18 Reviews
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The Dinner (I) (2017)
Can't believe some of these reviews
28 July 2021
"But there was no one to root for" good lord.

I haven't read the book but The Dinner is an excellent film that stands on its own.

Poses some interesting philosophical questions and ends on a hanger that I'm sure got a lot of viewers' collective panties in a bunch.

This film is not about A-Z plotting, it's about exposing the underbelly of society and how empathy has almost entirely eroded in our broken culture.

Some great scenes with fantastic dialog, everyone delivers the goods. Laura Linney made my skin crawl. Yes, she's good.
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Assimilate (I) (2019)
The premise makes complete sense...if you're paying attention
28 July 2021
Yes, this is another meditation on Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

I love good "Invasion" style films, and this a good one.

Not quite on par with "The Broken," but Assimilate is well worth watching for fans of films that deliver mounting dread very well.

I'm puzzled by those who claim the premise or plot doesn't make sense. It makes perfect sense, they just don't spoon feed it to you like other films.

The acting is adequate to very good, cinematography above average, well directed, and has some genuinely suspenseful scenes throughout.

The very end was a little contentious but I'm not complaining.

Check it out.
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Creepers (2014)
One of the better indie anthologies I've seen recently
22 June 2021
There is so much crap in the anthology market that it's nice when something comes along that's worth watching. I saw this re-titled as "Horror Anthology Movie vol. 2" on Vimeo.

A solid set of four horror films with modern and classic authors represented. Hilarious "Gave up the Ghost" from a Jeff Strand story and the really creepy and atmospheric "By the Hair of the Head" adapted from a short story by Joe Lansdale were the highlights for me.
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Trench 11 (2017)
Well done horror-war movie
21 June 2021
In the sub-genre of horror-war films, Trench 11 is way up there. Better than Overlord with a very low budget. Highly recommended for fans of horror-war flicks and indie films.
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Well, the sets looked good.
21 June 2021
3 stars for the period sets/costumes.

0 stars for everything else.

Somewhere into the 2nd episode I was rooting for the Martians.

The people who wrote this and the people who green-lit this should be confined in a special school for a few years and forced to read the classics and realize WHY they were classics and that you don't screw with classics.

The 1950s George Pal film is still the best adaptation and it's not even a period piece but at least they respected Wells enough to make a good movie.

Will we ever see the novel adapted in its true form?

