
19 Reviews
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Older Gods (2023)
Really unnerves you- in the best way!
25 July 2023
I was a little hesitant about watching this movie after I noticed A-LOT of the reviews gave it 10 stars, and that was the ONLY review they've every written. After reading the critics reviews, I decided to give it a chance and I'm really glad I did. I watch a lot of horror movies, and very few fill me with such of dread and tension.

Rather than relying on cheap makeup and cheaper jump scares, the creators try to truly unnerve the audience through palpable tension, horrific imagery and an underlying story that becomes more disturbing the more you think about it.

The movie is about a man, whose best friend has just committed suicide. He feels compelled to investigate why he killed himself. Due to a large amount of guilt he carries for not being there when his friend needed him.

While investigating his death, he comes across a horrific network of ritualistic killings. The signs point to an apocalyptic cult hoping to summon ancient gods.

This is a must watch for horror aficionados . With so much substandard product in the market, it is great to see a film that surpasses expectations.
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I could felt the intensity of emotions
24 July 2023
As a woman who also loves women- I have to say this movie rekindled and unburied feelings I have NOT felt in a long time. It brought back the feelings of passion and intimacy I remember. This movie has a minimal plot, and I would have loved If there was more character development with the women and their past relationship. What we get instead are two woman who fell in love while filming a sex scene. Their own fears and inadequacies causing their relationship to end, but not their love for each other. This movie won't appeal to everyone. It's not a porno, and not everyone will feel the same emotions when watching this. However for me, the raw complicated mess of emotions works well.
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From Black (2023)
Worth at least one watch
30 April 2023
Think this movie deserves higher than its current low rating. The plot, cinematography and effects were all top notch.

While in a drug addicted haze Cora's 5 year old son ends up disappearing and is never found again. Fast forward 7 years and Cora leads a life of sobriety incase her son ever did come home, she wants to be sober. Through a grief support group she meets a man who used dark magic to get his deceased daughter back and offers Cora the same chance for her boy.

By the end it's hard to believe Cora would just snub her nose and refuse to complete the final "payment" and ritual in getting her son back. Especially after going through so much preparation. This was about the time where I felt it got a bit tedious. Cora's character needed to remain steadfast in her dedication.

The plot of this movie reminds me of A Dark Song. Between the two A Dark Song is the clear winner. But this one is still worth watching, at least once. It will keep you entertained.
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The Unheard (2023)
It had a lot going for it...
5 April 2023
I think unheard has a great plot and a lot going for it. It had all the right elements and could have been so much better, but it ends up being a tedious and slow thriller. It also suffers from an identity crisis and doesn't know if it wants to be a serial killer movie, supernatural or a family drama.

The film is about a young woman staying alone at her family's cabin while she participates in an experimental procedure to try and regain her hearing she lost at 8 years old. The procedure is successful and she starts hearing things beyond the grave.

The acting of the main character is too subtle and relaxed. She makes some stupid decisions by the end. Acting against normal flight or fight insights. By the second half all the characters acting and dialogue became really strange and out of character.

There are aspects of this film that are creepy, but because of the slow pace and confusing narrative, it doesn't work. The film is over two hours long and doesn't establish much in that slightly above-average runtime.

Overall, I give this movie 5 stars. There was a lot this movie had going for it and had some original ideas I liked.

Warning, the last several minutes of the film are jarring, the visuals and noise become extremely erratic (hence the warning at the beginning for those prone to seizures).
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Must watch in original language with english subtitles
27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
*1 minor spoiler- nothing that will give anything away.

After watching the first two episodes with the English dub and English subtitles on- I switched to the original language with English subtitles and noticed that the subtitles were translated differently than when watching english dub w/subtitles. With the english dub on the subtitles are translated to match the dubbing whereas when it's on the original language with dub the subtitles are more in line with the original wording and it speaks to us more intelligently. So highly recommend changing that over. You can get a much better idea of how the characters feel and express themselves. It's a much smarter show this way. Unfortunately this show's dubbing is worse than usual in the way that it dumbs down the characters and the overall show content.

