
105 Reviews
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At last some sense
22 May 2024
As a retired physicist, I have had to explain why aliens aren't amongst us due to the the space and time constraints. The people interviewed in the first part of the film had the same views which is refreshing. The christmas tree light analogy is a good way to explain what I explain in a different way, the universe is 13 billion years old or so , so the chance of another planet having developed life in our timeframe is a few hundred million to one, never mind the fact it would be so far away it would take hundreds of thousands of years to get here. Thank goodness a programme that speaks some sense, as opposed to the endless speculative programs that such as narrated by Megan Fox, that are so poor they beggar belief.
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Tired and rambling
10 May 2024
This franchise has gone into too long Even Cruise likes has cant be bothered to show much enthusiasm in his role. It just rambles on with various baddies chasing after him. I really couldn't be bothered to follow who was doing what. The dialogue was muffled most of the time. His hacker in the hat did very little apart from mumble near a laptop. Pegg who normally lifts the film with his witty remarks, had few of those. Cars roll down steps and are then perfect without a scratch straight afterwards. They cant even be bothered to pretend there is any realism.

The much vaunted bike and parachute scene looked fake and cut away before the chute opened. So did not look convincing.
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Parallel (II) (2018)
Don't waste your time
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just thought I would something on that isn't too challenging, gory or depressing. So the premise is fairly good, a bunch of young people find a portal a parallel universe. It starts off fairly well, the discovery part was good, the room they found the way they explored around, then they find a mirror which they jump through to enter the parallel world.

After that it starts to go downhill, they seem determined to go into theor double lives, steal the credit cards and buy lots of stuff, a bit like dumb people who when they win the lottery, blow it on pointless stuff. I cant quite see how they manage to spend 200k on cards from a guy who sleeps in a basic place with an old box for a bedside table. Then it gets worse and I became so disinterested in the film I abandoned it before the hour was up. What a waste of an evening, don't waste your time.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Good enough to keep me watching
26 December 2023
The premise is interesting , the storyline is interesting, the characters and technicalities less so. Oldman plays this unlikely dirty looking unkempt character whose department does , I am not sure what apart from he shouts and throws files in the bin. He is a cross between Jack Regan and the leader of the dirty dozen. His offices despite being part of MI5 seem to have no security or cameras or surveillance, just a key. Seen better security at a petrol station. The head of the MI5 section is of course some stony faced woman, yawn what a surprise. She seems incompetent, but it's hard to tell as she just looks miserable and pretends to be important by answering a phone and rushing out of meetings. Her complete disaster of the operation in series one would have her in slow horses faster than anyone. The main character is the most able and likeable how he puts up with the others around him is a mystery.

Anyhow I have invested enough time in it to keep watching.
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Gravity (2013)
Disappointing in the extreme
24 November 2023
Expected great things from this film, after all I love space films. Starts off well with great visuals, despite the rambling of Clooney. They manage to bounce off craft with no suit damage somehow, then defying the laws of physics, they lose him. We are then treated to 5 mins or so of Bullock in her pants, which is the part the trailers and the stills focus on. After that it get incredibly dull, she cannot carry the film on her own. Nothing of interest happens, it just makes no sense. The film then falls to a 3 star rating after that and I am just thankful I didnt have to pay to sit through it , as it's a turkey. How people can give it a rating of 9 or ten, beggars belief.
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Upload (2020– )
Season 1 great then downhill
19 November 2023
When season one came out I absolutely loved each episode it was fresh witty charming and just fun to watch. I did feel I was transported to an alternative world. So many fresh ideas and it was quite well thought out, I really hope the series would continue in the same way. Then came season 2 where there were some weird cult going on try and disrupt things and when they were outside the virtual world became less appealing and seemed to drag on a bit. The characters were not as endearing as in season one, It started to me under a bit. Then along came season 3 by this time they seem to have totally lost their way and just had a series of Episodes seem scrappy and poorly written and the chemistry between the to characters Completely dissolved and I thought what on Earth is Nathan doing with her? Even the actors seem to have lost interest and focus on this ,I don't know if the writers change but really is very disappointing. Such a shame it promised so much and delivered so little after the first series.
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Signora Volpe (2022– )
Really annoyingly unlikely behaviour
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The setting in Italy was the best part, all done with a yellow filter to show she was abroad. The other parts like picking up murder weapons, sitting in a garden pretending she was birdwatching whilst finding a dead body and then giving no reasonable explanation. The character Sylvia played by Fox seems to swan around in a superior way whilst giving the Italian police offhand responses and then spends her time giving people half the story, not finishing conversations and keeping everyone in the dark. The behaviour seems to make no sense, she manages to aquire guns whilst on holiday, no idea how, surely she can't go running around as a holidaymaker with a gun. The only thing she didn't do thankfully was speak any Italian, although she seemed to understand it well enough. Whilst following her niece in the car she suddenly appears wearing a wig, where on earth did that come from? The whole thing seemed barely believable.
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The Ex-Wife (2022)
How does it get an average of 6.5?
27 October 2023
Recommended by my wife's friends, I actually managed to last through the first episode, just. Hard to explain why I found it so unwatchable, possibly the characters. A smarmy husband, the new wife whose smacked bottom of a face made her the most unlikely new version of the attractive ex wife. Annoying script, that seemed to wander around with forced scenes, Generally terrible acting, I suppose the fact that I had never seen any of these people in anything else is for a reason. Perversely the only time I actually enjoyed a 20 second segment, was when she thought she her baby had gone missing. It shows how unlikeable the characters are when you are wishing them ill. Do yourself a favour and avoid this, unless you want your evening spoilt by frustration that you could be watching anything else.
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Robots (I) (2023)
Fun evening viewing
14 October 2023
What a nice , light hearted, fun movie. As someone who's fed up with CGI and endless killing its nice to see a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

