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Tuca & Bertie: The Pain Garden (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
Made me cry
11 August 2022
This episode is exactly how it feels to deal with the American healthcare system as a woman. I'm so glad this show exists, it talks about so many taboo topics that need to be discussed more in media.
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Men (2022)
Shocked but not necessarily in a good way
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first three quarters of men had my attention, but unfortunately the last act left me feeling like I missed something. The slow, eerie cinematography in the beginning was breathtakingly beautiful. Perhaps the symbolism & folklore underlying the final events were lost on me, but I think that's giving the film too much credit.

I love body horror, but it felt more comical than anything. The end left something to be desired, the whole "rebirth" concept could've worked better if it relied on less shock value & carried more substance. Maybe it was just me, but I knew what it was leading up to long before it was "revealed" which made the ending fall flat. I'm not sure how the viewer was supposed to feel afterwards, but it don't think it had the desired effect.

Overall, it fell flat of its potential. Excellent performances for a dull movie I will remember for all the wrong reasons.
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Subverted Expectations
6 November 2021
I thought I knew exactly where this film was going, but I didn't for a second. The lighting, transitions, soundtrack & tiny, easily missed details had me hooked from the beginning, but there is so much more to love about this film. Not only is it horrific & thrilling, it's also heartbreaking & melancholy with an addictive nostaligic quality. I adored every moment.
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13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely adored this show. The beginning may be slow, but I feel like it's necessary for the suspense leading up to the twist at the end. If you like slow burn psychological thrillers, you'll enjoy the watch!
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Don't listen to the bad reviews
22 June 2020
I love this show. The representation doesn't feel forced to me as other reviewers have stated. The characters are well fleshed out & their problems seem real. The time jumps can make things feel rushed, but you get used to it. Obviously, not everyone would enjoy this show, but please give it a chance. It might surprise you.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
12 May 2020
I tried to go into this movie with an open mind, but it was so bad that it left me confused. In my opinion, the makers of the sequel forgot what made the first movie so good. There was a balance of humor & seriousness in the first Incredibles which was finely crafted. The Incredibles 2 felt like a bunch of random ideas strewn together. I laughed a few times, but it was predictable & forgettable. I definitely wouldn't watch it again nor would I recommend it to anyone.
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The best film I've seen in a long time
18 February 2020
Boy & the World is an experience unlike any other. It's as if you are viewing the world through the eyes of a child once again. Although not a single word it uttered, I was moved to tears many times while watching this gem of a film. The emotions feel real & raw & invoke a sense of awe about the world. The attention to detail is so impressive that I feel I could watch it 100 times & still notice something new. A powerful film for anyone with a heart that still beats.
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A Beautiful Film
22 November 2019
I'm going to be honest, I was skeptical of this movie from the start, but boy am I glad I was wrong. I have adored Mister Rogers since I was a young girl & I didn't like the idea of someone else playing him. But Tom Hanks truly embodied Fred's spirit & presence to the point where I almost forgot it wasn't Mister Rogers!

This movie used so many small moments in big ways that were gut-wrenching & raw. It makes you feel seen & exposed in a way that is humbling. Mr. Rogers has always inspired me to grow & become the best version of myself possible & I'm ecstatic that A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood does his name justice. Truly a joy to behold.
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Just Add Magic (2015–2019)
A magical journey
7 June 2019
Just Add Magic is one of the best shows out there right now. It is entertaining, educational, and beautifully done. My brother, 15, and I, 21, enjoy watching this show together.

The characters feel real and are given a depth that is rare in children's shows. They make mistakes and disappoint each other, but they own up to it and take responsibility for their actions.

The plot is not dumbed down & has many twists & turns that make it unique. It's entertaining from start to finish.

Just Add Magic may be aimed at younger audiences, but it does not treat the characters as though they are too young. They are capable, strong & brilliant. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
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A Masterpiece
31 July 2018
The Breadwinner is heartbreaking in the best way. It's a grim tale told in a beautiful format. Every line is well thought out & every character feels real & living.

It is hard to watch because it is very real. It is heartwrenching, but it is worth the watch. Don't expect a light, uplifting family movie because that is not what this is. The Breadwinner is dreary & sad, but it tells a story that needs to be told & believe me, it is told well.
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31 July 2018
Ernest & Celestine is beyond charming. I, as an adult, have persuaded many of my friends to watch this film & they fell in love with it as well.

Ernest's unlikely friendship with Celestine is endearing & lovely. Both characters are well rounded & pure in the best way.

The animation & music are honestly my favorite parts. They come together so beautifully & make the heart happy. It feels like a story that came to life on the pages & I couldn't enjoy it more.
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31 July 2018
I put off watching this movie for a long while because I grew up reading the book. The Little Prince is my favorite book & I was terrified it would be terrible, but I am so glad I was wrong.

This film is heartwarming & brings to life all of the charm the book has. The animation style is perfect & captures the characters beautifully. There are a few nitpicky things I didn't enjoy as much, but it did the book so much justice.

If you haven't read The Little Prince, please do! It's short & lovely & a real classic. But if you are not a reader, this movie encapsulates the intellect & message of the book in the best way possible.

If you, like me, are concerned about watching this film because you love the book, give it a watch. I guarantee it will not disappoint you.
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Bandslam (2009)
Hidden Gem
31 July 2018
When I first heard of Bandslam, it seemed to be another shallow movie about high school. It came across as School of Rock for a younger generation, but boy was I wrong.

It starts out how you would expect, Will, a loner, moving to a new town & quickly getting caught up in this thing called Bandslam. But as the movie progresses, it becomes clear that this movie isn't about Bandslam at all.

Yes, Bandslam may be a large part of the plot, but the characters are the main focus. This movie is full of so many genuine moments, great music & awkwardly funny moments that make it a masterpiece in my eyes.

I loved watching it the first time & I enjoy watching it even more the fifth time. It's a hidden gem of a movie that deserves so much more recognition.
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Summer Camp Island (2018–2023)
Overload of adorableness
31 July 2018
Summer Camp Island is like a bright ray of sunshine. It's a pure show full of sweet moments between two best friends, Oscar & Hedgehog, as they attend a magical summer camp.

It gives me the same warm, fuzzy feeling that Mister Rogers' Neighborhood & Little Bear did when I was a kid. Except it doesn't feel like it's targeted towards children. Yes, it's child friendly, but it has something for everyone.

It's witty & adorable & full of heart. Summer Camp Island is a feel-good show that anyone can enjoy.
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30 July 2018
There is something quite magical about this film. Although it is slow moving, it is full of heart & charm. The plot is simply a means to unfold the depth of the characters.

Bella Brown lives a predictable life. She eats the same thing at the same time every day, wears the same clothes & makes sure she sticks to her schedule. She dreams of becoming a writer, but has yet to write a single book. However, her life quickly becomes uprooted by her stubborn, elderly neighbor. Bella begins a journey of self-discovery that is a joy to behold.

There are few films that can tranform the mundane into a beautiful, charming tale of what it truly means to live. If you only enjoy action-packed films, this may not be the movie for you. However, if you can appreciate the small things & enjoy subtle films that focus on character development, this is the film for you.

It is well worth the watch (or multiple watches in my case).
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