Other than that I really enjoy the series. Its definitely slow paced and it's one that you benefit the longer you watch it. It's about the 17 year old girl who is in this facility that treats amnesic patients- However she starts discovering discrepancies in what the facility and instructors are teaching her and others about their past selves - when she starts to discover new information that doesn't match up with what they're telling her. Minor spoiler: The facility is also doing some strange experiments of harnessing their patients exceptional talent (piano/dancing etc.) and giving it to others. The show reminds me a lot of stranger things, behind her eyes, and ratched. Its definitely its own seties and being a foreign film it has its own european flair. I would definitely recommend watching it. Especially for anyone who enjoyed those other shows I compared it to.
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Lost Girls (2020)
Movie lacks focus- falls short
16 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie, but it lacked focus. It tried to be too many things but never coalesced.

From the very beginning the movie takes off running and never stops running long enough to give us any emotional depth to these characters, introduce us to the characters, or allow all the side stories to take shape.

The movie is about how a working-class woman, Mari, has taken it upon herself to do an investigation of her missing daughter because the cops are either indifferent to her plight or are actively engaging in a cover-up. The movie focuses on the mothers determination and anger the entire time (ignoring everything else) we really have no idea what the cops are up to either way. We don't learn anything about how the department functions, its methods, the way law enforcement tackles (or refuses to tackle) violence against sex workers, and if there was a cover-up, what the police department would have to gain from such effort. This leads to a film where Mari yells obscene things, flying off the handle at anyone (mostly the cops) in her path, then does her own investigating and the cycle repeats. This is how the film goes the entire time. We never learn anything.

The movie contradicts itself. At the onset Mari is struggling to make ends meet needing extra shifts, but then she somehow has an endless amount of money and time to investigate 24/7 on her own and ignore her other children and responsibilities.

You can tell the movie has a lot of powerful ideas that try to take shape but ultimately the storytelling falls flat. By giving us one dimensional characters and only focusing on Maris exhaustive search efforts the entire movie. It really does a huge disservice to the other women who lost their lives and the hardships of their families.
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Gifted (2017)
Black and white ideas leads to anti-climatic ending
4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of spoilers!

I feel like I'm the only person that thought this movie was overly simplistic and boring. On some positive notes the cinematography is great and it has an amazing ensemble of actors but sadly their talent was completely wasted. Whike the relationship between Mary and her uncle Frank is sweet and cute I found that Frank's attitude and overall demeanor just appeared very nonchalant and somewhat apathetic. The entire movie centers around a custody battle between her uncle (who's raised her since she was a baby) and her grandma who comes into her life at seven years old. Her grandma only wants to exploit her mathematical genius to solve a millennium math problem the girls mother didn't didn't finish before committing suicide. We're supposed to believe the grandma and uncle are completely at odds however every time the two conversed on screen their conversation was cordial and friendly and got along just fine. The ideas in this movie are far-fetched and just presents itself as an all or nothing scenario. Either the child stays with the uncle and lives a life as a normal kid (staying in first grade which bores her and she's disruptive) or the grandma gets custody and the girl will be drowned in tutors and constant mathematics. The court room drama is so far-fetched and unlike anything that would ever happen in real life. They put the grandmother on the stand solely to try and prove that she never truly cared about her kids and that's why she shouldn't get the girl. This serves nothing to determine the best interests of the child. I mean even the uncles lawyer is against the dude forcing him to take some "plea deal" even though they could have won. The movie tries to be emotional and deeply moving yet I could not get past all the craziness of it all. There was no sound logic in the ideas presented. I mean the uncle who has provided for this girl and raised her since birth loses custody because he can't provide the girl with medical insurance and she doesn't have her own bedroom (things that can be remedied) so they send her to live with a foster family Instead where secretly the grandmother is staying in the guest house. I mean really?!

That is why there is Medicaid and if the grandma wants to flaunt her money so much (which the judge is old school and will side with the money) easily the courts could come up with an agreement that would Ensure the child is well provided for and cause least amount of disruption in the child's life.

