
4 Reviews
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Presto (2008)
The best short from Disney and pixar yet.
27 June 2008
wildly entertaining. very cute. and very exciting. all with no dialogue.

the quick story is really clever too.

again, a very very funny short film. kids will love it, and so will adults, and so will you.

it will win an Oscar. you'll see.

gotta love Disney and pixar. they always provide. and keep getting better. Presto really upped the scale for future DP short films.

i thought that presto was just the perfect appetizer for Wall E. it really gets you in the mood to laugh at the very charlie chaplin humor.
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WALL·E (2008)
The return of movie MAGIC
27 June 2008
i love the way i feel moments before walking into the theaters to see a Disney and pixar movie, as i know i'm going to see something spectacular. With that said, i must admit: WALL E is by far the BEST Disney and pixar film yet. the look of the film itself sets it far apart from other DP movies. don't expect to see a cartoon when you see WALLE, it looks so real and really is unbelievable.

besides the look of the film, another amazing aspect of WALL E is the sounds. I Guarantee that the guy that came up with all those sounds will win the Oscar next year. people keep saying that this film has little dialouge. a more accurate description would be to say that the dialouge used most in this movie is robot sounds.don't let that distract you though - beeps and blurps make up the most emotional parts of the movie.

The last thing i would like to say about this film, and the reason this film deserves an Oscar for best picture is because of the beautiful and intelligent political message WAll E provides. Fortunately, becausee the dialogue is all robot sounds it will universal for every human being and the message will have the chance to get its point across.

pay close attention to the music in this movie too, it's particularly beautiful.

WALL E is great, please do yourself a favor and go see it. it's not for kids, it's for EVERYONE.

oh, and the short film they play before the film is also the best of em all.
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The Happening (2008)
biggest let down of the year
13 June 2008
oh man, i can't believe what i just saw. Being a big fan of M. Night, i was super excited to see the happening. i really love the sixth sense, and the village, and really like signs and unbreakable. there's just something those films have that i like, something that gives those films that m. night touch.

i'll never forget the first time i saw his first movie Wide Awake. I was sitting at home flipping through channels and just happened to catch the last half of a movie that i knew nothing about. while i watched it though i kept thinking to myself that it reminded me of other movies. i couldn't quite put my finger on it until the end when everything came together. i told myself that it reminded me of m. night shyamalan, and then as the credits rolled and i saw that i was right i was hooked. i LOVED the fact that he has so many different kinds of movies, but they all still had that same particular m. night style to them.

Sadly, The Happening was missing this quality.

first of all, the acting was terribly unbelievable. No one seemed like they were even afraid. even during the "intense" parts all of the dialouge was just dull conversations.

Terrible storytelling also. how are we supposed to feel for the characters when they are attacked if we don't even get the chance to know them. every 5 minutes a new character was getting introduced only to be killed in the next couple of scenes.

Pointless gore. this could be my least favorite part about the film. one thing i've loved about his other movies was that everything had a point. well in The Happening NOTHING has a point, let alone the violence and gore, which really surprised me coming from a director so adamant on scaring and shocking people without using gore.

M. Night really reached a new low with the Happening.

please, don't go see it.
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poor storytelling because of poor direction
8 December 2007
i wasn't expecting too much when i entered the theater to watch the golden compass. it was the first time i had read the book before seeing the movie, so i new i kinda figured i'd be disappointed. but i didn't think it would be that bad. first off, the beginning with the narrator telling the story of dust and parallel worlds was terrible, how stupid do they think we are. even people who didn't read that books could have figured it out by the end. we should have discovered it as Lyra did in the book. the movie had a lot mistakes like this, things that were changed from the book. Why? it would have been easier and better if they would have went with the book. they even changed around the order a bit. The worst part about the changes was that the story didn't follow Lyra the entire time, like it was in the book. It didn't feel like an adventure. every couple of minutes it would jump to a completely different scene, nothing could get established. the dialog was lousy. it was too fast, and unrealistic. i noticed that they tried to explain a lot about the story through the dialog from Lyra to other characters, which would be understandable in any other movie, but they didn't take advantage of the fact that Lyra can pretty much think out loud by talking to Pantalaimon. They made everything too obvious in this movie instead of letting people figure things out for themselves. it seemed like it was geared towards little kids. the book had a lot of adult themes that added to the complexity of the story, when they took all of these out it left the story dull. The music was terrible. worse than terrible. they spent 150 mil on this movie and completely neglected the importance of the music? sad. the music wouldn't have saved the movie but it would have definitely helped it. the music in narnia for example, the music was so good that even though i hated the movie i watched it again to see how good the music matched up with the movie. the director ruined the movie. there was a lot of potential too. the casting was awesome. the girl who played Lyra was almost perfect. Lee Scorsby was great. The voice of Pan was awesome, Serafina Pekkala was great. Mrs. Coulter was great. Asriel was great. besides the ugly roger kid, the casting was perfect. I also enjoyed the special effects for the daemons. the cinematography in the first half of the movie is awesome too. it seems a little rushed in the end. or maybe claustrophobic. Svalbard for example. in the book the place sounds huge. in the movie it looks like a small cave or something. the ending was terrible also. no resolution. i doubt they'll make the sequel, but if they do it'll be bad because from the get go so much in the story is gonna change and for people who didn't read the book they aren't going to understand how they should feel about certain characters. i hope the movie doesn't give the books a bad reputation
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