. He was an unemotional robot who seems to have grown a heart. So much for being a killing machine. The biggest plot hole is when the T1000 (real original) is frozen why not just pick it up and throw it in the molten steel? That would have made everything that followed unnecessary. But nooo; we have to watch the unwatchable. We have to watch Arnie find alternate power. We have to watch Arnie say 'I need a vecation.' We have to watch John say 'Adios' as he throws the T100 parts in the molten steel. We have to watch Arnie say 'I now know why you cry.' Who writes this dreck? Was George Lucas a writer?
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Burn (III) (2019)
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A movie devoid of any cogent plot. It's like so high school art project than a serious film. I kept watching just hoping something, anything would happen. Alas, it was not to be. There is no rational reason for the one woman is so desperate for acceptance. Nothing about cold and distant parents. Or why a biker gang wants to killer the antagonist. Or why the woman wants to burn down the gas station. And why is the cop so clueless that he can't smell gasoline. Well that's about it for me. Either I missed a lot or this movie is a ginormous waste of film and time. Josh Hutcherson didn't do himself any favors being in this dreck.
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Time Changer (2002)
Bible sermon disguised as sci-fi adventure.
9 January 2024
This movie is a clear rip off of HG Wells The Time Traveler but with religious overtones. It's just so far off from what it proports. The continual Bible beating is so annoying. The acting and dialogue are passable (definitely not Oscar worthy). How someone from the 19th century could adapt to the 21st century goes without explanation. Cars and planes would be so confusing and beyond the mental comprehension of someone of that Era. How this waste of good film hasn't wound up in the dumpster is beyond me. Don't waste your time on this dreck. So now I have met the arbitrary number of characters to get my review posted.
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Finestkind (2023)
Waste of time
19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting a movie about the rigors of life at sea. Instead it's a mishmash of bungling and inept criminals with some family drama thrown in. They lose their boat in a storm so they use the father's boat and lose it by illegally fishing in Canadian waters. Of course they get caught and lose the father's boat. In a misguided attempt to get the father's boat out of impound, they smuggle heroin for the local mob boss. Of course, they lose that too. The acting is mediocre to dreadful. It's just not worth the time. Tommy Lee Jones is the only light in the darkness. He adds a reality to his character; beaten by life, disappointed in his son, and is dying from cancer. But in the end he's the one that saves everyone.
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Utter Crap
29 June 2023
What is so entertaining about this movie? Nothing. It's just typical stranded in the woods horror movie about space aliens. It so predictable and keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over. The first 20 minutes are all you need to watch. The acting is tolerable to a point and they really try to be serious but the script is well lacking. If you have nothing better to do you can watch this while doing something constructive. That's all I really have to say about this waste of money. At least I didn't pay to watch it in a theater. Tickets cost like $15 now. What's up with that! Oh well.
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30 May 2023
What a mess. I'm not sure how this was green lit but who ever did will probably lose their job. It's like a bunch of monkeys were given typewriters and told to write the worst screenplay possible. There's just so much wrong. The script. The acting. The direction. And what happened to Cassie's mother? Did she abandon her daughter? Did she get addicted to meth and Scott got sole custody? What happened to his cellie? Did he get deported or join the Mexican circus? Do many holes to fill in. It's all so bad. I don't know what more to say about this waste of time. It's a sad way to end what could have been a great trilogy.
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Didn't make budget.
15 August 2022
There's a reason it didn't make budget. It's devoid of any real plot or story. It's a bunch of characters who just interact with each other. Some are interesting but most are cardboard cutouts. Even the great Bradley Copper can't save it.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Season 1 Great; Season 2 Sucks
8 May 2022
I really enjoyed season 1. It was well written, the acting was outstanding, and it had a cohesive storyline. I looked forward to watching season 2. But season 2 is just a total mess. Cuoco's character is now a CIA asset? Hardly. There are too many story lines to make any sense at all. And it's all just too frantic. Flying here. Then flying someplace else. Then flying to Iceland. How is one to keep track of all this? It's too bad because there is a great story to tell. It just gets lost. Season 3 is a chance to get back on track. If there is a season 3.
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Free Guy (2021)
What were they thinking?
1 March 2022
One of the WORST movies I've ever watched. The premise is just so stupid. Reynolds is so irritating and his acting is amatureish and ham fisted. Don't waste your time on the piece of dreck.
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The Martian (2015)
Typical lowbrow nonsense
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh where to begin this movie is so full of the technically inaccurate and scientific impossible. So we'll start with the opening scenes where Watney performs surgery on himself. He injects several times a topical anesthetic which would do nothing to stop or even dampen the deep pain from removing the fragment in his abdomen. Even using Lamaze breathing wouldn't help. Then he would have to close the wound with sutures not staples. So Watney would probably bleed out or get an infection that would kill him. But that would be the end of movie so I'll let him survive.