The Entire movie the uncle is unwilling to put his niece in a gifted school because he just wants her to be like a normal kid. This is the entire basis of the movie, I mean the ending solves the first 15 minutes of the movies problem. Because somehow before this legal nonsense he was so stubborn about keeping her in first grade (Or she'd never be a normal kid otherwise) yet by the end he somehow sees there's an easy answer to this all along and she's enrolled in college courses, Girl Scouts now has friends.

The little girl who played Mary was the only redeeming quality of this movie. Chris Evans tried to act like a very deeply feeling father figure but I just found his character lacking in any sort of emotion or commonsense. He barely reacted to anything happening around him- like he wasn't bothered by it. The movie has all these ideas that go nowhere, supporting cast members who add nothing to the film and tries to lead up to this big tearjerker moment but is bogged down by completely illogical ideas and lack of conviction from the uncle.
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Troop Zero (2019)
I funna love it!
24 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cute feel good movie. I loved the main character especially her cheesy grin and smile. It's about a young girl whose mom passed away and is obsessed with outer space. When NASA comes to town and offers a chance for the winning troop team to have a message recorded on a record going to space, it prompts our girl to start her own troop After being bullied out of joining the elite troop. Overall the story is about the power of friendship and community. The movie had a lot of diversity probably more so than there actually was in Georgia in the 1970s.

The ending was not what I was expecting and I think it could've been a little different. I'm shocked that an "organization" that prides itself on teaching girls to uphold the best standards would allow so much bullying especially at the jamboree but it's just a movie. I thought the bullying throughout the the movie may have been over top. Overall I definitely recommend watching this movie!
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Raising Dion (2019–2022)
Complex topics beautifully weaved together for children and adults alike
6 October 2019
I've been reading the other comments on here and I think I can help explain why there's such a disconnect between people who either love it or hate it.

It's taken me several days to find the words to describe why this show has made such an emotional impact on me.

My daughter actually found this show on her Netflix kids account and it came at such a perfect time in our lives.

The reason is because the show takes the most complex and difficult emotions, feelings and situations (such as racism, disability, death of a parent, loneliness) that as parents and adults we deal with every single day, while simultaneously showing how these same feelings and situations are being perceived and felt from the child's perspective.

My daughter kept saying she was surprised it was on the kids network. I've never seen a show so perfectly explain the view point of the adult and child and connect it together so that my daughter and I were able to understand both the mother and son so perfectly at the same time.

The show helped me understand myself in ways I've been struggling with so i could finally slow down, focus and actually listen to what my daughters has been trying to tell me for months.

This is why the show is either going to connect with you or it's not. I appreciated the fact that they chose to go with a sci-fi theme. Specifically superheroes, because without this fun child like component I don't think children would have related to this so perfectly.

I'm very grateful The show came out when I was needing it the most. It is very rare to find something that helps you understand yourself so deeply let alone from a TV series.

I highly recommend the show for everyone but especially for children and their parents.
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Captive State (2019)
A rare treat!
12 June 2019
I just watched this tonight and was highly pleased. This is not an action movie, and that's the beauty of it. I'm very shocked some reviewers gave it a 1 calling it crap. I've seen terrible movies and this isn't one. Great Cine photography, storyline, acting. This movie requires your full attention. There are a lot of moving parts and you have to be patient till the end for it to come together.

The basic premise is that aliens have come to earth and took over, lots of casualities. Humans agreed to an armistice to avoid annihilation, and the aliens became our legislators ruling earth from a compound below ground and making the rare appearance. Flash ahead 9 years the aliens are exploiting our national resources and what we see is the domino effect of an insurgent group working to "light a match, start a war."

I was able to correctly piece everything together during the last 20 minutes. If you're patient and invested in the story .. you should be able to do the same.