Crystal ball says "unlikely."
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Supercon (2018)
A mixed bag but worth watching especially if you've been to a con or two.
4 June 2021
The cast is generally very good and they do a decent job of taking jabs at the genre convention scene. It's silly, goofy, but definitely worth watching.
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Jakob's Wife (2021)
Mediocrity with the obligatory "I f*king hate old white dudes" and other woke snark
17 April 2021
Oh boy, another "indie" slice of rotten pie where they have to get their digs in on religion and white men, you know, cause everyone's doing it. Then some lame and predictable comedy happens. The end.
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The Vanishing (II) (2018)
plotholes you could steer the titanic through
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with, this is not a slow-paced, boring movie, perhaps only to those with ADHD. The first half is great and it is understandable that the kid would be freaking out over killing a man, even though the man was trying to kill him. It's a shock to the system. The problems begin when the other men arrive looking for the dead man and his chest of gold. They start moving around the island in their boat while the keepers track them on land. Somehow, two of them manage to jump onto some rocks, scale nearly vertical rocky cliffs in short time and enter the lighthouse, all with the keepers failing to see this as they watched the boat?? It's so bad. Then, Butler's character runs after the third man with a hook in the darkness, hooks his neck, kills him, and then discovers it's a kid from home. It is such a painful plot contrivance that it ruins the film. After that, its downhill all the way.
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Underwater (2020)
80 million dollars
17 April 2020
If it wasn't for the monotonous drone of cgi creatures throughout this film, it would have been better. Not 80 million dollars better, but better.
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Sea Fever (2019)
Who Ok'd this script and how are they allowed to manage money?
17 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some sci-fi/horror movies are just dumb, while others, like Sea Fever, slowly creep up on you with their inanity. When the creature starts burrowing into the wood hull of the ship with it's "tentacles," we can see clearly that the green slime oozing through the wood is eating through it. But of course, the "scientist" just sticks her finger right in it. I was half expecting the dizzy moppet to taste it lol. And then, the captain sees the stuff eating through his boat and he has to swish his fingers in there just for the hell of it. Sometime later, the scientist laments that some or all of the people on the boat could be infected with the "parasites." Wow, really? Unless you want to feel sad and stupid for watching this dreadful heap of refuse, avoid this movie like the plague. Or a parasite.
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Watchmen (2019)
A disgrace to the original and film adaptation
21 October 2019
Annoying as hell and stupid af, The Watchmen TV series packs all the cringeworthy you can stomach in a twitchy tv show. The credit sequence of the original film is better than this show.
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Creature Features: The Milpitas Monster (2017)
Season 1, Episode 45
This is the version of Milpitas Monster to watch!
10 February 2019
First off, the quality is the best I've seen and it appears to be a re-master to HD? Secondly, Burrill is the guest on the great Creature Features show and brings along some cool original props from the flick! Highly recommended.
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Classic 70's no budget greatness
10 February 2019
I love low and no budget flicks from the 50's through the 80's, and Milpitas Monster is way up on the list. Shot in glorious 16mm and written and directed by Robert Burrill, it seems like he enlisted half the town of Milpitas along with the local high school to make this movie. The giant creature is bizarre and amusing and the effects work well enough for a film that supposedly cost 20 grand to make? Incredible, however I recall another favorite of mine, First Man on Mars, also cost 15 grand and was made in 2016. Highly recommended and look out for the hilarious King Kong effect reference!
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
A pointless plot holed pile of putridity
6 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
These days of bone-headed big budget science fiction films are very concerning. The "Bird Box" effect seems to be spreading like some viral plague across the inflicted biosphere of genre filmmaking. You don't have to have a solid concept, just some gimmick and a whole bunch of moronic characters stumbling around for 100 minutes. Such is the case with Annihilation, a film so laden with pot holes it makes the streets of uptown New Orleans seem pristine by comparison. An object plummets from space and hits a lighthouse and immediately begins mutating everything in its path as it spreads across the countryside. "Scientists" and "doctors" set up a base to study the "Shimmer zone" and apparently keep sending idiots into the zone and of course, they never return. Except one guy who comes back, goes to his house, talks to his wife, and then starts spitting up blood and writhing in agony. Govt. spooks swoop in and take him and his wife to the base where it is determined that he's had massive organ failure and internal bleeding and she theorizes it could be a virus or radiation. So what does his doctor wife do? She goes on a mission with a few other women into the shimmer zone. No hazmat protection, nothing. Only rifles. There they encounter weird plants and animals which are being mutated by the force within the shimmer zone and they find a memory card with video showing some eel-like creature inside of one of the previous explorer's guts, to which one of the women shouts "It's a trick of the light! It's not real!" And she proceeds to be a complete idiot until her thankful death midway through this fiasco. I could go on, but I'm getting sick just thinking about this mess of a movie.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
A good film about race...in the 1950's
16 January 2018
I used to watch and enjoy Key and Peele's show because it was always edgy and irreverent, seeming to dodge the stupid tropes everyone else was engaged in. Boy was I wrong. Get Out is so out of touch with reality it is painful. It might have been relevant in the 1950's, but for some reason the left has sought to resurrect the idea that white people are still evil slave owners seeking to chain all blacks and get back to the good ol' slavery days. This concept is so cringeworthy that I kept thinking that aliens kidnapped Mr. Peele and replaced him with a knee jerk liberal who ignores the facts in favor of being a terminal victim. Of course right off the bat the stupid girlfriend has to get sassy with a cop for no reason other than we're supposed to think the cop hates her black boyfriend and wants to give him a hard time. Lol really? One of the worst and most disingenuous films I've seen in a long time.
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Great adaptation for today's PC culture
23 September 2017
Not only is the dialog and action limp in this terrible remake of a great western (based off a great Japanese flick by Kurosawa), the filmmakers had to dig a deeper hole by making it so politically correct that the joy of watching the film is all but destroyed. Of course the evil guy says "Capitalism is great and god is great, so you must love capitalism or you're against god" or some complete idiocy like that. 90 million dollars spent on a brainless, lifeless, unwatchable mess (I could not sit through the whole thing because I'm not into masochism). Hollywood should get wise to the fact that their world is the fantasy, and we, the people, live in the reality.
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Piranha (1978)
Not one of Dante's best
23 December 2016
Joe Dante along with screenwriter John Sayles, made two films I really love - The Howling and Alligator. The former is particularly great, with effects by Rob Bottin and some amazing yet brief stop motion animation by David Allen, The Howling has everything you want in a horror-comedy. Moving onto Piranha, there are some big pluses in this cash in on Jaws. 1)The stop motion animation of the little mutant in the lab. 2)Kevin McCarthy and Dick Miller in brief yet key roles. 3)One of my favorite lines from shlock cinema "Sir, it appears that the fish are eating the guests." The problem with Piranha is that it tries to get too serious when the climactic attack takes place. It just sucks all the amusement right out of it and bogs down the film. Whereas in The Howling, a keen sense of humor is maintained throughout, Piranha suffers from a turn toward the serious, and serious this film is not. All in all worth seeing even though I think the remake with Jerry McConnell directed by Alexandre Aja is superior.
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They understand 60's-70's trash cinema
5 November 2016
Do not see this film if you don't know 60's and 70's b-movies, you'll probably hate it. Watch a few Roger Corman, Larry Buchanan and early Troma flicks before you see First Man on Mars. It is not only a satire of those films but an homage to those filmmakers and they hit the nail on the head. Spot on acting and just enough stilted direction to convey that "Lasterblast" kind of vibe, but it's the effects that really bring it home. The miniatures are perfectly "miniature" and the makeup effects are so over the top that it appears they were designed for comic relief. There is a disembowelment scene and the guy's intestines are ridiculously over-sized, and the flute in the eye gag had me crying tears of comic joy. Sure it's a pretty cheap ass movie, but that's the point. Highly recommended for lovers of retro trash movies.
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