It's daft but in a fun way, as a Brit, Can totally identify with Whitehall and his way of acting and goofy speech etc. Of course there are loads of plot holes and the whole thing is totally unreasonable but in a daft film you can get away with it, if it was a thriller , we would be throwing our slippers at the television.

Woodley doesn't really have the looks to be the ideal woman he pursues but I guess he is no Brad Pitt either, so they are probably well matched. Came away thoroughly enjoying the film due to Whitehall and his dry delivery.
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Red (2008)
Good acting but the story is a bit lame
6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another daft revenge movie where the ending ends with lots of shooting. In reality killing young teens is not the solution if you feel you have been wronged. The film is pretty slow and has lots of artifiical heartstring tugging backstories that seem neither believable or add anything apart from trying to get an emotive response from the viewer.

It's a film to watch on a quiet afternoon if you have nothing better to do.

Cox is always a class act and makes the best of the plodding script and tries to convince us that he can be bothered to act it out. By the end I was losing even more interest and it could have ended 10 mins earlier.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
Really enjoyed watching it
29 September 2023
There are a lot of negative reviews on this film. I think the problem is that lots of people think without multi-million pound flawless CGI a film can't be any good. Luckily I am of a generation that doesn't need this to be the case. I like a bit of entertainment and tongue in cheek humour. I was expecting not to like this film but I did find it quite engrossing and enjoyable. Bit of a cross between alien, red dwarf and various zombie films. There is a lot of running up-and-down the same corridor and Bruce Willis does pretty well despite getting on a bit believe me I have seen him in much worse films recently.
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Alias (2001–2006)
Daftly entertaining
5 September 2023
Started watching this on holiday in 2023 as it appeared on channel 5 in our region. It actually became a bit of a thing to watch one episode every evening I'd have so far got to season 3.

