
3 Reviews
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One of the worst films I've a long time
15 September 2007
First off, I have no idea how this movie made it to the big screen. Its not even the low budget SCI-Fi channel movie, its just awful. Me and my friend who love action movies, Independence day, Jurassic Park, LotR, etc. went to see this movie expecting this movie to me a Transformers with dragons, mindless entertainment. All we got was a mindless hour and a half. The CG was not as bad as I was expecting, but the plot is so awful along with the acting, it made up for it. Its basically a Chinese legged of dragons returning every 500 years...Sounds like a good remake of Rain of Fire? No, The plot tries to be deeper than it should be leaving not only plot holes, but with magic, and a very small actual war between dragons(rather big snakes) it just gets ridiculous. The director attempted to add a bit of humor in the movie which fail. Me and my friend laughed through the whole thing(along with all 5 of the audience), and cant believed we spent money on this. The short trailer on TV makes up for most of the action while crap makes up the rest. I've seen a lot of B movies like Reptilian, The Cave, Spider, and others, but i have to say if you want a non stop laugh for an hour, watch this.

Story: 1/10 CG: 5/10 Acting:3/10

I don't drink...but it would have helped before watching this movie
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Doom (2005)
There's NO HELL
21 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I loved the game, and loved the story, but the thing I hated about the move was that....There's NO HELL. In the game you fight your way to Hell and back. And thats what I thought this movie was going to be, a portal opens up releasing demons....but no. just mutants. And there was only 2 creatures, the Pinky, who was a mutant man, and imps who were mutant people, no demons, no Hell knight, no Archiviles, Wraths, Machubus, Charibum, Trite, Lost souls, etc. If they would have followed the storyline of Doom 3, the movie would have made A lot more sense. I mean I didn't even get the story, cause I was waiting for a "Hell" scene. I loved the Doom3 story, and they did make the ancient civilization exist, but it had no relevance. All I'm saying is that when you think of Doom, you think of Hell breaking loose, the only thing that even hinted evil was something about a virus attacking evil souls.....but it made no reference to demons, hell, anything. and no Hellknight..waaaaa. The script was lousy, but I expected that, and none of the weapons except the BFG, was there. No doubled barreled shotgun???Thats what made Doom famous. The game scared me, due to the evil spirits and voices, none of that here. And wheres Dr. Betrugerand the Gateway to Hell? The best part was the FPS, which was awesome, but only lasted for like 5 min. The ending was dumb, and was a Resident Evil fight scene. And the characters mutating if injected with some virus thing...R.E. The movie would have been more original and made better sense, if they would have followed the game...but why didn't they? And where's all the demons? I mean the shooting and gore was OK, but nothing scary. So if you are expecting this to be like the game...No its not, I'm like the biggest Doom freak out there, and was so disappointed in the plot. SO to make it Hell, no demons, no evil voices. Just bad scripts and one small pinky.
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A war movie to remember
1 July 2005
I saw the old 1955 movie, the other day and couldn't wait to see this. I love the movie, the only complaint was the shortness, and no meteors as in the old movie and the book, and the question of how a teenage boy walked all the way to Boston by himself. The movie went by the book very well, as compared to the old movie, which had UFO's, this had tripods which made you think differently about "alien movies". It had the same "3" stuff for the aliens like the old one, and the alien prob looked just as it did in the old one. Some people complain about the aliens dieing by (SPOILERS) germs, well READ THE BOOK! This also makes a good ending by "God protecting mankind". The cast was pretty good, but at some points it seemed like a script read line, but was pretty good. The feel of fear in Fanning was awesome, and she had a perfect role as Cruis's little girl. Over all not as WOW as Independence Day or as much action, but with a perspective of a normal person trying to survive, it is different than any other alien movie. Despite some unanswered questions and little changes from the book that was "bad" (the aliens being here all along), it was one of the best movies I've seen, and finally a change from the overboard superhero movies.
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