This is definitely a thinking man's sci-fi movie- it you like thought provoking movies you'll enjoy this too.
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Into the Dark: They Come Knocking (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9
Best so far!
10 June 2019
I would definitely give this episode a chance. Very impressed! I think rating it at 10 is maybe over the top, as I reserved 10s for the best of the best. But it doesn't deserve a 1. It's above average and well worth the watch. I've seen all the monthly episodes/movies on In the Dark and this has been my all time favorite.

The movie is centered around Father's Day and grief. A father takes his two daughters on a camping trip back to the spot him and his wife visited when he asked her to marry him. It's a desolate and barren area with nothing around for miles, but it's meaningful. The family is suffering from overwhelming grief after losing their mother to cancer. The teenage daughter is lashing out at everyone because she's hurting deep inside, while the younger daughter clings to her father scared of losing him now. The first night in their motor home very creepy black eyed children come. They want to be let in.. You might be wondering like I did, how this grieving family ties in with terrifying black eyed children, but it does and it works.

There was emotional depth to this movie that I hadn't seen much of with any of the other episodes. Its not a sappy drama either, in fact this is the ONLY episode in the series that made me jump on several occasions. As a regular horror movie buff I watch tons of horror movies every week so I'm pretty desensitized to them, so if a movie can make me jump even once then I'm thrilled!

Sit back, allow yourself to get absorbed and you'll find 1.5 hours well spent!
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Starfish (2018)
I sat through this drudgery - so you don't have to
29 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge horror and sci fi fan and had such high hopes for this movie. I was giddy and sooo let down. Most of the movie is basically just her at her best friends apartment lying in bed, lying on the couch, lying on the floor or sitting somewhere lost in her sadness. Sadness which I could never understand or feel. The director never gave the audience anything to know about these characters on a deeper level to make us care about them. This is not a horror or sci fi movie (well slightly sci fi but a let down). It's a drama movie with 4 different monsters and no answers. I guess I'm not the right audience for this movie. Nothing was tied up at the end. Or even slightly tied up. After reading more about the movie AFTER wasting 1 hour and 40 minutes. I guess the film wants us to become Audrey and feel her grief rather than understand it. At 1 hour 15 minutes there was a scene between the girls where her best friend appeared to her. Her friend Grace just kept telling her to be happy and Audrey just kept saying that she couldn't be happy because she cheated and she'll never forgive herself. At that moment I thought maybe there is a deeper relationship between these two, maybe we'll get some back story. I was like FINALLY we're gonna learn something about these two friends that makes us give a root about their misery. Mind you this was 20 minutes before the end of the movie. That one scene tugged at my heart strings a little but then nothing came after it that could help me relate or understand what was going on .

I kept sitting through this long slow painful movie with barely any talking and her just laying around various parts of the house. I read this movie is all about symbolism and I think I see what they're trying to do but it was a major fail. She encountered a couple monsters along the way but I think the monsters are more symbolic of the monster inside her than anything else. At one point she plays a selection of songs in order Broadcasting the signal that brought the monsters to her in the first place. I think the movie is trying to say something about how the things we love most can destroy us. And also how our actions have consequences even if they're done with good intentions. Also about how we sometimes jump to the conclusion, thinking we know what's right, even though we haven't taken the time to understand.

Overall I understand what the film was trying to accomplish and I just kept expecting the movie to have an aha moment where it all comes together beautifully, and I kept waiting for that moment and I waited 10 minutes after the movie ended and now this morning i'm still waiting .... still waiting.
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One of my favorite movies of all time
27 May 2019
I first watched this movie back when it came out around 2007 and I've watched it on and off the last 12 years. I'm just now getting around to a review as I watch it again and with my partner has never seen it. I think everyone who watches this can relate with the characters in some way but ultimately what I like are the different themes of dysfunction, sadness, joy, emotional anguish, plus so many more. It's a great look at a dysfunctional family and how through all their setbacks and traumas learn to come together in the end. You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll cheer. It's heartwarming and engaging.