OK so you have to withhold your disbelief and just enjoy it for what it is. Which is essentially a mission impossible episode every week where Garner gets to wear a different wig and costume. For some reason her male co-stars never seem to think about wearing any sort of disguise. They basically have to infiltrate some security guarded place with loads of technology retrieve something and get back. It does remind me of the original mission impossible series which is no bad thing even though they are ludicrously lucky not to get shot or caught each time. There are often some ridiculous plot themes but it is always full of action and tension and quite entertaining to watch. Thankfully it's not too violent and often comedic in the fight and shooting scenes, Although the way a slim girl in high heels manages to duff up trained body guards does leave it little to be desired.
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Had high hopes, sadly dashed
24 June 2023
Worth 5 stars for the filming and acting, less so for the story, can't believe it's on an iphone. The visuals are pretty good. The lead actress was a visual treat, the combination of middle class, trim, intelligence, vulnerability and determination. The story though, it could have so much better, it just ends up a repetitive slog, going nowhere and ending nowhere. As other reviewers mentioned , could have been a short story. Still not sure what happened or what was going on. I guess I will never really know. At least I watched it to the end, which is something , even got through two cups of tea and six oatcakes with cheese. So maybe not the healthiest film to watch as I needed sustenance to get through the bewildering plot.
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Unintentionally hilarious
8 June 2023
I honestly can't tell whether his acting is genuine or he's scripted a comedy spoof. From his talk of mugs, punters, sweet as etc To appearing scared at every opportunity just walking along the street with a big camera crew or Even gems where hes walking along and people drive past in a van shouting w***** Each episode has some gems I particularly enjoyed the Blackpool bouncer version where Dyer got made up in the disguise. Well I say disguise, he looked exactly the same. He then started bricking it on the front line checking some IDs. I think he is the inspiration for a few comedies such as people just do nothing. Either way if you want a laugh just look him up on YouTube On Danny Dyer's deadliest men.
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Patriot (2015–2018)
Slow grinding humour
12 May 2023
Alot of it is amusing and poking fun at the ridiculously lame rules of corporate life , tied in with a spy thriiler. The pace of it though, I have trouble staying focussed or indeed awake whilst watching it. I am not sure I am going to last the series after watching three episodes. Is the pace designed to convey emotion or just to spin out timing of each episode. Maybe I will dip into it again after a longer pause. Not sure how people can rate it a ten, it's not perfection by any means. It does not make me want to binge watch it, more like a frustration that I cannot play it at a faster rate, like a youtube video.
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The Recruit (2022– )
Daft and not believable
22 March 2023
Gave it a 5 as the action scenes were good and obvious a large production budget. Plot wise probably a 4, in no way did I ever believe any of the scenes I watched. The script is amateurish and so daft it was frustrating to watch. The CIA was made out to be some club with no protocols in place, staffed by childish college humour based characters. His treatment by his colleagues was ridiculous. Sure watch it if there is nothing else on and you like some action with lots of shooting, but be prepared to switch off your brain to watch it. I know it's a supposed be be a comedy but the whole thing seems off. I see the guy from the supermarket was in it playing the same character. In some ways it was like the supermarket, with no semblance of reality, but confusingly dressed up as trying to be believable and mature.
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Horario Estelar (2023– )
Slick drama that draws you in
19 February 2023
A successful TV host presents an investigative show about exposing wrong doings and corruption etc. Until he gets caught up in something that mushrooms through his lies and get more and more involved. Facing business and police corruption makes its compelling if frustrating to watch. More and more people get dragged into it as a result and you are left empathising with him as his options vanish. There are a number of sub plots going on that seem unrelated and seem to add nothing to the plot, not sure why they are included maybe just fillers. Well casted , the acting seemed believable and well judged and nicely shot. The characters in his family developed throughout and he comes to realise what he is losing in a controlled way. Definitely worth watching, subtitles, but after a while I didn't notice.
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Surprisingly Terrible
10 February 2023
Given a good writer and soundtrack and the fact it's a well known film, I was expecting to be entertained. How wrong I was. The drivers and hangers on like Estefez looked about 19 and their acting skills were poor in the extreme. His attempts to look tired were just hilarious, I take it his acting career was not extensive. Some lame story about comets and trucks driving themselves and somehow gaining intelligence and also visual ability does not translate to a film. The whole concept is daft in the extreme and makes me wonder if it was really supposed to be this terrible or was it an unfortunate result of low budget, poor screenwriting and poor actors. Dont waste your time.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Thank goodness, something worth watching.
10 February 2023
On holiday so need something to watch at night. Having finished Andor, came across this. What a fun , uplifting slick drama. Reminds me of old startrek as many others have said. Think the one note joke about the captain and XO gets s bit stale though. Would love to be on that ship, should be a lesson how to run a workplace, everyone gets on and has each others back. Love the character Alara, not so keen on Talla. Interesting to see Theron on one episode, without the excessive photo filter she normally has, looks all of her 43 years on the show. There is a humour running through the show that even extends to all the aliens they come across. Good job they speak such good English. Definitely worth a watch.
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The Abyss (1989)
Comically terrible
6 February 2023
Daft plot, nonsensical decisions by the crew, dodgy acting. This was frustrating to watch, where do I start. For some reason they are underwater and then some disaster ensues, a motley collection of crew seem to be onboard who seem a complete misfit of characters, no idea what they all do but seem to run about jumping through watertight doors. Plus some odd woman in dungarees and some straw hat, what is all that about? They also have a nuclear warhead on board that is the size a pointy fire extinguisher. No idea how that could be detonated. Then some lit up jellyfish floats about. The lead woman as spends most of her time shouting and yet more dashing about, she is so annoying that I would personally swim out of an escape hatch without a suit on just to get away from her. She has some daft lines like ' we are declaring nuclear war on an alien species' its a shocker of a film.
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
Started off well
25 January 2023
Another series that starts well and then seems to lose momentum. Whilst its clear what his motives were, everyone else seems to have trouble realising it. Some good acting from the cast helps it along. It does seem dragged out for the last three episodes though. Managed to see it though to the bitter end despite failing asleep and having to replay it. I guess I was supposed to find it creepy at some points, it I just found it little annoying. I could empathise with the father whose life didn't turn out the way he planned and kudos for the wife sticking through with her son. She seemed to have so much on her plate.
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Surprisingly engaging
27 December 2022
Wasn't expecting much, apart from some blue people running around in gorgeous graphics. What I got was a pretty engaging story about a family finding its way in the world. It did take me into a new world and the underwater scenes were very convincing, had me thinking about my attempts at diving, I was subconsciously holding my breath at times. For a 12a it did seem a bit graphic, with lots of killing which did become a little tiresome for me as an adult. I much preferred the interactions with nature and tended to switch off when the shooting started. Some characters seem to add nothing, spider was one example. A long movie, so make sure you are in huge reclining chairs with some drinks.
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Life of Brian (1979)
Still holds up in 2022.
26 December 2022
Cannot add to has already been written apart from the fact I haven't seem for 10 years or so but watched it this Christmas. If anything it has got better and there are not many films this is true for. I think the fact it is set in roman times means it does not date like a normal 70s film. There are no fashions or venues that look out of place. Even the filming looks fresh, it doesn't have that blurry green tinge you sometimes get. Phrases like conjugate the verb don't lose their appeal. Watching it with fresh eyes, the film has a pace to it which never falters. The perfection in the acting, for example Palin's hopping walk whilst begging, just sublime. Again Palin steals the show with his speech impediment, its not so much the speech , but the way he glances at the guards, make the scene work on a higher level than it first appears. Cleese bamboozles his way into the film with a commanding presence , lines delivered in a dry way that more recent comedians like the unlistenable Punt and Dennis can only dream of.

