
18 Reviews
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The Commander (2003 TV Movie)
This is why women should not be given leadership roles...?
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That seems to be the theme of this show. How can a woman with Blake's responsibilities be caught up in a stupid ill-advised affair with a suspect??? It's nuts.

I'm not that far into the show but my watching has turned to hate-watching. It's so frustrating, the stupid thing she is doing. I don't really believe there's passion there. It's more like that man is using her politeness and good manners to make a compete fool out of her. I guess I'll press on-- until I can't.
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Rebecka Martinsson (2017– )
10 for season 1, 1 for season 2.
8 October 2021
I am SO disappointed. I have wanted to see this show for a long time because I love Ida Engvoll. And then I was thrilled that there was a second season-- but not for long! How to you continue a show with the same characters, continuing relationships even, but the main character, the title character, is taken over be a timid little girl with no flash, zero charisma? How does that happen? And other problems, like a new air of wokeness-- one new male copper with a tiny ponytail, another male copper correcting anyone who says "he" in general to "he or she." You can see where this is going. Ugh. I made it through about 20 minutes and then said, why bother? It's really a shame. I love Ida Ingvoll in so many roles-- I'm a big fan of Nordic and especially Swedish shows. So much so that I've been studying Swedish to increase my enjoyment of them.

Anyway, the headline is: Loved season one, couldn't be bothered with season two.
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Equinox (2020)
If you enjoy supernatural mysteries.....
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a dubious invented theological framework, where nothing is really ever resolved, which becomes agonizingly slow around the midpoint, then this show is for you!!!

Ordinarily I love Nordic mysteries, which usually get solved by the ending in a satisfactory way, but Equinox didn't do it for me. At around the midpoint, I could sense that the ending would not be satisfactory. I only kept watching to prove I was right. It was kind of Sunk Cost situation: the tendency to follow through on an endeavor after having already invested time and effort.

Anyway, not to mince words, this show was slow and painfully boring, and most of the characters were repulsive. The teen sex was cringe-y. And Marrakesh is actually in Morocco. The other lost graduates were given short shrift and the story line forgot to deal with them-- don't their lives matter at all?
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La Brea (2021–2024)
It got real stupid real fast.
29 September 2021
That's all I got. Couldn't watch much of it. The funny thing is that it started to play automatically after one episode of Wild Crimes, so at the very first, I thought it was a recreation of an accident involving an actual fairly normal sinkhole. Then I realized my mistake but was drawn in by the first emotional scene. But when the guy mention "an episode of Lost," I was like buh-bye.
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Finding Alice (2021)
That moment when you turn from watching to hate-watching....
14 September 2021
It was somewhere early in the 3rd episode. First off, we don't know Harry, we don't care about Harry. That's always a bad way to premise a show. Then Alice. She does the stupidest things, she's someone who, in real life, I'd hide when I saw her coming. The parents-- awful. The grieving group-- awful. The bits of necessary diversity shoved in. The frequent moments of panic, emergency, angst! All about people and situations we haven't been made to care about in the slightest. This is fully a "women's show" in the worst sense. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be associated with other women.

I just want to add-- my favorite thing about this show is the traditional-type railing added to the killer staircase. It actually looks pretty great, contrasting with the stark modernism of the house interior. Seriously.
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Murphy's Law (2003–2007)
After great first season, goes very dark indeed!
8 August 2021
This show is gripping. In the first season, Murphy is flirting, cracking jokes, and catching bad guys. Then it goes dark, way dark, but thrilling. He's a man who has nothing left to lose and doesn't shy away from the most dangerous situations. Nesbitt here is a far cry from the sad dad of Missing. Very attractive. No wonder all the women in the show are drawn to his extreme masculinity!
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Rose and Maloney (2002–2005)
Found this quite by accident!
31 July 2021
Because I'm running out of British crime shows. They need to make more crime shows! And I quite like this one, hence the 10 stars. Even season 3! I just wish they'd made more episodes.

But the thing I want to say above all is that I just watched the season 3 episodes about Harry Callahan and he's a very attractive and engaging chap! And I knew I'd seen that actor before, so I came here and found him! He was Alan Johnson on Peep Show! So, cheers!
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Beast (III) (2017)
I don't understand the high marks
27 July 2021
This movie was terrible. The characters are so unattractive and unappealing in every way that it's hard to care about whatever may happen to them. The plot, if you can call it that, is devoid of meaning. Let's put two miserable, awful people together on fantasy island. That's it! Pretentious garbage.
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In the Cut (2003)
Cringe-y sex, predictable ending
20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was surprising to see "big stars" in their birthday suits. The surprises ended there. As for the whodunnit part-- it's not the guy you think, it's the other guy you think. For no particular reason. Equal parts boring and cringe-y.

Some fine downtown NY tenement apartment interiors like we don't often get to see in movies anymore.

Meg Ryan appeared to have a layer of wax on her hair in every scene. Jennifer Jason Leigh had seen better days. The pornstache on Ruffalo was silly. I almost gave up on the film a few times but stuck it out. I don't know why. Yawn.
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Fun to see and remember the old days...
7 July 2021
Not my favorite film, but a pretty good one. Tackles some serious subjects in a fairly even-handed way. Reporters are shown to be pretty loathsome as, in their world, in their minds, getting The Scoop is of primary importance, and noble. But you know what? Sometimes it's not!

