
65 Reviews
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Radu is back!
3 June 2023
Wow! Where to begin?

This movie is absolutely incredible! It's been years since Radu has graced our television screens. When last he did, it was a very different world!!!

I sat in my own home, with original VHS posters and a Thai version of subspecies 2 (poster) and it's as magical to behold this new film as it was all those years ago in my fathers basement!

This is a gorgeously done origin story and a reclaiming of Full Moon Movies! It's done so beautifully I wasn't expecting to love it this much, but I absolutely did!

If you grew us on Radu like I did, you're in for a treat! I'm half in tears just remembering the magic, and blown away by what a wonderful film this was! Check it out!
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Malum (2023)
Last Shift is so much Better!
31 May 2023
Wow, I don't even know where to begin... it's not the worst thing ever made, but it's definitely not anywhere near as good as last shift. I'm a way, it feels like it's all around a worse film. I'm not really sure what the aim was in all of this?

There was moments that weren't terrible, but I can't think of anything that I enjoyed better than I did Last Shift?! It was just silly and dull til the end where it almost became haunted house level bad looking and tried way too hard to be "weird".

I'd highly recommend that you see Last Shift instead and don't really invest too much time or care into this one. I was rather excited for it, but in the end, I'm just underwhelmed.
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Absolutely God Aweul
22 March 2023
If anyone ever tells you that this isn't bad, they are either lying through their teeth or they have the worst taste in the world and you need to disregard them entirely! This has to be one of the worst films that I have ever had the displeasure of trying to sit through.

It's acting is bordering on being unwatchable, the story revamps are laughably bad and it just drags on endlessly... getting worse and worse by the second.

It's so bad that it's not even comically bad. It's just not at all worth watching! Stay far away from this horrid piece of crap.

I'd rather watch a bowling ball coming to crash into my Nuts at 200 mph than ever sit through this awful mess again.
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A Perfect trip Back to the Danger Zone!!!
25 May 2022
Top Gun - Maverick is easily amongst the greatest cinematic experiences of my lifetime! It's an intense, fun, nostalgic, action packed and absolutely flawless piece of motion picture gold!

I laughed, cried, and opened my mouth in awe for the ultimate in fan service and the perfect continuation to the legendary Top Gun.

Epic gets used too often, but the word sometimes applies. This blows the word away! I couldn't have asked for anyting more. The little boy in me is filled with happy tears.

Thanks to the legendary Tom Cruise for making this happen. This is why Hollywood exists! 11 out of 10 stra, because 10 isn't enough!
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Horror Meets Marvel in a wild romp
6 May 2022
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is incredible! Sam Raimi brings his old school Horror directing style and melds it perfectly into the MCU creating a world of both action and terror, with just enough humor and some powerful emotion sprinkled in.

If you wanted Disney's MCU to expand into something more dark, gory and intense, this is your film. With nods to the evil dead series and drag me to hell, wild imagery, death and mayhem, Raimi provides you a Marvel film that's never been done before. One that borders more on Horror first while still keeping the adventure and action fun! There are Surprises at every corner!

I couldn't recommend it higher! What a ride! Absolutely beautiful!

PS - Look for a fun cameo by the great Bruce Campbell!
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The Northman (2022)
27 April 2022
The movie is a beautiful experience and an absolute work of art.

Easily the years best.

Take the show Vikings, sprinkle in some Conan the Barbarian, add the directorial style of the witch, then top it off with something magical and all it's own.

I'm just in awe... absolute awe. All my heart!
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Morbius (2022)
Sadly disappointing
31 March 2022
Goodness, I don't even know how to word it.

There were moments I enjoyed, and of course, Leto performed his ass off, but the film itself was almost exhausting at times.

I wanted to love it, and I think that somewhere underneath the CGI ridden, sloppily edited mess is a movie that could've been way more entertaining.

It started off really well and then just lost it's way more and more as it went.

The cgi was waaaaaay too much and often times looked intensely outdated. Eye rolling even.

It wasn't the worst film I've ever seen, but it was super underwhelming and lazily crammed together.

I couldn't say I'd ever tell someone they need to go see this, out of fear they'd want to strangle me. Lol

If I didn't have an affinity for the character from reading comics my whole life, I think i would have absolutely hated it but that love got me through it.

