
13 Reviews
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Basically what Gilliam did was take wonderful little fairy tales and ham it up with gore,adding The Brothers Grimm into the mix
13 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Brothers Grimm Beware,Spoilers ahead

I had mixed feelings about this film.I am certainly not a die hard Terry Gilliam and when I saw this on D.V.D I spent the next ten minutes deciding wheather I loved it or hated it.In some ways people would call it a little too over the top and I would agree with that right away. Some parts including the beginning were a bit hard to follow.When they introduced the brothers Grimm,I was simply lost for a moment.Though the film dosen't have much of a plot,it was still in some parts quite enjoyable.Matt Dammon and Heath Lodger are pretty good at playing the two silly brothers,the score was excellent and the landscaping was great.Parts in the movie were quite strange including the ridiculous but highly original sequence when the horse ate up one of the daughters.The film did have a humorous touch to it which also worked quite well. The film does deserve a 14A rating.There is plenty of gore to be watched.

I think I have covered everything now.In my opinion,if the film was done done better,it would have been great.Tim Burton would have done a great job making this film.Like I said before,some people may find it perfectly enjoyable,others,a complete waste of time.It is kinda worth checking out.It's not terrible but it could have been done better.2.5/5
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Æon Flux (2005)
This movie was like being in a video game
22 December 2005
...Well I must say,I did have high hopes for this movie,after seeing the trailer and I walked out of the theater feeling deeply disappointed.Sure,it had a pretty good plot outline,and some of the action was o.k.It had it's exciting moments but most of the time I found myself feeling kinda bored.The very end of the movie was kinda lousy,the acting was just average,and the pace could have been a bit better.The whole movie was like being in a big video game.If you want to see a action packed movie,go ahead and see Aeon Flux.It's a kind of movie that you could love or you could hate.

5/10 = C
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An interesting combination of the others and the sixth sense with a terrific twist at the end
20 December 2005
The Skelton key If you are looking for a gruesome and terrifying horror movie,this certainly is not the one you are looking for.And I am rather pleased that it did not turn out horribly wrong like the grudge did.The movie starts off with a young nurse who takes the job of looking after a nearly frightened to death patient in a spooky New Orelense house.With the careful watch of his strange wife Violet,Caroline goes off exploring the secret room in the attic.The only door that the skeleton key doesn't open.She then starts exploring into the history of the old house,only to find a terrifying secret.I won't give the ending away because it will ruin the whole film.Some people would call it a horror movie because the previews look real creepy,but I'm telling you now that it is not a horror movie.It is basically a drama/mystery with creepy sequences and a real shocking ending.The suspense in the movie was really good and makes you jump every ten seconds,especially near the end.The director chose the right environment for the movie and chose a good cast,including Gena Rowands,Kate Hudson,Peter Sarsgarad and John Hurt who was excellent at playing his creepy character Ben.The skeleton key is pretty much well made and has a good and moving pace.If your in for a creepy ghost story one night,you might get a treat if you see the skeleton key.7/10-B
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Hostage (2005)
Gripping and Disturbing movie
13 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Minor spoilers ahead:Bruce Willis is back again in a intense clone of a Die Hard movie only not exactly as his best performance.The movie starts out normally enough as any other action or crime movie.After a cop experienced a disturbing hostage situation,in the beginning,he then a year later is caught back up when three sickoes decided to invade a rich Californian mansion and try to steal a car belonging to the Smith Family.However the situation becomes worse as murdering another cop comes into the picture.Soon the Family is taken as hostage and Tally tries not to screw up in another hostage situation like he did last time.True the violence is disturbing especially at the end and the movie goes a bit too far when Mars begins killing people and lighting things on fire.The acting was pretty good and the film had a pretty good pace,it was suspenseful and creepy however goes a little bit too far with the violence.B-6/10
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Corpse Bride (2005)
Still Smiling at Burton's Talent...
3 September 2005
I gotta tell you.Animation films these days are just getting better and better.Tim Burton's directing and vision succeeds once again.For almost the whole movie,I could tell everyone in the theater was enjoying it.

Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter were fabulous voices,the music and songs were just right for the mood,and the story was actually quite different from The Nightmare before Christmas.Altogether it made an enjoyable,clever and funny movie,that I think you will want to see over and over again.Take your friends.Family or relatives to see this classic movie.Trust me you will NOT be disappointed.Or at least I wasn't disappointed
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Wasn't exactly what I was expecting...
27 August 2005
The idea of making the series of unfortunate events into a film was a good one.One that was faithful to the books ,but honestly at the same time I'm also thinking,this was defiantly NOT really faithful to the series for me the movie sort of ruined the books.Count Olaf is supposed to be a creepy and threatening villain,correct me if I'm wrong but Jim Carry made him into a goofy and silly character.The filmmakers should have gotten a more serious,intense and dark actor with a little bit of humor at the same time which was displayed in the original books.The production design was a little too over the top as well.Parts of it reminded me a bit of a gloomy setting of the cat and the hat or the new Grinch who stole Christmas.All I'm really trying to say is that they took a smart and wonderful series of books and personally changed it into a goofy movie.But i'll give it a few stars for trying.I's not TERRIBLE,but it's not great either.
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The Core (2003)
All I found exciting were the disaster bits
12 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It started of great.Quite a few people all around Boston unexpectedly dropped down dead.I thought I was in for some real mystery/adventure sequences.I however found out that was not true seconds after the bird incident in Londen.The movie went entirely downhill from there,and it stayed down until about an hour later an exciting lightning storm disaster appeared in Rome.Then,suffering another 45 minutes of boredom,The golden gate bridge in Sanfransisco falls down because of a huge heat wave.After that exciting part return your D.v.D back to the video store and don't watch the movie again.And if you really want to see what happens in the end,go ahead.It's just as stupid and as boring as the film itself.
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Not as bad as the critics say,but still one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen
8 August 2005
For the first time I lay my eyes on the cover of this film,I could tell that it was going one of the pointless movies ever made.So I was right.For the first few minutes of the film I found myself asking "these questions:

"The first movie was good enough,why make a second?"

"Are personally trying to make people want to hate this movie?" AND...

Why did you add a stupid baby in it?"

Seriously.The acting was kinda lousy,the directing and story was completely worthless,the special effects were okay i admit,a little too comically done for my taste,but overall the whole film was sort of all over the place.I mean okay.It had it cute moments,but like I said.Why would some idiot make a dumb sequel out of a very loved movie?
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The Ring Two (2005)
Not the same high standards like the first film.But none the less is was a solid horror flick
7 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say I didn't like it but it wasn't that good either.Naomie Watts did another solid performance as Rachel Keller.A mother who moves to Seatle attempting to start a new life with her son who is now deeply interested in photography.Just like in the first film,another victim dies in the beginning,and Rachel yet again tries to find out how drive off the evil naughty girl Samara who is meanwhile possessing Rachel's son.At the end of the movie,you'll walk out of the theatre feeling greatly disappointed.The plot was kinda pointless and the directing was not exactly suburb,especially when you are expecting a lot from a master mind horror director Hadio Naketa.David Dorfman as Aiden went a little too far in terms of his creepy character and Elizibith Perkins did a short,but satisfactory job as a doctor.Rachel has another boyfriend Max who ends out exactly like the first boyfriend did.Their relationship was poorly explained and again slightly pointless.Overall the whole idea of the second ring was sort of unnecessary.It didn't show the same horror and the same cleverness that was displayed in the first one.Don't expect THAT much from the Ring Two.Like I said,it was not bad,but not good either.
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The Ring (2002)
Everyone shall suffer...
22 July 2005
I'm not really a horror movie buff.I usually get scared most of the time,however I can handle a few scary films.But from the first few minutes of this movie I could tell that I was going to have nightmare's for months.And so I was right.There was probably five minutes of the entire film that I wasn't scared or covering my ears.Before I watched it,It seemed as though every single person in my class had seen it.They told me it wasn't THAT scary.When I finally turned it off,I wouldn't answer any phone calls nor I would look look at a T.V. for a week.Yes I'ts THAt scary in my opinion.If you want to look at disturbing imagery,a creepy,gruesome little girl killer come slithering out of a T.V. and tear an innocent person apart with her bare two hands GO AHEAD.
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Apparently I was wrong...An unexpected surprise
15 July 2005
I just saw this film in theaters and it was a LOT better than I thought it would be.When I first saw the teaser trailer for this I thought it would be terrible.Depp looked as though he imitated a version of Michale Jackson and the acting and directing looked pointless.Apparently I was wrong.Why the original movie probably was so popular was because Gene Wilder did a superb job as Willie Wonka{mind you I didn't like the it that much}.But you can definitely tell that this movie was done by Tim Burton.It was sort of different-strange but at the same time it was enjoyable and funny.The oommpa loompa's{or however you spell it} were however a bit too over the the top, and Willie Wonka's character didn't really suit the movie too much.But aside from that.It was smartly done-8/10
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It's strange but it's good...
7 July 2005
I watched this about a week ago and I then couldn't help myself on writing a review on it.A friend recommended it to me and though I wasn't sure I'd like it I decided I would give it a try.Boy was I surprised.Now I don't usually like animation films but this one was very good and I'm surprised that a few people were disappointed by it.Although there is hardly any talking in it they still managed to pull it off.The animation was very creative and original,the story line was simple but good,and the music by Benoi't Charest was perfect for the movie.This animation BEAT PIXAR by a mile.Give it a try.You might love it.I'ts not perfect but it's very enjoyable.8.2/10
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A fantastical masterpiece
6 July 2005
I have always loved watching Tim Burton's movies.His unique style is incredible,the way he visualizes his story's are great and the actors and actresses and crew he chooses are just perfect for his films.The story of Edward is truly amazing and is his best movie up to date.Jonny Depp plays an excellent role as the creation of a man who had scissors for hands because the inventor died before he could adjust the hands,Danny Elfman's strange Gothic music score is just right for the mood and the production designing by Bo Welch was again different and rather comical but fated the movie very nicely.I could go on for ever about the wonderful things about this movie but I won't.It's emotionally touching and beautiful-10/ 10
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