Right from the beginning you can just feel the tension within the family and all their struggles, heartbreak. They are family divided and broken. And on their journey to California to have their daughter compete in the little Miss sunshine pageant they find a way to come together through all the loss, heartbreak, and pain. If you haven't seen this yet then you're really missing out.
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Refreshing and well done
27 May 2019
I really enjoyed this one and I didn't know anything about it going into it, it was only after I was halfway through that I looked up the movie and saw that this its based on a book by Shirley Jackson, the author who wrote The haunting of hill house. This movie has great cinematography, it was very well acted and left me quite hooked and intrigued right from the beginning. It's a movie about the psychology of mental illness and how it effects the family. I personally love movies like this. I mean most reviewer's have said the book is much better I think that's true of almost any movie, the book is always going to be better but I'd still give this a shot. I think if you haven't read the book then to get the most out of this movie go into it without knowing really any spoilers.
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Fun crazy ride! Don't read anything ahead of time just go into movie blind!
27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this one. If you haven't seen it then stop here. Don't give yourself any spoilers before seeing this. Every time I thought I knew what was happening it changed course. There is an disturbing underlying theme of sexual abuse throughout the movie. Being a lesbian myself I liked the fact that both women ended up crushing on each other. So I was completely baffled how everything unfolded after just 30 minutes. This was a ride (and sometimes gross ride). It doesn't shy away from the uncomfortable stuff. I liked how the movie was shown and then rewound to see the other perspective of what just happened. I would reconsider this one. If movies with content or themes of sexual abuse are triggering then I would steer clear.
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Sam Was Here (II) (2016)
A real thinking movie without a conclusive end. Still recommend it.
11 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So it's best to go into this movie without knowing much. I know others have said the ending sucked because there was no conclusive ending but I wanted to share my thoughts on what the ending might be telling us by not telling us. So if you haven't seen the movie then stop reading this now!!! So here are my theories with the ending of the movie. I know at one point on the talk show radio "Eddie" said it would be real bad if they got the wrong guy. I feel like the talk show host at the end was the real serial killer who made Sam the scapegoat. Either that or Sam really was the killer all along and had some split personality or amnesia that made him forget what he really did. At the end of the movie "Rita" who Sam had been calling throughout the show claiming she was his wife, said her husband died 5 years ago and she doesn't know this man who keeps calling her. Perhaps Sam was living in a fantasy world, hence why all the "bad" people were wearing masks. He was having an identity crisis and forgot about all the horrible things he's done. Another theory is the desert is one long hallucination brought on by the glowing red light.
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Hungerford (2014)
Awesome movie!!
24 February 2017
This movie was so amazing- especially on a limited budget. Don't believe the critics. I think the director did amazing job with the resources he had. I'm always looking for awesome low budget sci-fi movies and this was an awesome find. The actors were great and believable and the special effects really well done considering the budget. I'd highly recommend watching this movie.
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Made me jump a few times
12 December 2016
I want to start off by saying I watch a TON of horror movies, a new horror movie each night. I also never watched the "Marble Hornet" series on YouTube therefore I thought this movie was a lot of fun to watch. I never get scared in horror movies but this movie did make me jump a few times, which is rare these days (possibly watching this late at night helped as well). The director has produced a lot of other great horror movies so he knows what he's doing. The director also said this movie was in reference to slender man, I thought the idea was new and fresh. There aren't many slender man movies. As far as the first person shooting I thought it was well done. I don't think this movie deserves so many bad reviews. If you like horror movies and you're looking for a good movie to sit back and watch I really recommend this one.
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Siren (I) (2016)
Wow!! This movie did not disappoint!
7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So I am a horror buff I'm always looking for the next great horror movie, I watch a horror movie a night. I've been excited about seeing this movie for a while now and the movie did not disappoint! It was amazing. The "siren" who is really more of a "succubus" (a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men) was really quite terrifying and they did such an excellent job with her character. I did see the segment in V/H/S where her character originated from, the same girl reprises her role in Siren. I don't want to give away any spoiler you love horror movies as much as I do you'll love it too. There was a scene of "rape" (succubus to man) that was a bit hard to watch but I see why the scene was necessary for the story of the movie. The actors were all excellent and believable. The story and production quality were top notch as well.
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