
5 Reviews
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Silent Night (I) (2012)
High on Kills, Low on Scares
13 December 2012
If the one and only thing you need to see in a slasher movie to find it enjoyable is plenty of graphic kills then you'll have a good time watching Silent Night. Someone gets bumped off literally every five-ten minutes, and yes the kills are brutal and gory.

However, if you like to see even the tiniest amount of excitement, scares, tension, character development or decent humour then look elsewhere.

The killer Santa here only murders people that he deems are "naughty". Now this is a simple idea, but one that could have worked quite well with some proper character and plot development that left us guessing who was naughty and who was nice. Instead what we get is a shower of one dimensional arseholes who are made out to be so extremely unlikeable that they simply become a set of caricatures. As a result of this we know who's going to get offed the second they appear on screen and we also don't care.

Another flaw is that the tone of this movie is all over the place. It desperately tries to be dark and eerie and occasionally it succeeds, but then the few attempts at humour are so OTT that it seems like the movie is making fun of itself. The director should have just abandoned any attempts at injecting bits of comedy into the plot because there were too many moments throughout where you're wondering what's actually supposed to be funny and what's just unintentionally hilarious! The main saving grace of the movie that stops it from being a complete stinker is the acting from Jaime King. She really does give a terrific performance and I sincerely hope that she gets to reach a wider audience in the future.

So in the end all you have here is a set extremely unrelateable and unlikeable characters in the most predictable storyline you could imagine. You'll basically just sit there waiting for the next person to die and won't care about anything else going on in the movie. The fact that the kills are slightly varied and inventive is what stops this from being a complete borefest.
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The Watermen (2012)
Misogyny at it's finest
8 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this movie is really as bad as everyone says. In the laziest plot in the world a group of attractive young adults go on a boating trip and when the boat breaks down they get kidnapped by a bunch of redneck fishermen/pirates/whatever. Sound predictable so far? Well the cliché's don't stop there so you can probably guess what happens in the rest of the movie without me having to go into too much explanation.

The most horrific thing about this movie though is the blatant misogynistic tone throughout. I know the horror genre has always had a reputation for being slightly sexist, but this movie is just unbelievable. The male protagonists spend most of their time wandering around in circles before jumping in to save the day. All the while the females get attacked, tortured, molested and raped by the bad guys. Even when guarded with weapons the three women can't take on one man because all he has to do is walk towards them and they'll simply stand there and cry. This is despite the fact that they obviously have extremely high pain thresh holds because straight after getting raped they can just run around like normal.

As for the bad guys themselves, well you'll find scarier characters in an episode of Eastenders. We're supposed to believe that six young athletic adults would struggle to get away from these idiots when a herd of donkeys should be able to outsmart them with ease. The basically just look like a bunch of homeless guys in raincoats. Don't ask me where they're supposed to be from because I'm none the wiser after watching it. In some scenes they just use the stereotypical American hillbilly accent, in others they use god knows what accent and speak in broken English. Half the movie they don't seem to speak in English at all! The acting, although not great, is nowhere near as bad as you'd expect. I've seen a LOT worse in other horror movies that probably had a bigger budget than this. I was surprised to see Jason Mewes star in this. I know he's not exactly A list these days but didn't think his career had gotten this bad just yet. After seeing the whole movie though and realising what a small part he plays, it's obvious he must have been paid a significant amount to do very little and get a top billing.

Any good points? Well one of the actors has a smokin body and spends most of the third act with his shirt off. Apart from that....NOPE!
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Bait (III) (2012)
Predictable, cliché ridden shark flick
13 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame that such a fun and original idea gets ruined by a script that uses every cliché imaginable. I was actually going along with the concept and I thought this movie was going to be a good time, but once the sharks (yes there are two of them!) appear the cliché's start rolling in and you realise that apart from the setup of a shark in a supermarket, there's nothing original on offer here. As a result the movie is just one predictable moment after another and unfortunately becomes really boring.

On top of that one of the obvious problems with this movie are the sharks themselves. The CGI is truly horrendous. I understand that there must have been budget constraints but in this day and age a movie like this shouldn't be made in the first place if the filmmakers can't afford to create a realistic looking shark. Unless your Steven Spielberg you ain't gonna make a ridiculously fake looking shark seem scary and therefore all tension goes out the window. The bad CGI doesn't just stop with the sharks though. Birds, helicopters, snakes, this movie is just littered with bad special effects. The last few frames look like something that was ripped from a cheap video game. I seriously don't know why they bothered.