The roaring wind storm is scientifically inaccurate as the Martian atmosphere is very thin and you need atmosphere to generate wind. So the roaring storm would really be like a light breeze. And speaking of storms notice how nice the weather is for the rest of the movie? These sand storms can block out the Sun for days or weeks and without sunlight (weak as it is) Watney would not be able to use the solar panels. No solar panels means no power means no heat or oxygen or lights in the habitat. So Watney would either freeze to death or die of CO2 poisoning. So again end of the movie. I could go on and on so I'll skip to the end that's just laughable. When Watney is told the crew can't reach him, he goes Ironman by puncturing his glove with a Leatherman tool and "flies" to the Hermes. Except this ignores the fact there is ZERO air pressure in space so the second he pops his glove ALL the air will blowout through the hole no matter how fast or how hard he closes that hand. It's called explosive decompression and Mark Watney dies. Any way you cut this HE DIES.

Why do I off on this movie? Because it makes the generally uneducated public think a person can survive on Mars by growing potatoes. And you can't. Even with a crew of ten or more there would be low chance of survival beyond a few weeks or months and that's provided nothing mission critical breaks.

As far as the acting, it's passable. No Oscar noms here. The pace is good and the dialogue isn't nauseating mostly. It's just chewing gum for the eyes (credit to Frank Lloyd Wright).
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Stereotypes everywhere
11 December 2021
This movie is nothing but a US military puff piece. It's repleat with military sterotypes; tough jarheads that would rather die instead of retreating, the battle hardened Sargent everyone dispises. And the sniveling untested lieutenant that wets his pants but self sacrifices to save his soilders. Aaron Eckhart is so wooden even his "emotional" scenes are badly acted. And the dialog is hackney and clichéd.
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15 November 2021
This should gave been a training film for how a pandemic starts and how quickly society breaks down. Supplies of critical medical equipment, food, and other goods are quickly disrupted. Services like water and power could be disrupted also. The acting isn't Oscar worthy but it's good enough to get the message across.
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Voyagers (2021)
Lord of the Flys in space
15 November 2021
An uninspired work that is simply adolescent angst and jealously when the adult dies. It has no real tension and just rehashes the same theme. And when they finally get to the new earth it just ends. Nothing about how they make a new life. This is a complete waste of time.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Interesting concept but lousy execution.
5 September 2021
Very disappointed in this movie. A great concept (thoughts have substance) but weak execution. Talents of Holland and Riley are completely wasted. And the end just sucks. It's like they didn't know where to stop so they just said The End. I could put in more but why bother.
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The Landing (2017)
Too realistic
23 March 2021
I have a big problem with this faux documentary. People younger than 60 don't know Apollo ended in 1972 with Apollo 17 so this would be believable to them. It also furthers conspiracy theories about the Apollo manned missions being faked; that no one ever landed on the moon. It was all done on a soundstage in an abandoned plane hanger. There is no disclaimer or other indication it's fake.
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So bad
25 December 2020
I watched this for all of 15 minutes and couldn't take any more. Just cheesy. So so so cheesy.
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Hope this is the LAST.
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a hokey storyline. A human that is "augmented" to fight a terminator that is vastly superior in every way. And having an aging Annie reprise his role over and over is so trite. Thomas is a bit actor who is completely out of her depth in a lead. The dialog socks. And Hamilton should have just stayed home. All the potty mouth was NOT necessary. This morass should have gone directly to DVD. Or the trash.
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