The only reason it's not a 10 rating is the frankly daft spaceship scene . Totally out of place and only to pander to Terry Gilliam and give him something to do, but I wished they hadn't, probably some contractual reason. Anyhow don't let this spoil the timeless brilliance of the python team at their best.
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Leverage (2008–2012)
Managed to last partly through one episode
26 December 2022
No idea which one but it was a shocker. Terrible acting from some people pretending they were in the army. Phrases like bravery, 4 star generals , wheres my gilli suit , alpha bravo teams, code of conduct men of valour. Etc like some schoolboy attempt at how they would talk. Think they were trying expose some stolen valour. Then Gina what's her name, puts on some terrible foreign Eastern European accents to try and get out of some situation. It was so unconvincing it was at least amusing. In the meantime all the men spoke is some husky drawl to pretend they are tough army types. I don't believe they were trying to make it unintentionally funny, but at least it made it almost bearable in the background. Makes knight rider seem like othello.
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Celebs who really wish they weren't there
8 December 2022
Whilst the premise seems interesting, driving in various places on dangerous roads in a travel programme format, the reality is not at all interesting.. Rather than focussing on the regions they are in, there is just countless in car footage. The two 'celebs' seem to put on forced conversations, like, ohh, good driving, whilst clearly thinking that bumping along in a car is no way to spend any time. The lack of chemistry between the couples, makes them seem like two people who really have never met, don't get on and are forced to be polite stuck in a car. I watched a few episodes to give it a chance but soon realised even if nothing better was on the television, I would be better just turning it off.
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