I wish I had better things to say, but it's a pretty mediocre film that deserved to be better. Leto deserves it to be better as well.

The end credits stuff is more entertaining than the actual film. At least they left me with something.

Kinda bummed.
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X (II) (2022)
The most fun I've had in awhile!
18 March 2022
It's amazing! A soft core porn meets gore fest horror meets wild craziness! Hilarious at times, crazy at others, and brilliantly shot!

People were gagging at stuff! It's a whacky, fun blast from start to end! A+
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The Batman (2022)
A Beautiful Batman Tale
4 March 2022
The Batman is absolutely incredible!!!

Take a fantastic Batman/Detective Comics style story, add a little of Seven, A Little of Saw, then mix them together! You will get one hell of a Batman Tale!

All the Pattinson naysayers are gonna change their minds, and the entire cast couldn't have been better! Everyone killed it!

If the 3 hour run time scares you, I'd go take a piss and watch it all over again right now! Absolutely beautiful! Enjoy it in the theater!
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They Just needed to not have Boba in his own show!
27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All it took to have a great episode of this otherwise snoozer of a show, was to remove Boba Fett completely, give us A random episode of the Mandalorian and tease Grogu's return!

Who would've thought?
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The Book of Woke-A Fett
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who knew that Boba Fett was the most sensitive, caring, friendly, heartfelt, sweetie pie in Star Wars?

That George Lucas guy sure did peg him all wrong! Made him out to be some ruthless bounty hunter!

This guy has a heart of gold. He even helps timid, Depressed, misunderstood Rancors to feel loved. As well as the sensitive and also misunderstood Tuskan Raiders!

What a Guy...
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So Disappointed
24 December 2021
I just watched The Matrix - Resurrections and the only thing that's gonna need Resurrected is me. It's bored the life out of me so bad that I've fallen asleep twice trying to endure it.

I've currently recovering from this corny, sloppy, forced, long winded, try hard of a Snoozer. Even nostalgia couldn't save it.

I should've never taken the Red Pill because the truth is, this movie just sucks.
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Amazing, Spectacular and Sensational
17 December 2021
Laughter, excitement, tears, nostalgia, magic..... Spider-Man truly is Amazing!

No Way home is a home run. Avoid spoilers and support the theater! It's worth every dollar! No spoilers from me, just a ton of praise!
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Fandom finally fulfilled
24 November 2021
Well, it's waaaay better than the garbage Mila series was.

If you're into the early games you'll love it. It rearranged some stuff but used a ton and was a pretty good adaptation.

It's also going for the horror vibe like the games instead of silly action movies like the other series.

Definitely a good game to film adaptation, and makes use of the smaller budget.

My friend and i liked it more than expected. Lots of fun. I'm pleasantly surprised!
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Spencer (2021)
Absolutely Brilliant and more than it seems!
6 November 2021
Spencer is arm wrestling Last Night in Soho for my film of the year.

I went in because I love Kristen Stewart but I went out in love with the entire production!

Th buzz is true. She WILL be up for an Oscar and I believe the film will as well

It's not a standard drama by any means. At times it feels like one, but then twists and turns between beauty, sadness, anxiety and borderline horrific fever dreams. It more an A24/Arthouse style film than a basic drama.

Kristen channels Diana giving the performance of her career, and the rest of the cast is flawless as well.

The film is beautifully shot and the soundtrack combined with the the cinematography can take you into almost Kubrick style madness when needed, then wrap right back to a dramatic calm. It's absolutely brilliant and not what i had expected.

I can't wait to Own it. I'm floored. A truly moving, powerful work of art.
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My favorite film of 2021
29 October 2021
Beautiful, creative, clever and magical. Best film of 2021 so far! I can't wait to own this masterpiece! See it without reading spoilers. The ride is incredible!

Giallo meets a fever dream. I haven't stopped thinking of it since I left the theater!
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Malignant (I) (2021)
What a ride
12 September 2021
Absolute blast. Tribute style wise to Argento and Giallo films in general, with a touch of basket case and 80s schlock fun! Add some John Wick action Cinematography and it's all fun!