Finally, my main gripe with this movie was the acting. I cannot believe that some of the reviews on here have said that the acting was good!?!? Fair enough Xavier Samuel does a really good job considering his character (like all the others) is completely one dimensional, but some of the other performances were beyond bad. First of all EVERY female character seemed to switch between Australian and American accents. It was just baffling to see not just one of the actresses, but all off them (there were four) talk in a badly put on American accent in one scene and then switch back to Australian a few minutes later. The ladies aren't the worst when it comes to the acting in this movie though, oh no! I thought it couldn't get any worse than the god awful performance from the guy playing the supermarket manager, but then the token bad guy with stereotypical long hair and tattoos opened his mouth and took it to a whole new level! From the ridiculous gravelly voice to the cringeworthy OTT laugh this guy just seemed like he was trying to create a character from a comedy sketch. Even his tattoos looked like they were drawn on with permanent marker!

Overall this movie is pretty bad, but not to the point were it's "so bad it's good" unfortunately. An OK way to kill 90 mins but I won't be going back for a second viewing and I definitely wouldn't recommend paying to watch this.
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An atrocious zero scares slasher
30 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is without doubt not only one of the worst horror movies I've ever seen, but one of the worst movies I've ever seen, period.

What seems like quite an interesting concept is ruined by a truly dreadful script and woeful plot. I'd be surprised to hear that a child was scared watching this. Or even if a child managed to sit through the whole thing without getting bored and switching it off!

Perhaps you don't mind if the scares are minimal once there's plenty of gory kills? Well if that's the case I still wouldn't recommend watching this. Most of the kills are off screen. The ones that we do see are over in a flash, and show very little. If you're an X factor fan and plan on watching this just to see Tulisa get knifed then don't bother as you see nothing but two minutes of her talking on the phone before someone walks in and finds her dead body. Her terrible acting is the most shocking part about the films opening.

Maybe you're not a gore hound and just watch horror movies for a few decent jumpy scares? Again, if that's the case, I most definitely would not recommend this. There is absolutely zero tension throughout. Unless you've never seen another horror movie in your entire life then there is nothing here that you won't have seen done before ten times better and ten times scarier. In what must have been a last minute attempt to create some tension the director switches to some POV night camera footage, but the results just end up being laughable.

Now if you're a fan of scary movies then you'll probably be willing to forgive some minor plot holes or stupid moves by the characters in order for the story to progress, but this film just takes the p*ss! At one point one character leaves a room full of people to get a drink, sees the killer murdering someone and instead of running back into the room full of people, she runs past them and goes outside into the dark f*cking woods!!! On top of that we're actually supposed to believe that someone who gets stabbed in the stomach three times could pass for suicide, with no questions asked whatsoever!

Two small positives are that the opening credits sequence is quite cool and the internet chat room scene is well done. The soundtrack is not bad but after about 20 minutes it starts to get a bit ridiculous. It's not that the songs aren't good, it's that one appears literally every five minutes! And they don't just dip in and out either! Every second scene seemed to be the characters doing something mundane in slow motion to a mainstream pop/dance track!

Avoid at all costs! Even if you manage to download this online for free, don't bother. It's seriously not worth the time!
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Boy Eats Girl (2005)
Harmless fun
9 October 2005
From the title "Boy eats Girl" it's pretty clear that this film is one that requires you to leave your brain outside the door. Do that and you should enjoy it. If you're hoping for anything more than a bit of enjoyable fluff, look elsewhere.

The film starts off great, the audience gets to know the main characters quite well, and there are more than a few good laughs. It goes downhill slightly from the moment in the film were the infection begins to spread. This is mainly because it all seems so rushed. However the gory bits (which there is quite a lot of for a 15A film) are varied and inventive enough to keep the viewers entertained.

The main cast all do a good job, in particular David Leon and Tadhg Murphy. Samantha Mumba is good in her role, but she hasn't got as much dialogue as you'd expect from the films lead. Some of the supporting cast however (for example, Bryan Murray as Fr.Frears) are awful.

Overall it is an entertaining, funny, gory movie, and one of the best Irish productions in a long time.
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