
7 Reviews
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Very funny...
1 April 2007
I guess most people have heard that this movie is very funny. It is what you would expect from the people involved in this movie, all the way to Ben Stiller helping produce the movie. A lot of good one liners are in this movie as well as a lot of physical comedy. I liked it a lot. Anyone who goes to see this will not be disappointed. There are a lot of Ferrell and Heder haters out there, and that is fine, but then just don't go see this movie then because you probably do not have a sense of humor and wont get the jokes anyway. I hope anyone else who goes to see it enjoys its comedy, and i do think that most people who are going to see this movie know exactly what to expect.
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Very funny movie...
4 August 2006
This movie is very funny, and if you like Anchorman type movies, you will surely like this movie. My wife and i just saw it and it was funy, she even liked it better than Anchorman (She was not a fan of Anchorman, she thought it was OK and funny at times). As far as the movie goes, its a better movie than Anchorman, as Anchorman was more like a bunch of funny parts of a movie strung together. Talladega nights at least has a consistent moving plot story to follow. I myself think Anchroman is funnier, but Talladega Nights is funny too. Also, there are some great outtakes after the movie is over that are hilarious. Good and funny movie to go see...i highly recommend it. (8/10)
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The Break-Up (2006)
funny movie, poor ending...
2 June 2006
I have heard some bad reviews of this movie, but with that being said, i like to see movies on my own and make my own decision. some of the funniest movies i have ever seen got poor reviews, so take them with a grain of salt.

As for this movie, i would say it is a really funny movie with a bad ending. If the ending was better, i would have given it an 8. If you like Vince Vaughn and this style of comedy, i would say you will enjoy the movie. It is made to entertain and make you laugh, and it does that. I like the Wedding crashers a little more than the Break Up, but it was still a movie i liked and thought was very funny. Hopefully, the ending doesn't ruin the rest of the movie for everyone.
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Very funny movie...
9 April 2006
I think this movie was very funny, and in the era of other comedies like Old School, the 40 year old Virgin and The Wedding Crashers (i love all those movies), this movie was fairly clean and funny for adults and kids...although some of the material could be considered a little much for younger children.

With that being said, it was a very funny Billy-Madison type of silly comedy...not the funniest movie ever, but still funny. I don't know if John Heder will get typecast, but man he is funny in that nerdy type of character, and David Spade had some very funny one liners...i was pleasantly surprised and recommend the movie to others who just want to go have a good time and laugh for 90 minutes. You could say it is a Revenge of the Nerds type of baseball movie...
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thought the movie was very flawed...
1 January 2006
I thought this movie was pretty crappy and filled with inconsistent story lines and was pretty awful. Aside from some of Luke Wilsons lines and scenes, and an attempt to be a heartwarming story, i thought it was pretty crappy. Here is what i had problems with...

1. The family, for no reason, hated Sarah Jessica Parkers character off the bat. the sister was the only one who met her to that point, and she apparently hated her then too. kinda strange to hate someone you never met so much.

2. Luke Wilson was stalking her from the beginning of the movie...most brothers wouldn't really pursue a brothers soon to be fiancée. he might say she was hot (i think she looks like a witch), but it was odd to see him go after her like he did. although he was funny at times and the only character i liked in the movie.

3. This isn't a knock on gays, so don't get all offended. But, the gay brother even told him not to marry her...out of all the people who should be sympathetic and supportive of his situation would be the gay brother. Who is he to judge who his brother is going to marry, when his brother has accepted him and his lifestyle without question. that was very inconsistent...if that followed any logic, he would have been the one to support him.

4. The sister comes to town, and they all love her right away for no reason, and then when SJP leaves upset, she doesn't go after her. She sits there, with a family she just met, basically strangers, and doesn't chase her sister to console her. She is sitting there playing with the baby in a room full of strangers that HATE her sister...that was very odd too..

5. the main guy was going to marry SJP, and out of nowhere, he decides on a whim that he wants to bang her sister. for being so convinced the whole movie that he wanted SJP, he takes quite the 360 the other way a little too easily if you ask me. one conversation while looking for his almost fiancée, and he changes his mind. stupid.

6. that scene where he is walking back past the statue after the bus leaves...he arrived there in a car his dad drove, then all of a sudden the car was gone and was walking home in the cold..that was pretty dumb too...

the movie tried to be heartwarming and sweet, but was just pretty inconsistent between funny lines from Luke Wilson. some of the awkward moments were kind of funny, but overall, i thought it was a poopy movie. i don't even go to movies and analyze them much, but there were so many easily flawed moments, that even i picked them out. I'm glad the movie was free for us or i would have been pretty upset if i had to pay $17 for that...
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it wasn't all that bad...
11 October 2005
there seems to be a lot of people out there who just don't get how certain movies are aimed at certain audiences. This movie was very funny, but not in a dirty, adult way. It was more like Elf in that it was aimed at kids and it was pretty tame with the comedy. I liked it, and it is just a silly movie and shouldn't be taken as a piece of theatrical art. Some people need to lighten up. will Ferrell is very funny, and you can see how a lot of his stuff is ad libbed, and that might be a certain type of comedy only appreciated by certain people, but I enjoyed it, and will continue to do so as I got the DVD and there are some good outtakes and deleted scenes on that as well...Don't over analyze movies too much, that can take the enjoyment out of a lot of movies.
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The movie wasn't great, but amusing and I enjoyed it.
23 September 2005
I just bought the DVD and it is a pretty good movie. I don't think it was the best, but it was a good remake true to the original, and was funny, not hilarious, but funny nonetheless. If you enjoy sports movies and Adam Sandler movies, you'll enjoy this one. Not his funniest, but very entertaining. People may have been disappointed since it wasn't his funniest movie ever, but as far as sports comedies, its a pretty good one. One of the funniest characters is Kevin Nash's (WWF/WWE wrestler). He was surprisingly amusing. Also the DVD has some good outtakes and footage of them practicing and getting prepared, almost like a mini pre-season football camp. Its just flat out an entertaining movie, with some pretty good humor thrown through the movie.
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