I get how some are turned off but we both loved it! What a fun ride and a tribute to the past. I think a lot of people didn't get what they watched! Loved it!
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Candyman (2021)
Brilliant directing meets mediocre writing
28 August 2021
While I enjoyed much of it This movie Could've been called "Why White people suck- in 90 minutes"

If Peele had spent as much time writing a better finale as he did trying to make all white people sound like racist trash, the movie may have been better.

Nia DaCosta, The director, she knocked it out of the park. It's visually beautiful and shot so well. Great atmosphere and direction, but the script is often lazy.

It's got some great moments and some clever humor, but it falls flat at times. In his era I'm sure it'll be praised as deep and edgy, but it's rather dull and shallow to me. The original hit home on the sins of the past needing changed in the present far more than this one did. I get it, Jordan Peele thinks white people are awful, but I'd like a little more depth to his hatred and less lazy obviousness.

Nia DaCosta Deserves all the praise, but Peele, who i usually like a lot, really phones the final act in. Feels more like a try hard rather than a success.

I enjoyed a lot but I'd also change a bunch. The original spoke way more to me and in a more creative way, but the film is certainly worth a view. If anything watch it for Nia DaCosta'a vision of Peele's mediocre script.
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6 August 2021
James Gunn's Suicide Squad is fun, gory, clever, hilarious, action packed and at times it's breathtakingly beautiful.

I loved every second. I couldn't speak higher. What a film!
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Loki (2021–2023)
Absolutely perfect
9 July 2021
Loki is my favorite. From Norse lore to comics and MCU, Loki has been my favorite. This has enhanced that even more!

Tom Hiddleston is incredible in this sci-Fi romp! Easter eggs galore for comics fans, it's been magical from the start! I couldn't be happier!

Thanks Marvel! This blows the other shows out of the water! The spark is back! Let's go!
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The definition of "Just Okay"
5 June 2021
The film is Lazy, sloppy and all over the place at times. They're missing James Wan. The pace is very jumbled with loads of "what a coincidence" crap.

They made the entire story up besides the murder happening, and even that they fictionalized what happened to the extreme.

Not the worst movie you'll watch, but not anywhere near the best. People that are slobbering Over this must be scared of darker Disney cartoons, because it's not even remotely scary, and more of a boring drama that feels like it should be called, "CSI- the Satanic panic years",

It's worth a watch once (for free), but it doesn't hold a candle to the first two. (Unfortunately)
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The Unholy (2021)
Do anything else with your time and money
3 April 2021
This movie is so bad it's Unintentionally hilarious because of it. My friend and I were just baffled at how garbage one movie could get.

Horrid CGI, unforgivably gaping plot holes, horrendously corny dialogue and one of the most inept stories ever.

It's so terrible that it should be parodied. Only gets an extra star for Jeffrey Dean Morgan's acting. He does so well that it exposes how terrible those around him are. He delivers passion even with the most cringeworthy lines. He deserves better.

No bueno.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
It's pretty Great, but I'd hardly call it a reboot.
27 January 2021
So, I enjoyed it but it's absolutely Nothing like the original. The story is way different and has nothing to do with it. Being in The woods is about where the similarity stops.

They do have a humor line that nods to the old ones, but it's literally a completely different film all around.

I enjoyed the concept a lot. It's a very interesting story that has a lot to say underneath it all. I can't wait to own it. Great film, but very much it's own, I can't really see why this was made out to be a "reboot"..
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I Am Dragon (2015)
The Most Beautiful film you've Never Seen
13 January 2021
If you're a fan of fantasy, drama, romance or all of the above, there's something magical in this film that is for you.

A gorgeous fairy tale, that takes dragon lore and uses the element of its intrigue and horror to create something magically beautiful.

I don't want to spoil a thing about this film, so I'll just tell you to give it a go. The Russian language almost adds to the beauty. As a person with dyslexia, I can say That not only did I have no troubles with the subtitles, but I was able to feel The emotions while reading them.

This movie will catch you off guard and set your heart on fire. I absolutely adore it! Give it a go. You won't regret it!
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Absolutely remarkable
31 December 2020
My favorite episode of television of all time.

The music is wonderful, the story is powerful, the magic is beautiful. The most brilliant musical episode of television meets the greatest show of all time!

Sing, dance, laugh and cry...then ask, "where do we go from here?"
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