But what I really enjoyed was everybody smoking like chimneys, almost everywhere. I can remember places I smoked when I was young that you youngsters wouldn't believe! And how downright skinny almost all the actors were. Paul Newman! Was he always this skinny? I am used to more beefy men these days. Sally Fields was very cute and also SO SKINNY! But as a reporter she screwed up, lacked a moral compass in pursuit of stories.
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Only made it halfway through
5 July 2021
So I'll spare you my deep thoughts on this bit of entertainment.

The main thing I want to say, that goes for all films of this genre, is the aliens are absurd. These eating-killing machines are too disorganized to engage in intergalactic space travel. Can you imagine one-- let's call it "the captain"-- sitting at the controls of a space ship *of any kind?* I cannot. That ruins the "fun" for me.

I did like Chris Pratt's chest though, and I'm always happy to see Sam Richardson, who brightened so many episodes of Veep!
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Prey (2014–2015)
Good exciting crime/police drama, as the Brits do so well.
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While watching series 1, the word McGuffin kept creeping into my mind...

McGuffin def.: an object or device in a movie or a book that serves merely as a trigger for the plot.

At first I wanted more details of what was driving the action, who was behind it, what was on the damn disks! But it turns out that the disks, and the mystery criminal behind it all -- whatever "all" was -- was a McGuffin the best sense of the word. Whatever was on the disks-- we never find out and don't care a fig about finally. It is a character-driven show with action, suspense, surprises-- what more do you need from a 3-episode series that keeps you glued to your seat?
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Unforgotten (2015– )
Watch the auxiliary characters closely....
28 June 2021
I'm a huge fan of British crime shows, and I find myself watching some of them repeatedly. (One of the benefits of growing old is you can watch mysteries a second and third time and not quite remember the plots!)

The main actors in the show do a fantastic job. But also watch the side characters closely. How does the UK have such a large pool of phenomenal character actors to draw from? Amazing. It blows my mind!

If you want to tear up every few minutes, this is the show for you. I'm not being flippant-- it is so heartfelt, so sad to see the survivors of crimes up close, how their lives are ruined by the death of a loved one when there's no closure.

Wonderful show. Well done, you! As they say, to all the actors in this heartbreaking series, in parts big and small.
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Scott & Bailey (2011– )
The actors playing the suspects and perps are amazing!!!
14 June 2021
I've watched this whole series a few times now, and enjoy it immensely. But this time I've been paying special attention to all the actors who play the suspects and perps. Where do they find these fantastic actors? They are so believable. A great variety of British types. Some of the credit must go to the director(s). It's hard to believe some of them are acting and not the real thing. Great show!
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Balthazar (2018–2023)
That can't be the end!
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
No no no no no! That can't be the end! Season four please! This is devastating! It cannot end like this. People who don't like the character Balthazar-- why were you watching it then? He is the show. He's sensitive, generous, brilliant, muscled like a wild animal, so much fun, so full of life... I'm going to go have a cry now!
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Out of Blue (2018)
Crazy-stupid movie!
26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But I gave it three stars because I couldn't look away. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. It held my attention even though, at a quarter of the way through, I was certain it would never be resolved in a satisfying way.

The dialogue is made up almost entirely of non-sequiturs. Most of the characters move through the "action" (if you can call it that) as of in a trance. It seems like the movie started out with a maybe interesting idea but something went terribly wrong.

Most embarrassing moment: "Mike Hoolihan" bumping and grinding in a strip club!
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NCIS (2003– )
Season 7 Episode 1
20 April 2021
I love this show. I love Tony. I love Ziva. This episode is The Best. Of course, you need to see enough episodes leading up to this one to really love it the way I love it. Tony is at his most flippant, and also heroic, and never looks more gorgeous than here, covered in bruises and sweat, and high on some sort of truth serum. It's so great to finally see Ziva again, even briefly. I was "shipping" them so hard.... I still go back and watch this episode from time to time.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
I love a good hate-watch!
18 April 2021
All of the main characters are pretty awful, but none so cray-cray as the title character, Faith. She is a histrionic personality, a narcissistic personality, a drama-queens, and an extroverted craver of attention. She (the actress, really, I think) is very self-conscious about her mouth, which is understandable. And she makes the most frightful faces in her efforts to emote-- again I think that's due to the actor, and her lack of skill.

There are many critiques here that called the show "slow." I've watched all the episodes on Acorn now, taking me through season 3, episode 2, where it has slowed down considerable, much more then previous episodes. Also, reviewers complain of the music. I quite liked the opening song of most of the episodes, but now there are too many new songs that are not nearly as good as that one, and they serve as relentless dirges in the later episodes.

It is a woman-centric show which I would call a soap opera at this point. I started watching it thinking it was a crime drama. But there are too many women in it, too much weepy self-obsession. I am a woman, myself, but this show typifies what I dislike most about women. The histrionics, the attention-craving-- Oh, and the way Faith is always trying to get her kids worked up, to get a rise out of them, be it crawling on the floor, yelping "happy" yelps, "loving" them too much, and going way overboard, always and ALL. THE. TIME.

Now that I'm well into season 3, this is a show about a mentally ill woman. It's like Dicte, another show about a mentally ill title-character woman, and the weird thing about both shows is that the makers of the shows believe in their character-- believe she is a strong, capable woman, who is drop-dead gorgeous, who knows what's best for everyone around her-- just facing long odds in the travails of her life. But she causes most of the travails with her psychosis! She is out of control, even when alone staring into the mirror, or swiping lipstick across her mammoth lips while sneering-- at nobody! She's a wacko.
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