
4 Reviews
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Superb satanic movie for thinkers
23 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie you will have to watch twice for sure to truly understand it but that's OK because you will want to watch it again anyway. I watched it twice back to back and was even more riveted the second go around. This is a superb satanic movie with all of the necessary ingredients to make it one. The acting is very good across the board but especially true for the actors playing the characters of Kat, Rose and Joan. The soundtrack (score) was equally superb and added tremendously to the film. Some seem to think it was distracting but I thought it very enhancing from start to finish. I very nearly gave this movie a 10 and frankly I'm not sure what made me shave off a star/point. It's a movie you have to pay attention to because it jumps around quite a bit and utilizes flashbacks. All in all I think the film was quite masterfully done. If you have a short attention span or are someone that likes fast paced action and a film that starts at "A" and ends at "Z" without any sort of zig zagging probably should skip this one. If you don't enjoy a movie that requires some thinking and puzzle solving then again, this is one you should probably skip. I wanted to write a review without any spoilers but that's sort of difficult because it's the ending that's still got me puzzled. I'm going to watch the movie again in a week or two and see if I still believe what I think is happening to Kat/Joan in the last scene is really what I think is going on. I think she missed the demon and wanted it back desperately. Her trip back to the school was going to happen no matter what but getting picked up by Rose's parents was something Joan/Kat didn't expect or plan. Maybe that laugh in the bathroom stall after she realized Bill & his wife were Rose's parents was because she thought her encountering them was a special gift from the demon? I think she murdered them and took their heads off as an offering...a gift to the demon. Upon arriving at the school with their severed heads and going to the furnace room once again where she had been shot by the police officer, she hoped to be reunited with the demon who she had asked not to go when the priest was performing the exorcism. The demon was no longer there and no longer possessing her, it was gone...the priest's exorcism worked and the demon was gone forever. I believe her reaction in that last scene was the realization that the demon was in fact gone for good and that realization was devastating for Joan/Kat. Great it!
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Hellions (2015)
Laurie Strode gets knocked up with an H.P. Lovecraft baby...
7 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jeez, where to start. OK...Laurie Strode (Halloween) gets knocked up with an H.P. Lovecraft baby and enters a "Trick'r Treat" movie ripoff complete with "Sam" & the "Children of the Corn" who have moved to Salem and are having their strings pulled by, "The Lords of Salem"...I think that about covers it. I actually liked the movie because it did remind me of some of my favorite horror movies, especially "Trick'r Treat", but I think that's not enough to save it from a law suit for copyright infringement. Seriously, the Sam ripoff was just over the top! Are original horror plots that hard to come up with? Must be. Personally I can't wait for the sequel to, "Trick'r Treat". Sam is easily the best Halloween character to come along since Michael Myers & no doubt this is why his twin brother appeared in this film. The music score was excellent, again, because it was a "Trick'r Treat" ripoff. Some might prefer the word inspired to ripoff but I call it like I see it or in this case, hear it. I see some commentators suggest a pro-life agenda, I see where they might get that. I've always thought childbirth something straight out of "Humanoids from the Deep" or "Prometheus" amongst other horror movies and have never quite understood why anyone would want to give birth to a parasite that continues to suck the life out of the mother/father for what must seem an eternity to the parents but that's another topic. One could just as easily see it as a pro-abortion movie so there you go! I gave it 6 out of 10 stars...almost gave it 7 and probably should have, I've seen much worse. I kept waiting for the baby to whip out a tentacle in the last scene of the movie and wave to mommy. That would have got me to 7 or 8 stars, they should have let me write that last scene. If they would have, there would have been money made available for a sequel. Guess we'll just have to wait for, "Trick'r Treat II"'s coming. Happy Halloween!
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Ant-Man (2015)
Great movie!
5 December 2015
I loved this movie from beginning to end. I found the story riveting and well acted. The special effects were superb, especially the journey into the subatomic realm. The mixing of comedy into the story really worked well and made the movie even more fun to watch. I love how Marvel ties other superheroes in with all their various films, it's a great way to build interest in other characters and story lines. These movies are making me want to seek out all of the old comic books and collect some of the new ones. I'm truly looking forward to the next Ant Man movie. I just imagine we will see more of the Wasp for sure & maybe the Yellow Jacket??? Who knows for sure, the sky seems the limit.
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A (new) retro late 70's / 80's B horror/gore flick worth watching...
17 June 2015
If you love unusual B horror films, Italian horror especially, you might like this movie. It has a retro 80's soundtrack that is quite good and an interesting mix of sex, Satan worship, witchcraft & gore. I've seen comparisons made to old Hanmer movies...that's a reach IMO. Hammer movies were much better than this, almost all of them were but I know what the commentator was trying to get across. This movie is a retro attempt at the sort of B horror movies made in the late 70's & throughout the 80's in Italy & Spain. My wife quit on it 20min into it, I watched it twice back to back so there you go. I think it's destined to be a B horror cult classic myself.
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